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Adaptive Filtering


Adaptive Filtering CHAPTER 4 Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the Least Squares In this presentation the method of least squares will be used to derive a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Adaptive Filtering

Adaptive Filtering
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
In this presentation the method of least squares
will be used to derive a recursive algorithm for
automatically adjusting the coefficients of a
tapped-delay-line filter, without invoking
assumptions on the statistics of the input
signals. This procedure, called the recursive
least-squares (RLS) algorithm, is capable of
realizing a rate of convergence that is much
faster than the LMS algorithm, because the RLS
algorithm utilizes all the information contained
in the input data from the start of the
adaptation up to the present.
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
The Deterministic Normal Equations
Figure 4.1 Tapped-delay-line filter
The requirement is to design the filter in such a
way that it minimizes the residual sum of squares
of the error.
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
The filter output is the convolution sum
which upon substituting
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
Introduce the following definitions 1) We define
the deterministic correlation between the input
signals at taps k and m, summed over the data
length n, as
2) We define the deterministic correlation
between the desired response and the input signal
at tap k, summed over the data length n, as
3) We define the energy of the desired response as
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
The residual sum of squares is now written as
We may treat the tap coefficients as constants
for the duration of the input data, from 1 to n.
Hence, differentiating Eq. (4.7) with respect to
h(k, n), we get
Let denote the value of the kth tap
coefficient for which the derivative
is zero at time n. Thus, from Eq.
(4.8) we get
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
This set of M simultaneous equations constitutes
the deterministic normal equations whose solution
determines the least-squares filter.
Vector form of the least-squares filter
The deterministic correlation matrix of the tap
and the deterministic cross-correlation vector
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
With these definitions the normal equations are
expressed as
Assuming ?(n) is nonsingular
and for the resulting filter the residual sum of
squares attains the minimum value
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
Properties of the Least-squares Estimate
Property 1. The least-squares estimate of the
coefficient vector approaches the optimum Wiener
solution as the data length n approaches
infinity, if the filter input and the desired
response are jointly stationary ergodic processes.
Property 2. The least-squares estimate of the
coefficient vector is unbiased if the error
signal e(i) has zero mean for all i.
Property 3. The covariance matrix of the
least-squares estimate equals ,
except for a scaling factor, if the error vector
has zero mean and its elements are
Property 4. If the elements of the error vector
are statistically independent and
Gaussian-distributed, then the least-squares
estimate is the same as the maximum-likelihood
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
The Matrix-Inversion Lemma
Let A and B be two positive definite, M by M
matrices related by
where D is another positive definite, N by N
matrix and C is an M by N matrix. According to
the matrix-inversion lemma, we may express the
inverse of the matrix A as follows
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
The Recursive Least-Squares (RLS) Algorithm
The deterministic correlation matrix is
now modified term by term as
where c is a small positive constant and
is the Kronecker delta
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
This expression can be reformulated as
where the first term equates
Note that this recursive equation is independent
of the arbitrarily small constant c.
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
Defining the M-by-1 tap input vector
we can express the correlation matrix as
and make the following associations to use the
matrix inversion lemma
Thus the inverse of the correlation matrix gets
the following recursive form
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
For convenience of computation, let
Then, we may rewrite Eq. (4.24) as follows
The M-by-1 vector k(n) is called the gain vector.
Postmultiplying both sides of Eq.(4.27) by the
tap-input vector u(n) we get
Rearranging Eq. (4.26) we find that
Therefor substituting Eq. (4.29) in Eq. (4.28)
and simplifying we get
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
Reminding that the
recursion requires not only updates for
as given by Eq. (4.27) but also
recursive updates for the deterministic
cross-correlation defined by
which can be rewritten as
yielding the recursion
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
As a result
With the suitable substitutions we get
which can be expressed as
where ?(n) is a true estimation error defined as
Equations (4.35) and (4.36) constitute the
recursive least-squares (RLS) algorithm.
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
Summary of the RLS Algorithm
1. Let n1 2. Compute the gain vector
3. Compute the true estimation error
4. Update the estimate of the coefficient vector
5. Update the error correlation matrix
6. Increment n by 1, go back to step 2
Side result recursion of the minimum value of
the residual sum of squares
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
Comparison of the RLS and LMS Algorithms
Figure 4.2 Multidimensional signal-flow graph
(a) RLS algorithm (b) LMS algorithm
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
1. In the LMS algorithm, the correction that is
applied in updating the old estimate of the
coefficient vector is based on the instantaneous
sample value of the tap-input vector and the
error signal. On the other hand, in the RLS
algorithm the computation of this correction
utilizes all the past available information. 2.
In the LMS algorithms, the correction applied to
the previous estimate consists of the product of
three factors the (scalar) step-size parameter
?, the error signal e( n-1), and the tap-input
vector u(n-1). On the other hand, in the RLS
algorithm this correction consists of the product
of two factors the true estimation error ?(n)
and the gain vector k(n). The gain vector itself
consists of ?-1(n), the inverse of the
deterministic correlation matrix, multiplied by
the tap-input vector u(n). The major difference
between the LMS and RLS algorithms is therefore
the presence of ?-1(n) in the correction term of
the RLS algorithm that has the effect of
decorrelating the successive tap inputs, thereby
making the RLS algorithm self-orthogonalizing.
Because of this property, we find that the RLS
algorithm is essentially independent of the
eigenvalue spread of the correlation matrix of
the filter input.
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
3. The LMS algorithm requires approximately 20M
iterations to converge in mean square, where M is
the number of tap coefficients contained in the
tapped-delay-line filter. On the other band, the
RLS algorithm converges in mean square within
less than 2M iterations. The rate of convergence
of the RLS algorithm is therefore, in general,
faster than that of the LMS algorithm by an order
of magnitude. 4. Unlike the LMS algorithm, there
are no approximations made in the derivation of
the RLS algorithm. Accordingly, as the number of
iterations approaches infinity, the least-squares
estimate of the coefficient vector approaches the
optimum Wiener value, and correspondingly, the
mean-square error approaches the minimum value
possible. In other words, the RLS algorithm, in
theory, exhibits zero misadjustment. On the other
hand, the LMS algorithm always exhibits a nonzero
misadjustment however, this misadjustment may be
made arbitrarily small by using a sufficiently
small step-size parameter ?.
Adaptive Tapped-delay-line Filters Using the
Least Squares
5. The superior performance of the RLS algorithm
compared to the LMS algorithm, however, is
attained at the expense of a large increase in
computational complexity. The complexity of an
adaptive algorithm for real-time operation is
determined by two principal factors (1) the
number of multiplications (with divisions counted
as multiplications) per iteration, and (2) the
precision required to perform arithmetic
operations. The RLS algorithm requires a total of
3M(3 M )/2 multiplications, which increases as
the square of M, the number of filter
coefficients. On the other hand, the LMS
algorithm requires 2M 1 multiplications,
increasing linearly with M. For example, for M
31 the RLS algorithm requires 1581
multiplications, whereas the LMS algorithm
requires only 63.
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