8.2 Discretionary Access Control Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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8.2 Discretionary Access Control Models


Weiling Li Outline I. Introduction Access Control Matrix (ACM) Implementations of ACM Comparison of Access Control List (ACL) & Capability List (CL) II. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 8.2 Discretionary Access Control Models

8.2 Discretionary Access Control Models
  • Weiling Li

  • I. Introduction
  • Access Control Matrix (ACM)
  • Implementations of ACM
  • Comparison of Access Control List (ACL)
    Capability List (CL)
  • II. Research
  • A Privacy-Enhanced Access Control Model
  • III. Future expectations

8.2.1 Access Control Matrix
  • a fundamental and widely used Disc Access control
    Model for enforcing security policies.
  • An access control is a function that given a
    subject and object pair(s,o) and a requested
    operation r , from s to o , returns a true value
    if the request is permitted and a false value
  • R P(s,o).matrix form
  • P access matrix
  • R set of allowable operations.( r is a
    particular operation belonging to set R ).
  • s subject
  • o object

Access Control Matrix
  • In a resource ACM, subjects are users and objects
    are the files to be accessed.
  • Access Rights may include read, write,
    execute and append.
  • Special privileges may be the owner and copy

Access Control Matrix
  • In process ACM the subjects and objects are both
  • Operations are basically related to communication
    and synchronization.1

Access Control Matrix
  • In Domain ACM, domain is defined as a set of
    objects with same access rights.1

Reducing the Size of ACM
  • Subject rows in the ACM that have identical
    entries i.e subjects that have similar access
    rights on common objects , could be merged into
  • If a user belongs to more than one group, its
    access rights is the union of all access rights
    of all the groups it belongs to.
  • Similarly Object columns with same entries could
    be merged into categories

Distributed Compartments
  • A distributed compartment is a logical group
    composed of objects from physically distributed

Advantages of Distributed Compartment Model
  • The grouping of subjects and objects is logical
    and application specific.
  • The accesses are more transparent since they do
    not depend on the operating systems and
    administrative units.
  • Since the application manages the distributed
    handles, it allows different security policies to
    be implemented

8.2.2 Implementations OF ACM
  • For efficiency and organizational purposes ,
    access control matrices need to be partitioned
    and implemented independently.
  • The Linked list structure that contains all
    entries in a column for a particular object is
    called a Access control List (ACL) for the
  • Likewise all entries in a row for a subject is
    called a Capability List (CL) for the subject.

  • ACL a subject client (s) presents and access
    request (s, r) to an object server. the object
    server validates the request against its ACL.
  • CL the object server compares the access request
    (o, r) against the CL in the subject.

Lock Key implementation
  • provides capability with some safety.
  • combination of CL and ACL.

8.2.3 Comparison of ACL CL
  • Comparisons in terms of managing functions
  • Authentication
  • Reviewing of Access Rights
  • Propagation of Access Rights
  • Revocation of Access Rights
  • Conversion between ACL and CL

  • ACL Authenticates subjects, which is performed by
    the system
  • While in CL, authentication is performed on
    capabilities of objects , by the object server.
  • Objects have knowledge of the capabilities ,but
    do not know the users or processors. This is one
    of the reasons why many Distributed
    implementations favor the CL approach

Review Of Access Rights
  • To know which subjects are authorized to use a
    certain objects.
  • Easier to review ACL, because ACL contains
    exactly this information.
  • It is difficult to review for a CL unless some
    type of activity log is kept for all subjects
    that are given the capability

Propagation Of Access Rights
  • Propagation is Duplication of some or all the
    privileges from one subject to the others. It is
    not transfer of rights, it is only duplication.
  • In ACL, propagation of rights is explicitly
    initiated by a request to the object server,
    which modifies or adds an entry to its ACL.
    Propagation of rights must adhere to the
    principle of least principles.
  • In CL, theoretically it is propagate rights
    between subjects without intervention of object
    server. This could result in an uncontrollable
    system and hence is avoided.

Revocation Of Access Rights
  • Revocation is trivial in ACL because it is easy
    to delete subject entries from the ACL.
  • It is difficult for CL to revoke access

Conversion Between ACL CL
  • Interactions among processes involving different
    Access control models would require gateways for
  • Conversion to ACL is straightforward.
  • Gateway Authenticates the process identifier and
    then verifies the operation in the capability
  • The request is then converted to ACL and is
    presented to the remote host
  • Converting a ACL request to CL is slightly more
  • Gateway validates the ACL request and obtains
    the resource capability from the database server
  • Capability is then presented to capability based
    object server.

II. Research
  • a three-dimensional access control model enhanced
    with privacy compared with the traditional
    two-dimensional AC model 5

privacy-enhanced access control model
  • A. Basic Model Elements
  • Definition 1. The set of entities that can be
    accessed and consequently need to be protected in
    a system are called objects O. The set of
    entities that can issue requests to access
    objects are called subjects S. Subjects are
    active entities while objects are passive ones.
    Access rights are the different ways in which a
    subject is permitted to execute on an object in
    any access.
  • Definition 2. Privacy-concerning subjects S is a
    subset of the subjects S whose privacy needs to
    be protected when any of the objects O is
    accessed. Privacy-concerning subjects with
    respect to an object is a subset of the
    privacy-concerning subjects S whose privacy
    could be violated when any access to the object
    is executed.

privacy-enhanced access control model
  • B. Privacy Access Rights
  • Definition 3. Privacy access rights are a set of
    two-tuples ltright, conditiongt in which right
    represents a specific type of access that a
    subject can execute on an object (e.g.,read,
    write, execute) and condition is a Boolean
    expression stating the condition under which the
    preceding access right can be authorized. When
    the Boolean expression is true, the preceding
    access right can be authorized by the system.

privacy-enhanced access control model
  • Definition 4. A three-dimensional access control
    matrix is an enhancement of the traditional
    two-dimensional access control matrix with the
    third dimension representing the set of
    privacy-concerning subjects S. Any privacy
    access right ltright, conditiongt in an entry s,
    o, s in the matrix indicates the access right
    that subject s has on object o subject to privacy
    control by privacy-concerning subject s. In the
    matrix, the absence of a particular access right
    in an entry s,o, s would indicate that subject
    s is not a privacy-concerning subject with
    respect to object o for this particular access
    right while the presence of ltright, nogt in only
    one of the entries s, o, S would indicate that
    the access right is not permitted at all.

Three dimensional access control model
Figure 1 illustrates the three-dimensional access
control matrix with the subjects S, the objects O
and the privacy-concerning subjects S
representing one dimension of the matrix,
respectively. Each entry in the matrix could be
empty or could include one or more privacy access
rights that the corresponding subject s has on
the corresponding object o subject to privacy
control by the corresponding privacy-concerning
subject s. Each privacy access right is
expressed in the form ltright, conditiongt
indicating a particular access right along with a
condition that determines whether the access
right can be authorized.
Figure 1. Three-dimensional access control model
III. Future Expectations
  • Tool support for analysis of access control and
    information flow is critical.
  • Integrating different models of access control
    requires work, especially regarding efficient
  • the development of global rules to resolve any
    possible inconsistencies among the conditions in
    the privacy access rights during the process of
    making access decisions.

  • 1 Randy Chow Theodore Johnson,
    1997,Distributed Operating Systems
    Algorithms, (Addison-Wesley), p. 271 to 278.
  • 2 http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access_control
  • 3 Ninghui Li and Mahesh V. Tripunitara, IEEE
    Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 2005.
    "Safety in Discretionary Access Control".
  • 4 K. Gopinath, Communication System Software
    and Middleware, 2006, "Access Control in
    Communication Systems"
  • 5 Fei Xu Jingsha He Xu Wu Jing Xu Networks
    Security, Wireless Communications and Trusted
    Computing, 2009. "A Privacy-Enhanced Access
    Control Model". NSWCTC '09. International
    Conference onVolume 2, 25-26 April 2009
    Page(s)703 - 706.

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