Title: Colonic Diverticulosis: A review
1Colonic Diverticulosis A review
- Dr. Matt W. Johnson BSc MBBS MRCP MD
- Consultant Gastroenterologist
3Operative Picture
- Diverticular ? disease (or Variant of
normal ?) - Prevalence 40 in those gt50y
- 70 of those gt80y
- 68,000 Hospital admissions / year in UK
- 2,000 deaths / year in UK
- Spiller RC. Mechanistic RCT of Mesalazine in
Symptomatic Diverticular Disease. Clinical Trial
number NCT00663247. 2010 - Diverticular disease and diverticulitis, Clinical
Knowledge Summaries (March 2008)
5Diverticulosis Demand on LDServices
- 70-80 of new patient clinic appointments are for
ABHs - Over the last 7y 12,000 FSs
- Of these-
- 5,500 Normal 47
- 500 Haemorrhoids lt5
- 2,000 Diverticulosis 17
- 580 Colitis 5
- 500 Rectal Cancer and Polyps lt5
- BSG recommendation re - terminology
- Diverticulosis - Asymptomatic (75)
- Diverticular disease - Symptomatic (lt25)
- Diverticulitis - Inflamed/Infected (75)
- Diverticular colitis - Associated colitis
- Diverticular bleeding - 15
7Introduction Overview
- Epidemiology
- Pathophysiology
- Diverticulosis
- Complications
- Symptomatic DD
- Diverticulitis
- Diverticular colitis
- Diverticular haemorrhage
- Stricture obstruction
- Fistula
- Management
8Cross Sectional Bowel Anatomy
9Cross Section of Diverticulae
10Physiology and Anatomy
- Terminal arterial branches
- Penetrate circular muscle
- Often lie adjacent to taenia
- High intra-luminal pressure gradient
- Weakest at the point where the terminal arterial
branches penetrate through the circular muscles. - Rectal sparing
- ?due to complete layer of longitudinal muscle and
large diameter
- Congenital
- Acquired - Multifactorial
- Mychosis
- Increased depositioning of collagen elastin in
taeniae shortening and thickening narrowing
with increased luminal pressures - Hypersegmentation
- Non-propulsive contraction of circular muscle in
closed segment increases luminal pressure
herniation - Laplaces Law
- Transmural P gradient Wall tension radius
Sigmoid - Structural wall abnormalities
- Ehlers Danlos, Marfans, PCKD - Reduced tensile
strength of CT - Dietary factors 123
- West (insoluble fibre) gt East (soluble fibre)
rare in Africa - Insoluble stool fibre increases stool bulk
larger colon diameter impaired segmental
contractions higher intra-luminal pressures
1 Ferzoco et al Lancet 1998 2 Simpson et al Br J
Surg 2002 3 Janes et al BJS 2005
13Idiopathic Slow Transit Constipation
Day 5 after taking markers
- 75 most found incidentally
- When questioned most will have symptoms ie
Diverticular disease - No proven evidence that Mx helps prevent
enlargement or further development of diverticulae
15Epidemiology - Location
- Classically Sigmoid
- In Orient often right-sided
- Rectal Sparing
- Can occur anywheree.g. Small bowel
Right Sided
Left Sided
17Diverticular Disease
- Altered bowel habits (pellets / loose)
- Bloating / Flatulence / Borborygmi
- Incomplete evacuation
- LIF discomfort relieved by defaecation
- Mx Soften and shift stool
- High fluid gt2L/d
- Low residue (high soluble fibre) diet
- /- Movicol 1 sachet bd
- /- Mesalazines
- /- Buscopan / Spasmolol / Colperamin /
Mebeverine - Avoid opioids Loperamide
18(No Transcript)
- Cause
- Inspissation of faecal content stuck in
diverticlum - Obstruction of the diverticulum
- Increased pressure local ischaemia breakdown
of mucosal barrier - Localise bacterial overgrowth translocation
across membrane micro-abscesses
20SSs of Diverticulitis
- Symptoms
- LIF pain (can be right sided)
- ABH / Diarrhoea
- NV
- Signs
- Pyrexia (Temp gt 38C)
- Wbc (gt12)
- ESR or CRP
- US lt CT scan (exclude complications eg. abscess)
- Ix
- Bloods
- Rectal examination (avoid sigmoidoscopy for 2
weeks) - CXR
- USS or CT Scan
- Mx
- Resuscitation IV fluids
- Antibiotics
- Analgesia
- Operative intervention
22Hinchney Classification of Diverticulitis
Grade Extent Mortality Prognosis
1 Localised abscess lt5
2 Abscess into pelvis 5
3 Purulent peritonitis 13
4 Faeculant peritonitis 43
Hinchney EJ. AdvSurg.19781285-109
23Acute Diverticulitis
- Abscess
- Peridiverticular
- Mesenteric
- Pericolic
- Perforation
- Concealed
- Free
- Peritonitis (gangrenous sigmoidits)
- Purulent or serous or faecal
- Local or generalised or pelvic
1 Killingback Surg Clin North Am 1983
24Diverticulitis with pericolic abscess
25Management of Complicated Diverticulitis
- Mild / Grade 1
- Mx Outpatient, High fluid low residue diet
- Rx OP ABs 7-10d
- (Metronidazole Co-amoxiclav or Ciprofloxacin)
- Moderate / Grade 2
- Mx In-patient, As above
- Rx IV Abs /- XR guided drainage
- Severe / Grade 34 or with Complications
- Mx IP Resuscitation, As above
- Rx IV ABs Contact Surgeons
26Elective resection for Diverticulitis
- Emergency surgery for perforated Diverticulosis
with peritonitis Mortality rate of 7 1 - Diverticular Surgery High complication rate 2
- For emergency surgery Primary anastomosis
- A RMCCT found one-stage procedure (primary
anastomosis) significantly reduced rates of
postoperative peritonitis and emergency
re-operation compared with a two-stage procedure
(formation of an end colostomy with oversewing of
the rectal stump - Hartmann's procedure) 3 - 25 of patients have ongoing symptoms after bowel
resection (IBS/IBD) 3 - No evidence to support elective prophylactic
1 Schilling et al. 2001 Diseases of the Colon and
Rectum 2 Krukowski Matheson Br J Surg 1984 3
Janes SE, Meagher A, Frizelle FA Management of
diverticulitis. BMJ. 2006 Feb 4332(7536)271-5
27Diverticular colitis
- Presentations
- Asymptomatic
- Bloody diarrhoea
- Abdo pain
- Affects sigmoid like UC but doesnt effect rectum
- Rx Mesalazines 1,2,3,4
1 Spiller RC. NCI00663247 2 Mario F. JClinGastro.
200640Suppl3S1. 55-9 3 G. Did Dis Sci.
2007522934-41 4 A. Dig Dis Sci. 2007.
28Complications of Diverticulitis
- Bleeding1 (15-25)
- Perforation (25)
- Obstruction
- Fistulae
- Abscess
- May co-exist with IBD
1 Travis S. Colonic Diverticular Disease 2005312
29Bleeding in Diverticular Disease
- 3-5 of all diverticulosis
- 15-25 of all the diverticulitis 1
- Accounts for 40 of all LGI bleeding 1
- 75-90 stop spontaneously 2
- 10-40 risk of re-bleed 2
- Morbidity Mortality rate 10-20 3
1 Gostout CJ. JClinGastro. 199214(3)260 2
McGuire HH Jr. Ann Surg. 1994220(5)653 3 Uden
P. Dis Colon Rectum. 198629(9)561
30Management of Diverticular Bleeds
- Mx
- Resuscitation Transfusion
- Rbc labelling scan (0.1ml/m)
- Localisation 24-91
- Mesenteric angiography (0.5ml/m)
- /- Embolism
- Endoscopic therapies
- Adrenaline /- Endoclips
- Sx targeted resection
31Re-Bleeding Rates
Year Percentage
1 9
2 10
3 19
4 25
1 Longstreth Am J Gastro 1997
32Other Causes Of Colonic Bleeding
- Exclude
- Neoplasm
- Angiodysplasia
- Ischaemic colitis
- Radiation proctitis
- Varices
33Perforation (35 Mortality)
34CT Scan
Perforated diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon-CT
37Obstruction in Diverticular Disease
- Increased fibrotic reaction leads to stricturing
- Often present like cancer
- Progressive distension with faecal loading
- Single contrast enema will delineate this
- Diagnosis
- often only at operation (opened specimen) or
- on histology
- Abnormal connections
- Colovaginal (esp if prev TAH)
- Colovesical
- Pneumaturia
- Recurrent infections
- Faecalent urine or particulates
39Duodenal and Jejunal Diverticulosis
- Different to colonic diverticulosis.
- Most occur in jejunum and (occasionally)
duodenum. - Commonly associated with bacterial overgrowth.
- Jejunal diverticula are acquired secondary to
protrusions of the mucosal lining through the
muscular wall of the bowel. - Vitamin deficiencies
- Increased colonic transit Reduced Vit D (Ca)
Iron - SBBO Reduced B12 Increased Folate
- Patients may present with anaemia and
40Proximal Jejunal Diverticulitis
41Incidental Jejunal Diverticular
42Proximal Jejunal diverticulitis with perforation
43Further Reading
- Tyara Banerjee,
- Suman Verma,
- Matthew W. Johnson.
- Good Clinical Care
44Graham Hollands Lutonthe optimism and the
frustration of living in a metropolis