Harmonization of biopesticide regulatory Framework - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Harmonization of biopesticide regulatory Framework


Harmonization of biopesticide regulatory Framework By Paul N. Ngaruiya (Dr) Pest Control Products Board (PCPB) 4th Technical meeting of the Regional SPS subcommittee, – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Harmonization of biopesticide regulatory Framework

Harmonization of biopesticide regulatory
  • By Paul N. Ngaruiya (Dr)
  • Pest Control Products Board (PCPB)
  • 4th Technical meeting of the Regional SPS
  • Lilongwe, Malawi
  • 20-22 August 2012

  • Introduction
  • Efforts towards harmonization
  • Challenges
  • Recommendations on way forward
  • Conclusion

  • Registration of PCP is an important legal
    requirement All over the world
  • US-EPA, UK-CRD, Canada- PMRA
  • Every government has an obligation to ensure the
    safety of its citizens, animals, plants and the
  • The primary purpose of using pesticides is to
    control pests in crops and animals in order to
    reduce yield losses. there are new emerging
    pests/diseases eg aflatoxin in maize with no
    registered products, food safety concerns
  • Pesticides are toxic
  • Effects on environment eg DDT

Introduction- Biopesticides
  • Biopesticide regulatory systems in place
    necessitated by EU MRL requirements
  • Include
  • Microbial pesticides (bacteria, viruses, fungi,
  • Biochemical pesticides eg
  • Semiochemicals eg insect sex pheromones,
  • Enzymes (proteins)
  • Botanical pesticides etc
  • 3) Natural enemies
  • Parasitoids
  • Predators

Biopesticides Current status in Kenya
  • An increase in the number of applications
  • About 10 the 1033 products are derived from
    plants, microorganisms or macroorganisms
    (Pyrethrum based, neem, Bacillus thuringiensis
  • Local and imported
  • Biodegradable, environmentally and user friendly,
    low pre-harvest intervals
  • Most are specific to target pests
  • Some data requirements waived through tiered
  • Residue data not required for most biopesticides

Biopesticide regulation challenges faced in
scaling up use
  • Most pesticide legislations are geared towards
    conventional chemicals Not suitable for
  • Some regulators unsure of the new products-
    biopesticides (with different defns.)
  • Capacity for Identification, quantification and
    culture collection
  • More than one law regulates biopesticides-eg For
    importation of live organisms KSTCIE, in addition
    to registration, Biosafety issues
  • Most biopesticides do not have a knock down
  • Narrow spectrum of activity
  • Storage under special conditions some perishable
  • Compatibility with other pesticides

Biopesticide regulation in AfricaMost countries
operating independently
Efforts towards harmonization
  • Several Harmonization initiatives
  • Most initiatives supported by legal
    instrumentstreaties, procotols etc
  • Common objectives---
  • Harmonize policies, legislation and regulation
    for enforcement of pest and disease control,
  • promote the coordination and harmonisation
  • cooperation and co-ordination of regional
    agricultural policies
  • promote economic integration

Efforts towards harmonization
  • harmonization of bio-pesticide legislation was
    identified as a priority focus of the tripartite
    agreement between COMESA, EAC and SADC.
  • According to RECS procedures, technocrats have a
    responsibility to move draft guidelines up the
    policy makers for enactment into law.

Benefits of harmonization
  • Harmonized farm input regulation may reduce the
    cost of farm inputs
  • ease the need to generate technical data to
    support registration or approval in the partner
  • Shared technical expertise leading to farmers
    accessing new products for use in IPM
  • Synergism
  • Reduces duplication of efforts.

Regional Registration Strategy Round Table
  • Facilitated by USDA-FAS and AATF on 12-13th June
    2012, Zanzibar
  • Attended by COMESA, some representative
    countriesKenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique,
    USDA, COLEAP-PIP, IITA, AATF, regulatory experts
  • Meeting objectives
  • to share information on biopesticide regulation
  • Identify next steps in developing a possible
    regional harmonization project for registration
    of bio-pesticides with a particular emphasis on
    microbial biopesticides
  • Project Goal To Develop a regional microbial
    bio-pesticide regulatory guidance document

Facilitating Structures
  • A project Steering Committee established
    consisting of
  • Regulatory representatives from pilot
    countries, including Kenya, Mozambique,
    Tanzania, and Zambia.
  • Additional representatives would be sought from
    two West African countries
  • Stakeholder organizations, including AATF, IITA,
    and USDA
  • Observers would be invited from COMESA, EAC,
    SADC, ECOWAS, and the AU --for eventual
    consideration of guidelines by RECs

Terms of reference for Steering committee
  • to facilitate the coordination and planning in
    the development of a bio-pesticide (microbials)
    registration guidance document.
  • Implement Plan of Action
  • Review drafts of the guidance document developed
    by the working groups.
  • Steer the project through regional bodies (e.g.,
    COMESA, SADC, EAC, ECOWAS), where pilot countries
    present the draft documents and action plans.
    SPS meetings could be used to report on progress

Working group
  • A Technical Working Group would subsequently be
    established to work on specific technical aspects
    of the guidance document, and would include three
    members from each of the pilot countries.
  • Regulatory and technical experts will be brought
    in as consultants to the project, as needed

Component 1 Development of Guidance Document
  • USDA and AATF contract a regulatory/legal expert
    to review and summarize relevant existing
    documents eg SADC guidelines, Kenyan, Ghanian,
    etc (by mid-July, 2012).
  • Common internet web portal for pilot countries to
    download and share relevant documents - (by
    mid-July, 2012).

Component 1
  • Consultant will review, compare, and summarize
    relevant document and prepare a recommended
    course of action for the development of a common
    guidance document -September 15, 2012).
  • Project start-up workshop (bio-pesticide overview
    table of contents for draft guidance document
    (by October 30, 2012).
  • Development of zero draft by technical working
    group. Steering Committee review (Initiated
    October 30, 2012).

Component 1
  • Steering committee Endorsement of draft 1 (by
    early February, 2013).
  • Draft 1 disseminated for in-country meetings for
    additional stakeholder input from pilot countries
    (by end February, 2013).
  • Consultant revises/refines draft and circulates
    to technical working group (by end May, 2013).
  • Review and approval by Steering Committee pending
    recommendations from the RECs) (by mid June,
  • Final guidance document disseminated (by end
    June, 2013).

Component 2 Endorsement of Guidance Document
through the REC policy organizations
  • meeting of experts convened by RECs in the
    tripartite framework to consider the guidelines
  • meeting of experts convened by ECOWAS

Component 3 provide technical support to
countries for translating guidance into legal
Other activitiescapacity building
  • establish links with other initiatives that are
    working to provide laboratory capacity building
    in parallel.
  • Capacity building in testing aflatoxin levels in
    specific value chains
  • formulation analysis of biocontrol products
  • risk assessment

Challenges in harmonization
  • Different regulatory procedures takes long come
    to a compromise
  • Legal barriers eg for a document to be agreed
    upon and be deemed legal all partner
    states/member states have to be present
  • Limited experience in certain areas and variation
    among countries eg Biopesticide regulation, MRL
    setting and residue trials
  • Policy changes midstream
  • Limited funding
  • eg 1 meeting in a year leads to loss of momentum
  • institutions facilitate the meetings using own

  • Have a common understanding of what biopesticides
  • Political support is paramount
  • Borrow a leaf from developed countries operating
    a harmonised system eg rapportuer states for ai,
    Joint meetings, work sharing, zonal submisions
  • Guidance on technical and procedural issues from
    international bodies eg FAO, COLEAP/PIP
  • Evaluation and Accreditation of trial institution
    for mutual recognition/ zoning

  • Embrace external support to facilitate
    harmonization meetings
  • Consultants/experts from other harmonized trading
    blocks to share experience
  • Capacity building
  • to facilitate decision making for regulators eg
    How to carry out health and risk assessment
  • to facilitate local testing institutions to
    conduct tier 1 studies toxicology and
  • To facilitate researchers/regulators to confirm
    identity of specific biopesticides

  • Do you consider the initiative on harmonization
    of biopesticide regulation important?
  • What should be the next step?

Thank you
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