Title: 8(g) Block Grant Application Training
18(g) Block Grant Application Training
2Training Purpose
- To introduce 8(g) staff
- To provide indicators for application questions
- To introduce the online application system
- To answer any questions about the 8(g)
application process
3Training Agenda
- Introduction
- Block grant focus areas
- Narrative response and project objectives
- Budget reminders
- Online application training
- Reflection closing
48(g) Staff
- Kimberly Tripeaux, 8(g) Director
- David Timoll, 8(g) Manager (effective May 29)
- Pete Lafleur, Accountant Administrator
- Debra Butler, Auditor
- Abigail Petit, Office Manager
- Soren Lagaard, Data and Media (until June 29)
- 225-342-5840 BESE.8g_at_la.gov
5Louisiana Department of Education Webpage
6BESE Webpage
78(g) Webpage
82012-2013 Focus Areas
Focus Area Eligibility
Prekindergarten programs for at-risk four-year-olds Public systems only
Proven instructional strategies for English, math, science, social studies, and/or technology (Grades K-12) All approved schools
9Narrative Questions Instructional Strategy
- What is the purpose of this project?
- Reason for implementation
- Benefits to the targeted population
10Narrative Questions Instructional Strategy
- Describe the criteria or process used to
determine the students who will be served through
this project. What data justifies their
selection? -
- How was this population selected?
- Data that supports your targeted group.
11Narrative Questions Instructional Strategy
- Summarize the goals of the project, including how
the project will improve academic achievement.
(You will be asked to give specific measurable
objectives in a later section) - What will the project accomplish?
12Narrative Questions Instructional Strategy
- What proven instructional strategies will be used
to implement this project? - List examples of strategies with brief explanation
13Narrative Questions Instructional Strategy
- How will these strategies be utilized to achieve
the project goals? - Describe project design and its key components
and activities. - Frequency of student involvement
14Project Objectives
Objectives should be S.M.A.R.T.
SMART Objectives Description
S Specific Clearly state who is targeted, what is expected to improve, how much improvement is expected, and when the improvement will occur.
M Measurable Be measurable and described in a clear, organized manner.
A Ambitious yet Attainable Be both rigorous and realistic for the target population.
R Relevant Be related to the identified program purpose and have related activities that support these goals.
T Time-bound Accomplishable within the fiscal year.
15Project Objectives
- What assessment tools are you using to determine
student success? - name/list instruments used to determine student
success or areas of improvement for each
16Project Evaluation
- How will you analyze the data to determine
project success or areas of improvement for each
objective? -
- Describe how the data will be collected and
analyzed to obtain results.
17Prekindergarten Narrative
- Application requirements/checklist (handout)
- Upload documents in the order of the checklist
- Label the sections and identify the agency
18Budget Notes
- 8(g) grant is a reimbursable grant.
- Provide a narrative of expenditures for each
budget code - Nonpublic Pervasively Sectarian (PS) agencies may
only purchase items in the two budget categories
640 (Textbooks or Allowable Textbook
Substitutes) or 700 (Equipment) costing 250 or
more. - Place agencys tagging policy on Code 700 page
19The Application Process
Returned if revisions
Review Stage
21Accessing Application Site
Open your internet browser and go to
22Sign Up Click button
23Sign Up Add name and email address
- Type your full name and email
- Create a password youll remember
- Select Block 2012-2013 Application category
- Click register when done
- Write down your password somewhere!
24Sign Up Confirmation
- Should see this after clicking Register
- Access your email account you used to register.
25Sign Up Email Confirmation
- Hi, You tried to register an account at BESE 8(g)
Grant Application System. Please click on the
link below to confirm that you tried to register
an account with the following details Please
click on the following link to confirm http//bes
b50ddbbb172b34cfb4c584a9792a4af391a2ff/?next2F - Click the link!
- You will not need to do this again, youre
already registered!
26Entering Program/Project Name
- Enter the name of your agency and select the
Block 2012-2013 Application category.
27The Home Screen
- First screen you seen after sign in
28Home Screen Right-side Task Bar
- Download Application Allows you to download your
application as a PDF. - Add Member Allows another person to join your
application for editing, review, or submission - Withdraw Application Deletes your application
29Home Screen Application Components
- Block Grant Application Main grant application
- Scanned Certificate of Agency Head Upload
Uploaded PDF requiring agency head signature. - Project Timeline Excel form chronicling major
project activities
- Submit Grant Application Final button you press
to submit your application
30Block Grant Application
- Main component of the application
- Has following seven parts
- Initial Information
- Project Information
- Proposal Narrative (Instructional Strategies
Only) - Application Checklist (PreK only)
- Assessment and Objectives
- Budget Narrative
- Budget Summary
- Can save and return to application at any time
- By adding members multiple users can edit or
view the application depending on the permissions
that you set.
31Notification of Returned Application
- If BESE staff has revisions for your item, it
will be returned to you in ReviewRoom and you
will be notified via email where there will be
feedback in the body of the email
32Editing your application
- On the home screen, click on Edit to make any
changes to your application after seeing feedback - Then click Submit Grant Application
33Reflection and Closing
- How can we support you?
- Deadlines
- Application must be submitted by COB Monday,
August 6, 2012. - Additional questions or clarifications
- http//bese.review-room.net/pages/help/
- Contains materials from this training and forms
to upload on the application (May 18, 2012) - Kimberly Tripeaux, 8(g) Director
- Kimberly.Tripeaux_at_La.gov
- (225) 342-5840