The Point Based System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Point Based System


... Tipper trucks, survey equipment Building construction Bull-dozer, Concrete-mixer Shuttering set, Crane truck, Dumper truck Air compressor, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Point Based System

  • The Point Based System
  • For Contractor Selection For Award Of
  • Construction Works

Accelerating Bhutans Socio-Economic
Development- GNHC, MoWHS MoF
  • Outline of Presentation
  • 1. The Point Based System
  • 2. Reclassification of Construction Firms
  • 3. Schedule of Implementation
  • 4. e-tool for evaluation

  • Background
  • Why the need for a new point based system?
  • A point based system in place prior to April 2009
  • From 1st April 2009, a pass/fail system was
    introduced that used a series of parameters on
    which a contractor needed to pass in order to
  • Both these systems however addressed the needs of
    a robust process only partly and suffered from
    some drawbacks.

Old Point Based System
Current Pass/Fail System
  • Subjective evaluation on technical capability
    manpower, equipment, performance
  • Requirements loosely defined no quantification
  • Project specific requirements for manpower,
    equipment specified one-on-one comparison done
  • No test for proven past performance


  • Potentially possible for contractors to score low
    on some parameters and compensate by scoring high
    on others
  • But high weightage given only to experience
    related parameters
  • Stringent qualification criterion for each
  • Must to pass on ALL parameters to qualify
  • Extremely difficult for young, promising
    contractors to qualify
  • Often leads to re-tendering


  • Possible to build-in incentives but not done
  • No reason for contractors to get incorporated,
    employ local people etc.
  • Incentives for best practices cannot be built in
    as by definition they will need to be pass/fail

The Point Based System- Background contd..
  • Need for a system that addresses their shortfalls
    of the both the systems while retaining the
    positive aspects
  • Need for a system that can evaluate contractors
    on parameters most critical in achieving good
    performance in Bhutans construction sector
    context, and
  • Need for a system that can give incentives to the
    contractors to adopt some of the best practices
    that will help in development of the sector in

Old Point Based System
Current Pass/Fail System
Proposed Point Based System
  • Project specific requirements for manpower,
    equipment specified one-on-one comparison done
  • No test for proven past performance
  • Objective levels of achievement and scoring
    specified for all technical parameters
  • Project specific requirements clearly defined
  • Subjective evaluation on technical capability
    manpower, equipment, performance
  • Requirements loosely defined no quantification


  • Stringent qualification criterion for each
  • Must to pass on ALL parameters to qualify
  • Extremely difficult for young, promising
    contractors to qualify
  • Often leads to re-tendering
  • Potentially possible for contractors to score low
    on some parameters and compensate by scoring high
    on others
  • But high weightage given only to experience
    related parameters
  • Adequate flexibility to allow young, promising
    contractors to qualify
  • Weightage to parameters well in-line with their
    relative importance in project execution


  • Suitable incentives for local employment,
    commitment for VTI internships, incorporation etc.

  • Possible to build-in incentives but not done
  • No reason for contractors to get incorporated,
    employ local people etc.
  • Incentives for best practices cannot be built in
    as by definition they will need to be pass/fail


The Point Based System of Evaluation
combination of technical and financial parameters
The New Point Based System
Technical Parameters
Financial Parameters
  • Capability
  • Capacity
  • Organizational strength

1. Financial bid quoted by a Contractor
  • Two stage qualification evaluation process

Technical Parameters - 40
Financial Parameters - 60
Techno-Financial Score
Lowest quoted bid
among qualifying bids 60
Financial bid quoted by x
40 of Technical score for x
1. First Stage Technical Qualification
Technical Parameter (40)
C. Organizational Strength 25 points
A. Capability 50 points
B. Capacity 25 points
A contractor needs to obtain a score of at least
60 points out of 100 to qualify for the next
  • A. Capability 50 points
  • Similar work experience
    - 10
  • Access to adequate equipment
    - 15
  • Availability of manpower
    - 15
  • Average performance score from previous work
    - 10

  • Total - 50 points
  • Parameters above tests on the capability to
    execute the given work.
  • Capability is taken to be a function of prior
    experience, their ability to generate enough
    resources in form of manpower and equipment, and
    their performance track-record from previous

  • 1 - Similar work experience (last 5 calendar
  • Two options-
  • a. the contractor can either be evaluated on the
    size of a SINGLE largest similar work that (s)he
    might have executed in the past
  • OR
  • b. on the aggregate size of THREE similar works
    that (s)he might have executed in the past

Scoring pattern for similar works-
Parameter Level of Achievement Score
Aggregate size of similar contract (max 3) in the last 5 calendar yrs. gt 175 of current project size 150-175 of current project size 125-150 of current project size 100-125 of current project size 75-100 of current project size lt 75 of current project size 10 8 6 4 2 0
Size of the largest similar contract executed in the last 5 calendar yrs gt 100 of current project size 90-100 of current project size 80-90 of current project size 70-80 of current project size 50-70 of current project size lt 50 of current project size 10 8 6 4 2 0
  • 2 Access to adequate equipments
  • Allocate points to each equipment based on its
  • Equipments of Tier-I importance 50 points
  • Equipments of Tier-II importance 30 points
  • Equipments of Tier-III importance 20 points
  • Total marks out of 100 to be scaled down to 15
  • 100 marks if the equipment are owned and 75
    marks if hired.
  • Scoring on equipment is fundamentally similar to
    the way it has been done in the pass/fail system

  • An illustrative list of prescribed equipments

Nature of work Tier-I (50 pts) Tier-II (30 pts) Tier-III (20 pts)
Road construction Excavator Road roller, Paver, Vibrator Air compressor, Tipper trucks, survey equipment
Building construction Bull-dozer, Concrete-mixer Shuttering set, Crane truck, Dumper truck Air compressor, Survey equipment
Road resurfacing Road roller Vibrator, Sprayer Air compressor, Tipper trucks
Road construction Excavator Road roller, Paver, Vibrator Air compressor, Tipper trucks, survey equipment
Building construction Bull-dozer, Concrete-mixer Shuttering set, Crane truck, Dumper truck Air compressor, Survey equipment
  • An illustrative list of prescribed equipments

Equipment Maximum marks Number required
Excavator 50 2
Paver 10 3
Vibrator 10 3
Road roller 10 3
Truck 5 4
Mechanical sprayer 5 2
Air compressor 5 1
Survey equipment 5 3
Total 100
  • 3 Availability of Manpower
  • The 100 points allocated is as follows
  • Personnel position of Tier-I importance 50
  • Personnel position of Tier-II importance 30
  • Personnel position of Tier-III importance 20
  • This parameter evaluates contractors on their
    ability to deploy personnel with suitable
    qualifications and experience

  • An illustrative list of manpower requirements

Tier of importance Position Qualification/Experience Score
Tier I Project Manager Graduate civil engineer with 10 years of experience Graduate engineer with 5-10 years of experience Diploma engineer with 5-10 years of experience Any other level of qualification or experience 50 30 15 0
Tier II Project Engineer Graduate engineer with 5 years of experience Diploma engineer with 5 years of experience Graduate or diploma engineer with 3 years of experience Any other level of qualification or experience 30 20 10 0
Tier III Site Supervisor Diploma engineer with 3 years of experience Personnel with formal training certification from VTI and at least 5 years of experience Any other level of qualification or experience 20 10 0
  • 4. Average performance score from previous work
    (0-10 pts)
  • The 100 performance score is composed of the
    following parameters
  • 1. On-time completion - (30)
  • 2. Quality of execution - (70)

  • 4 Average performance score from previous work
    (0-10 pts)
  • This parameter gives points based on contractors
    performance score of the last 5 calendar years
  • To begin with, all contractors will have a
    default performance score of 100.
  • This score will diminish whenever a contractor
    defaults on any one of the parameters of
  • Performance score information system and will be
    institutionalized with the introduction of the
    new point based system.
  • As contractor execute more projects, this score
    will keep getting averaged out over the number of
    projects executed

1. First Stage Technical Qualification
Technical Parameter (40)
C. Organizational Strength 15 points
A. Capability 50 points
B. Capacity 25 points
A contractor needs to obtain a score of at least
60 points out of 100 to qualify for the next
  • B. Capacity 25 points
  • This category of parameter tests the contractor
    on his/her ability to generate adequate financial
    resources for executing the project.
  • The parameters covered under this category are
  • Bid Capacity
    - 15
  • Credit line available (unused)
    - 10

  • Total - 25 points

  • 1 Bid Capacity (15 points)
  • A Average turnover of the contractor over
    the last 3 calendar years
  • N Estimated duration of the project being
    tendered in years
  • B Portion of other ongoing works to be
    completed in the period that overlaps with the
    current projects duration (that is, N)

Bid Capacity 2AN B
  • Bid capacity having calculated, the scoring will
    be as follows

Parameter Level of achievement Score
Bid Capacity Bid capacity quoted bid Bid capacity is between 80-100 quoted bid Bid capacity is between 60-80 quoted bid Bid capacity is between 40-60 quoted bid Bid capacity is between lt40 quoted bid 15 12 08 04 00
  • 2 Credit line available (Unused)-
  • This parameter evaluates the contractor on
    his/her ability to raise credit from banks and
    other financial institutions to manage the
    working capital requirements of the project.
  • The contractor will get a score based on a letter
    of credit from a bank that gives the amount of
    credit available to the contractor for the work
    to be awarded.
  • Level of achievement on this parameter will be
    judged in terms of months of project cash flow
    for which the credit is available.

  • Scoring pattern will be done as follows

Parameter Level of achievement Score
Credit line available (unused) 100 of estimated 3 month project cash flow 90 100 of estimated 3 month project cash flow 80 90 of estimated 3 month project cash flow 70 80 of estimated 3 month project cash flow 60 70 of estimated 3 month project cash flow lt60 of estimated 3 month project cash flow 10 08 06 04 02 00
  • This sums up the scoring of 25 points under the
    capacity category in the technical score. We
    now proceed to the next category
    organizational strength

1. First Stage Technical Qualification
Technical Parameter (40)
C. Organizational Strength 15 points
A. Capability 50 points
B. Capacity 25 points
A contractor needs to obtain a score of at least
60 points out of 100 to qualify for the next
C. Organizational Strength 15 points
  • This category of parameters evaluates the
    contractor on how well the contractors
    organization is set up and functioning and how
    much is it contributing to the overall betterment
    of the sector.
  • The parameters under this category are
  • Status (incorporated, proprietorship, JV etc.)
    - 05
  • Employment of local people
    - 10
  • Strength of special skill knowledge base
    - 05
  • Commitment for internships to VTI graduates
    - 05

  • Total - 25 points

  • 1 Status (incorporated, proprietorship, JV
  • The scoring on this parameter will be as

Parameter Level of achievement Score
Status (incorporated, proprietorship, JV) Incorporated company bidding alone Incorporated company as the lead partner (gt50 stake) in a bid by a joint venture Incorporated company as a non-lead partner (lt50 stake) in a bid by a joint venture Any other (proprietorship, partnership etc.) 5 3 1 0
  • 2 Employment of local people
  • - This parameter is designed to give the
    contractors benefit for employing local people in
    construction jobs.
  • The scoring on this parameter are as follows

Parameter Level of achievement Score
Employment of local people 50 project workforce to be Bhutanese 40 50 project workforce to be Bhutanese 25 40 project workforce to be Bhutanese 15 25 project workforce to be Bhutanese 15 project workforce to be Bhutanese 2 bonus points for contractors having Bhutanese people in at least 20 of permanent positions 8 6 4 2 0
Organisational contd.
  • 3 Strength of special skill knowledge base
  • - This parameter is to encourage contractors to
    employ environment friendly and new and
    innovative technologies etc. in construction
  • The scoring on this parameter are as follows

Parameter Level of achievement Score
Strength of special skill knowledge base Use of metal scaffolding instead of bamboo Use of non-polluting construction equipment Use of other technologies or equipments so far not used in the sector 5 4 3
  • 4 Commitment for internships to VTI graduates
  • - This parameter is designed to provide
    incentives to contractors to facilitate the
    betterment of vocational training for
    construction in Bhutan
  • The scoring on this parameter are as follows

Parameter Level of achievement Score
Commitment for internships to VTI graduates Internship opportunities for VTI graduates equivalent to 10 of project workforce Internship opportunities for VTI graduates equivalent to 5-10 of project workforce 5 3
  • This sums up the scoring of 25 points under the
    Organizational Strength category in the
    technical score.

Award of Work-
  • Contractors who obtain a score of 60 points or
    more on technical will move to the second stage.
  • In the second stage, the technical score from the
    previous stage will be combined with the
    financial bid to obtain the overall
    techno-financial score as given below

Lowest quoted bid
among qualifying bids 60
Financial bid quoted by x
40 of Technical score for x
  • Work shall be awarded to the contractor
    obtaining the highest overall techno-financial

  • 2. New System For Contractor Classification

Simplifications to the existing classification
Class Requirements
Name A B
No. of contractors 58 35
Limit on project sizes gt19 mn 9-19 mn
Max. no. of projects 5 4
  • LARGE contractors
  • No restriction on number of projects?
  • Eligible for projects gt Nu 15 million
  • To be awarded projects based on the new point
    based system proposed
  • Same as class B equipment of class A
  • Should get incorporated within 1 year

Nu 15 million
Name C
No. of contractors 285
Limit on project sizes 2-9 mn
Max. no. of projects 3
  • MEDIUM contractors
  • No restriction on number of projects?
  • Nu 15 mn Project size gt Nu 4 mn
  • To be awarded projects based on the new point
    based system proposed
  • Same as those for class C

Nu 4 million
  • One site supervisor
  • Incentive to those bidders who employ VTI site

Name D
No. of contractors 2522
Limit on project sizes lt 2 mn
Max. no. of projects 1
  • SMALL contractors
  • Maximum 2 project allowed at a time?
  • Total works (all together) Nu 4 mn
  • To be awarded projects based on the lowest bid
  • No requirements on track-record for being in any
    class registration purpose
  • Possible for new, promising contractor to enter
    higher class
  • Adequate consideration for the large number of
    small contractors

Class Largeallowable Range - gt 15 mnmax No of
Project - No limit /5 Nos.
Proposed System for Contractor Classification
Class Mediumallowable Range - 4-15 mnmax No
of Project - No Limit/ 4 Nos
Class Smallallowable Range - lt 4mnmax No of
Project - 2 Nos provided the total amount is
3. Schedule of Implementation
  • 4. e-tool for evaluation

Bid Invitation Stage
CDB WEB E-Software
CDB Database
Up-load Tender
  • Enter Requirements
  • Equipments
  • Manpower
  • Special Strength

Information gets Stored
Work ID Generated
  • Enter
  • Name of the work
  • Estimate Amount
  • Project Duration

Evaluation Stage
  • Enter Work ID
  • Receives Information from Database
  • Name of the work
  • Estimate Amount
  • Project Duration
  • Set Criteria (manpower, equipment etc.)

CDB WEB E-Software (Enter ID)/ CDB No.
CDB Database
  • Enter CDB No.
  • Receives Information from Database for contractor
  • Similar Experience
  • Annual Turnover
  • Past Performance
  • Nos. of work in hand value of works that
    overlaps with the current project

Enter other parameters eqip, m/p etc.
Gets Storied in Database
Repeat for each bidder evaluation complete
Work Completion stage
CDB Database
CDB WEB E-Software
  • The past performance score of the bidders gets
    updated which will be used in the next bidding
  • Work awarded gets updated as completed
  • Enter
  • Date of completion
  • Final Amount
  • Performance Score
  • Timely Completion Score
  • Quality Score

  • Tashi Delek
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