Title: S-U-P-C-W
Victory Formula for African
(Black) People
S - System (Under Construction)An
intergenerational social process and
infrastructure dedicated to building and
maintaining supportive relationships and
arrangements among our people, including
individuals, organizations and our businesses.
U - Unity (Under Construction)The natural
results coming from the existence and purposeful
use of a social process and infrastructure
dedicated to building and maintaining supportive
relationships and arrangements among our people,
including individuals, organizations and our
businesses. (Functional Unity)P - Power
(Will Occur Naturally) The natural results
of a community or people being functionally
unified. Any community or people, once
sufficiently unified, will naturally do what is
required to build and maintain power as a social
group. Power here refers to the ability of a
people to harness and direct human and material
resources in furtherance of group interest.C -
Control (Will Occur Naturally) The natural
results of a community or people with power. When
any community or people have sufficient power,
they naturally seek to control the economic,
political and cultural life of their community.
The quality of their unity and the strength of
their power will determine the degree of control
gained and maintained. The objective is always
total control for the group.W - Welfare (Will
Occur Naturally) The natural results of a people
with control of the primary social forces of
their community. Any community or people who have
sufficient control of the economic, political and
cultural life of their community will naturally
seek to insure the safety and welfare of the
group. The safety and welfare of the group,
including individuals, institutions and their
culture or way of life, is the natural aim of
human societies. This is Victory!
As African (Black) People, we can and will have
victory, but only by first constructing a
sufficient system and infrastructure dedicated to
building and maintaining Functional Unity among
our people. In the real world there are only two
options for any people, self-rule or subjugation.
If we dont rule ourselves, then. (and you know
the answer)