The Church-Turing Thesis: still valid after all these years? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Church-Turing Thesis: still valid after all these years?


Turing Alan Turing, 1936, On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungs-problem. Introduced the idea of a Turing machine computable number The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Church-Turing Thesis: still valid after all these years?

The Church-Turing Thesisstill valid after all
these years?
  • Antony Galton
  • Department of Computer Science
  • University of Exeter, UK

What is the Church-Turing thesis?

Alonzo Church Alan Turing 1903-1995

  • Alonzo Church, 1936, An unsolvable problem of
    elementary number theory.
  • Introduced recursive functions and l-definable
    functions and proved these classes equivalent.
  • We define the notion of an effectively
    calculable function of positive integers by
    identifying it with the notion of a recursive
    function of positive integers.

  • Alan Turing, 1936, On computable numbers, with an
    application to the Entscheidungs-problem.
  • Introduced the idea of a Turing machine
    computable number
  • The Turing machine computable numbers include
    all numbers which could naturally be regarded as

Turing Machines
  • A mechanism for performing calculations by
    reading and writing symbols on an unbounded
    linear tape divided into discrete squares.
  • Finite set of states Q, finite alphabet A.
  • Instructions of the form When in state q reading
    symbol a, change to state q, write symbol a,
    and read next symbol to right or left.
  • Computation completed when the halting state is

Origin of the Turing Machine
  • Turing arrived at his conception through an
    analysis of the essential features of computation
    as performed by humans.
  • TM states correspond to states of mind
  • Finite alphabet of discriminable symbols
  • Linear tape is idealisation of working surface
  • Displacement corresponds to shift of attention
    from one part of the surface to another

Limitations of Turing Machines
  • The Halting Problem Given a TM T and input i, to
    determine whether T, when run with i, will
    eventually halt.
  • Turing showed that there is no TM which can solve
    this problem
  • and that the Halting Problem is equivalent to
    the Entscheidungsproblem for first-order logic.

Computable numbers and functions
  • Turings computable numbers are real numbers
    whose expressions as a decimal are calculable by
    finite means.
  • This is not a serious limitation, since it is
    almost equally easy to define and investigate
    computable functions
  • Church discussed effectively calculable functions
    of the positive integers, and Turing proved these
    are equivalent to the Turing machine computable

A formulation of the Church-Turing thesis
  • A function over the natural numbers is computable
    (i.e., effectively calculable) if and only if
    there is a Turing machine which computes it.
  • The restriction to natural numbers is less
    serious than it sounds any determinate
    input/output relation defined on finite strings
    over a finite alphabet is equivalent to a
    function on the natural numbers.

Interpreting the C-T thesis
  • C-T states Computable TM-computable
  • What exactly does computable mean?
  • Computable by a human following a fixed
    finitely-specifiable routine?
  • Computable using any physically possible
    computing device?
  • Computable using any logically possible computing

The Historical Context
  • In 1936, there were no electronic computers.
  • The word computer referred to a human who
    performed calculations following fixed (but
    potentially highly complex) routines.
  • Robin Gandys interpretation (1988)
  • Turings Theorem Any function which is
    effectively calculable by an abstract human being
    following a fixed routine is effectively
    calculable by a Turing machine and conversely.

Infinity and Idealisation

An abstract human being?
  • C-T can only refer to humans in an idealised way
  • The human computer never makes a mistake, either
    in reading or writing symbols or in following the
    prescribed instructions.
  • The human computer has unlimited time and space
    available (but only ever uses a finite quantity
    of both).

Three versions of the thesis
  • The TM-computable functions are precisely
  • the functions computable by an idealised human
    computer Human C-T thesis
  • the functions computable using any physically
    possible means Physical C-T thesis
  • the functions computable using any logically
    possible means The Logical C-T thesis

More idealisation
  • An adding machine with 10-digit registers, used
    in the normal way, cannot be used to compute
  • 888888888888 999999999999.
  • Thus to assert that this machine computes the
    addition function on the natural numbers involves
    a further element of idealisation
  • That the machine embodies (as closely as possible
    given certain limitations of size, convenience,
    etc) an idealised abstract machine which does
    compute precisely the addition function.

What idealisations are acceptable?
  • An acceptable idealisation No limit is placed on
    how much tape is used.
  • An unacceptable idealisation A Turing machine
    computation which uses the whole of an infinite
    tape (e.g., the input is required to be the
    complete decimal expansion of p).
  • The difference here is between potential infinity
    and actual infinity.

Two Kinds of Infinity
  • Euclid showed that, for any positive integer n,
    there are more than n primes.
  • This is often expressed as there are infinitely
    many primes.

The Quantifier-Shift Fallacy
  • The shift from For every n there exists P to
    There exists P such that for every n is an
    example of the Quantifier-shift Fallacy (Geach,
    1972). It is not logically warranted.
  • From the fact that there is no limit to the
    number of primes that can potentially be
    discovered, it does not logically follow that
    there is an actual infinite totally of primes.

A suggestion
  • When considering computation and computability,
  • Idealisations which involve the introduction of a
    potentially infinite (i.e., unbounded) quantity
    are generally acceptable.
  • Idealisations which involve the introduction of
    an actually infinite quantity are prima facie

The Human C-T Thesis
  • The supposition that every TM-computable function
    can be computed by an idealised human computer
    appears to assume only acceptable forms of
  • Thus there are good reasons to suppose that the
    Human C-T thesis is true, as has been asserted by
    many commentators.

The Physical C-T Thesis
  • If the Human thesis is true, then for the
    Physical thesis to be true as well we require
    that an idealised human computer can compute any
    function computable by any physically possible
  • If this is false, then there are physically
    possible computations that are not humanly
    possible this is called hypercomputation
    (Copeland and Proudfoot, 1999)

  • Questioning the Physical Church-Turing thesis
    Accelerating Turing Machines and Infinite

An Accelerating Turing Machine (ATM)
  • This is just like an ordinary Turing machine,
    except that each computation step takes half the
    time of the preceding step.
  • If the first step takes half a second, then
    infinitely many steps can be completed in one
  • This would enable us to compute non-recursive
    functions (Copeland, 2002).

Goldbachs Conjecture
  • Goldbachs Conjecture (GC) states that every even
    number greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum
    of two primes.
  • As of now, this has been neither proved nor
  • It is straightforward to check whether any
    particular even number is the sum of two primes.

A Goldbach machine G
  • Start with a blank tape.
  • Initially write T on square 0.
  • Beginning with 4, take each even number in turn
    and check whether it can be expressed as the sum
    of two primes.
  • If it is, proceed to the next even number, but if
    not, halt and replace the symbol on square 0 by

Using G to resolve GC
  • The TM G halts if and only if GC is false.
  • If GC is false, then we can use G to discover
    this fact.
  • If GC is true, we cannot discover this using G in
    the ordinary way.
  • But if we run G as an ATM then after one second
    the symbol on square 0 will be T if GC is true,
    and F if GC is false.

The Power of ATMs
  • ATMs could be used to solve any problem of the
    form nP(n), where P is a TM-computable property
    of natural numbers.
  • The Halting Problem is of this kind, since for
    any m, i, the predicate H(m,i,n), meaning TM m,
    when run with input i, has halted after n steps,
    is a TM-computable function of n.

Are ATMs acceptable?
  • Machine FAn accelerates for the first n steps but
    thereafter runs at constant speed.
  • If the FAn are considered acceptable, then
  • For each positive integer n, we can construct a
    TM which can perform n steps in under a second.
  • This does not warrant the inference to
  • We can construct a TM which, for each positive
    integer n, can perform n steps in under a second
  • which is what is required for an ATM.

Physical limits to acceleration
  • In any case, there are physical obstacles to
    constructing ATMs.
  • No operation can take less than 10-43 seconds
    (the Planck time), regarded as the smallest
    interval over which physical change can occur.
  • But almost all of the computation steps of an ATM
    must take less time than this!

Infinite Computations
  • An infinite computation has the following
  • An infinite sequence of computations is initiated
    at a certain time t
  • A result which may depend on all the computations
    in this sequence is made available at some later
    time td (where d is finite)
  • An ATM would be one way of performing infinite
    computations. Is it the only way?

Relativistic Computations
  • A number of authors have investigated the
    possibility of realising infinite computations in
    some form of space-time sanctioned by General
  • Pitowsky, 1990
  • Hogarth, 1992, 1994
  • Earman and Norton, 1993
  • Shagrir and Pitowky, 2003

Malament-Hogarth Spacetimes
  • A Malament-Hogarth point in a relativistic
    space-time is a point p whose past light-cone
    includes the whole of some future-directed
    half-infinite timeline l.
  • Such points are compatible with General
    Relativity, but they can only occur in certain
    special models of the theory called
    Malament-Hogarth Spacetimes.

Anti-de Sitter Spacetime
  • Point p is a Malament-Hogarth point since the
    whole of half-timeline l is contained in the past
    light-cone of p (the unshaded portion).

Infinite computations in Malament-Hogarth
  • At s, we send a TM along timeline l, programmed
    to determine whether P(n) holds for n0,1,2,3,
  • Meanwhile we follow timeline L to point p, which
    is in the future of the entire timeline l.
  • Along l, if ever an n is found for which P(n)
    holds, the TM sends a signal to p.
  • At p, if a signal is received from the TM then
    the solution to nP(n) is yes, otherwise no.

Is Infinite Computation possible in our Universe?
  • It is not known whether our universe contains
    Malament-Hogarth points.
  • Or, if it does, whether we can in principle
    exploit them for the purposes of infinite
  • Or, if we can, whether this would work in

What the experts say
  • Earman and Norton (1993)
  • It is not clear that any M-H spacetime
    qualifies as physically possible and physically
  • Hogarth (1994)
  • The physically possible computing limit is
    firmly tied to some contingent and as yet unknown
    facts about the world.

Yet more idealisation
  • The M-H infinite computation involves another
    kind of idealisation that a computer can
    function correctly for an infinite period of
  • This in turn depends on a more basic
    idealisation that there are infinite timelines
    in the universe.
  • Neither of these idealisations is needed for the
    standard Church-Turing thesis. Nor are they
    acceptable, since they involve actual infinities.

Could actual infinities become acceptable?
  • Only if it can be demonstrated that actually
    infinite phenomena exist in our universe.
  • One way in which this could happen would be to
    show that an M-H based infinite computation can
    be conducted in practice.
  • But how could we verify that the phenomena
    thereby revealed really do involve actual
    infinities as claimed?

Other routes to hypercomputation?
  • A number of different computational paradigms
    have been suggested as possible sources of
    hypercomputation. I shall consider
  • Quantum computation
  • Neural networks
  • Analogue computation

Quantum Computation
  • Standard QC is based on qubits, systems with
    two states existing in superposition. Deutsch
    (1985) showed such QC promises efficiency gains
    but no extra functionality.
  • Kieu (2001) proposed an alternative model,
    Quantum Adiabatic Computation, and presented an
    algorithm for Hilberts 10th Problem (known to to
    be equivalent to the TM Halting Problem).
  • However, this requires physical implementation of
    systems with infinitely many energy levels. Is
    this another unacceptable idealisation?

Neural Networks
  • Networks of simple processors linked by weighted
    connections. Computational powers depend on the
    architecture and the connection weights.
  • Siegelmann (1995) showed that NNs with
    infinite-precision real-number weights can
    compute non-TM-computable functions.
  • Infinite precision requires actual, not merely
    potential infinity, and cannot be realised
    physically. An unacceptable idealisation.

Analogue Computation
  • Whereas digital computation uses physical systems
    with discrete state-spaces, analogue computation
    can exploit the (apparent) continuity in many
    physical processes.
  • Moore (1996) developed a recursion theory on real
    numbers to provide the theoretical underpinning
    for continuous-time analogue computation.
  • But again, non-Turing-computation can only be
    achieved under the physically unrealistic
    assumption of infinite-precision representations
    of real numbers.

Would hypercomputation invalidate C-T?
  • The Human C-T remains valid even in the face of
    hypercomputation, unless the hypercomputation can
    be realised as an effective procedure carried out
    by humans.
  • But the Physical C-T would indeed be invalidated
    but only so long as the idealisation involved
    in hypercomputation is regarded as acceptable.

A conservative conclusion
  • We should be very wary of concluding that C-T is
    invalidated on the strength of existing proposals
    for hypercomputation.
  • As yet there exists no evidence whatever that any
    form of hypercomputation is feasible in practice.
  • So the C-T lives to see another day!

A few afterthoughts
  • Is the human brain as a computer?
  • Are there computational processes in nature?

Mind and nature
  • Does C-T imply that the human mind and other
    natural phenomena are nothing but
    Turing-equivalent computations?
  • No! There is no reason to think that these are
    computations of any sort. At best, certain
    aspects of them can be simulated by means of

Artificial Intelligence
  • C-T is not concerned with the powers of human
    beings except insofar as they are consciously
    following effective procedures to compute
    specified input-output relations.
  • Normal human behaviour does not come under this
    heading, and therefore there is no reason to
    suppose that it can be described in the form of
    computation, Turing-equivalent or otherwise.

Computation in nature?
  • Computation is intentional it consists of
    processes initiated by intelligent agents with
    the purpose of deriving outputs bearing specified
    relations to some inputs.
  • Intelligent agents can exploit physical processes
    in nature as means to perform computations, but
    this does not mean that nature itself ever
    performs computations.

Biomolecular Computation?
  • Biomolecular processes such as DNA replication
    can be thought of as processing information in
    the (relatively impoverished) Shannon-Weaver
    sense but not in the sense of being
  • Such processes are things that happen, but
    computations are actions.
  • But we can exploit these processes as tools to
    help us perform computations. And this may lead
    to many exciting developments in the future.
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