Alignment to the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Alignment to the


Most of the Service Delivery Intentions contained in LGTAS are now distilled into Outcome 9 DWA is a key delivery partner * Minister s Delivery Agreement: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Alignment to the

Alignment to the Local Government Turn Around
Strategy (LGTAS)
Aim with the presentation
To enable a better understanding of the
strategic direction of the LGTAS and to encourage
other national sector departments to align their
efforts and improve coordination
Local Government Turn Around Strategy (LGTAS)
Acting on a request from Ms Sheila Hughes of
LGTAS team, to provide a presentation
on Outcome 9 A Responsive, Accountable,
Effective and Efficient Local Government System
Why is the presentation on Outcome 9? Most of
the Service Delivery Intentions contained in
LGTAS are now distilled into Outcome 9 DWA is a
key delivery partner
Ministers Delivery Agreement Outcome 9
Summary of Problem Statement Local Government
is a key part of South Africas (SAs)
reconstruction and development effort. The aims
of democratising SA society and growing our
economy inclusively can only be realised through
a Responsive, Accountable, Effective and
Efficient Local Government System (Outcome 9)
that is part of a Developmental State
Outcome 9 Root Causes
  • Root causes for some of the problems include
  • Systemic Factors, i.e. linked to the model of
    local government
  • Policy and legislative factors
  • Political factors
  • Weaknesses in the accountability systems
  • Capacity and skills constraints

Outcome 9 Root causes and Outputs
  • Root causes for some of the problems (continued)
  • Weak intergovernmental support and oversight
  • Issues associated with the intergovernmental fis
    cal system
  • There are 7 outputs for outcome 9, they are
  • Output 1 Implement a differentiated approach
    to municipal financing, planning and support
  • Output 2 Improving access to basic services

Outcome 9 Outputs continued
There are 7 outputs for outcome 9 (continued),
they are Output 3 Implementation of the
Community Work Programme (CWP) Output
4 Actions supportive of the human settlement
outcome Output 5 Deepen democracy through a
refined Ward Committee model Output
6 Administrative and financial
capability Output 7 Single Window of
Outcome 9 Delivery Partners
  • National Departments will
  • Liaise with their sector and better organise
    intergovernmental support, e.g. DWA working
    withtheir Regional Offices, Provinces
  • Work with Provincial Sector Departments
    andmunicipalities to implement and monitor
    theinterventions agreed upon
  • Annually report on the commitments made in the
    Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) towards
    theLGTAS. It therefore means identifying and
    collating the information and evidence
    tosubstantiate / verify progress reports.

Outcome 9 Delivery Partners continued
Just as for national delivery partners there are
also specific roles allocated to provincial,
local and other (SALGA, Business, Donors /
Development Partners, Professional Bodies, Civic
Formations and Traditional Leaders) delivery
partners with the aim to assist CoGTA in
attaining the outputs to the Delivery Agreement
but they are not dealt with in this presentation
Outcome 9

The slides following will only cover outputs and
activities and do not go into the details of the
Delivery Agreement, such as targets and
monitoring mechanisms, etc.
Outcome 9 Outputs and Activities
Output Activities
1. Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support More autonomy to 6 metros and top 21 municipalities in respect of infrastructure and housing delivery
1. Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support Detailed segmentation of municipalities
1. Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support Simplified IDPs for smaller municipalities

Outcome 9 Outputs and Activities

Output Activities
1. continue Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support Simple Revenue Plan to support the simplified IDPs
1. continue Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support Top 6 critical posts audited and filled by competent and suitably qualified individuals
1. continue Implement a differentiated approach to municipal financing, planning and support Crisp, concise performance contracts for Municipal Managers
Outcome 9 Outputs and Activities

Output Activities
2. Improving access to basic services Established Bulk Infrastructure Fund
2. Improving access to basic services Established Special Purpose Vehicle
2. Improving access to basic services Increased household access to basic water
Outcome 9 Outputs and Activities

Output Activities
2. continued Improving access to basic services Increased household access to basic sanitation
2. continued Improving access to basic services Increased household access to basic refuse removal
2. continued Improving access to basic services Increased household access to basic electricity
Outcome 9 Outputs and Activities

Output Activities
3. Implementation of the Community Work Programme (CWP) CWP implemented in at least 2 wards per municipality
3. Implementation of the Community Work Programme (CWP) 4.5 million (Overall EPWP target) CWP job opportunities created by 2014
3. Implementation of the Community Work Programme (CWP) 30 of job opportunities associated with functional cooperatives by 2014
Outcome 9 Outputs and Activities

Output Activities
4. Actions supportive of the human settlement outcome Increased density in metros and large towns
4. Actions supportive of the human settlement outcome Released public land for low income and affordable housing
4. Actions supportive of the human settlement outcome Expanded national upgrading support programme
Outcome 9 Outputs and Activities

Output Activities
4. continue Actions supportive of the human settlement outcome National Coordination Grant Framework
4. continue Actions supportive of the human settlement outcome Clear national norms and standards for different types of municipalities and settlement areas
Outcome 9 Outputs and Activities

Output Activities
5. Deepen democracy through a refined WardCommittee model Review and strengthen the legislative framework for Ward Committees and Community Participation
5. Deepen democracy through a refined WardCommittee model A new approach to better resource and fund the work and activities of Ward Committees
5. Deepen democracy through a refined WardCommittee model Support measures to ensure that 90 of ward committees are functional by 2014
Outcome 9 Outputs and Activities

Output Activities
6. Administrative and financial capability Improved audit outcome of municipalities
6. Administrative and financial capability Strengthen anti-corruption capacities of municipalities
6. Administrative and financial capability Reduce municipal debt
Outcome 9 Outputs and Activities

Output Activities
6. continue Administrative and financial capability Increased municipal spending on repairs and maintenance
6. continue Administrative and financial capability Reduced municipal under spending on CAPEX
6. continue Administrative and financial capability Reduced municipal overspending OPEX
Outcome 9 Outputs and Activities

Output Activities
7. Single Window of Coordination Review policy and legislation to strengthen coordination of local government
7. Single Window of Coordination Coordination of support, monitoring and other interventions of provinces and municipalities
Way Forward

To move forward we need to address the
following Are our current efforts / plans
addressing the root causes identified in
LGTAS? Are our current efforts / plans aligned
to the outcome, outputs and activities of the
various Ministers Delivery Agreements? Are our
current efforts / plans promoting improved
coordination between national sector departments,
the 3 spheres of government and their key
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