Systems Architecture, Fifth Edition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Systems Architecture, Fifth Edition


... uses file-based protocols such as NFS where it is clear the storage is remote * Systems Architecture, Fifth Edition Storage Consolidation Storage Area Network ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Systems Architecture, Fifth Edition

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Chapter Goals
  • Describe the components and functions of a file
    management system
  • Compare the logical and physical organization of
    files and directories
  • Explain how secondary storage locations are
    allocated to files and describe the data
    structures used to record those allocations

Chapter Goals (continued)
  • Describe file manipulation operations, including
    open, close, read, delete, and undelete
  • List access controls that can be applied to files
    and directories
  • Describe security, backup, recovery, and fault
    tolerance methods and procedures
  • Compare and contrast storage area networks and
    network-attached storage

File Management Systems (FMS)
  • Collection of system software that manages all
    aspects of user and program access to secondary
  • Usually part of the operating system
  • Translates operations into commands to physical
    storage devices
  • Implemented in four layers (command layer, file
    control, storage I/O control, and secondary
    storage devices)

Bridges between logical and physical views of
secondary storage
Allocates secondary storage locations to
individual files and directories Includes
software modules for device drivers for each
storage device or device controller, interrupt
handlers, buffers and cache managers
Logical and PhysicalStorage Views
  • Logical view
  • Collection of files organized within directories
    and storage volumes
  • Physical view
  • Collection of physical storage locations
    organized as a linear address space

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The file is subdivided into multiple records and
each record is composed of multiple fields.
Logical File Structure
  • Is independent of the physical device on which it
    is stored
  • Also includes physical data access
    considerations, such as sequential access,
    indexed access, or some other
  • There are also data encoding issues including the
    data structures and coding methods used to
    represent individual fields
  • And dont forget encryption and compression

File Content and Type
  • FMS supports limited number of file types
  • Executable programs (.exe and .dll)
  • Operating system commands (.bat)
  • Textual or unformatted binary data (.txt)
  • Modern FMSs can define new file types and install
    utility programs to manipulate them (file

File Types
  • Normally declared when a file is created and
  • Stored within a directory, or
  • Declared through a filename convention
  • Determine
  • Physical organization of data items and data
    structures within secondary storage
  • Operations that may be performed upon the file
  • Filename restrictions

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Directory Content and Structure
  • Contains information about files and other
    directories, typically name, file type, location,
    size, ownership, access controls, and time stamps
  • Old MS-DOS used 8.3 naming convention
  • Newer NTFS allows 255 Unicode characters
  • Access controls include List, Read, Modify,
    Change, Edit, Delete, etc.
  • Time stamps include file creation date, last
    modified date, when file last read,

Hierarchical Directory Structure
  • Directories can contain other directories,
    creating a tree structure, but cannot be
    contained within more than one parent
  • Ways that names of access paths can be specified
  • Complete path (fully qualified reference)
  • Relative path
  • Each storage device has a root directory

Active (working) directory
Graph Directory Structure
  • More flexible than hierarchical directory
  • Files and subdirectories can be contained within
    multiple directories
  • Directory links can form a cycle

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Storage Allocation
  • Secondary storage devices
  • The data structures and procedures used to manage
    secondary storage devices is similar to memory
    management, except
  • Large number of storage locations low frequency
    of allocation changes
  • Secondary storage devices are divided into
    allocation units

Allocation Units
  • Smallest number of secondary storage bytes that
    can be allocated to a file cannot be smaller
    than unit of data transfer between storage device
    and controller (block) often smallest storage
    size is usually a multiple of block transfer size
  • Assigned/reclaimed by FMS as files and
    directories are created or expanded/shrink or are
  • Size difficult to change once set

Allocation Unit Size
  • Tradeoffs
  • Efficient use of secondary storage space for
  • Size of storage allocation data structures
  • Efficiency of storage allocation procedures
  • Benefit of smaller units
  • More efficient use of storage space
  • Benefit of larger units
  • Allow smaller storage allocation data structures

Storage Allocation Tables
  • Data structures that record which allocation
    units are free and which belong to files
  • Format and content vary across FMSs
  • Can contain linked lists in simpler FMSs or
    indices or other complex data structures in more
    complex FMSs
  • Examples include bitmaps, tables, linked lists,
    B trees

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Free allocation units are assigned to a hidden
system file called SysFree.
All of a file allocations units are chained
together in sequential order by a series of
pointers. This is close to an example of a
bitmap, such as in FAT.
B Tree (NTFS)
3 5 10
30 38
101 109 120
128 133 140
  • Logical record grouping within physical records
  • Described by a numeric ratio of logical records
    to physical records (blocking factor)

Blocking factor 43
Blocking factor 23
Usually the logical number is a whole multiple of
the physical number.
  • Temporary storage of data as it moves between
    programs and secondary storage devices
  • Physical records are stored in the buffer as they
    are read from secondary storage
  • FMS extracts logical records from buffers and
    copies them to data area of the application
  • Each buffer is the size of one allocation unit
  • Improves I/O performance if enough are used

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Computing Record Location
  • For a record r, we must compute where it is in
    the file.
  • Which allocation records (physical record) do we
  • What is offset within that physical record?

  • We want to load File3 (from Table 12-1).
    Allocation units (block size) are 512 bytes
    Record size 55 bytes
  • Table 12-1 tells us that the first allocation
    unit is unit 5
  • System loads 512 bytes into buffer and moves
    first 55 bytes to application program

Example Continued
  • Now we want the second record. Where is it?
  • (Pointer 1) x RecordSize / BlockSize
  • (2-1) x 55 / 512 0 remainder 55
  • So second record is still in this first block but
    starting at byte 55 (which is in the buffer)
  • What if we want the 37th record?
  • (37-1) x 55 / 512 3 remainder 444 (typo in book)

Example Continued
  • So since the answer is 3 remainder 444, you need
    to get the 4th block (because blocks are numbered
    0, 1, 2, 3, ) and then start reading from the
    444th byte
  • Using Table 12-2, the 4th block is block number 19

File Manipulation
  • Exact set of service layer functions varies among
    FMSs, but typically includes create, copy, move,
    delete, read, and write
  • Application programs interact directly with FMS
    through OS service layer
  • Users interact indirectly with FMS through
    command layer

File Open and Close Operations
  • File open
  • Causes FMS to find the file, verify access
    privileges, allocate buffers, and update internal
    table of open files
  • File close
  • Causes FMS to flush buffer content to the storage
    device, release buffers, update file time stamps,
    and update table of open files

Delete and Undelete Operations
  • Delete
  • Does not immediately remove files some content
    remains on secondary storage unit all allocation
    units have been reassigned and overwritten
  • File content can be visible to intruders
  • Undelete
  • Can be used to reconstruct directory and storage
    allocation table contents

Access Controls
  • Granted by file owners and system administrators
    for reading, writing, and executing files
  • Provide security at the expense of additional FMS

File Migration, Backup, and Recovery
  • Provided by most FMSs to protect files against
    damage or loss

File Migration(Version Control)
  • Automatic storage and backup of old file versions
  • Balances storage cost of each file version with
    anticipated user demand for that version

Copy that has been updated to reflect new data
File Backup
  • Protects against data loss (file content,
    directory content, and storage allocation tables)
  • Store backup copies on a different storage device
    in a different physical location
  • Manual or automatic
  • Full or incremental

Transaction Logging
  • Automatically records all changes to file content
    and attributes in a separate storage area also
    writes them to the files I/O buffer
  • Provides high degree of protection against data
    loss due to program or hardware failure
  • Imposes a performance penalty used only when
    costs of data loss are high

File Recovery
  • Automated and manual components
  • Can search backup logs for copies of lost or
    damaged files
  • Can perform consistency checking and repair
    procedures for crashed system or physically
    damaged storage device

Disk Scheduling
  • A disk drive has multiple requests for read or
    write operations
  • How does the disk scheduler schedule the
    read/write operations?
  • Various techniques include FCFS (First Come
    First Served), SSTF (Shortest Seek Time First),
    Scan, and Look

Disk Scheduling
  • Assume the following disk sector requests
  • 98, 183, 37, 122, 14, 124, 65, 57 Head is at
  • FCFS
  • SSTF
  • Scan
  • C-Scan
  • Look
  • C-Look

Fault Tolerance
  • Methods of securing file content against hardware
  • File backup
  • Recovery
  • Transaction logging
  • Mirroring
  • RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks)

  • All disk write operations are made concurrently
    to two different storage devices
  • Provides high degree of protection against data
    loss with no performance penalty if implemented
    in hardware
  • Disadvantages
  • Cost of redundant disk drives
  • Higher cost of disk controllers that implement

  • Disk storage technique that improves performance
    and fault tolerance
  • All levels except RAID 1 use data striping
  • Breaks a unit of data into smaller segments and
    stores them on multiple disks
  • Multiple levels can be layered to combine their
    best features (e.g. RAID 10)
  • Can be implemented in hardware or software

Storage Consolidation
  • Overcomes inefficiencies of direct-attached
    storage (DAS) in multiple-server environments
  • Common approaches
  • Storage area network (SAN) - an architecture to
    attach remote computer storage devices to servers
    such that the devices appear as locally connected
  • Network-attached storage (NAS) in contrast to
    SAN, uses file-based protocols such as NFS where
    it is clear the storage is remote

Storage Consolidation
Storage Area Network (SAN) Network-Attached Storage (NAS)
High-speed interconnection among general-purpose servers and one or more storage servers Block-oriented access Common in multi-server environments with mainframes or supercomputers (large enterprises) and substantial overlap among server storage needs Expensive to purchase and administer, but avoid costs of duplicate storage and storage administration Dedicated to managing one or more file systems Accessed by other servers and clients over a local or wide area network File-oriented access (rather than block-oriented access) Common when geographically dispersed servers need access to a common file system Cheaper to acquire than SAN, but at the price of lower performance
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Storage Consolidation
  • Most systems use SCSI protocol to connect storage
    devices to servers
  • To allow SAN extension over IP networks, many use
    iSCSI or Fibre Channel over IP
  • SANs often use a Fibre Channel fabric technology

Fibre Channel
  • Three major Fibre Channel architectures
  • Point to point
  • Arbitrated loop (similar to Token Ring)
  • Switched fabric (similar to Ethernet but with
    Fibre Channel switches instead of LAN switches)
  • Can operate over twisted pair and fiber
  • Throughput speeds from 100 Mbps to 2 Gbps

Fibre Channel
  • Five layers
  • FC0 physical layer
  • FC1 data link (8B/10B)
  • FC2 network layer (core FC protocols)
  • FC3 common services layer (such as RAID)
  • FC4 protocol mapping layer (encapsulates SCSI)

Example File Systems
  • FAT (File Allocation Table)
  • FAT16
  • FAT32 (up through Windows Me)
  • NTFS (New Technology File System, beginning with
    Windows NT and continuing with Windows 2000, XP,
    2003, 2008, and Vista)
  • UNIX file system
  • HFS (Hierarchical File System) (MACs and possible

  • Supports
  • High-speed directory and file operations
  • Ability to handle large disks, files, directories
  • Secure file and disk content
  • Reliability and fault tolerance
  • NTFS organizes secondary storage as a set of
  • A volume is a partition on a disk

  • Volumes contain a collection of storage
    allocation units called clusters
  • Cluster size can be 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096
  • Cluster size is set up during installation
  • Each cluster is identified by a 64-bit logical
    cluster number (LCN)
  • A volume can be as large as 4096 x 264 bytes

  • A volumes master directory is stored in a data
    structure called the master file table (MFT)
  • MFT contains a sequential set of file records,
    one for each file on the volume
  • All volume contents are stored as files,
    including user files, the MFT itself, and other
    volume management files such as the root
    directory, storage allocation table, bootstrap
    program, and bad cluster table

  • The first 16 MFT entries are reserved for the MFT
  • All subsequent entries numbered 16 and higher
    store records about user files
  • A file is an object with a collection of
    attributes such as name, restrictions, security
    descriptors, and the data itself (essentially a
    large attribute)
  • Directory contents stored using B tree
  • See Burd pages 495-497 for further details

  • File management systems
  • Directory content and structure
  • Storage allocation
  • File manipulation
  • Access controls
  • File migration, backup, and recovery
  • Storage consolidation
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