Christian Integrity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Christian Integrity


Christian Integrity Your Logo Here ... Leadership before God is based on the Godly desires of the inner life and not on external qualities (1 Sa 16.7) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Christian Integrity

Christian Integrity
Your Logo Here
(20) Christian Integrity
  • Integrity of heart
  • We need to be committed to character more than
    accomplishments in ministry
  • Accept trials as method that God uses to build
    character in us
  • Be convinced that Integrity is a matter of the
    inner life and not just how we behave on the

(19) Christian Integrity
  • Warren Wiersbe Apart from Character, Christian
    ministry is only religious activity or even
    worse, religious business
  • We are either bridges or hindrances for the
    gospel. There is no third possibility
  • Leadership, integrity, evangelism are strongly
    inter linked
  • The dictionary meaning of integrity is
    completeness or wholeness

(18) Christian Integrity
  • A genuine leader is a person of integrity of
    heart (Psa 78.72) And David shepherded them with
    integrity of heart with skilful hands he led them
  • How does God build His leader? By desiring that
    His children should move to completeness (Eph 4.
    12-13) To prepare Gods people for works of
    service, so that the body of Christ may be built
    up, until we all reach unity in the faith and in
    the knowledge of the Son of God and become
    mature attaining to the whole measure of fullness
    of Christ

(17) Christian Integrity
  • The challenge of personal maturity with God
  • (Robert Clinton) When Christ calls leaders to
    Christian Ministry, He intends to develop them to
    their full potential, Each of us in leadership is
    responsible to continue developing in accordance
    with Gods processing all the time
  • God processes a leader in order to bring forth
    completeness through the method of trials or
    integrity checks

(16) Christian Integrity
  • Attitude to meet a crisis
  • (Andrew Murray) He brought me here, Its by His
    will I am in this difficult place. In that place
    I will rest. He will keep me here in His love and
    give me grace to behave as His child. Then He
    will make the trial a blessing, teaching me the
    lessons He intends me to learn. In His good time
    He will bring me out again how and when He
    knows. So let me say, I am here by Gods
    appointment, in His keeping, under His training,
    for His time

(15) Christian Integrity
  • (Robert Clinton) Integrity checks are Gods vital
    processing items in a leaders development and
  • Checks are allowed by God in to our lives to
    mature us and not to destroy us
  • Abraham passing an integrity check (Gen 22. 1-2)
    Some time later, God tested Abraham, He said to
    him, Abraham! Here I am he replied. Then God
    said, take your son, your only son Isaac, whom
    you love and go to the mountain of Moriah.
    Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering

(14) Christian Integrity
  • The Israelites falling integrity check the
    spiritual stagnation fall out (Ex 17. 1-2) The
    whole Israelite community set out from desert of
    Sin, traveling from place to place as the Lord
    commanded. They camped at Rephidim but there was
    no water for the people to drink. So they
    quarreled with Moses and said, Give us water to
    drink Moses replied, why do you quarrel with
    me? Why do you put the Lord to test?

(13) Christian Integrity
  • (1 Cor 10.9) We should not test the Lord, as
    some of them did and were killed by snakes
  • Ministry effectiveness An effective ministry
    flows out of Character (being right with God) and
    not out of external activity alone
  • Why is heart integrity so vital? Leadership
    before God is based on the Godly desires of the
    inner life and not on external qualities (1 Sa
    16.7) The Lord said unto Samuel, Do not consider
    his appearance of his height, for I have rejected
    him. The Lord does not look at the things man
    looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance,
    but the Lord looks at the heart

(12) Christian Integrity
  • God is searching our thoughts and motives ( Chr
    28.9) And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the
    God of your father, and serve him with
    wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind,
    for the Lord searches every heart and understands
    every motive behind the thoughts. If you seem
    him, he will be found by you but if you forsake
    him, he will reject you forever

(11) Christian Integrity
  • Are you involved in Christian activity or you
    involved in ministry?
  • Are you focusing on maturity with God? Are you
    conscious that God is watching you inner life and
    are you surrendering to him at that level?
  • Integrity of the heart
  • Realize the dangers of the ego trap
  • Find way to victory over the ego trap
  • Experience the joy of living for others

(10) Christian Integrity
  • The ego trap has destroyed individuals, families,
    organizations and Churches
  • The self or the ego has a powerful control over
    our personality
  • If the ego is not being dealt with then there can
    be no discipleship
  • We make our choices to let our ego to take the
    better of us and we are not victims of our ego

(9) Christian Integrity
  • Every relationship stimulus is an integrity check
    (1 Pet 3.9) Do not repay evil with evil or insult
    with insult but with blessing because to this you
    are called so that you may inherit a blessing
  • Application of values gives rise to good behavior
    (Mat 7.24) Therefore every one, who hears these
    words of mine and puts them in practice is like a
    wise man who built his house on the rock
  • (Psa 119. 105) Your word is a lamp un to my feet
    and a light for my path

(8) Christian Integrity
  • The only solution to deal with the ego (Gal 2.20)
    I have been crucified with Christ. And I no
    longer live, but Christ lives in me, the life I
    live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of
    God, who loved me and gave Himself for me
  • (John 12.24) I tell you the truth, unless a
    kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it
    produces many seeds
  • (Luke 9.23) He said to them all, if any one
    would come after me, he must deny himself and
    take up his cross daily and follow me

(7) Christian Integrity
  • The crucifying of the ego is an ongoing
  • The ego has a property to resurrect
  • A leader intending to mature before god rejects
    ruthlessly the desire to want any form of
    recognition for himself or for his ministry but
    is focused on fulfilling Gods purposes for
    himself and for the ministry that is entrusted to

(6) Christian Integrity
  • Examples from our daily lives of how the or
    ego demands recognition and how the I reacts
    when not recognized
  • (2 Cor 4.10,11) We always carry around our body
    the death of Jesus, so that life of Jesus may
    also be revealed in our body. For we who are
    alive are always being given over to death for
    Jesus sake, so that his life may be revealed in
    our mortal body

(5) Christian Integrity
  • Only when I have learnt to correctly handle the
    I will I have a genuine concern for others
  • Are you willing to look at each ego trap as an
    integrity check?
  • Are you prepared to take the ego to the cross
    every time the ego wants imporantance?

(4) Christian Integrity
  • Integrity of the heart choice
  • Recognize the subtle but vicious trap of
  • Make the right choices in your life
  • Choices that we make in life indicate the intent
    of the heart
  • Looking after ourselves could be the secret
    agenda of the heart whereas outwardly we may be
    claiming to be involved in Christian Ministry and
    the Lord is not impressed

(3) Christian Integrity
  • We have to give account to God for the intent of
    the heart (Heb 4.12, 13) For the word of god is
    living and active, sharper than ay double edged
    sword it penetrates even to diving soul and
    spirit, joints and marrow it judges the thoughts
    and attitudes of the heart.
  • Nothing in all creation is hidden from Gods
    sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare
    before the eyes of him to whom we must give

(2) Christian Integrity
  • Choices in the life of the leader must emerge out
    of a desire to fulfill Gods purposes and not out
    of a desire to satisfy personal need or personal
  • What was the temptation that the Lord faced in
    Mat 4. 1-4)
  • It was the trap to live for Bread and not for the
  • There are two options that will confront us in
    all the choices that we make in life

(1) Christian Integrity
  • Bread Option
  • Word Option
  • A leader desiring to mature before God will
    deliberately choose the Word option
  • The Lord is concerned about our bread needs but
    He expects us to be concerned to seek first the
    kingdom of God (Mat 6.32, 33) For the pagans run
    after all these things, and your heavenly father
    knows that you need them, But seek first his
    kingdom and his righteousness, and all these
    things will be given to you as well

(0) Christian Integrity
  • A leader who consistently makes bread choices
    will soon reach a stage when bread will make
    choices for him
  • Are you willing to check your motives for the
    choices that you make in life?
  • Will you now make choices for the Word and not
    for the bread?
  • Integrity in the area of sexual relationships.
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