Title: Artemia authentication by RFLP of mitochondrial rDNA and HSP26-cDNA
1Artemia authentication by RFLP of mitochondrial
rDNA and HSP26-cDNA
- W. Xiaomei1,2, F. Catania1,2, F. Dooms1,2,
- G. Van Stappen2,
- E. Naessens3,
- P. Sorgeloos2, P. Bossier1
CLO- Sea Fisheries Department 1
Lab Aquaculture and ARC2
INVE Technologies3
Artemia INCO workshop, Beijing September 2002
- Diversification of commercial Artemia cyst supply
- Broader spectrum of cyst samples and
characteristics, e.g. - Cyst size
- Nauplii size
- Vitamine C
- Hence need for the possibility to authenticate
cyst samples.
- Develop a database(s) of DNA fingerprinting
patterns that could serve as a tool for
authentication commercial Artemia samples
4Methodology on mt-rDNA
- DNA extraction from a batch of cysts
- PCR amplification of rDNA
- RFLP analysis
- Data processing
5Methodology on mt-rDNA (cont)
- Isolation of DNA from cysts
- Pretreatment
- Suspension of 10 mg cyst in 50 µl for 2h
- Crushing with sterile pestil
- DNA extraction by
- Promega kit (requiring mostly extra Ph/Chl
purification) - CTAB extraction
- Chelex (works also on single cysts)
6Methodology on mt-rDNA (cont)
- DNA extraction from a batch of cysts
- PCR amplification of rDNA
- RFLP analysis
- Data processing
7Methodology (cont)PCR amplification of rDNA
8Methodology (cont)PCR amplification of rDNA
9Methodology on mt- rDNA (cont)PCR amplification
of rDNA
16S rRNA
12S rRNA
1500 bp
Artemia 16S SP primer
10Methodology on mt-rDNA (cont)PCR amplification
of rDNA
- PCR amplification conditions
- 94C, 2 min
- (94C 75s, 52C 45sec, 72C 2 min) x 34
- 72C 2 min
- Mg Cl2 2.5 mM
- dNTPs 0.2 mM
- DNA polymerase 1.75 U
- primers 0.5 µM
- Target DNA 50 100 ng DNA
11Methodology on mt-rDNA
- DNA extraction from a batch of cysts
- PCR amplification of rDNA
- RFLP analysis
- Data processing
12Methodology on mt-rDNA (cont)RFLP analysis
- Purification of the fragment using Promega kit
- RFLP analysis using
- MseI
- Tsp509I
- HpaII
- NdeII
- TaqI
- HaeIII
- HinfI
- DdeI
13Methodology on mt-rDNA (cont)
- DNA extraction from a batch of cysts
- PCR amplification of rDNA
- RFLP analysis
- Data processing
14Methodology mt-rDNA (cont)Data processing
- Gelcompar software
- Band assignment
- Matrix of Dice index of similarity 2nAB/(nA
nB) - UPGMA dendrogram
15UPGMA dendrogram
16Detail on the UPGMA dendrogram
17Detail on the UPGMA dendrogram
18Detail on the UPGMA dendrogram
19First analysis
- There are seven major clusters
- A. tibetiana
- Parthenogenetic Artemia
- A. franciscana
- A. sinica
- A. salina
- A. persimilis
- A. urmiana
20Techical problemsRFLP analysis on single cysts
RFLP analysis of mitochondrial rDNA on 1 cyst
with Nde II on strain ARC1154
- more than one haplotype in a batch of cysts
- In a single cyst heteroplasmy or pseudo-genes
21Techical problems
- In most of cyst samples these technical problems
only occur with one to two enzymes - If a real mixture of two species is present in a
cyst sample, double restriction patterns are
found with all enzymes. - In the previously shown dendrogram only samples
without apparent technical problems are included.
22Robustness of the mt-rDNA technique
These samples, all containing double restriction
patterns with one or more enzymes, were
identified against the database
23Conclusions on the rDNA database
- The RFLP technique on a batch of cysts is able to
differentiate easily between species. - Within each species a lot a diversity can be
found. Using 8 restriction enzymes only 8x4
nucleotides are probed with this RFLP
experimental design, while the fragment is 1500
bp long (so only 2.1). It is clear that the
actual DNA sequence of this fragment would unvail
much more variability.
24Conclusions on the rDNA database (cont)
- The mitochondrial rDNA is normally used to
differentiate families or even species within a
genus. Here, using 8 R.E. below-species diversity
is very high. This is an indication for high
genetic isolation of Artemia habitats. - Probably depending on the local geographical
conditions, the 8xRFLP technique might be able to
differentiate Artemia samples at a
local-salt-lake complex level. This would need
more validation.
25Methodology for HSP26 RFLP
- Total RNA extraction from a batch of cysts
- RT-PCR amplification of HSP26, yielding a 650 bp
fragment - RFLP analysis using 7 restriction enzymes
- Data processing
26UPGMA dendrogram Using HSP26 data
- Conclusion
- HSP26 is suppossed to be involved in the
indogenous stress resistance of cysts. Hence,
polymorphism might reflect local adaptation
(non-neutral mutations). This needs further
study. - By studying only the cDNA, the putative
non-neutral polymorphism can be studied in
detail. - HSP26 cDNA can be isolated from cysts. So stored
samples can be used as well in such a study.
27General conclusions
- RFLP of the rDNA with eight restriction enzymes
reveals a lot of polymorphism - Within a species, and probably even within a
lake, different rDNA haplotypes can be found. - Commercial samples can be identified at the
species level, even if technical problems like
double restriction patterns, are complicating the
analysis. - For phylogenetic and population genetic studies,
RFLP analysis on single cysts or even cloned rDNA
fragment are necessary.