Title: Computational Modelling of Materials
1Computational Modelling of Materials
Recent Advances in Contemporary Atomistic
Or Understanding the physical and chemical
properties of materials from an understanding of
the underlying atomic processes
Atomistic/ Lectures Introduction to computational
modelling and statistics 1 Potential
models 2 Density Functional (quantum) 1
3 Density Functional 2 4
The increased power of computers have allowed a
rapid advance in the use of simulation techniques
for modelling the properties of materials.
Why do it?
- Interpret of experiment
- Extrapolate experimental data
- Empirical Search
- Prediction of New Effects
But how?
The answer depends on the length and time-scale
3Atomistic Simulation Choices
- Which Technique?
- Energy Minimisation
- Molecular Dynamics
- Monte Carlo
- Genetic Algorithms
- How do you calculate the forces?
- Interatomic Potentials
- Quantum Mechanics
- What Conditions?
- Select Ensemble
- Select Periodic Boundary Conditions
4Simulation of Forces
All the atomistic simulation techniques require
that the total interaction energy is evaluated
and are more efficient if the forces between
every atom is evaluated.
- Interatomic Potentials (Force fields)
- Parameterised equations describing forces -
fast - Empirical Derivation
- Non-empirical Derivation
- Quantum Mechanics
- direct solution of the Schrodinger Equation
slowreliable? - Semi-empirical
- Density functional approach
- Molecular Orbital approach
5Simulation Techniques
- Energy Minimisation
- Calculate Lowest Energy Structure
- Gives structural, mechanical and dielectric
properties - Molecular Dynamics
- Calculates the effect of Temperature
- Gives dynamics e.g. diffusivity
- Monte Carlo
- Calculates a range of structures
- Gives the thermally averaged properties
- Genetic Algorithms
- Calculates a range of structures
- Efficient search for global minimum
6Atomistic simulation - Dynamics Summary
- Molecular Dynamics can provide reliable models
- Effect of Temperature
- Time evolution of system
- Highly suited to liquids and molecular systems
- Calculate dynamical properties, e.g. diffusivity
- Reliable potential models
- Molecular Dynamics
- Robust and reliable for solids and their surfaces
- Takes a long time to search configurational space
- Does not easily allow atoms to pass over large
energy barriers - Can use constrained methods but usually need to
know where the atom/molecule needs to go.
Monte Carlo Genetic Algorithms
7Monte Carlo
- In the widest sense of the term, Monte Carlo (MC)
simulations mean any simulation (not even
necessarily a computer simulation) which utilizes
random numbers in the simulation algorithm. - The term Monte Carlo comes from the famous
casinos in Monte Carlo. - Another closely related term is stochastic
simulations, which means the same thing as Monte
Carlo simulations.
8Monte Carlo
- Metropolis MC
- A simulation algorithm, central to which is the
formula which determines whether a process should
happen or not. Originally used for simulating
atom systems in an NVT thermodynamic ensemble,
but nowadays generalized to many other problems. - Simulated annealing
- The Metropolis MC idea generalized to
optimization, i.e. finding minima or maxima in a
system. This can be used in a very wide range of
problems, many of which have nothing to do with
materials. - Thermodynamic MC
- MC when used to determine thermodynamic
properties, usually of atomic systems.
9Monte Carlo
- Kinetic MC, KMC
- MC used to simulate activated processes, i.e.
processes which occur with an exponential
probability - e-Ea/kT
- Quantum Monte Carlo, QMC
- A sophisticated electronic structure calculation
method. - Diffusional Monte Carlo (stochastic projector
technique, which solves the imaginary
time-dependent Schroedinger equation). In theory
DMC is exact!
10Metropolis Monte Carlo
- The approach is to calculate energy Ei then
- randomly move an atom or molecule to give a new
energy, Ej - Then decide whether to accept or reject move
- Can easily extract Thermodynamic properties
- within NVT -Canonical Ensemble
Local Minima
- Metropolis Monte Carlo
- If the new energy is lower (i.e. a more stable
structure) then accept the move - If the new energy is higher (less stable) then
- generate a random number between 0 and 1
- calculate Pij exp(-(Ej -Ei)/kT)
- only accept the move if, Pij is higher than the
random number. - This enables the system to focus on the important
Global Minimum
12Example of Use TiO2
- Particularly powerful when used with energy
minimisation - Prediction of crystal structure without prior
knowledge of atom positions - Freeman etal J.Materials Chem, 1993, 3, 531
- used Monte Carlo to select a number of likely
structures - followed by energy minimisation of each candidate
to locate the precise atom positions - Successfully found all the phases of TiO2
13Example of Use Template Design
Lewis, et al, Nature , 382, 604.
14Predicted New Template for Levyne
- ZEBEDDE suggests 1,2-dimethylcyclohexane as a
template for LEV - Using 2-methylcyclohexylamine, a LEV structured
CoAlPO (DAF-4) is formed - Barratt et al, Chem Commun,1996, 2001
15Computer Designed Template
- Bi-cyclohexane motif
- Amine derivative
- 4-piperidino piperidine
Co-AlPO4 Preparations
- 170oC, 4hours
- Chabazitic structure
- NO competing phase
16Problems with Monte Carlo
- The major problem is that computer resources
- A lot of configurations need to be sampled to
obtain reasonable statistics - A lot of configurations need to be sampled to
ensure that you have found the global minimum - Hence need to keep rejection rate down
- Has no memory of good solutions
17ProblemStructure of Clusters and Nuclei
- Clusters span a wide range of particle sizes
from molecular (well separated, quantized states)
to micro-crystalline (quasi-continuous states). - How do properties change as they grow ?
- Clusters constitute new materials (nanoparticles)
which may have properties that are distinct from
those of discrete molecules or bulk matter. - New chemistry ?
18Nucleation of Zinc SulphideS.H. Gomez, E. Spano,
C.R.A. Catlow
- Generating Nuclei via molecular dynamics
- Start with individual atoms are monitor how and
they assemble. - ZnS
- In the bulk both ions 4-fold coordinated
- But get 3-fold coordinated clusters.
19Comparison of Stability
- Although still small show continued stability
of bubble structures - (ZnS)47 Bulk like cluster (300 kJ/mol less
CHEM COMMUN (7) 864-865 APR 7 2004 J AM CHEM
SOC 127 (8) 2580-2590 MAR 2 2005
20Alternative Approach Genetic Algorithms for
Cluster Geometry Optimisation
- GA procedure is for optimising a function,
structure or process which depends on a large
number of variables. - Developed by computer scientists in the 1970s.
- Based on principals of natural evolution.
- Works through a combination of mating, mutation
and natural selection.
Roy L. Johnston, University of Birmingham DALTON
T (22) 4193-4207 2003
21GA Definitions
- Chromosome a string of variables (genes)
corresponding to a trial solution. - Allele the value of a particular gene (i.e.
22GA Approach
- Take a Population the set of trial solutions.
- Measure of the quality of each member of the
population - Fitness (usually by calculating the
total interaction energy) - Proceed with mating - the overall process of
selecting strings (parents) and exchanging their
genes to produce new strings (offspring).
23Selection Process
- Roulette Wheel Selection parents are chosen with
a probability proportional to their fitness
24Generating new structures
- Crossover the process of exchanging genes
between chromosomes. - Some offspring will be fitter than their parents.
- Due to crossover the GA effectively explores the
parameter space in parallel.
25Possible Problem
- It is possible to get stagnation where certain
structures can appear to be frozen-in. - Overcome by introducing new genetic material
which ensures population diversity preventing
in-breeding and stagnation. - Mutation randomly changing certain genes in
selected members of the population.
26Some Other Applications of GAs
- Protein folding
- G.A. Cox, T. V. Mortimer-Jones, R. P. Taylor and
R. L. Johnston, Theor. Chem. Acc. 112, 163-178
(2004). - Crystal structure solution
- K.D.M. Harris, R.L. Johnston and B.M. Kariuki,
Acta Cryst. A 54, 632-645 (1998). - Spectral deconvolution
- Conformational analysis
A variety of GAs have now been written for
cluster geometry optimization.
27The Birmingham Cluster GA Roy L. Johnston
- Apply cut and paste crossover operator
- One new cluster generated from each mating
operation. - Perform energy minimisation using BFGS algorithm
- Mutation achieved by randomly moving a fraction
(? N/3) of atoms. Mutation probability - Pmute 0.1
- The mutation operator acts on the offspring.
28Ionic MgO Clusters
- Rigid Ion Model
- First term long-range electrostatic Coulomb
energy. - Second term short-range repulsive Born-Mayer
potential, which reflects the short range
repulsive energy due to overlap of the ions.
Bij (Mg-O) 821.6 eV
?ij (Mg-O) 0.3242 Å
Bij (O-O) 22764 eV
?ij (O-O) 0.1490 Å
PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS 3 (22) 5024-5034 2001
29Formal charges q ? 2
30Formal charges q ? 1
31Variation of Structure with Magnitude of Formal
Ion Charge q
32Conclusions GA
- The GA is an efficient technique for searching
for global minima a variety of potentials (LJ,
Morse, Ionic, MM, Gupta, TB, EAM ) have been
studied. - As with Monte Carlo the chief problem is the time
taken to investigate the different possible
structures - When particles become much bigger, e.g. beyond
10nm, most efficient is Molecular Dynamics - Care needed in generating structures
33Electrostatic Forces (Multipolar Forces)
- Most molecules have an uneven distribution of
charge, e.g.
This leads to electrostatic (Coulomb) forces
between the molecules. If we approximate the
charge distribution as a collection of discrete
charges qi,
where qi are charges in molecule 1 and qj are
those in molecule 2
34Potential Models (Force Fields)
- Potential models rely on Born-Oppenheimer, ignore
electronic motions and calculate the energy of a
system as a function of nuclear positions only - Potential models rely on
- Relatively simple expressions that capture
the essentials of the interatomic and
intermolecular interactions. Such as stretching
of bonds, the opening and closing of angles,
rotations about bonds, etc. - Transferability the ability to apply a given
form for a potential model to many materials by
tweaking parameters (e.g. MgO vs CeO2)
taken from Dr. S. C. Glotzers lectures on
Computational Nanoscience of Soft Materials,
University of Michigan http//www.engin.umich.edu/
35Composite Pair Potentials for Small Molecules
- For small molecules (e.g. Ar, N2, CO2) many
neglect molecular flexibility and treat the
molecule as rigid.
- Commonly used models include
- Lennard-Jones (12,6)
e.g. CO2
LJ Coulomb
taken from Prof. K. Gubbins lectures on Computer
simulation , NC State Univ http//chumba.che.ncsu.
36Flexible molecules
- Total pair energy breaks into a sum of terms
Intramolecular only
- UvdW - van der Waals
- Uel - electrostatic
- Upol - polarization
- Ustr - stretch
- Ubend - bend
- Utors - torsion
- Ucross - cross
Mixed terms
See Leach 2nd ed., ch. 4 also, Gubbins and
Quirke, pp. 25-27, 28-33
37A Typical Force Field
taken from Dr. S. C. Glotzers lectures on
Computational Nanoscience of Soft Materials,
University of Michigan http//www.engin.umich.edu/
38A (More Complicated) Force Field
Analytic expression for the CFF 95 force field
39Some Commonly Used Models
- There are many different Potentials in the
literature, particularly for organics. - In most cases, they are developed to treat a
particular class of systems. - Some commonly used FFs are (in blue original
systems studied in red, - some useful references and/or websites)
- - MM2, MM3 and MM4 (N. L. Allinger et al.)
- ? small organic molecules
- ? http//europa.chem.uga.edu/index.html
- - MMFF (Merck Molecular Force Field, proposed
by T. A. Halgren) - ? biomolecules
- ? T.A. Halgren, J. Comput. Chem. 17, 490
(1996) - - AMBER (Assisted Model Building with Energy
Refinement, by P. A. - Kollman et al.)
- ? biomolecules
- ? http//www.amber.ucsf.edu/amber/amber.html
- - CVFF (A. Hagler -gt Biosym -gt MSI -gt Accelrys)
-gt COMPASS - ? biomolecules -gt more general
- ? Dauber-Osguthorpe Hagler
40Some Commonly Used Models
- OPLS (Optimized Potentials for Liquid
Simulation, W. L. Jorgensen et al) ? organic
liquids ? W. Damm, A. Frontera, J.
Tirado-Rives, W.L. Jorgensen, J. Comput.
Chem. 18, 1955 (1997) http//zarbi.chem.yale.edu/
- CHARMM (Chemistry at HARvard Macromolecular
Mechanics, by M. Karplus and coworkers)
? biomolecules ? http//www.charmm.org/ -
ECEPP (Empirical Conformational Energy Program
for Peptides, by H. A. Scheraga et al.)
? biomolecules ? http//www.tc.cornell.edu/Rese
http//www.chem.cornell.edu/has5/ - GROMOS
(GROningen MOlecular Simulation, by W. F. van
Gunsteren and coworkers) ?
biomolecules ? http//www.igc.ethz.ch/gromos/
41Other Models
- There are also potential models, such as
- MOMEC (P. Comba and T. W. Hambley) and
- SHAPES (V. S. Allured et al) that were developed
for transition metal complexes - There are also models developed with the purpose
of treating the full periodic table, such as - UFF (Universal Force Field, by A. K. Rappe et
al.), - RFF (Reaction Force Field, by A. K. Rappe et
al.) and - DREIDING (by S. L. Mayo et al.)
42Problems Unlike-Atom Interactions(non-bonding)
- Mixing rules give the potential parameters for
interactions of atoms that are not the same type - no ambiguity for Coulomb interaction
- for effective potentials (e.g., LJ) it is not
clear what to do - Lorentz-Berthelot is a widely used choice
43Problems Unlike-Atom Interactions(bonding)
- Conservation of equilibrium bond distance and
energy. On altering for example, charge, adjust
short range parameters to maintain distance and
energy. - Issue for simple force fields
- Bond energy U 0.5 k (r AB r 0 AB)2 If new
bond is approx the equilibrium bind length then
the energy of reaction about 0 energy. - Treatment is a very weak link in quantitative
applications of molecular simulation
44More Potentials for Solids
- Even for polar/ionic solids there are a vast
array of models, (e.g. see refs by Bush, Catlow,
de Leeuw, Dove, Gale, Lewis, Jackson, Parker and
Woodley) that are based on the shell model and
for models based on three body potentials see
refs by (S. Garofalini et al.) - There other models for metals (Finnis and
Sinclair) Phil.Mag. A 50 (1984) 45 for an
improvement see Phil. Mag. A 56 (1987) 15. -
- Semiconductors Tersoff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56
(1986) 632 extended by Brenner D. W. Brenner,
Phys. Rev. B 42 (1990) 9458 for conjugated
systems, see further extensions Stuart et al.,
J. Chem. Phys. 112 (2000) 6472and Che et al.,
Theor. Chem. Acc. 102 (1999) 346.
45Shell Model Potential
For example polar solids
- Electrostatic
- despite simple expression (q1q2/r12) it has poor
convergence - use methods by Ewald, Parry and
Madelung etc. - Short-range
- includes repulsion dispersion A12exp(-r12/p12)
- C12/r126 - where A, p and C are needed for each pair of
atoms - Electronic polarisability
- Via Shell model
- specify shell charge and spring constant
- Angle dependent forces
- For polyanions
46Ewald Method
- Approach for calculating the Coulombic
interaction energy - Replace point charges (charge density delta
functions) by Gaussians. - Gives
- difference between Gaussians and delta functions
- Interacting Gaussians
- remove interaction of Gaussian with self
47Shell Model many body forces
- Valence electrons Massless shell
- distorted by electric field, size of distortion
dependent on strength of spring, i.e. variable
polarisability - For quadrupolar distortions see work by P.A.
Madden etal - Shell charge remains symmetric
U 0.5 k d2
Y (shell charge)
Free ion polarisability a Y2/k
k (spring constant)
48Partially covalent solids
For example work by S.H. Garofalini
Two-Body Term
Three-Body Term
B. P. Feuston and S. H. Garofalini, J. Chem.
Phys., 89 (1988) 5818 (note error in Table I,
where beta headings are mixed) R. G. Newell, B.
P. Feuston, and S. H. Garofalini, J. Materials
Research, 4 (1989) 434. S. Blonski and S. H.
Garofalini, Surf. Sci. 295 (1993) 263.
49Issues when using Potential Models
- The main problem in fitting a general model is
to ensure its transferability while using a
reasonable number of parameters in order to be
useful the model has to be able to predict
correctly properties for compounds that fall
outside the set used to fit the parameters - How different models are linked together is
still an area of debate are the results
meaningful? - When using a potential model, it is important
to know what is being included and how, and what
- Leach, AR Molecular Modelling Principles and
Applications 2nd Edn (2001) Pearson Prentice Hall
50Derivation of parameters
- Empirical fitting
- to crystal structure, elastic and dielectric
constants - problems with
- validation (must not use all exptal data) e.g. ir
and raman - interatomic separations far from those used in
fitting e.g. at high temperatures and pressures - overcome with.
- Non-empirical fitting
- to electronic structure calculations
- problems with
- incomplete description of forces e.g. dispersion
- open shell atoms (e.g. transition metals)
51Exercise, Friday 23rd, unmarked
- Download GULP from module website
- Rename example17 to input.txt
- Copy Suttonchen.lib
- Run gulp.exe
- Compare the lattice parameters and elastic
constants with experimental values - Auxetic ? (check in Baughmans paper)
- Modify input to simulate a fake, Centred Cubic
phase of Ni. What happens ? Can you compare
stabilities ? - Try with other metals from Suttonchen.lib
(especially auxetic question)
52Reference Books
- M. P. Allen, D. Tildesley Computer simulation of
Liquids (Oxford University Press, Oxford,1989) - the classical simulation textbook
- statistical mechanics approach
- D. Frenkel, B. Smit Understanding Molecular
Simulation From Algorithms to Applications, 2nd
edition (Academic Press, 2001) - book home page (http//molsim.chem.uva.nl/frenkel_
smit/) has exercises - R. Phillips Crystals, defects and
microstructure modeling across scales
(Cambridge University Press, 2001) - textbook on computational methods in materials
research in general from atomistic to elastic
continuum - includes chapter on interaction models