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G. St ng , A. B ran, A. Iovescu, M. Maxim, M. Balcan, E.L. Vasilescu, D.F. Anghel, Photophysics of pyrene labeled poly(acrylic acid) confined into nonaqueous ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Ilie Murgulescu Institute of Physical
Chemistry, Romanian Academy
PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0916 Project leader Dr.
Dan-Florin Anghel
Project Summary
  • This project aims to synthesize and characterize
    hydrophobically modified and/or fluorescently
    labeled polymers, in order to apply them in
    probing the hydrophobic/hydrophilic interface of
    regular and reverse micelles and to investigate
    layer-by-layer polymer assemblies.
  • To accomplish this goal the following parameters
    will be monitored the alkyl chain length and
    amount grafted, the fluorophore content and its
    nature, the polymer molecular weight, the
    surfactant, pH, ionic strength, the organic
    solvent and the reverse micelle hydration degree.
  • The techniques involved in this project are UV
    spectroscopy, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, GPC and capillary
    electrophoresis, static and dynamic fluorescence,
    FTIR, rheometry, DLS, surface tension,
  • The acquired data will shed light and elucidate
    phenomena involved at nanometric scale in these
  • The importance of this study resides in obtaining
    new intelligent materials able to modify their
    molecular architecture in response to external
  • A particular attention will be payed to
    fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) for
    getting insights into the interface of micellar
    nanocages and of thin films.

No. Budget category 2011 (lei) 2012 (lei) 2013 (lei)
1. Salaries 50 000 303 071 135 447
2. Overhead 15 000 116 000 38 828
3 Mobility 0 33 988.34 18 059
4. Inventory 25 000 242 940.66 40 635.28
TOTAL 90 000 696 000 232 969.28
Research Team
No. Surname and first name Scientific Title Scientific Degree
1. Balcan Marieta Senior Researcher Dr
2. Peretz Sandu Senior Researcher Dr
3. Baran Adriana Senior Researcher Dr
4. Iovescu Alina Senior Researcher Dr
5. Stînga Gabriela Senior Researcher Dr
6. Ilie Cornelia Researcher Dr
7. Mihailescu Cristina Researcher Dr
8. Maxim Monica Assistant Researcher Dr
9. Constantinescu Gabriela Economist -
10. Cantemir Anca Ruxandra Assistant Researcher Dr
11. Aricov Ludmila Assistant Researcher PhD Student
12. Vasilescu Elena-Livia Assistant Researcher PhD Student
13. Vacaresteanu Catalina Assistant Researcher PhD Student
14. Römer Marina Technician -
15. Pana Adrian Technician -
Objectives and Activities/Year
O1. The synthesis of hydrophobically modified
and/or fluorescently labeled polymers A1.
Labeling polymers hydrophobically-modified or
not, with pyrene, naphthalene, or both labels and
their purification
O2. Characterization and properties of the
hydrophobically modified and/or fluorescently
labeled polymers A1. Determination the content
of label (UV spectroscopy, 1H-NMR) and tag
(1H-NMR). Obtaining complementary information
about the polymers by 13C-NMR, GPC and capillary
electrophoresis with UV detectors. Qualitative
characterization of the labeled polymer by FTIR.
A2. Determination of the photophysical
properties of the labeled polymers by static and
dynamic fluorescence. A3. Determination of the
labeled polymers pKa. Influence of pH upon their
size and electrokinetic potential. Rheologic
behavior in water and organic solvent. A4.
Information dissemination.
Objectives and Activities/Year
O3. The behavior of labeled polymers in the
presence of regular and reverse micelles A1.
Characterization by FRET of labeled
polymer-regular micelles. A2. Influence of
hydration degree, solvent, salt and pH upon the
photophysical properties of labeled polymers
encapsulated in reverse micelles. A3. Information
Results Dissemination
  • ISI Papers
  • M.E. Maxim, G. Stînga, A. Baran, A. Iovescu, D.F.
    Anghel, Probing the micelle/water interface by
    non-radiative energy transfer, Rev. Roum. Chim.,
    57, 2012, 863-869.
  • A. Iovescu, M. Gosecka, T. Basinska, A. Baran, G.
    Stînga, S. Slomkowski, D.F. Anghel,
    Spectroscopical properties of DTAF-labeled
    hydrophilic-hydrophobic copolymer in water and
    surfactant micelles, Dyes and Pigments, 97, 2013,
  • Conferences
  • 1. A. Iovescu, M. Gosecka, T. Basinska, A. Baran,
    G. Stînga, S. Slomkowski, D. F. Anghel, Assessing
    the properties of a DTAF-labeled
    hydrophilic-hydrophobic copolymer in water and
    surfactant micelles, 26th Conference of the
    European Colloid and Interface Society, Lund,
    Sweden, September 2-7, 2012.
  • 2. A. Baran, G. Stînga, D.F. Anghel, A. Iovescu,
    C. Mihailescu, M. Tudose, P. Ionita, Comparing
    the spectral properties of pyrene probe, label
    and derivative in the presence of a nonionic
    surfactant, 4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress,
    Prague, Czech Republic, August 26-30, 2012.
  • 3. G. Stînga, A. Baran, A. Iovescu, M. Maxim,
    D.F. Anghel, Salt-induced effect upon the
    proximity between the pyrene labeled poly(acrylic
    acid) and sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles, 4th
    EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Prague, Czech
    Republic, August 26-30, 2012.
  • 4 S. Peretz, A. Baran, D.F. Anghel, M.
    Florea-Spiroiu, A. Iovescu, G. Stînga, M. Maxim,
    Biopolymeric microparticles synthesized by
    interaction of chitosan with anionic surfactants,
    4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Prague, Czech
    Republic, August 26-30, 2012.
  • 5. G. Stînga, M.E. Maxim, A. Iovescu, A. Baran,
    C. Ilie, D.F. Anghel, A spectroscopic study of
    methylene blue solubilization in reverse micellar
    systems, 10th Conference on Colloid Chemistry,
    Budapest, Hungary, August 29-31, 2012.
  • 6. C. Ilie, C.F. Mihailescu, M.E. Maxim, D.F.
    Anghel, Photophysical properties of
    pyrene-labeled poly(acrylic acid) in aqueous
    solution. Effect of pH, ionic strenght and
    cationic surfactant, 10th Conference on Colloid
    Chemistry, Budapest, Hungary, August 29-31, 2012.

Results Dissemination
7. D.F. Anghel, Fluorescence as a means to
investigate self-assembled systems, 11th
Conference on Colloid and Surface Chemistry, May
9-11, 2013, Iasi, Romania. 8. A.R. Cantemir, A.
Iovescu, G. Stînga, D.F. Anghel, Effect of
C14(EO)10 and fluorescently labeled PAA upon the
secondary structure of BSA, 11th Conference on
Colloid and Surface Chemistry, May 9-11, 2013,
Iasi, Romania. 9. L. Aricov, A. Baran, M.
Balcan, C.F. Mihailescu, D.F. Anghel, Aggregation
behavior of hydrophobically modified
polyacrylates in aqueous solutions. A viscosity
and fluorescence study, 11th Conference on
Colloid and Surface Chemistry, May 9-11, 2013,
Iasi, Romania. 10. E.L. Vasilescu, M. Balcan, G.
Stînga, A. Baran, I.C. Vacaresteanu, D.F. Anghel,
Determination of critical micelle concentration
by capillary electrophoresis using a fluorescent
dye, 11th Conference on Colloid and Surface
Chemistry, May 9-11, 2013, Iasi, Romania. 11. A.
Iovescu, A. Baran, D.F. Anghel, S. Saito, G.
Stînga, Assessing the hydrophobic microdomains in
poly(methacrylic acid)-surfactant solutions, 11th
Conference on Colloid and Surface Chemistry, May
9-11, 2013, Iasi, Romania. 12. C.F. Mihailescu,
C. Ilie, Monica Elisabeta Maxim, M. Balcan, D.F.
Anghel, The effect of pH, ionic strength and
cationic surfactant on pyrene-labeled
poly(acrylic acid) in aqueous solution, 11th
Conference on Colloid and Surface Chemistry, May
9-11, 2013, Iasi, Romania. 13. A. Baran, G.
Stînga, D.F. Anghel, A. Iovescu, C.F. Mihailescu,
M. Tudose, P. Ionita, Comparing the spectral
properties of pyrene as such, as label and
derivative in the presence of nonionic surfactant
and nonionic surfactant-polyelectrolyte systems,
11th Conference on Colloid and Surface Chemistry,
May 9-11, 2013, Iasi, Romania. 14. C. Ilie, A.R.
Cantemir, A. Baran, D.F. Anghel, Spectroscopic
and molecular modelling studies on pyrene-labeled
polyelectrolyte-bovine serum albumin systems,
11th Conference on Colloid and Surface Chemistry,
May 9-11, 2013, Iasi, Romania. 15. A. Iovescu,
E. Mileva, K. Khristov, G. Stînga, B. Soklev, H.
Petkova, C.F. Mihailescu, D.F. Anghel, R.
Todorov, L. Aricov, Viscoelastic properties of
hydrophobically modified polyacrylates in thin
liquid films and bulk solution, 11th Conference
on Colloid and Surface Chemistry, May 9-11, 2013,
Iasi, Romania. 16. M.E. Maxim, G. Stînga, A.
Iovescu, A. Baran, D.F. Anghel, The effect of
ethoxylated nonionic surfactants on
Results Dissemination
pyrene-labeled polymers, 11th Conference
on Colloid and Surface Chemistry, May 9-11, 2013,
Iasi, Romania. 17. G. Stînga, A. Baran, A.
Iovescu, M. Maxim, M. Balcan, E.L. Vasilescu,
D.F. Anghel, Photophysics of pyrene labeled
poly(acrylic acid) confined into nonaqueous
micellar media, 11th Conference on Colloid and
Surface Chemistry, May 9-11, 2013, Iasi, Romania.
18. L. Aricov, A. Baran, A. Iovescu, M. Balcan,
E.L. Vasilescu, I.C. Vacaresteanu, C.F.
Mihailescu, D.F. Anghel, The behavior of some
hydrophobically modified polyacrylates in aqueous
solutions, International Conference of Physical
Chemistry - ROMPHYSCHEM 15, September 11-13,
2013, Bucharest, Romania. 19. A. Baran, G.
Stînga, D.F. Anghel, A. Iovescu, C.F. Mihailescu,
M. Tudose, P. Ionita, The behavior of pyrene as
such, label and derivative in some colloidal
systems, International Conference of Physical
Chemistry - ROMPHYSCHEM 15, September 11-13,
2013, Bucharest, Romania. 20. A. Iovescu, E.
Mileva, K. Khristov, G. Stînga, B. Soklev, H.
Petkova, C.F. Mihailescu, D.F. Anghel, R.
Todorov, L. Aricov, Associative polyacrylates in
thin liquid films and bulk, International
Conference of Physical Chemistry - ROMPHYSCHEM
15, September 11-13, 2013, Bucharest,
Romania. 21. M.E. Maxim, G. Stînga, A. Baran, A.
Iovescu, F.C. Mihailescu, C. Vacaresteanu, D.F.
Anghel, Layer-by-layer (LbL) depositions and the
non-radiative energy transfer (NRET) in
multistructures of fluorophore grafted polymers,
International Conference of Physical Chemistry -
ROMPHYSCHEM 15, September 11-13, 2013, Bucharest,
Romania. 22. F.C. Mihailescu, C. Ilie, M. Maxim,
M. Balcan, D.F. Anghel, Response of
fluorescently-labeled poly(acrylic acid) to
external stimuli, International Conference of
Physical Chemistry - ROMPHYSCHEM 15, September
11-13, 2013, Bucharest, Romania. 23. G. Stînga,
A. Baran, A. Iovescu, M. Maxim, D.F. Anghel,
Pyrene labeled poly(acrylic acid) probing the AOT
reverse micelles, International Conference of
Physical Chemistry - ROMPHYSCHEM 15, September
11-13, 2013, Bucharest, Romania.
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