Tables - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Various alternatives to the single column page existed during the first centuries of printing EG. The two column grid of Gutenberg s Bible. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: printing | tables


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tables

  • What is a table?

  • A grid that breaks space or time into regular
  • Tables establish a system for arranging content
    within the space of a page or a screen.
  • They are designed to hold content, text, image
    and data.

Where are Tables used?
Where are Tables used?
  • Tables / Grids belong to the technological
    framework of typography.
  • Employed in the letterpress, and the rulers,
    guides and coordinate systems of graphic and
    layout applications.
  • Digital images are constructed from a grid of
    neatly bounded blocks.

How have Tables been used?
  • In the background of all design production grids
    have become explicit theoretical tools.
  • 1910s and 1920s avant-garde designers exposed
    the mechanical restraints of the letterpress.
  • After World War 2 Swiss designers built a design
    methodology around the grid. Hoping to construct
    with it a new rational and social order.

Tables Writing
  • Alphabetic writing is organised into columns and
    rows of characters.
  • Handwriting flows into connected lines
  • Mechanical type maintains a stricter order. Each
    letter occupies its own block, and the letters
    congregate in orderly rectangles.

Tables an introduction
  • Until the 20th Century, grids served as frames
    for fields of text.
  • The margins around a book page created a barrier
    around a solid block of text.
  • Various alternatives to the single column page
    existed during the first centuries of printing
  • EG. The two column grid of Gutenbergs Bible.

The two column grid of Gutenbergs Bible 1452.
Biblia Polyglotta 1568 zoned for five different
translations. (Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, Syriac and
Latin)The page is a dense rectangle cut into
parts, the piece fit together in a unified whole.
Each zone is uniquely proportioned to fit the
verbal and typographic texture of a particular
Tables an introduction
  • Typography is in many ways the art of framing
  • Designers spend much of their time focusing on
    margins, edges and empty spaces.
  • With the assent of print, margins became the user
    interface of the book, providing space for page
    numbers, running heads, commentary, notes and

Dividing Space
  • In the 19 century modernist artists and designers
    began to question the function of the frame that
    had been used in printing, and started using the
    grid as a flexible, critical and systematic
    design tool.
  • FT Marinetti led the revolution against prints
    traditional syntax. He devised poems that
    combined fonts of different sizes and weights,
    and allowed lines of text to span numerous rows.
  • Marinettis creations work against yet inside the
    constraints of the mechanical letter press.

Les Mots en Liberte Futuristes 1912
Les Mots en Liberte Futuristes 1912
Les Mots en Liberte Futuristes 1912
Les Mots en Liberte Futuristes 1912
Dividing Space
  • While Marinetti attacked the convention of the
    grid, Jan Tschicholds book The New Typography
    published in 1928 in Germany advocated design as
    a means of order and discipline.
  • He began to theorize the grid as a modular system
    based on standard measures.

The New Typography Diagram 1928 Jan Tschichold
Dividing Space
Tschicholds diagram of good and bad magazine
design advocate staggering images in relation to
the content Instead of making the text wrap
around the images, centered in the middle of the
text. He writes that the redesign would be even
more effective if all the photographs were
produced in fixed sizes.
Grid as a program
  • Post WW II, designers in Switzerland honed ideas
    from the New Typography into a total design
  • It was at the time the term grid became commonly
    applied to page layout.

Grid as a program
  • Karl Gerstners book Designing Programmes 1964
    is a manifesto for system orientated design.
  • Gerstner defined a design program as a set of
    rules for constructing a range of visual
  • He connected his methodology with the new field
    of computer programming and presented examples of
    computer generated patterns that were made by
    mathematically describing visual elements and
    combining them according to simple rules.

Boite a MusiqueKarl Gerstner 1959
Boite a MusiqueKarl Gerstner 1959
Grid as a program
  • The Swiss rationalists rejected the centuries old
    model of the page as a frame
  • Where a traditional book would have placed
    captions, commentary and folios within a margin
  • The new Swiss rationalist grid cut the page into
    multiple columns, each bearing equal weight
    within the whole.
  • Images were cropped to fit the modules of the
    grid. Swiss designers used the confines of a
    repeated structure to generate variation and

Tables and the web
  • Tables are a variant on the typographic grid.
  • A table consists of vertical columns and
    horizontal rows, each cell occupied by data.
  • Tables are a central aspect of web design.
  • The table feature was incorporated into HTML code
    in 1995 so that authors could present tabular
  • Graphic designers, eager to give shape to the
    webs wide bodies of text, implemented
    unauthorized uses of the HTML Table

Tables and the web
  • They transformed the table, a tool meant for
    representing tabular data, into a typographic
  • Designers used the table feature to control the
    placement of images and captions and to build
    margins and gutters and multicolumn screens.
  • Designers also used tables to combine multiple
    styles of alignment such as flush right, and
    flush left within a document.

Tables and the web
  • By creating cells that span numerous columns and
    rows, designers sometimes build layout structures
    that bear little resemblance to the logically
    ordered structure of a data chart.
  • A table normally defines areas for navigation,
    content and site identity, each section can
    contain grids or tables within tables.
  • What problems do you think this layout structure
    can cause?

Tables and the web
  • Visually driven illogical layout structures can
    cause problems for users who use screen reading
    software to translate the digital pages into
  • Assistive screen readers linearize digital text
    into spoken word.
  • Accessibility experts urge web designers to think
    in linear terms where ever possible and to make
    sure that their tables make sense when read in a
    continuous sequence.

Tables and the web
  • William Gibsons 1984 Novel Neuromancer
    envisions cyberspace as a vast etheral grid.
  • In the early twentieth century designers exposed
    the grid structure in order to dramatize the
    mechanical conditions of print. (the printing
  • After World War 2 Swiss designers built a total
    design methodology around the grid. They saw the
    use of the grid as the key to creating a
    universal visual language based on structure and

Tables an introduction
  • The Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in the
    early 1990s in Switzerland to allow researchers
    to share documents that were created with
    different software applications.
  • It was never taught that the Web would be
    considered a design driven medium.
  • The rise of the Web has rekindled the interest in
    universal design thinking.

Joshua Davis http//
Tables an introduction
  • Use of consistent grid systems
  • All text is flush left
  • As seen in Swiss Rationalism

  • Introduction to tables
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Creating Tables
  • Table
  • An arrangement of horizontal rows and vertical
  • The intersection of a row and a column is called
    a cell.
  • Used for
  • displaying tabular data in rows and columns
  • controlling the layout and appearance of a Web

Creating Tables
  • Creating tables requires organisation
  • All tables begin with the lttablegt tag and end
    with a lt/tablegt tag.
  • In between those tags are three other tags to be
    aware of
  • lttrgt defines a horizontal row
  • lttdgt defines a data cell within that row
  • ltthgt specifies a data cell as a table heading
  • (in newer browsers, a table heading cell is
    formatted as centered and bold).

Creating Tables
Create the Table pictured here
1. Use the lttablegt tag to create Your
table 2. Use the lttrgt tag to define each
Row 3. Use the lttdgt tag to define each Cell
in a row 4. Use the ltthgt tag instead of the
td tag to define the cells in the 1st row
Questions How do I add a border? How do I
align the content?
Creating Tables
  • Formatting Tables - Attributes
  • border (default 0)
  • Width of the border (in pixels - lttablegt tag)
  • cellpadding (default 0)
  • Space between border and content (in pixels -
    lttdgt tag)

Creating Tables
  • Formatting Tables Attributes
  • cellspacing (default 2)
  • Space between cells
  • (in pixels - lttablegt tag)
  • - cellpadding (default 1)
  • sets the amount of space between the contents
    of the cell and the cell wall.
  • (in pixels - lttablegt tag)
  • valign (default center)
  • Vertical alignment of cell contents
  • (top, bottom, or baseline lttdgt, ltthgt)
  • width (default to fit)
  • Width of table or cells
  • (in pixels or as a of the page lttablegt ,
    lttdgt, ltthgt )

1. add a border to the table that You just
made 2.Align the content to the centre of The
cell 3. Try changing the cellpadding and the
cellspacing (add these attributes to the
lttablegt tag)

lthtmlgt ltheadgt lttitlegt My first formatted table
lt/titlegt lt/headgt ltbodygt lttable
border"1"gt lttrgtltthgtColumn 1lt/thgtltthgtColumn
2lt/thgtlt/trgt lttrgtlttd align"center"gtRow
2lt/tdgt lttd align"center"gtRow
2lt/tdgtlt/trgt lttrgtlttd align"center"gtRow 3
lt/tdgt lttd align"center"gtRow 3lt/tdgtlt/trgt
lt/tablegt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
Creating Tables
  • Formatting Tables Attributes
  • rowspan
  • Sets the number of rows a cell should span.
  • (in the lttdgt or the ltthgt tag)
  • colspan
  • Sets the number of columns that a cell should
  • (in the lttdgt or the ltthgt tag)

Create the table on this slide
  • Create the table pictured on this slide
  • In the first data cell ltthgt in row one use the
    colspan attribute to make the cell span two
  • In the second data cell lttdgt in row two use the
    rowspan attribute to make the cell span two rows
  • Remember if your data cell is spreading two rows
    or two columns you dont add that cell that it is

Advanced Tables
  • lthtmlgt
  • ltheadgt
  • lttitlegt Combining Rows and Columnslt/titlegt
  • lt/headgt
  • ltbodygt
  • lttable border"1"gt
  • lttrgtltth colspan"2"gtColumn 1 Column 2
  • combined lt/thgtlt/trgt
  • lttrgtlttdgt Row 2 lt/tdgtlttd rowspan"2"gt Row 2
  • Row 3 are combinedlt/tdgtlt/trgt
  • lttrgtlttdgt Row 3 lt/tdgtlt/trgt
  • lt/tablegt
  • lt/bodygt
  • lt/htmlgt

Creating Tables
  • Using Tables for Layout
  • The columns of search categories are created
    with tables
  • Microsoft too uses tables to design the layout
    of its site.

Adding Your Own Style
  • Style Sheets
  • set of rules that determine how the styles will
    be applied to the HTML tags in your document.
  • HTML designed as a markup language for defining
    the structure of a document
  • 1996 W3C first recommended the idea of Cascading
    Style Sheets (CSS) to format HTML documents
  • Enables Web designers to separate the structure
    and format of their documents
  • Three types of CSS?

Adding Your Own Style
  • 1. Embedded Style Sheets
  • Style properties are included
  • (within the ltstylegt tags) at the top of the
    HTML document.
  • Style assigned to a particular tag will apply to
    all those tags in this document

Adding Your Own Style
  • Inline Style Sheets
  • Style properties are included throughout the HTML
  • Each HTML tags receives its own style attributes
    as they occur in the page.

Adding Your Own Style
  • Linked Style Sheets
  • Style properties are stored in a separate file.
  • That file can be linked to any HTML. document
    with a ltlinkgt tag placed within the ltheadgt tag.

Adding Your Own Style
  • Defining the Rules
  • Selectors the HTML tags that will receive the
  • Declarations the style sheet properties and
    their values.
  • body backgroundblack

Adding Your Own Style
  • Defining the Rules
  • The HTML tag is not surrounded by brackets
  • The declaration is surrounded by curly brackets
  • Declarations can contain more than one property
  • body backgroundblackcolorwhite
  • Properties are separated by a semicolon

Adding Your Own Style
  • Defining the Rules
  • You can format this style rule in a number of
    ways to make it easier to read. The results will
    be the same
  • body backgroundblack
  • colorwhite
  • body
  • backgroundblack
  • colorwhite

Adding Your Own Style
  • Defining the Rules
  • If you want to apply the same rules to several
    HTML tags you could group those rules together
  • body, td, h1
  • backgroundblack colorwhite

Adding Your Own Style
  • Add a little class
  • What if you dont want every single h1 heading in
    your document to be white on a black background?
  • Use the class attribute almost like creating
    your own tags.

Adding Your Own Style
  • Add a little class
  • The HTML tag name table is followed by a full
    stop (.) and the class name (nav and rest).
  • table.nav backgroundaqua
  • backgroundyellow
    text-aligncenter colorblack

Adding Your Own Style
  • Add a little class
  • When the table is referenced in the body of the
    document, you must apply the class attribute to
    tell the browser which style properties should be
  • lttable classnavgt
  • lttable classrestgt

  • lthtmlgt
  • ltheadgtlttitlegtClassy tableslt/titlegt
  • ltstyle typetext/cssgt
  • table.nav backgroundaqua width100
  • backgroundyellow
    text-aligncenter colorblack width50
  • lt/stylegt
  • lt/headgt
  • ltbodygt
  • lttable classnavgt
  • lttrgtlttdgtlink 1lt/tdgtlttdgtlink 2lt/tdgtlttdgtlink
  • lttrgtlttdgtlink 4lt/tdgtlttdgtlink 5lt/tdgtlttdgtlink
  • lt/tablegt
  • lttable classrestgt
  • lttrgtlttdgtrow 1, col 1lt/tdgtlttdgt row 1, col 2
  • lttrgtlttdgtrow 2, col 1lt/tdgtlttdgt row 2, col 2
  • lt/tablegt

Attached Classes
  • P.first color green
  • P.second color purple
  • P.third color gray
  • ltP CLASS"first"gtThe first paragraph, with a
    class name of "first."lt/Pgt
  • ltP CLASS"second"gtThe second paragraph, with a
    class name of "second."lt/Pgt
  • ltP CLASS"third"gtThe third paragraph, with a
    class name of "third."lt/Pgt

Unattached Classes
  • .first color green
  • This can be now used with any HTML tag in the
    ltbodygt of the page.

Adding Your Own Style
  • Applying Styles
  • Embedded Styles
  • All the styles are defined at the top of the HTML
    document within the ltheadgt tags.
  • The styles defined here will apply to only the
    document in which they appear.
  • If you plan to re-use these styles in another
    document, you will need to add them there as well.

Adding Your Own Style
  • Applying Styles
  • Embedded Styles
  • ltheadgt
  • ltstyle typetext/cssgt
  • table.nav backgroundaqua
  • backgroundyellow
    text- aligncenter colorblack
  • alink colorred text-decorationnone
  • lt/stylegt
  • lt/headgt

Adding Your Own Style
  • Applying Styles
  • Linked Styles
  • Hold all the style properties in a separate file.
  • Link the file into each HTML document in which
    you want those style properties to appear.

Adding Your Own Style
  • Applying Styles
  • Linked Styles
  • ltheadgt
    lttitlegtMy First Stylesheetlt/titlegt
  • ltlink relstylesheet href"mystyles.css
  • type"text/cssgt
  • lt/headgt
  • mystyle.css is a separate file containing all my
    style proerties
  • h1colorgreen font-familyimpact
  • p backgroundyellow font-familycourier

Adding Your Own Style
  • Applying Styles
  • Inline Styles
  • Style properties are added to the HTML tags as
    the tag is entered
  • lth1 style"colororange font-familyimpact"gt
    Stylesheets The Tool of the Web Design Godslt/h1gt
  • ltp style "background yellow font-family
    courier"gt Amaze your friends! Squash your
  • The ltstylegt tag becomes the style attribute.
  • Multiple style properties are still separated by
    semicolons, but the entire group of properties
    for each tag are grouped within each HTML tag.

Adding Your Own Style
  • Applying Styles
  • Cascading Preference
  • The different ways of applying style sheets are
    not treated equally by the browsers
  • Inline styles have precedence
  • Embedded styles will be applied next
  • Linked styles will be applied last.

Adding Your Own Style
  • Applying Styles
  • Cascading Preference
  • Example You have created an embedded style for
    the lth1gt tag, but want to change that style for
    one occurrence of the lth1gt tag in that document.
    You would create an inline style for that new
    lth1gt tag. The browsers recognise that fact and
    change the style for that tag to reflect the
    inline style.
  • In practice the browsers get a bit confused
    between embedded and linked style sheets so best
    use one or the other of these and not both.

Adding Your Own Style
  • Style Sheet Properties
  • Link Styles
  • alink Sets the style for unvisited links
  • avisited Sets the styles for visited links
  • aactive Sets the styles for the
    hyperlink while it is linking.
  • ahover Sets the style for the link while
    mouse is hovering.

Adding Your Own Style
  • Style Sheet Properties
  • Link Styles
  • Some of the style properties you can assign to
    your links
  • background sets the background colour for the
  • color sets the text color for the link
  • font-family sets the font for the text of the
  • text-decoration underline, overline,
    strikethrough, and none.

Adding Your Own Style
  • Style Sheet Properties
  • Font Styles
  • Text on a HTML page is represented by the
    ltbodygt,ltpgt,lttdgt,lttrgt,ltthgt,lth1gtthroughlth6gt, and
    ltligt tags as well as others.
  • You can add your own style preferences to each of
    these tags using the style properties.

Adding Your Own Style
  • Style Sheet Properties
  • Font Styles
  • background sets the background colour
  • color sets the text color
  • font-family sets the font for the text
  • font-size can be a point size, pixels etc.
  • font-style normal (default) or italic
  • font-weight extra-light to extra-bold
  • text-align left, right, center, or justify.
  • text-indent can be a fixed length or a
  • text-decoration underline, overline,
    strikethrough, and none

Adding Your Own Style
  • Check out Microsofts CSS Gallery
  • http//
  • Especially
  • http//

Background Images
  • body background-image url(thumb.jpg") sets
    the background image
  • Alows you to use an image file for the background
    of your Web page.
  • A large image may only appear once (depending on
    the size of the browser window), but smaller
    images will be redrawn as many times as necessary
    to fill a page - a process known as tiling.

Background Images
  • If you write in your HTML doc
  • body background-image url(thumb.jpg")
  •   Then the jpg will appear in your background as
    many times as the browser window and the size of
    your image will allow. E.g. if it's a small image
    - say, 20 by 20 pixels - and the page is being
    viewed in a 480 by 640 browser window, then kitty
    would appear 768 times.
  • However try
  • body background-imageurl(thumb.jpg")
    background-repeat no-repeat background-position
    center center

Background Color
  • body backgroundblack
  • Sets the background colour to your HTML file.
  • Only a limited number of colours can be specified
    by name and different browsers recognize
    different sets of colors.

Background Color
  • So if you want to be precise about your
    background you'll want to replace the name of the
    colour, with a hexadecimal code.
  • So your HTML would look something like this
  • ltbody bgcolorffffffgt
  • The "ffffff" represents the RGB value of white,
    translated into hexadecimal.

Background Color
  • Any colour that can be displayed on a monitor can
    be described by its RGB value - its relative
    amounts of red, green, and blue (each of which is
    expressed as a two-digit number, such as 51 or 14
    or 00).
  • In order for a Web browser to understand the RGB
    values, they must each be translated into a
    hexadecimal (or base-16) number.

Background Color
  • Then the resulting two-digit hexadecimal ("hex"
    for short) numbers are strung together into a
    single six-digit code. So in the example above,
    the first two "f"s stand for the red value, the
    next two stand for green, and the last two for
  • If you don't want to bother with calculating
    those numbers, there are plenty of colour charts
    out there.

Colours Summary
  • To see a list of colours and their numerical
  • http//

Create a Portfolio Webpage Using Tables and CSS -
  • Your table needs have 3 columns
  • The 1st column should be used as your navigation
    panel you need to use the list tags ltulgt or
    ltolgt to list your elements
  • The 2nd column should contain a list of
    thumbnails images based on the selection that
    the user made in colum one (this is a sub
    navigation panel)
  • The 3rd column is you content panel and it should
    contain a large image with information text,
    this is displayed based on the users selection in
    column two

Create a Portfolio Webpage Using Tables and CSS -
  • Use CSS to control the color of the data cells
    and the text, along with the width and the
    alignment of the content make each cell a
    different color and make the text inside each
    cell a different color
  • To treat the contents of each cell differently,
    you will need to define each lttdgt tag using the
    class atributes
  • e.g. lttd class"thumbs"gt and then use it in
    your css
  • e.g. td.thumbs background666666
  • Experiment with the table border properties, cell
    padding and cell spacing

Create a Portfolio Webpage Using Tables and CSS -
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