Mrs. Frisby and the Crow - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mrs. Frisby and the Crow


Mrs. Frisby and the Crow Jeff Cole Bishop Elementary Vocabulary Quiz treacherous- alarmingly fierce- ineffectively prospect useless: in vain a future possible ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: crow | frisby | life | mrs | wild


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mrs. Frisby and the Crow

Mrs. Frisby and the Crow
  • Jeff Cole
  • Bishop Elementary

Vocabulary Quiz
  • treacherous-
  • alarmingly
  • fierce-
  • ineffectively
  • prospect
  • useless in vain
  • a future possible event something that could
  • filled with a sense of danger
  • not safe because of hidden dangers
  • wild or threatening in appearance

Intervention Word Knowledge
  • In one-syllable words that end in a single
    consonant, we double the final consonant when an
    ending is added
  • flap, flapped, flapping
  • Grip, gripped, gripping
  • Snap, snapped, snapping
  • Grab, grabbed, grabbing
  • Pattern, questions, sentence, partner practice,
  • Dictation Practice

Linguistic Considerations Day 1
  • Prepositions
  • Across
  • Between
  • Abreast
  • Toward
  • Behind
  • Through
  • Upward
  • Under
  • The plural of mouse is
  • MICE !!!

Selection Background Day 1
  • House cat
  • Wild cat
  • Owl
  • Fox
  • Weasel
  • Mouse
  • Chicken
  • Crow

Day 1 Comprehension Questions
  • What kind of animal is Mrs. Frisby?
  • A mouse
  • What kind of animal is Dragon?
  • A cat
  • Why is the cat dangerous to Mrs. Frisby?
  • Because cats kill mice
  • What risk is Mrs. Frisby taking by going home
    through the yard?
  • Being killed by the cat
  • Which way does Mrs. Frisby decide to go?
  • Through the yard

Cause and Effect Day 1 barn, because, choice,
dangerous, decide, farmer, forest, garden, hunt,
journey, kill, medicine, risk, woods, yard
  • Because a word used to tell why something is a
    certain way or why something happens
  • Why is Anita happy?
  • Anita is happy because she got a good grade on
    the test.
  • Why is Mrs. Frisby making the dangerous journey?
  • ______ because _______
  • Mrs. Frisby is making the dangerous journey
    because _______.
  • Mrs. Frisby is making the dangerous journey
    because her son needs medicine.

Cause and Effect Day 1 barn, because, choice,
dangerous, decide, farmer, forest, garden, hunt,
journey, kill, medicine, risk, woods, yard
  • Why is it so dangerous for Mrs. Frisby to go home
    through the forest?
  • ______ because ________.
  • The forest is dangerous because owls and other
    animals hunt there at night.
  • Why is it dangerous for Mrs. Frisby to go home
    through the yard?
  • ____ because _____
  • The yard is dangerous because the farmers cat
    hunts there.

Day 2 Comprehension caught, caused, crow, fence,
noise, shiny, silver, startle, string, sudden,
  • barn, because, choice, dangerous, decide, farmer,
    forest, garden, hunt, journey, kill, medicine,
    risk, woods, yard
  • What happened to the crow after he picked up the
    silver string?
  • The string got tangled around his foot. Then the
    string got caught on the fence.
  • Why does Mrs. Frisby want the crow to stop making
  • She is afraid that the cat will hear the noise.

Cause and Effect Day 2 caught, caused, crow,
fence, noise, shiny, silver, startle, string,
sudden, tangled,wire
  • Caused-verb-made something happen
  • Remember
  • Because is used to explain why something happens
  • What caused Mrs. Frisby to make the journey?
  • Mrs. Frisby made the journey because she needed
    to get medicine for her son.
  • What caused Mrs. Frisby to be startled?
  • _______ because ________.
  • Mrs. Frisby is startled because________
  • Mrs. Frisby is startled because she heard a
    sudden noise.

Cause and Effect Day 2 caught, caused, crow,
fence, noise, shiny, silver, startle, string,
sudden, tangled,wire
  • What cause the crow to be tied to the fence?
  • The crow was tied to the fence because_______ .
  • The crow was tied to the fence because a piece of
    string was tangled around his leg.
  • What caused the crow to pick up the piece of
  • The crow picked up the string because_______.
  • The crow picked up the string because the string
    was shiny.

Word Knowledge Day 2
  • Wrap, wrapped, wrapping
  • Mom wrapped the sandwich.
  • Caught, stalked, squaking, gnawing
  • Jeremy was caught in a trap.
  • Nervous, treacherous, dangerous, marvelous
  • The other choice would be dangerous, too.
  • Victims, pasture, bottomless, shrubs, silver
  • Silver can be used to make coins

Word Knowledge Day 3
  • Wrap, wrapped, wrapping
  • Mom wrapped the sandwich.
  • Caught, stalked, squaking, gnawing
  • Jeremy was caught in a trap.
  • Nervous, treacherous, dangerous, marvelous
  • The other choice would be dangerous, too.
  • Victims, pasture, bottomless, shrubs, silver
  • Silver can be used to make coins

Cause and Effect Day3 cause, climb on, cut
through, effect, fly off, free, tangled
  • caught, caused, crow, fence, noise, shiny,
    silver, startle, string, sudden, tangled,wire
  • Cause-noun-something that makes something else
  • Effect- something that happens because of
    something else.
  • Mrs. Frisby knows the cat will kill the crow so
    she helps the crow. The cause is Mrs. Frisby
    knows the cat will kill the crow.
  • What is the effect?
  • The effect is _____
  • The effect is Mrs. Frisby helps the crow.

Cause and Effect Day3
  • The string is very tangled, so Mrs. Frisby has to
    cut through it three times to get it off.
  • The effect is Mrs. Frisby has to cut through the
    string three times to get the string off. What is
    the cause?
  • The cause is _____.
  • The cause is the string is very tangled.

Cause and Effect Day3
  • Mrs. Frisby cuts through the string, so the crow
    is free to fly off.
  • What is the cause?
  • The cause is____.
  • The cause is Mrs. Frisby cuts through the string.
  • What is the effect?
  • The effect is ______.
  • The effect is the crow is free to fly off.

Day 3 Comprehension cause, climb on, cut
through, effect, fly off, free, tangled
  • What does Mrs. Frisby thing will happen if she
    does not help the crow?
  • She thinks the cat will kill the crow.
  • How does Mrs. Frisby get the string off the crow?
  • She uses her sharp teeth to cut through the
  • Why do you think Mrs. Frisby climbs on the crows
  • So the crow can carry her as he flies.

Test Comprehension Questions Day 3
  • Why did Mrs. Frisby risk helping the crow?
  • What possible consequences did Mrs. Frisby face
    helping the crow?
  • Why did Mrs. Frisby choose to go home through the
    farmyard instead of the woods?
  • Why did Mrs. Frisby risk her life to remove the
    string from the crows leg?
  • What risk did crow take to save Mrs. Frisbys

Cause and effect Day 4 tangle, carry, in debt,
just in time, risk, save
  • cause, climb on, cut through, effect, fly off,
    free, tangled
  • Risk- can be a verb or a noun.
  • When you take a risk you do something that could
    be dangerous. You do not know what will happen,
    but something bad could happen.
  • The possibility of something bad happening is
    the risk that you take when you do something is
  • Ill ask you a question and give you part of the
    answer. You complete the answer.
  • How did Mrs. Frisby save the crows life?
  • Mrs. Frisby cut off the string that was _____
    around the crows leg.
  • tangled
  • The ____ crow Mrs. Frisby on his back to fly away
    from the cat.
  • carried

Day 4 Comprehension Questions tangle, carry, in
debt, just in time, risk, save
  • How did Mrs. Frisby risk her life to help the
  • She helped free the crow even though the cat was
    coming to kill them.
  • How does Mrs. Frisby get home?
  • She flies home on the crows back.
  • Why does the crow think he is in debt, to Mrs.
  • Mrs. Frisby risked her life to save the crows

Test Comprehension Questions Day 4
  • Why did Mrs. Frisby risk helping the crow?
  • What possible consequences did Mrs. Frisby face
    helping the crow?
  • Why did Mrs. Frisby choose to go home through the
    farmyard instead of the woods?
  • Why did Mrs. Frisby risk her life to remove the
    string from the crows leg?
  • What risk did crow take to save Mrs. Frisbys

Day 5 Possible Test Cause and Effect
  • What caused Mrs. Frisby to make the journey
    across the farmyard?
  • Mrs. Frisby made the journey because____.
  • Why was the journey through the yard dangerous
    for Mrs. Frisby?
  • The journey was dangerous because_____.
  • Mrs. Frisby risked her life to save the crows
    life, so the crow is in debt to Mrs. Frisby.
  • The cause is Mrs. Frisby risked her life to save
    the crows life.
  • What is the effect?
  • The effect is the _________.

Day 5 Possible Test Comprehension
  • Why did Mrs. Frisby risk her life making such a
    dangerous journey?
  • Why did Mrs. Frisby risk staying in the yard when
    the cat was coming?
  • Why did the crow risk staying in the yard when
    the cat was coming?
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