Title: The
1Part 5
- The
- Ministry Team
- in Worship
2 Whats wrong with a one man band?
3 Why Use a Worship Team?
- Safety and Help
- Strength and Unity
- Growth and Maturity
4- Oversight
- Vision
- Model
- Encouragement
The Role of Church Leadership
5To bring the congregation into a corporate
awareness of God's manifest presence and to
facilitate an appropriate response.
- Create Awareness
- Facilitate Response
The Role of Worship Leader
6- Godly Character
- Faithful
- Surrendered
- Servant
- Sensitive
The Role of Musicians
7 Worship on their instruments
Recognised by church leadership
Musically proficient
Part of the local body
Be a worshipper
Heart for God, consistent life-style
Desire to lead others into worship
The Role of Musicians
8A Heart That Longs for God
Submission to Follow the Leader
A Will That Submits to Leadership
Imitate the Actions of the Leader
The Role of Worshippers
9- Independence
- Pride
- Self Glory
- Respect
- Consideration
- Communication
The Relationships in the Team
10The Requirements of the Team
Worshipper Called Servant Faithful Sensitive Expre
ssive Teachable God glorifying
Committed Team player Practise Maturing Punctual E
difying Affirming Peaceable