From Neuroscience to Mechatronics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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From Neuroscience to Mechatronics


From Neuroscience to Mechatronics Presentation by Fabian Diewald JASS April 2006 Outline The human brain The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) The VOR technical ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: From Neuroscience to Mechatronics

From Neuroscience to Mechatronics
  • Presentation by Fabian Diewald
  • JASS April 2006

  • The human brain
  • The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
  • The VOR technical applications
  • Camera stabilizing system at TU Munich
  • A possible algorithm
  • Testing the camera stabilizing system
  • Another field of neuroscience and technical
    application face recognition
  • Conclusion and outlook

Learning from nature a justified strategy
Consequently nature has a great time advantage!
The human brain
  • cerebellum "little brain"
  • responsible for accurate movement
  • instructions by the forebrain insufficient
  • instructions have to be translated into accurate
    commands by the cerebellum
  • cerebellum essential part in learning motor skills

Neurons elementary components of the central
nerve system
  • dendrites "input" of a neuron
  • axon "output"
  • axon terminals/boutons contact other neurons or

Neurons elementary components of the central
nerve system
  • transmission works electrically
  • information through the axon is encoded in
    changes of electrical potential
  • short impulses with fixed intensity
  • information is contained in firing
    frequency("pulse rate modulation")

Synapses link between neurons
  • gap against electrical transmission
  • transmission between neurons is controlled by
    chemicals called neurotransmitters
  • controlled transmission is important in regard to
    adaptation and learning

The structure of the cerebellar cortex
parallel fibresaxons of granule cells,synapse
on Purkinje cells
Purkinje cells 200 000 synapses per cell, only
output for cerebellar cortex
granule cells, 20 per mossy fibre, half of all
neurons are granule cells
mossy fibres information input, synapse on
granule cells
The influential theory of Marr-Albus
  • twice independently proposed
  • Marr, David A Theory of Cerebellar Cortex,
    1969, Journal of Physiology 202 437-470
  • Albus, James S. "A theory of cerebellar
    function", 1971, Mathematical Biosciences 10
  • major aspects
  • climbing fibre carries a teaching signal
  • signal influences the synapses of Purkinje cells
  • consequently the intensity of certain inputs to
    the Purkinje cells can be controlled

The influential theory of Marr-Albus
disappointment by Marr himself
  • Marr 1982"In my own case, the cerebellar study
    (...) disappointed me, because even if the theory
    was correct, it did not enlighten one about the
    motor system it did not, for example, tell one
    how to go about programming a mechanical arm."

  • The human brain
  • The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
  • The VOR technical applications
  • Camera stabilizing system at TU Munich
  • A possible algorithm
  • Testing the camera stabilizing system
  • Another field of neuroscience and technical
    application face recognition
  • Conclusion and outlook

The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
  • aim stable picture of our environment/object we
    are staring at in spite of moving head
  • only use of visual information would be too slow
    for stabilization (visual processing delay about
  • signals of the vestibular organ (motion of the
    head) are more or less directly transmitted to
    the extra-ocular eye muscles, leading to process
    times of 5-10ms
  • vestibular signals are also influenced by visual

The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
experimentation with monkeys
  • VOR does an excellent job in monkeys as well as
    in other vertebrates under normal conditions
  • magnifying or miniaturizing glasses cause
    abnormal image motion speed perceived during head
  • monkeys with glasses show problems with head
    motion in the beginning
  • after several days considerable improvement is
  • then taking the glasses away
  • monkeys show problems again
  • after some days normal behaviour again
  • unconscious use of VOR, motoric issue,
    calibration needed
  • ? typical case concerning the cerebellum

The vestibulo-ocular reflex paths of
eye (visual information)
vestibular organ (head motion)
  • adaptive path
  • over Purkinje cells
  • transferred on parallel fibres
  • direct path
  • very quick
  • not accurate (not sensible to changes in
    the system, e.g. changes in eye muscle

inferior olive
  • adaptation path
  • teaching signal
  • transferred on climbing fibres
  • "strengthens" or "weakens" the synapses

synapses ofPurkinje cells
Purkinje cells
eye muscles
  • The human brain
  • The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
  • The VOR technical applications
  • Camera stabilizing system at TU Munich
  • A possible algorithm
  • Testing the camera stabilizing system
  • Another field of neuroscience and technical
    application face recognition
  • Conclusion and outlook

The vestibulo-ocular reflex possible technical
The vestibulo-ocular reflex also an important
automotive application
  • wide angle cameras used to obtain an overview of
    the environment
  • for a closer look (road signs, number plates
    etc.) a telephoto lens is needed, which is quite
    sensitive to motion

Requirements concerning driver-assistance systems
  • camera stabilization only by optical means is too
  • inertial measurement of head angular velocity
  • affordable hardware
  • cheap inaccurate sensors must be allowed
    (multi-sensor fusion of translation/angular
    velocity and visual information)
  • inaccuracies have to be compensated
  • ? similar problems/requirements as in biology
  • the vestibulo-ocular reflex may solve our
    technical problem!

  • The human brain
  • The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
  • The VOR technical applications
  • Camera stabilizing system at TU Munich
  • A possible algorithm
  • Testing the camera stabilizing system
  • Another field of neuroscience and technical
    application face recognition
  • Conclusion and outlook

The VOR biological and technical analogons
How can we implement cerebellar structures as
computer hardware?
  • the structure of the cerebellum is quite
    homogeneous although different information
    appears in different regions, these regions are
  • idea of "cerebellar chip"
  • today normally no need for cerebellar chip as
    DSPs are very multifunctional and cerebellar
    algorithms can be implemented software-based
    (e.g. in Matlab)

The VOR biological and technical analogons
  • vestibular organ in the inner ear 6-DOF inertial
    measurement unit
  • direct pathway vestibular to muscles CAN bus
  • cerebellum DSP with specific algorithm
  • extra-ocular eye muscles servo motors

main difficulties
  • commercially available inertial measurement units
    are too big for driver-assistance systems
  • the algorithm biology uses in the cerebellum has
    to be detected and implemented, which is
    obviously difficult(remember Marr's quotation!)

Camera stabilization system at TU Munich,
Institute of Applied Mechanics
  • serial gimballed configuration
  • two perpendicular axes
  • pan actuator driven by4.5 Watt motor
  • inner frame driven by11 Watt Maxon motor
    withbacklash free HarmonicDrivegearbox
  • each axis controlled by differential encoders
    with 512 steps
  • camera CMOS sensor with effective resolution of
    750x400 pixels
  • in the future only a mirror is moved leading to
    further miniaturization

Coping with difficulty 1size of inertial
measurement unit (IMU)
  • smallest available intelligent IMU 50x38x25 mm³
  • too big for driver-assistance-systems
  • new IMU was developed within the FORBIAS project

edge length 15 mm
3 gyroscopes(rotation), bandwith up to 100Hz
accelerometer with 3 axes on one
chip(translation), bandwith up to 640Hz
  • The human brain
  • The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
  • The VOR technical applications
  • Camera stabilizing system at TU Munich
  • A possible algorithm
  • Testing the camera stabilizing system
  • Another field of neuroscience and technical
    application face recognition
  • Conclusion and outlook

Coping with difficulty 2 (main difficulty)implem
enting an adequate algorithm (1)
  • central ideas/principles
  • motor movements are calculated according to
    angular velocity of measurement unit ("direct
  • theoretically (perfect sensors/perfect
    production) this is sufficient for camera
  • but due to inaccuracies in production and
    sensors themselves there is always relative
    movement of the picture of the environment
    ("optical flow")
  • the relation between angular rates and this
    relative movement is calculated
  • the result dynamically influences a matrix w

Coping with difficulty 2 (main difficulty)implem
enting an adequate algorithm (2)
  • central ideas/principles
  • this matrix w calculates a certain output out of
    angular velocity
  • this output is used to "clean" the signal of the
    direct path (velocity) additively
  • result after some time the matrix w is "perfect"
    (learning completed) and always knows what to add
    to the measured angular velocity so that there is
    no optical flow any more, i.e. optical flow and
    angular velocity are decorrelated
  • consequently further cost-reduction possible by
    teaching the system after assembling and storing
    the matrix w on a chip
  • but in this case inaccuracies because of e.g.
    plastic mechanical deformation during use cannot
    be compensated

The vestibulo-ocular reflex paths of
eye (visual information)
vestibular organ (head motion)
  • adaptive path
  • over Purkinje cells
  • transferred on parallel fibres
  • direct path
  • very quick
  • not accurate (not sensible to changes in
    the system, e.g. changes in eye muscle

inferior olive
  • adaptation path
  • teaching signal
  • transferred on climbing fibres
  • "strengthens" or "weakens" the synapses

synapses ofPurkinje cells
Purkinje cells
eye muscles
Coping with difficulty 2 (main difficulty)implem
enting an adequate algorithm
central idea decorrelation of angular rates and
optical flow, decorrelator contains dynamic
state matrix w, dynamically influenced by optical
flow, angular velocity and its derivative
(optical flow teaching signal)
Decorrelator with weight matrix
,equivalent to synapses of Purkinje cells
Ddecomposition to "parallel fibre signals"
Sdiagonal sensitivity matrix
brainstem B direct path

from Günthner, W. Glasauer, S. Wagner, P.
Ulbrich, H. Biologically inspired multi-sensor
fusion for adaptive camera stabilization in
driver-assistance systems, Advanced Microsystems
for Automotive Applications AMAA, Berlin, April
25-27, 2006 (in press)
Coping with difficulty 2 (main difficulty)implem
enting an adequate algorithm
central idea decorrelation of angular rates and
optical flow, decorrelator contains dynamic
state matrix w, dynamically influenced by optical
flow, angular velocity and its derivative
(optical flow teaching signal)
Decorrelator with weight matrix
,equivalent to synapses of Purkinje cells
Ddecomposition to "parallel fibre signals"
Sdiagonal sensitivity matrix
brainstem B direct path

from Günthner, W. Glasauer, S. Wagner, P.
Ulbrich, H. Biologically inspired multi-sensor
fusion for adaptive camera stabilization in
driver-assistance systems, Advanced Microsystems
for Automotive Applications AMAA, Berlin, April
25-27, 2006 (in press)
Coping with difficulty 2 (main difficulty)implem
enting an adequate algorithm
central idea decorrelation of angular rates and
optical flow, decorrelator contains dynamic
state matrix w, dynamically influenced by optical
flow, angular velocity and its derivative
(optical flow teaching signal)
Decorrelator with weight matrix
,equivalent to synapses of Purkinje cells
Ddecomposition to "parallel fibre signals"
Sdiagonal sensitivity matrix
brainstem B direct path

from Günthner, W. Glasauer, S. Wagner, P.
Ulbrich, H. Biologically inspired multi-sensor
fusion for adaptive camera stabilization in
driver-assistance systems, Advanced Microsystems
for Automotive Applications AMAA, Berlin, April
25-27, 2006 (in press)
Possible variants of the basic systems (1)
central idea decorrelation of angular rates and
optical flow, decorrelator contains dynamic
state matrix w, dynamically influenced by optical
flow, angular velocity and its derivative
(optical flow teaching signal)
Decorrelator with weight matrix
,equivalent to synapses of Purkinje cells
Ddecomposition to "parallel fibre signals"
Sdiagonal sensitivity matrix
brainstem B direct path

from Günthner, W. Glasauer, S. Wagner, P.
Ulbrich, H. Biologically inspired multi-sensor
fusion for adaptive camera stabilization in
driver-assistance systems, Advanced Microsystems
for Automotive Applications AMAA, Berlin, April
25-27, 2006 (in press)
Possible variants of the basic systems (2)
central idea decorrelation of angular rates and
optical flow, decorrelator contains dynamic
state matrix w, dynamically influenced by optical
flow, angular velocity and its derivative
(optical flow teaching signal)
Decorrelator with weight matrix
,equivalent to synapses of Purkinje cells
Ddecomposition to "parallel fibre signals"
Sdiagonal sensitivity matrix
brainstem B direct path

from Günthner, W. Glasauer, S. Wagner, P.
Ulbrich, H. Biologically inspired multi-sensor
fusion for adaptive camera stabilization in
driver-assistance systems, Advanced Microsystems
for Automotive Applications AMAA, Berlin, April
25-27, 2006 (in press)
  • The human brain
  • The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
  • The VOR technical applications
  • Camera stabilizing system at TU Munich
  • A possible algorithm
  • Testing the camera stabilizing system
  • Another field of neuroscience and technical
    application face recognition
  • Conclusion and outlook

Other visual technical problems to be solved for
driver assistance
  • optical flow caused by camera rotation can
    successfully be removed by camera stabilization
    as just seen, but...
  • line of sight may have to be kept on the road
  • rapid changes of viewing direction ("saccades")
    have to be implemented
  • furthermore closer examination of certain
    objects (signs etc.) need visual tracking

Testing of the camera stabilization system under
laboratory conditions
  • testing in the laboratory by mounting the system
    on a hexapod
  • created sensed angular rates of 100/s
  • optical flow was reduced from 6 pix/frame to less
    than 1 pix/frame after 2-3 minutes of adaptation
  • the improvement within this time was also
    subjectively viewable

Testing of the camera stabilization system "on
the road" (1)
  • system mounted near the rear-view mirror
  • additional camera installed as well to detect
    points of interest for the camera with telephoto
  • system tested in association with saccade and
    visual tracking
  • vehicle velocity and yaw rate added to the system
    via CAN bus to improve tracking of space fixed

Testing of the camera stabilization system "on
the road" (2)
  • three modes were tested
  • lane marker was focused in a distance of 60m,
    followed up to a distance of 20m, then the next
    was focused on
  • lane separation was focused on in a constant
    distance of 40m
  • nothing was focused on but the camera was
    stabilized around a constant line of sight
  • in all modes bumps could be compensated

  • The human brain
  • The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
  • The VOR technical applications
  • Camera stabilizing system at TU Munich
  • A possible algorithm
  • Testing the camera stabilizing system
  • Another field of neuroscience and technical
    application face recognition
  • Conclusion and outlook

Learning from the human brain another example
  • a current example face recognition
  • excellent recognition abilities by humans under
    different circumstances, e.g.
  • illumination
  • viewing angle
  • pose
  • facial expression
  • ...
  • need for technical face recognition systems
    (e.g. war against terrorism)
  • consequently need to continue exploring the
    neuroscience of face recognition

Face recognition the problem with different
angles of view
  • How can we/a computer tell that each face
    belongs to the same person?

Face recognition adaption of weights and output
as weighted sum
testing step unfamiliar view of the face, but
nevertheless the highest output is produced for
"hidden units" one for each angle of view the
more similar the input is to the "prototype" face
of one unit, the more "active" the unit gets
learning step changing the weights within the
network so that the output is "1" for the viewed
from Vatentin, D. Abdi, H.. Edelman, B. What
represents a face A Computational Approach for
the Integration of Physiological and
Psychiological Data, 1997
  • The human brain
  • The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
  • The VOR technical applications
  • Camera stabilizing system at TU Munich
  • A possible algorithm
  • Testing the camera stabilizing system
  • Another field of neuroscience and technical
    application face recognition
  • Conclusion and outlook

Conclusion and outlook
  • technical use of neuroscience is the key to
  • giving machines several typical human abilities
  • optimizing service intervals and
  • minimizing complexity of installing systems by
    self-learning abilities
  • cost reduction
  • ...
  • consequently interesting to a large variety of
    technical fields

Thank you!
  • Thank you for your attention!
  • Fabian
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