Title: Conservation
2Wildlife Resources
- What is happening to the wildlife
- and plant resources around us today?
3U.S. Species Diversity
4Decreasing Biodiversity
- 10-20 of species alive in 1975 were
- extinct in 2000
- Mostly plants, invertebrates in tropical
- rain forests (many undescribed species)
- 40 of all species live in tropical areas
- Disappear along with forests
5Extinction Not New
- 99 of all species have gone extinct
- Gradual environmental changes have
- been responsible for most extinctions
- Rapid environmental changes from
- asteroids, etc. also have been important
- in many extinctions
6Extinction Rates
- Background (natural) rate of extinction
7Why Should We Care About Extinctions and
1) economics 2) aesthetics 3)
ecological 4) ethics
Cinchona ledogeriana, South America Quinine for
malaria treatment
Rauvolfia sepentina, Southeast
Asia Tranquilizer, high blood pressure
Digitalis purpurea, Europe Digitalis for heart
11Pacific yew
Taxus brevifolia, Pacific Northwest Ovarian
12Human Impacts on Biodiversity
13Human Impacts on Biodiversity
Flathead Lake, Montana
14Causes of Premature Extinction of Wild Species
15Human Activities That May Cause Extinctions
- Habitat disturbance/destruction
- Predator and pest control
- Collecting for pets, zoos, research
- Introductions of exotic species
16Habitat Disturbance and Destruction
California Condor
17Commercial Hunting
Black Rhino
Range in 1700
Range today (about 2,400 left)
18Predator and Pest Control
African Elephant
Probable range 1600
Range today (300,000 left)
19Collecting for Pets, Zoos, Research
Bald Eagle - DDT
21Species Introductions
Dodo Bird
Zebra Mussel
22Threats from Nonnative Species
23Strategies for Protecting Biodiversity
24Protecting Wild Species The Legal Approach
- International Treaties CITES
- - Convention on International Trade in
- Endangered Species
- National Laws ESA- Endangered Species Act
25Protecting Wild Species The Sanctuary Approach
- Wildlife refuges and protected areas
- - e.g. whooping cranes
- Gene banks, botanical gardens, and farms
- Zoos and Aquariums
- - captive breeding programs
26The Ecosystem Approach
- U.S. has gt30 reserves
- - Yellowstone National Park
- - Great Smoky Mtns. National Park
- Other countries have similar reserves
27The Ecosystem Approach
28Bird Success Stories
California Condor
Whooping Crane
Peregrine Falcon
Canada Goose
Wild Turkey