More Sure Word Logo - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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More Sure Word Logo


Vision A Present Truth Ministry vowed to ... We believe in the restoration of the hand of God which represents the five fold full-body leadership ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: More Sure Word Logo

More Sure Word Logo
Ephesians 220-22
  • And are built upon the foundation of the
    Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being
    the chief cornerstone in whom all the building
    fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple
    in the Lord In whom ye also are builded together
    for an habitation of God through the Spirit.

Cap/Chief Cornerstone
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  • A Present Truth Ministry vowed to Mentoring
    and Developing the Saints, to reconcile the
    complete Body of Christ, and the World Globally.

Mission Statement
  • To Restore the Church back to its true Divine
    Order through Evangelism.
  • To Awaken, Father, and Send Forth the Sons of
    God through Evangelism and the Local Church.
  • To establish the Winning of Souls through
    Evangelism in order to perpetuate the discipling
  • To Disciple through Public Worship, Teaching and
    Training resulting in a personal and corporate
    relationship with God and others.

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New Members Course
Maturing Members
Regular Attendees
Apostolic Covering Certificate
Pastors Commitment
  • Knowing that God
    has spoken clearly in His Word concerning the
    character and
    responsibility of a Pastor I do solemnly commit
    myself to God and to the Apostle of
    this Ministry to do the following
  • I will seek to maintain a close, intimate walk
    with the Lord by regularly spending time alone
    with Him in His Word and in prayer.
  • I will be a diligent student of Gods Word.
  • I will endeavor to walk continually in the
  • I will pray regularly for those who serve with me
    as Leaders and Pastors. I will pray regularly
    for the Apostle of this ministry we serve, and
    for the Apostles staff.
  • I will pray regularly for the ministries of the
  • I will tithe 10 of my income or increase to be
  • Leaders and Members of our church will pay their
    appropriate Ingathering Fees as follows
    Ministers/70.00/ FirstPersons/50.00/
  • I will faithfully attend all Ingatherings unless
    I am hindered from doing so by a compelling
    reason such as illness or necessary travel. When
    unable to attend, I will notify the Chief Apostle
    in advance for the reason of my absence.
  • I will prepare for each Ingathering meeting by
    praying and submitting myself anew and afresh to
    the Holy Spirit.
  • By the power of the Holy Spirit, I will refrain
    from expressing negative attitudes through
    criticism and complaint. Instead, I will be
    positive and encouraging, endeavoring to maintain
    the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
  • I will maintain an open and teachable attitude.
  • Pastors Signature____________________________Date

New Members Course
  • The First Step is to familiarize you with the
    Vision of this Ministry. We have designed this
    New Members Course to introduce you to the
    Purpose and Vision. This is necessary so you can
    be fitly joined and knitted into the framework of
    our unique assignment to advance Gods Kingdom
    on earth.
  • Whether you are a newly born again believer or a
    seasoned Christian, we believe that it is
    important to acquaint you with this way of
    being and doing and representing our church
  • Inasmuch as there are no two churches that
    operate the same, it would be to your advantage
    to familiarize yourself with the procedures of
    this ministry.
  • Remember, there can be no perfect churches
    because there are no perfect people. So
    Unfavorable Situations will arise.
  • Unfavorable situations will arise. Do not become

  • Lesson One - Presents and Explains the Visions
    Foundational Scripture
  • II Peter 119 We have also a More Sure Word of
    prophecy whereunto ye do well that ye take heed,
    as unto a light that shineth in a dark place,
    until the day dawn, and the Day Star Arise in
    our Hearts.

  • Presents the Vision Statement
  • A Present Truth Ministry vowed to Mentoring and
    Developing the Saints, to Reconcile the Complete
    Body of Christ, and the World Globally.
  • Presents a General Overview of the Mission of
    More Sure Word

Lesson 2- More Sure Word Offers
  • Presents the Four Levels of Spiritual
    Development through the venue of the More Sure
    Word School of Development.
  • Presents the Vision Statement, Purpose
    Statement, Your First Steps.
  • Lesson 3 Church/Member Relationship
  • Presents teaching on the following attributes of
    the Churchs relationship to its Members and the
    Members relationship to the Church.
  • Things You Can Expect From Our Church
  • What the Church Owes Its Members
  • What the Church Expects From Its Members
  • More Sure Word Association Covenant

Lesson 4 What We Believe
  • Presents the Declarations of the Faith
  • Presents the Soul Winning Pledge
  • Each of the Four Lessons have Worksheets with
    Questions and Fill in the Blanks assigned to test
    the students understanding and progress in
    retaining the information that has been
  • Upon Completion and the Pastors recommendation,
    a Certificate of Completion will be presented in
    a public ceremony or as part of their local
    church service. As well, at the annual SOD
    Graduation another Certificate of Achievement
    will be presented to the member. Other
    Certificates and Licenses will be awarded
    acknowledging the New Members completion of the
    SOD Levels 1-3 at the annual Graduation.

Members Covenant
  • Having received Christ as my Lord and Savior and
    been baptized, and being in agreement with the
    More Sure Word church family, in doing so, I
    commit myself to God and to the other Members to
    do the following

1. I will protect the Unity of my Church
  • By acting in love toward other members
  • By refusing to gossip
  • By following the leaders
  • So let us concentrate on the things which make
    for harmony, and on the growth of our fellowship
    together (Romans1419)
  • Have a sincere love for other believers, love
    one another earnestly with all of your heart (I
    Peter 122)
  • Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your
    mouths, but only what is helpful for building
    others up according to their needs. (Ephesians
  • Obey your leaders and submit to their authority.
    They keep watch over you as men who must give an
    account. Obey them so that their work will be
    joy, not a burden, for that would be no advantage
    to you. (Hebrews 1317)

I will Share the Responsibility of My Church
  • By Praying for its growth
  • By inviting the unchurched to attend
  • By warmly welcoming those who visit
  • To the churchWe always thank God for you and
    pray constantly. (I Thessalonians 11-2)
  • Master said to the servant, Go out to the roads
    and country lanes, and urge the people there to
    come so my house will be full (Luke 1423)
  • So warmly welcome each other into the church,
    just as Christ has warmly welcomed you then God
    will be glorified. (Romans 157)

3. I will Serve the Ministry of My Church
  • By discovering my gifts and talents
  • By being equipped to serve by my Pastors
  • Be developing a servants heart
  • Serve one another with the particular gifts God
    has given each of you. (I Peter 410)
  • (God) gave Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists,
    Teachers and Pastors to prepare Gods people for
    works of service so that the body of Christ may
    be built up. (Ephesians 411-12)
  • Each of you should look not only to your own
    interests, but also to the interests of others.
    Your attitude should be the same as that of
    Christ Jesus Who (took on) the very nature of a
  • ( Phillippians 23-4 7)

4. I will Support the Testimony of My Church
  • By attending faithfully
  • By living a Godly life
  • By giving regularly
  • Let us not give up meeting togetherbut let us
    encourage one another. (Hebrews 1025)
  • Whatever happens, make sure that your everyday
    life is worthy of the gospel of Christ.
    (Phillippians 127)
  • Tithes
  • A tenth of (all your) produceis the Lords, and
    is holy.
  • (Leviticus 2730)
  • Offerings
  • Each one of you, on the first day of each week,
    should set aside a specific sum of money in
    proportion to what you have earned and use it for
    the offering (I Corinthians 162)

My Tithe and Offering
  • Schedule Tithes
  • Weekly ________
  • Bi-Monthly
  • Monthly
  • Other

Ingathering Assessments
  • 120.00 Priesthood 90.00 Levites 70.00
    Ordained Ministers
  • 50.00 First Persons/Ministers 25.00 MSW
  • ___________________________March______________
  • June_______________
  • September__________
  • December__________
  • _______________________________________________
  • More Sure Word Member
  • __________________________________________________
  • Pastor (local church)
  • __________________________________________________
  • Priesthood Date

Certificate of Achievement
  • Upon completion of the New Members Course and in
    accordance with the Local Pastors requirements,
    a Certificate of Achievement is presented. The
    new member is now eligible to begin Level One of
    SOD and continue to progress.

Sample Certificate of Achievement
Certificate of Achievement
This is to Certify That Margaret Jones Has
Earned This Certificate Of Achievement for
Completing More Sure Word Association New
Members Course Pastor Smith/ Tabernacle of
Faith December 12th, 2008
Seal of Approval
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School of Development
  • The following four levels of Spiritual
    Development are offered to all Members of More
    Sure Word through the School of Development which
    is established in every local church.
  • Level I Progress Covenant (12 weeks)
  • Level II Ministry Covenant (26 weeks)
  • Level III Full Body Ministry (10 weeks)
  • Level IV Priesthood Covenant
  • Our Educational Goals are Two-Fold
  • To facilitate the gaining of knowledge and
    retaining of information by completing the
    questions and answers for the teachers review.
  • To facilitate the gaining of intellectual and a
    working knowledge of the lessons that will result
    in inward and outward change.

School of Development
  • Progress Covenant Level One
  • Course consists of 3 Units of Study
  • Seeking the Kingdom, Building the Kingdom and
    Maintaining the Kingdom. ( 12 lessons)
  • Purpose (Shepherds Helper)
  • Orientation about More Sure Word Membership.
  • Teaches you what the Ministry expects from you
    and what you can expect from the Ministry.
  • Equips you with foundational teachings regarding
    Christian Character and Conduct as a MSW Church

School of Development Grading Scale
  • Suggested Grading Scale
  • In attempt to measure growth and progression
    based on the lesson materials provided, we have
    established suggested criteria to grade or
    evaluate the students development process.
  • Rather than grade on a scale of Right or
    Wrong answers, we will evaluate according to
    the following Character Disciplines and Conduct.
  • 1. Class Attendance 25
  • 2. Class Participation 25
  • 3. Completion of Homework 25
  • 4. Christlike Attitude Action 25

SOD Grading Scale continued
  • The Teacher should evaluate the Students
    progress by assigning a letter grade to the four
    categories for each lesson.
  • For Example Unit I Lesson I
  • 1. Class Attendance Did the student attend? If,
    Yes, they have earned 25 points.
  • 2. Class Participation Did the student
    participate by listening attentively, and giving
    input into the class discussion if given
    opportunity? If, Yes, then the student has
    earned 25 points.
  • 3. Homework Completion (after lesson one) Did
    the student complete their homework and return it
    to you at the appointed time? If, Yes, they have
    earned 25 points.
  • 4. Christlike Attitude Action Did the
    student speak and act in the nature of Christ
    during the class session? Some Guidelines

Guidelines for Christlike Attitudes and Action
  • Did the Student show
  • Respect for you as their teacher?
  • Respect for their fellow students?
  • Exercise good manners?
  • Could they give an example of acting upon a truth
    taught in their last lesson?
  • If so they have earned 25 points.
  • Add the number of points and grade accordingly
  • 100 points A Excellent
  • 75 points B Good
  • 50 points C Needs Improvement
  • 25 points D Not Acceptable

Progress Covenant Certificate
  • Upon completion of the 12 Lessons in the Course
    a Certificate of Completion will be awarded.
  • Upon completion of the 12 Lessons in the Course
    and upon the achievement of the Four
    Foundational Character Disciplines by practice
    as approved by the Pastor the student will
    receive a Certificate of Completion and a
    Progress Covenant License that identifies them
    as a Member who is actively engaging in the
    disciplines as taught throughout the course and
    as outlined on the license.
  • Those Students who receive only a Certificate
    of Completion but do not qualify for a Progress
    Covenant License may continue on into the next
    levels and receive the same certificate for each
    level of completed written work. They should not,
    however, be placed in any area of Ministry until
    they are actively practicing the license
    requirements of each course or level.

SOD - Level ICertificate of Class Completion
Mary Jones has successfully completed the Study
of SOD Level One Progress Covenant.
Pastor_________________ Date_________________
Progress Covenant License
Level II Ministry Covenant
  • Level II Ministry Covenant - (26 weeks)
  • Discover and Implement your Natural Talents and
    Abilities through the
  • "ESCAPE " teachings

  • E ducation

  • S piritual

  • C haracter

  • A bilities

  • P ersonality

  • E xperiences
  • ESCAPE should be part of your spiritual walk in
    life in order to be properly equipped to operate
    effectively in the gifts of the Spirit.
  • The Holy Spirit and His Gifts Teaching and
    Instruction regarding Tongues, Interpretation of
    Tongues and Prophecy Faith, Healing and
    Miracles Discerning of Spirits, Word of Wisdom,
    and Word of Knowledge.

SOD - Level IICertificate of Class Completion
Ministry Covenant Certificate
Ministry Covenant
Ministry Covenant License
Having Completed "Level II" of SOD, discovering
my unique ministry potential through ESCAPE,
experiencing the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and
learning about His nine special gifts, I am
committed to being a More Sure Word Minister by
and through the power of the Holy Spirit. I have
received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the
evidence of speaking in tongues and am now
operating and growing in His character and gifts.
I have studied the influences that effect my own
unique ministry through E DUCATION S
Level III - Full-Body Ministry and Deployment
  • Level III consists of (10) Lessons on discovering
    and developing the Ascension Gifts of the
    Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Evangelist and Pastor.
    Ordination takes place when you are recognized
    as operating in at least one of the Ascension
    Gifts. More Sure Word will help facilitate your
    placement into the Ministry of a local More Sure
    Word Church support ministry i.e. Singles,
    Married, Youth, Childrens Church, Street
    Ministry, Prison Ministry, etc. Deployment of
    your Full-Body Ascension giftings may include
    ministry in your Local Church or ministry as a
    Steward of a Cell Group or ministry as part of
    an Apostolic Team who establishes new churches.

SOD Level III Certificate of Class Completion
Full-Body Ministry Certificate

Full-Body Ministry License
  • Having Committed myself to Membership and the
    habits essential for spiritual maturity and
    agreeing with More Sure Word's Ministry Covenant
    I am ordained to
  • Escape and find my ministry which Is unique
  • Serve in the areas that best expresses what God
    made me to be
  • Demonstrate a servants heart by serving in
    secondary ministries
  • as the Body needs me.
  • Cooperate with other ministries and place the
    greater good of the
  • whole body over the needs of my ministry.

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Priesthood Qualifications
  • We are called to establish Gods Divine Order for
    his church. We believe in the restoration of the
    hand of God which represents the five fold
    full-body leadership team that God ordained to
    lead the church.
  • In keeping with the vision of MSW, order is the
    first order of business, which must be
    exemplified through the leaders of this ministry.

Priesthood Qualifications Continued
  • Must be an active and faithful member of the MSW
  • Must have successfully completed and be
    demonstrating all phases of ASOP, SOD, and New
    Members Classes.
  • Must be faithful and dedicated.
  • Must be above reproach.
  • Must exhibit a humble, submissive and teachable
    spirit and attitude.
  • Must be willing to wholeheartedly dedicate the
    physical and mental energies required for the up
    building of the kingdom.
  • Must be knowledgeable of ministerial operations
    in all areas and exhibit proficiency in such

Priesthood Qualities
  • The MSW Priesthood consists of members who have
    met and consistently exemplify the following
  • Must be a person of integrity.
  • Must maintain a credible reputation.
  • Must exhibit a spirit of meekness and humbleness
  • Must be supportive of the MSW Vision and
  • Must exhibit the ability to positively influence.
  • Must exhibit the ability to respect others.
  • Must have the ability to empower others.

Priesthood Qualities Continued
  • Must understand and exhibit appropriate timing.
  • Must understand, and operate in the principle of
  • Must understand, exhibit and respect authority
    and power.
  • Must have the ability to draw and effect change
    in the lives of others.
  • Must exhibit the ability to prioritize.

MSW Priest Exemplify Faithfulness
  • Priests are required to attend all corporate
    functions and events as outlined in corporate
  • Priests are required to attend and support any
    meetings, services conducted by the Chief Apostle
    within a 75 mile radius of where they reside.
  • In cases where a meeting is out of their radius
    but within the radius of their Jurisdiction, the
    Priest is required to notify the Leader for their
    attendance to the meeting.

Priest Exemplify Support
  • Priest must be a faithful and consistent tithe
    payer. Under No circumstances may a member of
    the Priesthood neglect to tithe.
  • All Priest tithe to the Chief Apostle.
  • Priest must be consistent and faithful in their
    financial obligations to the MSW ministry, for
    examples all assessments must be paid faithfully
    and on time.
  • Priests must assure that Jurisdiction Leaders of
    their jurisdiction are faithful in their support
    to the ministry. For those who are not in
    compliance the Priest must intervene to assure
    the ministry is in compliance with all financial
    obligations within the ministry.

Priests Exemplify Sacrifice
  • Must be willing to devote time, and energy for
    the up building of the kingdom.
  • Must spend a significant amount of time in prayer
    and supplication.
  • Significant time, is not time which is easy , if
    it is easy to attain, it is not significant. It
    is time which you must make a sacrifice to
  • Sacrifice of personal desires for the advancement
    of the kingdom.
  • Must actively participate in all assignments
    without being constantly reminded.
  • Must without verbal expressions exemplify
    sacrifice and submission. Your expressions and
    demeanor must send a message of humility and
    strength simultaneously.

Priests Exemplify Kingdom Mentality
  • Priests exemplify a sincere willingness to
    advance the kingdom, through study, research,
    prayer and supplication, for the continued
    impartation of the mysteries of God from those
    who the Lord is revealing and conveying them
  • Priests will commit to prayer and seeking the
    face of God for the up building of the Kingdom of
  • Priest will commit to regular and consistent
    prayer for the needs of the ministry and the
  • Priest will further the Kingdom, by studying,
    unveiling and conveying the hidden mysteries of

Priests Exemplify Submission
  • Priest will in a timely manner complete all
    assignments given to them within the designated
    time frame, with a spirit of Excellency.
  • Priest will work toward one Vision, and that is
    the Vision of the MSW Chief Apostle.
  • Priest will incorporate the corporate vision into
    the local churches and jurisdictions.
  • At no time will the Priest, change or alter any
    areas of the corporate mission, rules, policies
    or procedures.

Priests Exemplify Submission
  • Priest will at all times exemplify respect in
    order of hierarchy, without regret and
    exhibitions of disorder.
  • Priest will always follow the chain of command.
  • Priest will role model respect at all times.
  • Priest will exhibit the ability to conceal a
    matter until. And if there be a appropriate time
    to discuss the matter.

Priest Exemplify Dedication
  • Priest will go beyond the call of duty to advance
    the kingdom.
  • Priest will go beyond expectations to complete
    tasks and assignments.
  • Priest shall support the Chief Apostle with an
    unwavering level of dedication.

Priest Exemplify Dedication
  • Priest will be totally dedicated to completing
    the assignments and tasks as assigned.
  • Priest will seek for ways to improve and enhance
    the ministry.
  • Priest will train and develop those in his/her
    state, jurisdiction, district, and churches to
    portray a high level of dedication to the MSW

Priest Exemplify Humility
  • Priest will exhibit a spirit of humility and
    meekness at all times.
  • Priest will not become high minded or display
    haughty attitudes at any time.
  • Priests will seek for ways to enhance the
    ministry through the teaching/preaching of the
    word of God, with a sense of humility.

Priest Exemplify Humility
  • Priest will train those who are within their
    Jurisdictions to operate with a sense of
  • Priest will always esteem his/her leaders highly.
  • Priests will not engage in nor participate in any
    negative conversations regarding any leader in
    the ministry or the body of Christ.
  • A priest will only speak edifying words about
    their constituents and leaders.

Priest Exemplify Support
  • Priest will support and protect the Chief Apostle
    at all times.
  • Priest will whole heartedly work along with the
    Apostle or his designee to accomplish with a
    spirit of Excellency any task assigned to
  • Priest will not exhibit disparity when it comes
    to working to building the kingdom of God. The
    Priest will work untiringly to accomplish this

Priest Exemplify Support
  • The Priest will bear his/her share of the weight
    of the ministry, and at no time shall the Priest
    be out of his/her place or position and cause a
  • The Priest shall at no time negate or neglect
    his/her duties or responsibilities.
  • Must have successfully completed all 3 phases of
    Spiritual Development as outlined in the MSW
    Association Hand-book. Must participate in
    successfully complete implement all ASOP

Priesthood Certificate
  • Casting the Net

Jurisdictional Leaders
  • Report to Priest (assigned to state)
  • If temporary assignment, then the National
    Director, or his designee would be the direct
  • Will be appointed by the National Director,
    and/or Priesthood, or his designee.

District Governors
  • Reports to Jurisdictional Leader
  • Assists with the ministerial functions within
    their district.
  • Must be actively participating in district and
    corporate functions.
  • Must adhere to all corporate procedures.
  • Must be faithful and committed to the MSW
    Association vision.
  • Must have completed New Members Classes, S.O.D.
    and participating in ASOP.

District Governors
  • Must live a life indicative of the leadership
  • Must be above reproach.
  • Must exhibit a humble and teachable spirit.
  • Must be willing to dedicate physical and mental
    energies for the up building of the kingdom
  • Must be knowledgeable of ministerial operations
    in all areas of ministry.
  • Must participate in and successfully complete all
    classes and sessions offered through the school
    of development.
  • Must exhibit a willingness to learn and be able
    to convey that message to those within your
    assigned district.

Casting the Net
  • Community Efforts
  • Back to school Galas. Provide inexpensive
    school supplies for disadvantaged children in low
    socio-economic neighborhoods.
  • Adopt a school in your neighborhood or community.
    Where volunteers can serve as mentors and role
  • Plan community clean up projects for disabled and
    elderly adults.
  • Register your church with the local agency as a
    site for community or court ordered hours.

Casting the Net Continues
  • Register with the Chaplain at the local jail,
    provide inexpensive paperback books and Bibles.
  • Provide Support Groups at the local housing
    projects, where self-empowerment and life skills
    can be taught.
  • Become a GED site
  • Offer Tutoring Classes after school

Casting the Net Continues
  • Sponsor Basketball and Football teams within your
    community and church.
  • Develop a youth Rap Team
  • Develop a youth Step Team
  • Host Friday Night Live at your church and offer a
    Godly alternative to teen clubs and parties.
  • Provide support groups for all ages and genders
    in your church.

Casting the Net Continues
  • Offer functions that encourage participation and
    skills development for the youth and adults.
  • Network with local agencies to become a site for
  • Select areas which are impoverished and assign
    groups to teach Empowerment Workshops.
  • Network with agencies which teach Money
    Management Classes Resume Building Classes.

Drawing the Net
  • Following up with Visitors who have visited your
  • Within one hour of visiting, the visitor should
    receive a phone call from the designated person,
    thanking them for coming, and ascertaining if
    there are any specific needs.
  • A follow up letter mailed on the next day, again
    thanking them for attending. Providing some
    basic information about the ministry, and
    inviting them to come again.
  • Monthly follow-up can be maintained if there is
    an indication that the person is interested in
    the ministry.
  • A tracking system to assure contact is
    maintained, is recommended.

Drawing the Net Continued
  • Membership Retention and Development
  • Develop retention committee, whose sole purpose
    is to provide supports and redirection for
    members who are lacking in there attendance and
    participation to the ministry.
  • Phone calls and follow up letter must be done
    with members who are absent for more than 2
    services, without a valid reason.
  • When a person has missed 2 services, a phone
    call is made.
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