Title: Foreign Exchange: Dealing with Currencies
1Foreign Exchange Dealing with Currencies
- with a basic introduction to the International
Monetary System
2Foreign Exchange Terms
- Foreign exchange money denominated in the
currency of another nation or group of nations - Cash
- Credit
- Bank deposits
- Other short-term claims (e.g., bonds)
- Exchange rate the price of a particular currency
relative to another
3Basic questions
- What is money?
- How should you convert money from one currency
into another? - How are the values of currencies set?
- How can you limit foreign exchange risk (the
possibility that unpredicted changes in exchange
rates will have adverse consequences for the
firm)? - Can you predict when currency values will change?
If so, how?
4What is money?
- The medium of exchange
- that is, something widely accepted as means of
payment - Usually, governments declare certain pieces of
paper (and bank assets) to be money - But people must accept them
- Alternatives are inconvenient, but possible
- Tobacco in early American colonies
- U.S. dollar in Russia when ruble collapsed
5- If you sell abroad, and you may receive payment
in foreign currency - Buy abroad, and you may have to pay in foreign
currency - Travel abroad, you must spend foreign currency
- A foreign direct investment will have to pay
expenses in foreign currency
6How should you convert money from one currency
into another?
- Current values of major foreign currencies are
available on the Web - Most businesspeople normally buy from or sell to
a bank - The bank often gives less than the rates offered
on the Web, but handles all details - Banks may vary a lot in how good a deal they give
- But they know they have to be competitive with
other banks
7 - A business with significant foreign activity
creates a stable relationship with one or a few
banks - Nowadays, you can do your own currency trading
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9How are the values of currencies set?
- There are two basic ways
- Fixed or Pegged exchange rates
- Governments decide the value of currency
- Example Hong Kongs government keeps the value
of its dollar at roughly US0.129 (US1HK7.75) - With a fixed rate, there is absolutely no
variability. - A pegged rate implies small variability
10The major developed-country currencies float
against each other
- Supply and demand sets values
- This is how exchange rates are set for the US
dollar vs. - Euro,
- Japanese yen,
- British pound,
- Swiss franc, etc.
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12Fixed exchange rates have important benefits
- They make business predictable
- In some very prosperous periods, most major
exchange rates have been fixed - The late 19th century
- 1945-1971
13The gold standard made the benefits of fixed
rates clear
- Before WW I, all major currencies were
convertible into gold - UK 1113 grains gold (.2354 oz)
- US 1 23.22 grains (.0484 oz)
- So, 14.87
- Everyone knew what everything was and would be
14- But a fixed exchange rate requires discipline in
the government and a willingness to create
pain - Example Suppose your nations economy is very
prosperous, but exports are growing only slowly - Your people will have money to buy imports
- Their demand for foreign currencies will put
upward pressure on their exchange rates - Government has to slow the domestic economy to
prevent change in exchange rate - Higher taxes, higher interest rates, lower
government spending
15 - Many economists say if a country is having
difficulty maintaining a fixed exchange rate, the
economy is overheated - They say higher interest rates or higher taxes
might be better for the economy in the long run
in those circumstances - But politicians dont like to take pain
- U.S. abandoned fixed exchange rates when the
Vietnam War created strong inflation
16- It seems that the more complicated an economy,
the more difficult it is to maintain fixed/pegged
rates - Many small countries succeed
- Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Fiji
- Few propose them for the largest developed
countries today - Many developing countries including China
restrict who can own their money - Hot investments in emerging currencies have
often caused problems when foreigners changed
their minds
17- China maintains a pegged exchange rate
- For long periods it kept the rate at less than an
equilibrium price - Its government had to buy lots of surplus dollars
that its exports brought in - In June 2012 China had 3,240 billion US dollars
18When an economy has recently grown, it may be
hard to spend
- There is poor transportation infrastructure
- People live in the countryside or in tiny urban
apartments, so they have little space for things - So more money may come in from exports than
people want to spend
19- Its easier to manage a currencys level if you
have a trade surplus than a trade deficit - You can simply use the surplus to buy up the
foreign exchange that comes into the country - China fears that if the value of the Yuan rises,
declining sales of manufacturers will hurt
20- US per capita GDP is 48,400
- Chinas per capita GDP at current Yuan exchange
rate is 5400 - Thus, a US worker must ordinarily be 9 times as
productive as a Chinese worker to sell
internationally - Chinas nominal per capita income up 46 in 3
years! - For the US and Europe, a low Yuan and Chinese
import restrictions make recovery from recession
harder - But Americans get to consume more
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22Most international business involves currencies
with floating rates
- Buyers and sellers establish prices in markets
like those for tea and wheat - 1,200,000,000,000 in foreign exchange is traded
every day - US dollar is most widely traded
- involved in 90 of all transactions
- London is the main foreign-exchange market
23Foreign-Exchange Trading Terms
- Bid the rate at which a trader will buy foreign
currency from you - Offer (or Ask) the rate at which a trader will
sell foreign currency to you - Spread the difference between bid and offer
rates the profit margin for the trader
24Market Rhythms
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26Insuring Against Foreign Exchange Risk
- Businesses use the foreign exchange market to
provide insurance against foreign exchange risk - A firm that protects itself against foreign
exchange risk is hedging - You can buy or sell using
- spot exchange rates
- forward exchange rates
- currency swaps
27Insuring Against Foreign Exchange Risk
- 1. Spot Exchange Rates
- The spot exchange rate is the rate at which a
foreign exchange dealer converts one currency
into another currency on a particular day - Spot rates are determined by the interaction
between supply and demand, and so change
28Insuring Against Foreign Exchange Risk
- 2. Forward Exchange Rates
- A forward exchange occurs when two parties agree
to exchange currency at some specific future date - Forward rates are typically quoted for 30, 90, or
180 days into the future - Forward rates are typically the same as the spot
rate plus or minus an adjustment for the interest
the parties will pay/receive
29Insuring Against Foreign Exchange Risk
- 3. Currency Swaps
- A currency swap is the simultaneous purchase and
sale of an amount of foreign exchange on two
different dates - Swaps are used when it is desirable to move out
of one currency into another for a limited period
without incurring foreign exchange rate risk - For example, you have accepted an order in
Japanese yen and you must manufacture the product
using components you must purchase in Japanese
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31How can you predict when currency values will
- Business decisions demand you look far ahead
- If exchange rates will change and you dont hedge
adequately, your whole calculation will be off - Some foreign currencies have lost 90 or more of
their value in a year - Argentine peso went from 11 peso to 13.5
pesos in one jump
32Fundamental analysis involves examining basic
economic data
- How fast are prices rising in the country?
- Is there a trade surplus or deficit?
- Is the government running budget deficits? How
much? - How do interest rates in the countries compare?
- How has the government been managing the
33Technical analysis involves examining trends in
exchange rates
- One principle Trends once established often tend
to continue - The trend is your friend
- But if everyone agrees something will happen,
it may not happen - When everyone thinks the dollar will go down,
everyone has already sold dollars - If the news changes, many may quickly change
their minds and want to buy
34Foreign exchange can be the difference between
profit and loss
- HSBC Bank in Argentina
- They entered Argentina at a time when it appeared
the government was starting to manage the economy
effectively - But they continued investing as government became
more irresponsible - They lost big
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37- Material below here is not required
38Foreign-Exchange Convertibility
- Fully convertible currencies are those that the
government allows both residents and nonresidents
to purchase in unlimited amounts - Hard currencies are fully convertible
- Soft currencies (or weak currencies) are not
fully convertible - Typically from developing countries
- Known as exotic currencies