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New presentation template


X.25, X.75, X.76 (FR), X.85 (IP over SDH), X.86 (Ethernet ... 11 (100%) Tyco Elec. Raychem 1 Semitron Industries 1 JDS Uniphase Corp. 1 Exfo Electro ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: New presentation template

ITU Standardization and its new Environment Arab
Regional Telecom Conference Beirut, Lebanon, 30th
May 2003 by Houlin ZHAO Director Telecommunication
Standardization Bureau (TSB) International
Telecommunication Union, Geneva Place des Nations
- CH-1211 Geneva 20 - Switzerland Tel 41 22
730 5851 Fax 41 22 730 5853 E-mail ITU Home page address
1837 Invention of the first electric
telegraph 1844 Samuel Morse sent his first public
message over a telegraph Iine between Washington
and Baltimore 1865 Foundation of the
International Telegraph Union by twenty States 17
May with the adoption of the first Convention.
First Telegraph Regulations. 1876 Alexander
Graham Bell patents his invention of the
telephone 1924 Paris - Creation of CCIF
(International Telephone Consultative
Committee) 1925 Paris - Creation of CCIT
(International Telegraph Consultative
Committee) 1927 Washington - Creation of the CCIR
(Intl. Radio Consultative Committee) 1932 Madrid
- Plenipotentiary Conference. Telegraph Union
changes name to International Telecommunication
Union 1947 ITU becomes a Specialized Agency of
the United Nations 1956 Geneva - CCIF and CCIT
merged into CCITT (International Telegraph and
Telephone Consultative Committee) 1992 Geneva -
Plenipotentiary Conference. Creation of 3
Sectors ITU-T replaces CCITT, ITU-R replaces
IFRB, CCIR, and ITU-D replaces TCD
ITU Landmarks
Structure of the ITU
ITU Res. No. Short Titles
Res. 21 Alternative calling procedures
Res. 25 Strengthening the regional presence
Res. 102 Internet domain names and addresses
Res. 110 Sector Member contributions
Res. 113 WSIS
Res. 121 ITR (International Telecom. Regulations)
Res. 122 WTSA role
Res. 123 Bridging standardization gap
Res. 130 Network security
Res. 131 Community connectivity indicators
Res. 133 Internationalized (multilingual) domain names
Some ITU Resolutions (Marrakesh 2002)
"The functions of the Telecommunication
Standardization Sector shall be, bearing in
mind the particular concerns of the developing
countries, to fulfill the purposes of the Union
relating to telecommunication standardization,
as stated in Article 1 of this Constitution, by
studying technical, operating and tariff
Questions and adopting Recommendations on them
with a view to standardizing telecommunications
on a worldwide basis"
Functions of ITU-T
CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone
Consultative Committee) 1956 1st Plenary
Assembly 1960 2nd Plenary Assembly Red
Books 1964 3rd Plenary Assembly Blue
Books 1968 4th Plenary Assembly White
Books 1972 5th Plenary Assembly Green
Books 1976 6th Plenary Assembly Orange
Books 1980 7th Plenary Assembly Yellow
Books 1984 8th Plenary Assembly Red
Books 1988 9th Plenary Assembly Blue
Books ITU-T (International Telecommunication
Union - Telecom. Standardization Sector) 1993
1st World Telecommunication Standardization
Conference (WTSC-93), Helsinki 1996 2nd World
Telecommunication Standardization Conference
(WTSC-96), Geneva 2000 3rd World
Telecommunication Standardization Assembly
(WTSA-2000), Montreal
  • Workshop / forum
  • Focus Group
  • Joint Group
  • Project team

Organizational Structure of ITU-T
Study Group 2 Operational aspects of service
provision, networks and performance Study
Group 3 Tariff and accounting principles
including related telecommunications economic
and policy issues Study Group 4 Telecommunicati
on management, including TMN Study Group
5 Protection against electromagnetic
environment effects Study Group 6 Outside
plant Study Group 9 Integrated broadband cable
networks and television and sound
transmission Study Group 11 Signalling
requirements and protocols
ITU-T Study Groups and TSAG
Study Group 12 End-to-end transmission
performance of networks and terminals Study
Group 13 Multi-protocol and IP-based networks
and their internetworking Study Group
15 Optical and other transport networks Study
Group 16 Multimedia services, systems and
terminals Study Group 17 Data networks and
telecommunication software SSG IMT-2000 and
Beyond TSAG Telecommunication Standardization
Advisory Group
(Priorities IP, Mobility, next generation,
security, )
ITU-T Study Groups and TSAG
Approval of new and revised Recommendations
- Sequence of events (TAP)


3 weeks

4 weeks








and Posting

SG or







for LC

and Posting

3 weeks


for LC












and Posting



for AR



Last Call


Additional Review

AAP Sequence of Events(extract from Rec. A.8)
  • Questions (projects)
  • Contributions driven (normal contributions,
    delayed contributions, temporary documents)
  • face-to-face meeting
  • - debate, determination, approval of reports,
    approval of Questions - SG/WP meetings
    decision making Rapporteur meetings develop
  • Decision consensus, unanimous agreements
  • Recommendations (Amendments, Corrigenda,
  • draft Recommendations, determined draft
  • approved Recommendations, pre-published
    Recommendations, published Recommendations
  • Implementors Guides
  • Meeting reports
  • Electronic submissions, web consultations,
    email, ftp
  • Paperless meeting LAN/Wireless LAN
    connections in meeting rooms

Working methods
Series A Organization of the work of the
ITU-T Series B Means of expression
definitions, symbols, classification Series
C General telecommunication statistics Series
D General tariff principles Series E Overall
network operation, telephone service, service
operation and human factors Series
F Non-telephone telecommunication
services Series G Transmission systems and
media, digital systems and networks Series
H Audiovisual and multimedia systems Series
I Integrated services digital network
ITU-T Recommendations Series (1)
Series J Transmission of television, sound
programme and other multimedia signals Series
K Protection against interference Series
L Construction, installation and protection of
cables and other elements of outside
plant Series M TMN and network maintenance
international transmission systems, telephone
circuits, telegraphy, facsimile and leased
circuits Series N Maintenance international
sound programme and television transmission
circuits Series O Specifications of measuring
equipment Series P Telephone transmission
quality, telephone installations, local line
ITU-T Recommendations Series (2)
Series Q Switching and signalling Series
R Telegraph transmission Series S Telegraph
services terminal equipment Series T Terminals
for telematic services Series U Telegraph
switching Series V Data communication over the
telephone network Series X Data networks and
open system communication Series Y Global
information infrastructure and internet protocol
aspects Series Z Languages and general software
aspects for telecommunication systems
ITU-T Recommendations Series (3)
Best selling texts (in the order of sales number
from 09/01-01/03) H.323 G.729 G.723.1 G.707/
Y.1322 H.263 G.711 E.164 G.703 Q.931 G.7
09/Y.1331 G.726 G.783 G.704 Q.763 G.992.1 H
.245 Q.764 T.30 H.225.0 G.728 Some
well-known ITU-T Recommendations E.190 E.212G.
652 G.655 G.692 G.720 G.723 Annex
Adisk G.780-series (SDH) G.826
G.957 G.982 G.990-series (xDSL) H.248 H.324
H.450 I.365 I.432 I.731 J.112 J.117 M.3010 M
.3100 M.3400 Q.931 Q.1700-series
(IMT-2000) T.37 T.38 V.34 V.44
V.59 V.90 V.92 X.25 X.36 X.509
X.680-series (ASN.1) X.690 X.840-series Y.1310
Best Sellers of ITU-T Recommendations
Approval and publication time of Recommendations
Three major items - IP-related
issues - IMT-2000 - Accounting rates Other
items - Multi-media, access networks (xDSL),
optical transmission, security, numbering and
addressing, inter-operabilities, IPR, etc.
ITU-T's main work areas
  • 7 kHz band - wideband (G.722-series)
  • 4 kHz band - analogue
  • 64 kbit/s - PCM, G.711, 1972
  • 32 kbit/s - ADPCM, G.721, 1984
  • 16 kbit/s - G.728, 1992
  • 8 kbit/s - G.729, 1996
  • 4 kbit/s - G.4kbps

ITU-Ts work on voice coding
  • Classic facsimile (G3, G4) T.4, T.6
  • B/W still pictures (JBIG) T.82, T.83
  • Cont. tone colour (JPEG) T.81
  • (lossless) (JPEG-LS) T.86
  • (JPEG-2000) T.800

ITU-Ts work on still picture coding
  • H.261 - video coding at n x 64 kbit/s
  • H.262 - generic video and audio coding
  • H.263 - video coding for low bit rates
  • H.264 -consented 28 March 2003 (vs. MPEG-4)
  • - improved multimedia video coding

ITU-Ts work on moving picture coding
622 Mbit/s
50 Mbit/s
25 Mbit/s
8 Mbit/s
2 Mbit/s
640 kbit/s
128 kbit/s
Analog modems
56.6 kbit/s
28.8 kbit/s
9.6 kbit/s
Access network
  • Fully optical networks
  • Increased bit rates (up to 40 Gbit/s)
  • Use of multi-wavelength techniques DWDM
  • Use of optical amplifiers
  • Interoperability and interconnection
  • Submarine optically amplified DWDM
  • Access networks for new high speed services

ITU-Ts work on Optical networking
  • E.164
  • G.707 (SDH), G.709 (OTN), G.722 (7 kHz), G.728
    (16 kbit/s), G.729 (8 kbit/s), G.99x (xDSL)
  • H.248 (gateway), H.323 (multimedia systems)
  • I.365 (FR), I.432 (B-ISDN), I.732 (ATM)
  • J.112 (Cable TV), J.16x J.17x (IPCablecom)
  • M.3120 (CORBA for TMN)
  • Q.933 (DSS1), Q.1300 (TASC), Q.1930 (BICC),
    Q.27xx (B-ISDN), Q.29xx (DSS2)
  • T.37, T.38 (IPfax), T.12x (multimedia
  • V.29 (9.6 K modem), V.34 (34 kbit/s), V.90/V.92
    (56 kbit/s)
  • X.25, X.75, X.76 (FR), X.85 (IP over SDH), X.86
    (Ethernet over LAPS), X.121, X.4xx (MHS), X.5xx

ITU-Ts products for IP-networks
  • Specified IMT-2000 systems and its spectrums
  • Interworking functions to be used with existing
    and evolving IMT-2000 systems
  • Convergence of fixed and existing IMT-2000
  • New Generation of mobile systems

ITU-Ts mobile communications
  • Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Numbering and routing
  • Security
  • Tariffs and Accounting rates
  • Interworking

Ensuring global interoperability
  • IETF protocol defined in RFC 2916
  • E.164 number can be used to look up a
    Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
  • - Web addresses most commonly known URIs
  • Allows using E.164 number in context of
    combined PSTN IP services (email, fax, SIP
    address, coordinates, other?)
  • For example
  • 44 1206 762335 ?

What is ENUM?
  • Define and implement administrative procedures
    that coordinate delegations of E.164 numbering
    resources into the agreed DNS name servers
  • Director of TSB, on behalf of Administrations,
  • control the implementation of ENUM under
  • on a trial basis, while the
    registering is
  • done by RIPE NCC

ITU-T Responsibilities regarding ENUM
  • ITU-T Rec. A. 4 communication with forums and
  • ITU-T Rec. A. 5 referencing documents of other
    organizations in ITU-T Recommendations
  • ITU-T Rec. A. 6 cooperation and exchange of
    information with SDOs
  • Informal Forum Summit convened by the Director
    of TSB (Geneva, December 3-4, 2001)
  • Invitation to the 2nd Informal Forum Summit by
    the Director of TSB
  • (San Francisco, July 24-25, 2003)

ITU-T Cooperation with forums / consortia / SDOs
A.4 A.5 A.6
ASN.1 Consortium ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses) ARIB
ATM Forum ATM Forum Committee T1
DSL Forum Committee T1 CWTS
ETIS (e-and telecommunication info. services) CWTS (China Wireless Telecommunication Standard Group) ECMA
FRF (Frame Relay Forum) DSL Forum ETSI
IMTC (Multimedia) ECMA Standardizing Information Communication Systems IEEE
IPDR Organization ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) JCTEA
MPLS (Multi Protocol Label Switching) Forum IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) SCTE
MSF (Multiservice Switching Forum) ISOC/IETF (Internet Society/Internet Engineering Task Force) TIA
OASIS JCTEA (Japan Cable Television Engineering Association) TTA
OIF (Optical Internetworking Forum) MPLS Forum TTC
OMG (Object Management Group) NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
SDL Forum Society OASIS
TM Forum (Tele Management Forum) OIF
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) OMG
SCTE (Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers)
TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association)
TM Forum
TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association)
TTC (Telecommunication Technology Committee)
Members for Rec. A.4, A.5and A.6 relationship
Administrations (96/2208) ROAs (87/1783) SIOs (167/1875)
U.S.A. 342 NTT 188 Lucent 16658
China 232 FT 184 Ericsson 1475
Germany 187 BT 148 Siemens 13617
France 106 DT 134 Nortel 9151
Russia 99 ATT 77 Alcatel 35234018
U.K. 95 KDDI 69 CSELT 69
Canada 63 Telecom Italia 65 NEC 47
Japan 63 Swisscom 65 Nokia 46
India 62 KT 59 Fujitsu 42
Ukraine 58 Telenor 58 Telecordia 36
Italy 56 Royal KPN 58 Motorola 278
Syria 53 Telia 46 OKI 32
Korea 50 Telekom Austria 37 ETRI 32
Total 1466 (66) Total 1188 (67) Total 1126 (60)
(Note Cisco 13)
Top Members participation (07/98-08/00)
Administrations (78/1197) Members 189 ROAs (64/638) Members 179 SIOs (134/906) Members 222 Associates (8/11) Members 30
U.S.A. 170 FT 82 Lucent Tech. 6718132 AULM 2
China 148 BT 68 Alcatel 19161393311 Q-Tel (NZ) 2
U.K. 80 DT 49 NTT 65 Waseda University 2
Russia 69 Telenor AS 31 Siemens 50744 HHI 1
Germany 53 Korea Telecom 26 Nortel 36149 Exfo Electro-Optical 1
Brazil 45 ATT 25 Ericsson 45311 JDS Uniphase Corp. 1
Japan 45 Swisscom 23 Fujitsu 1971 Semitron Industries 1
France 40 CANTV 21 NEC 213 Tyco Elec. Raychem 1
Canada 35 SBC Comms. 19 Telcordia Tech. 23
Italy 35 WorldCom 17 TILAB 23
India 33 Telekom Austria 16 Cable Television Labs 20
Venezuela 29 Telia 14 Conexant Systems 18
Syrian Arab Rep. 24 BELGACOM 13 Cisco Systems 15
Total 806 (67) Total 404 (63) Total 554 (61) Total 11 (100)
Top Members participation (2001)
Administrations (70/953) Members 189 ROAs (68/563) Members 170 SIOs (110/658) Members 207 Associates (22/39) Members 57
U.S.A. 150 FT 73 NTT 498 AULM 6
China 113 DT 43 Siemens 41654 OSS Nokalva 6
U.K. 61 China Telecom. Corp. 37 Nortel 3599 Telekom Srpske 3
Japan 46 BT 29 Lucent Tech. 30551 DENIC 2
France 41 Swisscom 28 Alcatel 14107321 Nominum 2
Germany 38 Telekomunikacja Polska 22 ETRI 31 OFS Fitel 2
Canada 35 Telenor AS 19 Ericsson 262 STELEUS 2
Brazil 30 KDDI 18 Cisco Systems 27 Teraburst Networks 2
Italy 29 KT Corporation 15 TILAB 17
Russia 28 OTE 15 Huawei Tech. 14
Korea (Rep. of) 26 Telekom Austria 15 NEC 131
Switzerland 26 ATT 14 Telcordia Tech. 14
Hungary 20 BELGACOM 12 Nokia 13
Total 643 (67) Total 340 (60) Total 402 (61) Total 25 (64)
Top Members participation (2002)
  • WTSA-2000 preparatory meeting in Cairo, Egypt,
    June 2000, jointly convened with BDT
  • TSB Directors presence at the Regional
    Preparatory meeting for WTDC, Alexandria, Egypt,
    17-19 October 2000
  • TSB Director visited Lebanon, March 2001
  • TSB presentations at several workshops in the

ITU-T/TSB activities in Arab Region since 2000
  • Extracts from Principles
  • Adopting standards and norms
  • Developing appropriate ICT indicators
  • Ensuring governance of Internet and ICT
  • Securing national domain names
  • Implementing and standardizing e-government
  • Developing e-content applications and tools
  • Developing ICT production capabilities
  • Improving ICT services

Western Asia Regional Conference for WSIS,
Beirut, Lebanon, February 2003
  • Encourage more Sector Members (service
    providers) from Arab Region to participate in
    the technical SG activities
  • (Sector Members fee 20, 000 US, Associate fee
    6, 000 US
  • Change mentality and policy
  • ? under market-driven principles - market
    in Arab region Arabs manage their own markets
  • ? Arabs have expertise
  • ? From your contacts with top-level worldwide
    experts in the SG activities, to learn new
    trends of technology development, to defend
    your own interests, to gain confidence and to
    contribute to the global telecom standardization
    with Arab values.

Arab participation in ITU-T
  • Problems limited financial resources, and no
    fellowships available for technical SGs
  • Solution
  • ? Regional cooperation
  • ? Sharing responsibility on subjects among
    countries and
  • representing the regional/groups at the ITU-T
  • ? E-mail consultation
  • - free ITU TIES accounts for ITU Members
  • - free electronic access to ITU Recommendations
    for ITU Members
  • ? Contact TSB directly or through regional
  • ? ITU-T strengthens its presence in Arab
    region by organizing meetings in the region

Arab participation in ITU-T
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