Tracing the Origins of Weak Learning of Spatial Measurement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tracing the Origins of Weak Learning of Spatial Measurement


Tracing the Origins of Weak Learning of Spatial Measurement Jack Smith & STEM Team* Leslie Dietiker, Gulcin Tan (METU), KoSze Lee, Hanna Figueras, Aaron Mosier ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tracing the Origins of Weak Learning of Spatial Measurement

Tracing the Origins of Weak Learning of Spatial
  • Jack Smith STEM Team
  • Leslie Dietiker, Gulcin Tan (METU), KoSze Lee,
    Hanna Figueras, Aaron Mosier, Lorraine Males, Leo
    Chang, Matt Pahl
  • Strengthening Tomorrows Education in
  • (NSF, REESE Program, 2 years NSF via CSMC)
  • MSU Mathematics Education Colloquium, 9-19-07

Presentation Overview(major chunks)
  • The Problem What is it and why address it?
  • Project Design STEM structure logic
  • Results 1 Our Curriculum Coding Scheme (in
  • Results 2 Tough calls in deciding what is
    measurement content
  • Wrap-Up and look ahead

The Problem (briefly)
  • Students dont seem to understand spatial
    measurement very well (length, area, volume)
  • Highly practiced, routine problems OK
  • Any sort of non-routine or multi-step problem not
  • Poor written explanations
  • Not a problem of understanding the quantities and
    intuitively how to measure them (e.g., covering a
  • Students confuse measures, in 2-D and 3-D
  • Length is poorly related to area and volume

NAEP Evidence(2003 Mathematics Assessment)
  • Only about half of 8th graders solved the
    broken ruler problem correctly (L)
  • Less than half of 4th graders measured a segment
    with a metric ruler correctly (L)
  • Only 2 of 8th graders found a figures area on a
    geoboard and constructed another figure with the
    same area (A)
  • Only 39 of 8th graders found the length of a
    rectangle, given its perimeter and width (L)
  • Gap between poor minority students and majority
    students is greatest for measurement (4th 8th)

Evidence from TIMSS
  • Overall (and consistently) our 4th graders
    perform pretty well and our 8th graders lag
  • The 8th grade lag was greatest for geometry and
  • Textbook analysis also showed U.S. texts included
    less geometry measurement content in grades 5
    to 8
  • Lag is not made up in 12th grade

Evidence from Empirical Research
  • Common finding Confusion of area and perimeter
    for simple 2-D figures (Woodward Byrd, 1983
    Chappelle Thompson, 1999)
  • Poor grasp of the relationship between length
    units and area units (e.g., inches and square
    inches) (Nunes, Light, Mason, 1993 Kordaki
    Portani, 1996)
  • Weak understanding of how length is related to
    area volume in computational formulas
    (Battista, 2004)
  • Not all elementary students see rows and
    columns in a rectangular arrays (Battista 1998
    Battista, et al. , 1998)

But There is a Positive Side
  • Young children (e.g., 2nd grade) can learn to do
    and understand spatial measurement (Lehrer
    Schaubles work at U. Wisconsin)
  • Carefully designed tasks
  • Expert guidance from thoughtful researchers
  • Teachers who understand question children
  • Similar results for length from Stephan Cobb
    (1st grade, 2005?)
  • Common element Problematize unit build a
    kids theory of measurement
  • Issue What to do with these existence proofs?

Sharpening the Problem
  • What explains the problem of learning teaching
    spatial measurement (length, area, volume) in
    ordinary American classrooms?
  • Why is performance/understanding so low even with
    students extensive experience space and informal
    measurement outside of school?
  • Lots of evidence OF the problem but no
    explanation of its nature genesis
  • Quandary for educators What do we work on to
  • Curriculum
  • Pre-service teacher education
  • Professional development

Six Possible Factors
  1. Weaknesses in written curricula
  2. Too little instructional time on measurement
  3. The dominance of static representations of
    spatial quantities (esp. for area volume)
  4. Problems specific to talk about spatial
    quantities in classrooms (common everyday
    vocabulary, speakers talking past one another)
  5. Instructional assessment focus on numerical
    computation numbers lose meaning as measures
  6. Weaknesses in teachers knowledge

Other Factors?
Commentary on the Factors
  • These factors constitute a space of solutions
  • Cartesian analogy Solution is a region in
    6-space, with a range of values on each dimension
  • But the dimensions are not independent there
    are many relations of influence
  • Our approach (analogy to statistical models)
  • Look for main effects
  • Expect large (massive?) interactions
  • We start with Factor 1 (written curricula)
    because curricula are fundamental

End of Part I
STEM Project Overview
  • Goals Assess impact of Factor 1 (quality of
    written curricula) carefully and Factors 4 5
  • Focus exclusively on length, area, volume,
    grades K8
  • Develop an objective standard for evaluating
    the measurement content of select written
  • How much of the problem can be attributed to the
    content of written curricula?
  • Prepare for next steps (pursue a program of
    research on this problem)

STEM Project Sequence
  • 1. Pick a small number of representative
    elementary and middle school mathematics
  • 2. Locate the measurement content of these
  • 3. Develop an appropriate framework for
    evaluating the that content
  • Mathematically accurate and deep
  • Informed by existing research
  • 4. Complete the evaluation
  • 5. Report the evaluation, to the community the
  • 6. Examine some classroom enactments of
    specific measurement topics

Step 1 Choose the Curricula
  • Elementary (K6)
  • Everyday Mathematics
  • Scott Foresman-Addison Wesleys Mathematics
  • Saxon Mathematics
  • Middle School (68)
  • Connected Mathematics Project
  • Glencoes Mathematics Concepts Applications
  • Saxon Mathematics
  • Criteria for choice
  • Market-share
  • Standards-based vs. publisher developed
  • Saxon is different from both
  • Representativeness argument

Step 2 Find the Measurement Content
  • Should be easy, right? Just look for the
  • In fact, has not been so easy
  • We include measurement content, but also other
    content that looks like measurement to us
  • Units of text units, lessons, problems
  • We include measurement lessons problems (in
    non-measurement lessons)
  • Our criterion Does this content very likely
    require reasoning with/about measures of length,
    area, or volume? If so, it is in

Step 3 Develop the Framework (henceforth,
Curriculum Coding Scheme CCS)
  • Quality of the analysis depends directly on the
    validity applicability of the CCS
  • Core STEM question Do students have sufficient
    opportunity to learn the mathematics of spatial
  • Validity of the CCS depends on
  • Mathematical completeness depth
  • Learning from the empirical research literature
  • Review by experts
  • Applicability of the CCS depends on
  • Match to textual types in written curricula
  • Appropriate grain-size of measurement knowledge

Step 4 Code the Curricula(i.e., the spatial
measurement content)
  • Our current state
  • Step 2 90 complete, some thorny issues in
    middle school
  • Step 3 Detailed CCS for length, 80 complete
  • Have test-driven versions of the CCS
  • This semester Code the elementary length content
  • Some content explicitly involves multiple
  • Still need to decide which of length area and
    length volume will included in the length
  • Shape of the analysis (some options)
  • Results for length, for area, and for volume OR
  • Length, area, length area, volume, length
    volume, surface area volume

Step 5 Explore Some Classroom Enactments
  • Some enactments Limited time resources
  • Want to extend the use of the CCS to classroom
  • Same question Do students in this classroom have
    sufficient opportunity to learn this measurement
  • Our target lesson segments
  • Introduction to length
  • Complex lengths
  • Introduction to area
  • Area perimeter
  • Surface area volume
  • Videotape analyze lessons Not an evaluation of
  • Focus How do teachers who are using their
    curricula seriously transform it in their
    teaching? What effect on OTL?

End of Part II
Overview of Development Process(Curriculum
Coding Scheme CCS)
  • Initial focus was on conceptual knowledge,
    because research suggested doing without
  • Identified elements of knowledge that holds for
    quantities in general (e.g., transitivity) before
    those that hold for spatial quantities
  • Realization 1 Cant just analyze the
    measurement knowledge Need analysis of textual
    forms (e.g., statements vs. questions vs.
  • Realization 2 Cant focus solely on conceptual
  • Realization 3 Need to attend to curricular
    voice, who speaks to students (teacher vs. text)

Curriculum Coding Scheme

3 feet 1 yard
What happens to the measure when the unit is changed?
By teacher
By others
Worked Examples
Convert 9 ft. to yds.
One unit of length is equivalent to some number of a different unit of length.
multiply the given length by a ratio of the two length units.
Table of numerical conversion ratios.
Overview Curriculum Coding Scheme
Textual Elements Conceptual Knowledge (40 elements) Procedural Knowledge (25 elements) Conventional Knowledge (9 elements)
Statements ? ? ?
Questions ? ? ?
Demonstrations ? ? ?
Worked Examples ? ? Ø
Problems ? ? ?
Games ? ? Ø
Focus on Length First in CCS
  • Length is fundamental spatially
  • Length gets lots of curricular attention (e.g.,
    measured in sheer number of pages problems)
  • Introduced early in elementary grades, still part
    of the middle school curriculum

Common Length Topics(by grade band)
Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8
Estimate Measure objects non-stan. units Measure with rulers Perimeter formulas
Estimate Measure objects standard units English metric systems unit conversions Scaling similarity
Draw segments of given length Find perimeters of polygons Pythagorean Theorem
Find perimeters of polygons Estimate lengths Slope

Conceptual Knowledge(length)
  • General truths about length the measurement of
  • Some examples of deep conceptual knowledge
  • Transitivity The comparison of lengths is
    transitive. If length A gt length B, length B gt
    length C, then length A gt length C.
  • Unit-measure compensation Larger units of
    length produce smaller measures of length.
  • Additive composition The sum of two lengths is
    another length.
  • Multiplicative composition The product of a
    length with any other quantity is not a length.

More Conceptual Knowledge Examples(length)
  • Midpoint Definition The midpoint of a segment is
    the point that divides the segment into two equal
  • Pythagorean Theorem In right triangles, the
    area of the square on the hypotenuse is equal to
    the sum of the areas of the squares on other two
  • Circumference to radius The circumference of
    any circle is proportional to the length of the
    radius (or diameter).

Procedural Knowledge(length)
  • General processes for determining measures
  • Broad interpretation of process
  • Visual, e.g., comparison, estimation
  • Physical, e.g., using a ruler
  • Numerical, e.g., computations with measures
  • Visual as well as physical numerical processes
  • Generally, elements of PK are not procedural
    images of CK
  • Two instances were the match is close
  • Perimeter Meaning/definition (CK) How to
    compute (PK)
  • Pythagorean Theorem The relationship (CK) How
    to compute missing sides (PK)

Some Procedural Knowledge Examples(length)
  • Visual Estimation Use imagined unit of length,
    standard or non-standard, to estimate the length
    of a segment, object, or distance.
  • Draw Segment of X units with Ruler Draw a line
    segment from zero to X on the ruler.
  • Unit Conversion To convert a length measure from
    one unit to another, multiply the given length by
    a ratio of the two length units.

Conventional Knowledge(length)
  • Cultural conventions of representing measures
    devoid of conceptual content
  • Notations, features of tools (e.g., marks on
    rulers), numerical ratios in English system

End of Part III
Back to Step 2 Is it Measurement?
  • Recall criterion very likely involves
    measurement reasoning
  • Process Team discussion toward consensus time
  • Face validity of the process We have excluded
    nothing that curriculum authors present as
  • Four coding categories
  • very likely measurement reasoning required
  • ?? measurement reasoning possible
  • P pre-measurement
  • No code
  • Only content will be analyzed
  • Want to show/discuss some surprising results
    problematic choices

Interesting Result Fractions via Partitioned
  • Many ways to introduce fractions Positions on
    the number line, parts of sets, parts of 2-D
  • The last may be the most common
  • Construct an equal partition of a shape (a
  • Quantify a subset of the resulting parts
  • Initial view Fractions is a number/operations
  • But when criterion is applied, we include some
    partitioning and some fraction problems b/c they
    entail measurement reasoning (i.e., visual
    comparison of areas)
  • Consider two examples

Problematic Topic Ratios of Lengths
  • Ratio and related topics are important
    measurement content in middle school
  • Lengths can be arguments in ratios numbers
    (quantities) to be related/compared
  • Lengths can also be found by reasoning with
    ratios (similarity, trig)
  • Our struggle In a variety of ratio contexts,
    when is measurement reasoning very likely?
  • Consider two examples

Sum Up Is it Measurement?
  • Much of the K8 spatial measurement content is
    unproblematic to identify include
  • But some has not been Surprises problems
  • Must get this step right consequences of
    mistakes at this step are large and negative
  • If not coded as measurement, will not be analyzed

  • We hope that we have convinced you of the
    importance of the problem
  • In search of an explanation, we must explore a
    complex space (main effects interactions)
  • We hope to be back next year with real results
  • But we have miles to go before we rest
  • Thank you!
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