Maintenance Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Maintenance Management


This is highly essential to ensure effective execution of preventive maintenance schedules Check-list for inspection ... Preventive Maintenance Management Vehicle ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Maintenance Management

Best Practices in
Maintenance Management
Fleet Health is secret of our Strength
Fleet Maintenance in APSRTC
  • 1st TIER
  • At depots, preventive maintenance schedules,
    attention of running repairs, unit changes
    fitness work and Coach work Upkeep
  • 2nd TIER
  • At workshops - major overhaul of units buses
  • At Tyre Retreading shops - retreading and repair
    of tyres

Objectives of Fleet Maintenance
  • Preventive maintenance to vehicles for roadworthy
    fleet with good appearance, upkeep comfort
  • Punctuality
  • Zero Accident
  • Zero Breakdown Zero Cancellation
  • Minimum operational cost to earn profits
  • Sustainability growth of organization
  • Lowest emission levels

PARAMETER 2010-11 2011-12 Target Upto Jan12
1 HSD KMPL (Total) 5.17 5.30 5.13
HSD KMPL (Excl.Spl type) 5.26 5.40 5.26
2 Breakdown Rate 0.10 0.07 0.08
3 Mech. Cancelation 0.23 0.11 0.19
4 Total Tyre Life 1.68 1.84 1.70
5 New Tyre Scrap 2.37 1.30 3.17
6 New Tyre Mileage 62897 -- 67282
7 RT Factor 2.70 -- 2.58
8 Lub KMPL 1117 1189 1174
9 Spring Consumption 78 50 55
10 Fleet Utilization 99.45 99.60 95.40
  • APSRTC has established very precise Preventive
    Maintenance Policies which are flexible in design
    and rigid in implementation.
  • The Maintenance Policies are primarily designed
    based on the manufacturers recommendations,
    product duty cycles and application environment.
  • The vehicles undergo preventive maintenance
    schedules at Depots with the material support
    from Zonal Stores, aggregates support from Zonal
    Workshops and Tyres from Tyre Retreading shops

Basic Requirements for Effective Fleet
  1. Security
  2. Vehicle dispatch
  3. Gentset
  4. Cycle stand
  5. Oil Bunk
  6. DC(oils)
  7. Washing Plant
  8. Toilets
  9. Smithy
  10. Electrical
  11. Painter Trimmer
  12. Tyres
  13. DC(TP)
  14. Dining hall
  15. Stores
  16. MF/AMF room
  17. Maintenance Pits
  18. Sch-III/IV floor

Delegation of various responsibilities in a Depot
Function Custodian/ Incharge
Security of Premises, Property assets Security SI/Head Guard Security Guards in three shifts
Indenting, Receipts, Issues Accountal of HSD Oil Lubricants Depot Clerk Asst.Depot Clerk (Oils)
Tools, Plants Equipment Depot Clerk/ Asst.Depot Clerk (TP)
Tyres indenting, Receipt, issues Accountal Asst. Depot Clerk (Tyres)
Stores Inventory Stores Supervisor Asst.Depot Clerk (Stores)
Shift Maintenance Superintendent(Mech)/ Dy.Supdt (M)/Leading Hand
General Shift Superintendent (M)/ Dy.Supdt(M)
Maintenance of records, documentation correspondence Asst.Depot Clerk (Gen)
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  • There are 7 workshops situated at Uppal,
    Karimnagar, Vijayawada, Vizianagaram, Kadapa,
    Nellore and Tirupathi
  • The main functions of Workshops are
  • i) Complete Overhauling of Buses.
  • ii) Sundry repairs of Buses.
  • iii) Reconditioning of aggregates like
  • Engine, Gear box, Front Axle,
  • Rear Axle, FIP etc, and supply to
  • depots on counter exchange basis.

Zonal workshops - Uppal
Zonal workshops Engine Section
Zonal workshops Body Section
Tyre Retreading Shop
Tyre Retreading Process
Preventive Maintenance Schedules adopted at
S. No Maintenance Schedule Periodicity of Maintenance Periodicity of Maintenance
S. No Maintenance Schedule District Operation City Operations
1 Sch-I Daily Daily
2 Sch-II Weekly Weekly
3 Sch-III 12,000 Kms for Ord 15,000 kms for New special type 9,000 Kms for all 12,000 kms for New
4 Sch-IV 36,000 Kms for Ord 45,000 kms for New special type 27,000 Kms for all 36,000 kms for New
5 F.C. Attention Initially after 2 yrs of commissioning annually thereafter Initially after 2 yrs of commissioning annually thereafter
Oil, Filter Coolant changes
Description of Lubricant LEYLAND TATA
Engine Oil Long Life CH4 36,000 for Dist 24,000 for City 36,000 (18,000 for Cummins)
Engine oil other than CH4 15,000/ 16,000 18,000
Gear Box oil Ordinary 32,000 18,000
Gear Box oil Extra Long life 40,000 72,000
Differential oil Ordinary 32,000 18,000
Differential oil Extra long life 48,000 72,000
P.Steering oil Filter 80,000 80,000
Clutch Kits Clutch Fluid 40,000 72,000
Coolant 75,000 3.00 lakhs (or) 2Yrs
Filter Changes
Description of Filter LEYALND TATA
Fuel Filter Felt 20,000 27,000
Fuel Filter Paper 30,000 20,000 for BS-II 36,000 18,000 for BS-II
Spinon Fuel filters 25,000 BS-II 18,000 TC
Fuel Strainers (Baby filters) 50,000 clean at 9,000
Dry Air Filter element Primary 72,000 72,000
Dry Air Filter element Secondary 2,16,000 2,16,000
  • In addition to the above certain periodical works
    like Refurbishing of Special type vehicles,
    Chemical washing of Seats are also incorporated
    in the Preventive maintenance programmes

Programming of Preventive Maintenance Schedules
at Depots
  • The advance planning of vehicles for various
    preventive maintenance activities is obtained
    through computer software called Vehicle
    Maintenance System (VEMAS).
  • The due dates, done dates and coverage of Kms etc
    for all types of maintenance activities are
    generated by VEMAS

A typical VEMAS based report
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Sch-I Maintenance
  • Schedule-I or Daily Maintenance is carried out in
    two shifts.
  • All the vehicles after completion of the
    scheduled operation undergo Sch-I Maintenance.
  • Sweeping, Cleaning Washing of buses, Arresting
    leakages of water, fuel, oils, replenishing the
    levels, tightening of all bolts and nuts,
    Checking of road springs their mountings,
    Rectification of defects pointed out by Drivers,
    Inspection of Tyres and minor coach works are
    taken up in Sch-I.
  • The works allotted works attended in Sch-I are
    recorded by the Shift Incharge Supervisor duly
    obtaining the Signatures of the concerned.

Vehicle Back History Register
Date Complaints on the condition of vehicle Complaints on the condition of vehicle Failures Remarks of the Supervisor who supervised the repairs/ maintenance Signature of AE/ DM
Date As per logsheet As per Tyre Mech. Observation Failures Remarks of the Supervisor who supervised the repairs/ maintenance Signature of AE/ DM

VBH register is a very important register in
maintenance management. It gives complete picture
of the health of the vehicles. The repetitive
nature of complaints depicts the quality of
scheduled maintenance at the depot. The vehicle
defects shall be thoroughly reviewed by the
Sch-III/IV maintenance incharge before docking
the vehicle and ensure that root cause for the
defect is totally eliminated during Sch-III/IV
Sch-II Maintenance
  • Every vehicle undergoes Sch-II Maintenance once
    in a week (Excluding those undergone Sch-III/IV)
    for about 2-3 hours
  • In addition to all the activities of Sch-I, the
    following works are taken up in Sch-II
  • Complete washing through MWP
  • Lubricating all grease points
  • Cleaning of Breathers
  • Air Cleaner maintenance
  • Battery Maintenance
  • Tyres rotation
  • Steering Brake test

Sch-III IV Maintenance
  • Sch-III/IV Maintenance is carried out based on
    the prescribed mileage. The vehicle is docked for
    8 hrs in General shift.
  • One senior most Supervisor is deployed at each
    depot to look after Sch-III/IV maintenance.
  • Two Mechanics Two assistants for Sch-III and
    Three Mechanics 3 Assistants for Sch-IV are
    deployed per vehicle in addition to the Artisans.
  • All major repair maintenance works are carried
    out in Sch-III/IV maintenance.
  • The vehicles are inspected before docking after
    completion to ensure quality
  • The workdone along with signature of the
    concerned are recorded in a register

Important aspects while docking the vehicles for
  • Take up the vehicle for maintenance at the right
    time. Avoid delay/backlog.
  • Inform the fixed Drivers about docking of
    vehicles for Sch-III/IV.
  • Ensure thorough washing/MWP before docking.
  • Synchronize other maintenance activities like FC,
    Unit changes, Filter/Oil/Coolant changes, Body
    attention, Painting etc with Sch-III/IV to save
    manpower vehicle days

Important Coach works covered during Sch-III/IV
  • Tightening of all Body Ubolts, cabin foundation
  • Repairs to damaged body panels, exterior
    interior roof panels, parcel racks, Luggage
    carrier, ladder unloader
  • Repairs to Stepwell, stanchions, Passenger Assist
    rails, Driver partition, flooring, Dashboard,
    Engine hood, Entrance door Drivers door
  • Dicky doors, locks and gas springs in Special
    type vehicles

Important Coach works covered during Sch-III/IV
  • Repairs to broken pillars cross bearers
  • Attention to Destination frames boards
  • Replacement/ repairs to broken seat frames, torn
    seat cushions upholstery
  • Attention to Seats inclining mechanism, Hand
    rests, foot rests, pouches, bottle holders etc in
    special type vehicles
  • Attention to Driver Seat and adjusting mechanism

  • Attention to Antisag bar out riggers
  • Replacement of damaged window frames, broken
    shutter glasses, windscreen glasses.
  • Replacement of terene felt, fitment of shutter
  • Attention to battery box
  • Arresting water leakages
  • Exterior/ Interior paint touch up

Manpower Planning for Preventive Maintenanceat
  • Manpower planning is an essential prerequisite in
    Depot Maintenance
  • Head Office communicates sanctions for each
    category of manpower by working out the
    requirement based on the average schedules
    operated by an unit during the period from July
    to December.
  • The requirement of Supervisors and Artisans is
    worked out based on the slabs in schedules.
  • The arrived norm based on the slabs is generally
    adopted for staff requirement at depots
  • Filling of vacancies either through direct
    recruitment or through promotion is strictly
    based on sanctions only

  • The success of Depot Maintenance management
    primarily depends on proper deployment of
    manpower and effective utilization of their
  • Highly skilled and experienced men shall be
    deployed in major maintenance programmes like
    Sch-III/IV, H.R.G and KMPL works.
  • Senior most supervisor of the Depot next to
    Maintenance Incharge shall be assinged to look
    after of General Shift maintenance.

Depot Slabs for Supervisors Artisans
Category up to 44 45 to 49 50 to 54 55 to 59 60 to 64 65 to 69 70 to 74 75 to 79 80 to 84 85 to 89 90 to 94 95 to 99 100 to 109 120 to 149 150 Abv
AE(M) 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SUPDT(M) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
DY.SUP(M) 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
LH 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4

CB/PB 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
TYRE MECH 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 5
ELEC AC/DC 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5
PAINTER 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
WELD/T.S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
TRIMMER 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
B.SMITH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
H.MAN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Typical Man Power Deployment for maintenance in a
Depot with 100 fleet
Category Norm Men
Mechanical Foreman 0.049 1
Asst. Mechanical Foreman 0.049 2
Chargeman 0.049 2
Leading Hands 0.037 4
Total Supervisors 0.086 9
Mechanics 0.35 35
Helpers/ Shramiks 0.50 50
Artisans 0.21 21
Total 1.15 115
Deployment of Mechanics Helpers for maintenance
in a Depot with 100 fleet
Activity Mechanics _at_ Norm 0.35 Helper/ Shramik _at_ Norm 0.50
Sch.I Maintenance 16 18
Sch.II Maintenance 4 4
Sch.III/IV Maintenance 9 10
Heavy Repairs 1 1
KMPL Attention 2 2
Oil changes 2 2
Vehicle Dispatch 1 3
Tyres preparation 2
DGT Stores 2
Battery maintenance 2
HSD oil top-up 4
Total 35 50
Deployment Artisans for maintenance in a Depot
with 100 fleet
Category Norm Men
Coach Bulider 0.039 4
DC/AC Electrician 0.047 5
Tyre Mechanic 0.034 3
Welder/ Tinsmith 0.010 1
Trimmer 0.024 2
Painter 0.024 2
Blacksmith 0.022 2
Hammerman 0.022 2
Total 0.21 21
Manpower deployment for shift maintenance
  • Deployment of manpower for Sch-I/II maintenance
    shall be done carefully keeping the number of
    vehicles to be maintained in each shift into
  • The allocation of man power should match the
    buses to be maintained in that shift based on bus
    schedules. Allocation of manpower
    dis-proportionate to the number of buses will
    lead to underutilization of men and ineffective
  • Care shall be taken to ensure adequate manpower
    during night shifts as majority of the vehicles
    undergo Sch-I/II maintenance during this shift.

Outsourcing activities at Depots
  • In order to overcome shortage of manpower, and
    difficulties in filling of vacancies, APSRTC is
    outsourcing certain maintenance activities like
    Cleaning, sweeping washing of Buses, HSD oil
    Top-up, Semi-skilled men as Assistant to
    Mechanics etc at Depots for smooth maintenance
    of vehicles.

Outsourcing activities at Depots
  • It is equally important for Supervisors to
    monitor the deployment of men by the outsourcing
    agencies and their quality of work.
  • It is the responsibility of the Supervisors to
    ensure proper work allocation to the outsourced
  • Supervisors shall also ensure the safety of the
    workers engaged through outsourcing
  • The records of attendance, details of work done
    etc, pertaining to outsourcing shall be
    maintained properly by the Supervisor concerned.

Tools, Plants Machinery
  • Provision of required tools, plants and equipment
    for smooth maintenance of vehicles is of highest
    importance in Depot Maintenance management.
  • Depot Clerk is the custodian of all Mechanic
    tools, special tools, plants and machinery
    available in the Depot. The TP Return shall be
    maintained properly indicating the locality of
    each every item of the Garage.

Important TP required for smooth maintenance
S. No Description Expected life in Years
1 D.G.Set 20
2 Air Compressors 15
3 Car washers 7
4 Automatic Washing Plant 15
5 Arc Welding M/c 20
6 Gas Welding equipment 8
7 HP Greasing equipment 10
8 Bucket type Grease Gun 7
9 Jib Crane 10
10 Trolley Jack 10
11 Bench Vice 5
12 Bench Grinder 7
Important TP required for smooth maintenance
S. No Description Expected life in Years
13 Drilling M/c 10
14 Sewing M/c 10
15 Pop rivet guns 5
16 Paint Spray gun 10
17 Battery Charger 5
18 Cell Tester 3
19 Hydrometer 5
20 Injector Tester 10
21 Wall gauges 3
22 Electronic gauges 5
23 Hand grinding M/c 7
24 Mechanics work bench 10
Important TP required for smooth maintenance
S.No Description Expected life in Years
25 Hand Platform Trolley 10
26 Bench Arbor Press 10
27 Anvil 10
28 Torque Wrench 5
29 Swage Block 10
30 Vehicle Stands 10
31 Compressor Tester 10
31 Well Pump 7
33 Automatic Tyre inflators
34 Ralli-wolf end mill kit
35 Dial gauge with magnetic base
36 Spring Cambering M/c
37 Diamond Glass cutter
38 Smoke Meter
  • A separate Log book is maintained for each plant
    machinery and the entries are made in the Log
    book as and when repairs and maintenance are
    carried out.
  • It is the responsibility of Mechanical
    Supervisors to ensure preventive maintenance to
    the Plants Equipment at the prescribed intervals

  • The Mechanical Supervisors ensure periodical
    calibration of certain TP items like Dial
    gauges, Injector testers, Wall gauges, Torque
    wrenches etc, as per the stipulated periodicity.
  • The worn out and defective TP are replaced in
    time so that the work is not hampered.
  • Additional requirement of TP owing to increased
    number schedules or introduction of new models
    are submitted to the Dy.CME concerned for
    obtaining the same.

Mechanic Tools for TATA Depots
D.E.Flat Ring Tubular Socket
6x7 mm 6 x 7 mm 8 x 9mm 10mm
8x9 mm 10 x 11 mm 10x11 mm 13mm
8x10 mm 12x 13mm 12x13 mm 14mm
9x10 mm 17x19 mm 12x14 mm 17mm
10x11 mm 21 x 23 mm 17x19 mm 19mm
10x13 mm 22 x 24 mm 22 x 24 mm 22mm
12x 14 mm 27 x 32 mm 27 x 32 mm 24mm
14x17 mm 41 x 46 mm 27mm
17x19 mm 3/8
22 x 24 mm
27 x 32 mm
Other Tools
55mm single end Flat
Tommy bar 125mm long
Tommy bar 250mm long
Extension 6
Extension 12"
Cutting Plier 8"
Cutting plier 10
Hammer Ball pane 1/2Kg.
File round smooth 8"
File flat smooth 6"
Feeler Gauge Set
Torque wrench (4 to 20 m-Kgs)
Circlip Plier 6
Screw Driver 6 12
Nose Plier 6
Mechanic Tools for LEYLAND Depots
D.E.Flat Ring Socket
3/16x1/4 3/16x1/4 ½
¼x5/16 ¼x5/16 10mm
5/16x3/8 5/16x3/8 11mm
7/16x1/2 7/16x1/2 12mm
9/16 x 5/8 9/16 x 5/8 13mm
11/16x3/4 11/16x3/4 14mm
6 x 7mm 6 x 7mm 17mm
8 x 9mm 8 x 9mm 19mm
10 x 11mm 10 x 11mm 21mm
12 x 13mm 12 x 13mm 22mm
14x 15mm 14x 15mm 24mm
16 x 17mm 16 x 17mm 46mm
18 x 19mm 18 x 19mm
20 x 21mm 20 x 21mm
22 x 23mm 22 x 23mm
24 x 27mm 24 x 27mm
Other Tools
55mm single end Flat wrench
Tommy bar 125mm long
Tommy bar 250mm long
Extension 6
Extension 12"
Cutting Plier 8"
Cutting plier 10
Hammer Ball pane 1/2Kg.
File round smooth 8"
File flat smooth 6"
Feeler Gauge Set
Torque wrench (4 to 20 m-Kgs)
Circlip Plier 8
Screw Driver 8 12
Nose Plier 6
Allen Key set
Fast moving Mechanic Tools
DE Ring Socket
10 x 11 14 x 15 12,13
14 x 15 19 x 22 14, 17
19 x 22 8 x 9 19
3/16 X ¼ 3/16 X ¼
5/16 X 3/8 5/16 X 3/8
Feeler gauge Feeler gauge
DE Ring Socket
17 x 19 17 x 19 9, 10
13 x 14 13 x 14 13, 14
19 x 22 19 x 22 17, 19
9 x 10 9 x 10
Feeler Gauge Feeler Gauge Feeler Gauge
Special tools for Tata vehicles
Crow foot spanner for cylinder Head Nut tightening with rocker assembly
Check nut spanner on front hub
Check nut spanner on rear hub
Front Hub puller
Rear Hub Puller
Water pump flange puller
Drift for oil seal on Hub (outer)
Steering ball joint puller
Drift for oil seal on hub (inner)
Holders for coupling flange
Drift for removal of Rear hub inner oil seal
Puller for clutch release bearing
Adopter for checking engine compression
Puller for spigot bearing in crank shaft
Puller for C.J. Bearing
Puller for Rear hub Bearing outer race
Puller for water pump inner bearing
Drift for oil seal in timing case
Spanner for wheel nut
Socket wrench for removal of Injectors
Piston ring compressor
Strap wrench for Spin-on filters
Special tools for Leyland vehicles
Retainer for Liners (for Hino)
Cylinder Head Bolt wrench (for Hino)
Cylinder liner puller
Injector Extractor
Piston Ring Compressor
Drift King Pin bush bottom
Drift King Pin Bush bottom
Centre bearing Nut Spanner
Puller steering wheel
Spanner set rocket shaft
Spanner spring clamp nut
Clutch alignment tool
Clutch Height setting gauge (Z-gauge)
Dial gauge (for hub setting with Magnetic base)
Strap wrench for Spin-on filters
Drop arm puller ZF
Drop arm puller Rane
Drift for Rear hub oil seal
Drift for F.Hub inner bearing
Drift for Bearing outer race
Rear Hub nut spanner
Front Hub nut Spanner
Guide F.Hub inner bearing
Puller Stub axle inner brg

Delegation of Powers Pertaining to TP
S.No Nature of Power Authority Extent of powers
32.i) Standardization of depot equipment, inclusion of new items, fixation of norms, classification of TP value-wise fixation of guidelines, expectancy etc MD Full powers with the concurrence of FA/CAO on the recommendations of ED(E)/CCOS/CME/ CFM
ii) Inclusion of new equipment on experimental basis ED(E) Powers upto Rs 1.00 lakh per occasion with the concurrence of FA/CAO
ii) Inclusion of new equipment on experimental basis CME Powers upto Rs 50,000 per annum with the concurrence of Dy.CAO
ii) Inclusion of new equipment on experimental basis WM/ Dy.CME Powers upto Rs 10,000 per annum with the concurrence of Dy.CAO
Delegation of Powers Pertaining to TP
S.No Nature of Power Authority Extent of powers
33.i) Sanction for replacement of TP equipments including premature replacements at Depots/ W.shops CME/ ED(Z) Full powers on the recommendations of Dy.CME/ WM with the concurrence of DyCAO
ii) Sanction for replacement of TP items after their normal utilization for Depots/ W.shops as per guidelines issued from time to time DyCME/ WM Full powers with concurrence of DyCAO
ii) Sanction for replacement of TP items after their normal utilization for Depots/ W.shops as per guidelines issued from time to time DM Powers upto Rs 300/- at a time subject to a limit of Rs 2,000 per annum
Delegation of Powers Pertaining to TP
S.No Nature of Power Authority Extent of powers
34.i) Sanction for replacement of TP equipments for New Depots/ W.shops ED(Z)/ CME Full powers as per guidelines
ii) Sanction of additional TP for existing Depots/ W.shops on account of increase in Fleet stength/ acitivity as per guidelines CME/ DyCME/ WM Full powers with concurrence of CFM/ DyCAO as per guidelines
ii) Sanction of additional TP for existing Depots/ W.shops on account of increase in Fleet stength/ acitivity as per guidelines DM Powers upto Rs 300/- at a time subject to a limit of Rs 2,000 per annum
Delegation of Powers Pertaining to TP
S.No Nature of Power Authority Extent of powers
35 Sanction the expenditure incurred for overhaul repairs and maintenance of tools, plant machinery and replacement of parts thereof in Depots production units and entering into contract with authorized suppliers or manufacturers ED(E) Full powers with concurrence of FA/CAO
35 Sanction the expenditure incurred for overhaul repairs and maintenance of tools, plant machinery and replacement of parts thereof in Depots production units and entering into contract with authorized suppliers or manufacturers CME/ ED(Z) Full powers with concurrence of CFM/ DyCAO upto Rs 20,000 at a time
35 Sanction the expenditure incurred for overhaul repairs and maintenance of tools, plant machinery and replacement of parts thereof in Depots production units and entering into contract with authorized suppliers or manufacturers SSO Full powers upto Rs 5,000 at a time with concurrence of Dy.CAO
35 Sanction the expenditure incurred for overhaul repairs and maintenance of tools, plant machinery and replacement of parts thereof in Depots production units and entering into contract with authorized suppliers or manufacturers JSO Upto Rs 1,500 at a time
  • Float aggregates are essential resource inputs
    for depot maintenance.
  • The purpose of providing float aggregates is to
    make available important units readily available
    at the depots at all times so that the defective
    units are replaced immediately and the vehicles
    are put onroad.
  • Inadequacy/ non-availability of float units
    affect the Fleet utilization, punctuality of
    operations and earning potentiality of a depot.
  • Over-provisioning of floats leads to excessive
    inventory lock-up

  • The requirement of Float aggregates depends on
    the volume of operations, lead time of supply and
    the average life of the aggregates.
  • The Mechanical Engineering Department, from time
    to time decide the list of float aggregate units
    to be provided to the depots.
  • Floats are also provided for Workshops as an
    in-process inventory for uninterrupted supply to
    the depots and maintain optimum service levels.

  • The following formula is adopted in assessing the
    requirement of floats for a depot.

No.of Float aggregates (N/n - C) x t x a
(Subject to a minimum of 1) Where, N Operated
Kms n average life of aggregate in Kms t
Lead time replenishment in days which is the
period that elapses between the day of removal of
defective unit to the day of replacement being
received from workshops or the day of completion
of repair in the depot if such repair is within
the permissible repairs of depot. C Complete
overhauls demand per day a Number of units per
Provisioning of Float Units to Depots
1 Engine 1 for 10,000 KMs.
2 Front Axle 1 for 14,000 KMs.
3 Rear Axle 1 for 14,000 KMs.
4 Gear Box 1 for 8,500 KMs.
5 Steering Box 1 for 10,000 KMs.
6 FIP 1 for 5,000 KMs.
7 Self Starter 1 for 4,000 KMs
8 Alternator 1 for 4,000 KMs.
1 Injectors (set) 1 for 2,000 KMs.
2 P. P. Shafts (set) 1 for 6,000 KMs.
3 Air compressor 1 for 5.000 KMs.
4 Clutch pressure plate 1 for 5,000 KMs.
5 (Leyland)/ Springer (Tata) 1 for 5,000 KMs.
6 Water pump assembly 1 for 5,000 KMs.
7 Cylinder head assembly 1 for 5,000 KMs.
8 Radiator 1 for 5,000 KMs.
1 Front hub 1 for 15,000 KMs.
2 Rear hub 1 for 15,000 KMs.
3 Clutch housing 1 for 15,000 KMs.
4 Air cleaner complete 1 for 5,000 KMs.
5 Fuel twin filter assembly 1 for 5,000 KMs.
6 Feed pump 1 for 5,000 KMs.
7 Fly wheel ring gear 1 for 10,000 KMs.
8 Unloader valve 1 for 3,000 KMs.
9 Set (4) of slack adjusters 1 for 3,000 KMs.
10 Set (4) of spring brake chambers 1 for 5,000 KMs.
11 Hand brake valve 1 for 10,000 KMs.
12 A. C. Head 1 for 5,000 KMs.
13 Air tank 1 for 10,000 KMs.
14 Clutch disc 1 for 5.000 KMs.
15 U. J. Cross 1 for 6,000 KMs.
16 Set of brake drums front (2 off) 1 for 5,000 KMs.
17 Set of brake drums rear (2 off) 1 for 5,000 KMs.
18 Set of spring brackets front (2 off) 1 for 5,000 KMs.
19 Set of spring brackets rear (2 off) 1 for 5,000 KMs.
20 Axle shafts 2 off 1 for 5,000 KMs.
21 H. S. D. Oil Tank 1 for 6,000 KMs.
22 Wiper Machine 1 for 5,000 KMs.
23 Batteries 10 of the batteries
24 Hydraulic jacks 1 for 2,000 KMs.
  • All depots send a periodical statement on
    availability of floats to the concerned Dy.CME
    once in a year.
  • The Dy.CME of the region reconciliates figures
    with those maintained by workshops.
  • The Dy.CME concerned processes cases for
    provision of floats for new models and also for
    increase of floats on account of increase in
    schedules, duly recommending the surrender of
    obsolete models.

Provision of Spare Vehicles to Depots
  • Spare vehicles are provided to the Depots to meet
    the requirements for docking the vehicles for
    preventive maintenance (Sch.III/IV), FC
    attention, Complete overhauls, Sundry repairs,
    Units replacement etc,.

Norm for Provision of Spare Buses
Fleet Held Norm
Upto 50 8
51 to 80 7
81 above 6
Physical Inspection of Buses by Depot Manager
Maintenance Incharge
  • The Depot Manager shall inspect atleast 30
    vehicles (1/3rd Fleet) every month covering 15
    vehicles undergone Sch-II maintenance, 10
    vehicles undergone Sch-III and 5 vehicles
    undergone Sch-IV maintenance.
  • This is highly essential to ensure effective
    execution of preventive maintenance schedules

Check-list for inspection of vehicles
S.No System Item
1 Engine Air cleaner maintenance
2 ,, A/c Suction hose
3 ,, Engine mounting
4 ,, Engine oil leakages
5 Fuel HSD tank cap seals
6 ,, Fuel pipe clamping
7 ,, Fuel leakages
8 Cooling Radiator Cap
9 ,, Coolant concentration
10 ,, Radiator mountings
S.No System Item
1 Steering Tie-rod/ drag link end play
2 ,, ATF oil leakages
3 ,, King pin lubrication
4 Susp. Broken spring leaves
5 ,, Spring side clamps/ ferrules
6 ,, Welded side clamps
7 ,, Spring brackets/ shackles
8 ,, Air suspension mounting bolts Tightness
9 ,, Condition of rubber bushes in Air suspension
S.No System Item
1 Transmission Clutch free play
2 ,, Gear lever play
3 ,, Gear Box oil leakage
4 ,, Loose CJ check nuts
5 ,, CJ bearings condition
6 ,, UJ Crosses condition
7 ,, Sleeve yokes condition
8 ,, CJ rubber beds condition
9 ,, Slip joint Rubber boot
10 ,, PP shafts alignment
11 ,, Missing grease nipples
12 ,, Chassis greasing
13 ,, Differential oil leakage
14 ,, Cleanliness of breathers
S.No System Item
1 Brakes Air tank condensate
2 ,, Brake pipe clamps
3 ,, Air leakage
4 ,, Air Dryer working
5 ,, Hand brake condition
6 ,, Brake dust covers
7 Tyres Wheel alignment
8 ,, Matching of duals
9 ,, Less than 2mm NSD tyres
S.No System Item
1 Electrical Battery Maintenance
2 ,, Head Lights
3 ,, Signal Lights
4 ,, Self condition
5 ,, Saloon Illumination
6 Body Exterior/ Interior cleanliness
7 ,, Body damages
8 ,, Painting
9 ,, Seat Mounting
10 ,, Seat Upholstery
11 ,, Inclining mechanism
12 ,, Shutter glasses
13 ,, Doors
14 ,, Window Shutter Knobs
15 ,, Tightness of body U bolts
16 ,, Under chassis cleanliness
Checklist for Body condition
Code Item Description Remarks
EXT-1 Body Panels Dents, Scratches, Damages
EXT-2 Front/ Rear Bumpers Broken/missing
EXT-3 Front Grill Damages/ missing
EXT-4 Front Cowls Damages
EXT-5 Corner Domes Dents
EXT-6 Passenger Doors Damages/ missing
EXT-7 Drivers Door Damages/ locks
EXT-8 Ladder Damages/ missing
EXT-9 Rear Luggage Booth (Dicky) Damages/ locks
EXT-10 Exterior Paint Faded
EXT-11 Roof Leakage Area of Leakage
DEST-1 Destination Board Frame Size and condition
DEST-2 Destination Lettering/Paint Faded
DEST-3 Destination Board lighting Visibility
DEST-4 LED Destination Condition
Checklist for Body condition
Code Item Description Remarks
INT-1 Stepwell Damages
INT-2 Flooring Condition
INT-3 Stanchions Broken/missing/loose
INT-4 Parcel Rack Broken/loose
INT-5 Grab rails/ Assist rails Broken/loose
INT-6 Cabin Partition door Condition
INT-7 Interior Roof/ side panel Fabric Condition
INT-8 Interior painting Faded
INT-9 Saloon Cleanliness Dirt cobwebs
GLS-1 Window Glasses Missing/ Broken
GLS-2 Terene felt/Flock channel Rubber Worn out/ missing
GLS-3 Window shutter knobs Missing/loose
GLS-4 Windscreen Glasses Broken
GLS-5 Top-fixed glasses Broken/missing
GLS-6 Windows leakage Condition of Rubber flap
Checklist for Body condition
Code Item Description Remarks
SEAT-1 Seat Frames Loose/broken
SEAT-2 Seat Cushions Hard/missing/damaged
SEAT-3 Seat rexine/fabric Torn
SEAT-4 Back rests Missing/loose
SEAT-5 Reclining mechanism Condition
SEAT-6 Arm Rests Broken/missing/loose
SEAT-7 Head Rest Covers Missing/dirty
SEAT-8 Bottle Holders Damged/missing
SEAT-9 Magazine Pouches Damaged
SEAT-10 Foot Rests Damaged
CAB-1 Bonnet Damaged
CAB-2 Dash Board Damaged
CAB-3 Vision Mirrors Damaged
CAB-4 Cabin Cleanliness Dirty
Checklist for Body condition
Code Item Description Remarks
LHT-1 Interior Lightining Condition
LHT-2 Head Lights Condition
LHT-3 Tail lights/ signal indicators Condition
SPL-1 Speakers Condition
SPL-2 TV/Audio System Condition
SPL-3 Cell phone chargers Condition
STR-1 Body U Bolts Loose/missing
STR-2 Ballata Packing Loose/missing
STR-3 Cabin Foundation Loose
STR-4 Antisag Bar Loose
STR-5 Out Riggers Loose
STR-6 Battery Box Condtion
Indicators for Quality ofSch-III/IV maintenance
  • Backlog in Sch-III/IV maintenance and failures
    within 15 days after maintenance are the key
    indicators for Standards of preventive
    maintenance at the depot.

Type Fleet Held Optd Kms Sch-III Sch-III Sch-III Sch-III Failures within 15 days Failures within 15 days
Type Fleet Held Optd Kms Due Done Backlog Backlog Nos
Type Fleet Held Optd Kms Sch-IV Sch-IV Sch-IV Sch-IV Failures within 15 days Failures within 15 days
Type Fleet Held Optd Kms Due Done Backlog Backlog Nos
Important Registers maintained in Preventive
Maintenance Management
  • Daily RG Register RTC-126
  • Vehicle Back History RTC-109
  • Sch-I Maintenance RTC-127
  • Sch-II Maintenance RTC -128
  • Sch-III work done MTD -194
  • Preventive Maintenance Master register RTC-110
  • Unit changes register
  • Register for Inspection of vehicles
  • FC Register
  • Breakdowns RTC-129
  • Cancellation of Kms RTC-130

Vehicle Replacement Policy
  • APSRTC replaces Mofussil buses at 11.00 lakh kms
    and City Buses at 11.50 lakh kms or 15 years
    (whichever is earlier) against scrap.
  • Ghat Buses Super Luxury buses are replaced at
    5.50 lakh kms and Volvo Buses at 10.00 lakh kms
  • The other special type buses like Express,
    Deluxe, Metro Exp etc are replaced at 6.50 lakh

Deployment of New Buses from 2010
Type 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2011-12 (Jan12) 2011-12 (Jan12) 2011-12 (Jan12)
Type Aug. Rep. Total Aug. Rep. Total
S.Luxury 137 109 246 57 778 835
Indra -- -- -- 8 61 69
Garuda/ Garuda 0 30 30 27 41 68
Deluxe 32 89 121 169 69 238
Express 274 330 604 174 904 1078
Pallevelugu -- -- -- 152 547 699
Sap.Express Ord 27 123 150 22 57 79
City Ordinary -- -- -- 10 55 65
City Ord (CNG) -- -- -- 0 138 138
LF A/C Diesel 28 0 28 51 0 51
LF A/C CNG 0 0 0 8 0 8
LF N-A/C Diesel 16 80 96 3 1 4
LF N-A/C CNG 0 0 0 33 0 33
SLF Diesel 75 118 193 9 0 9
SLF CNG 12 58 70 5 0 5
Mini Buses 52 0 52 48 0 48
Total 653 937 1590 676 2751 3427
Green initiatives Use of Alternate fuels in
APSRTCs Environmental Concerns
  • APSRTC always takes lead in sharing the public
    concern on automobile pollution and climate
  • APSRTC is a forerunner in introducing environment
    friendly vehicles through product upgradation and
    innovative measures especially in the area of
    alternate fuels and pollution control.

APSRTCs Environmental Concerns
  • Sophisticated Electronic Smoke Meters are
    provided to Depots to check the smoke emission
    levels of buses at regular intervals.
  • With a commitment towards mitigation of GHG
    emissions and reduction of smoke levels, APSRTC
    has started using Biofuels and Compressed Natural
    Gas on large scale.
  • APSRTC installed 40 Wind Turbines to generate
    green power to an extent of 10 Mw of Electrical

  • APSRTC launched 100 CNG buses in Vijayawada City
    during the year 2006, which is first of its kind
    in South India.
  • The number of CNG buses has been increased to 300
    in Vijayawada.
  • Introduced 120 CNG buses recently in Hyderabad
    which include Ultra Low Floor Buses with
    BS-III/IV compliant CNG rear Engine model is
    under progress.
  • The Fuel efficiency of CNG buses in VJA is 4.40
    km/kg and in Hyd it is 4.49 km/kg

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Experiences with Biodiesel
  • As a stake holder in promoting the use of
    biofuels, APSRTC had promptly responded to the
    call given by the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and
    started trials using Biodiesel blended fuel on
    one City bus, in June2005.
  • The vehicle was operated with B20 fuel for 8
    months to assess the operational feasibility and
    performance in respect to fuel efficiency and
    emission reduction. Intermittently the vehicle
    was also operated with 100 HSD fuel for 2 months
    for comparison

Emission levels of Biodiesel Vehicle during
trial period
  • Against the maximum permissible smoke density of
    65 Hatridge units, the following emission levels
    were observed on the vehicle when operated with
    20 Bio-diesel.

Emission Levels of trial vehicleWhen operated
with 100 HSD oil
  • During Trial period
  • Before Trial

Comparative Fuel Performance ofVehicle during
  • With 100 HSD oil
  • With Biodiesel

Fuel Performance in Kms/Lit
Extended trials with Biodiesel
  • The trial was extended to three more vehicles at
    the same Depot with 5, 10 and 20 blends
    respectively. It was observed during the trials
    that the vehicle with 20 blend shown improvement
    in fuel efficiency by 0.27 Km/Lt.
  • The trials were conducted with the Biodiesel
    supplied by M/S Southern Online Biotechnologies

Comparative Emission Levels
Vehicle No Bend Before Trials Before Trials Before Trials Before Trials During Trials During Trials During Trials During Trials Emission Reduction
Vehicle No Bend  Mar 2006 Apr 2006 May 2006 Avg of three Months  Jun 2006 Jul 2006 Aug 2006 Avg of three months Emission Reduction
AP11Z 3845 5 44.3 55 30.4 43.23 35.4 41 30.6 35.67 17.49
AP11Z 4045 10 29.3 33.7 40.1 34.37 32.7 22.1 20.1 24.97 27.35
AP11Z 4037 20 27.7 31.9 20.9 26.63 11.7 21.6 16.67 16.67 59.75
Comparative Fuel Efficiency
Vehicle No Bend Avg Km/Lit Before Trial Avg Km/Lit During Trial Improvement
AP11Z 3845 5 5.29 5.33 0.76
AP11Z 4045 10 5.20 5.38 3.46
AP11Z 4037 20 4.91 5.21 5.47
  • Several firms like M/s Cleancities Bio-diesel
    India limited, M/S Naturol Bioenergy Limited and
    M/S Universal Biofuels Pvt. Limited have come
    forward to offer Bio-diesel for conducting wider
  • The trials were extended to other regions like
    Visakhapatnam and East Godavari, where all the
    vehicles of 4 depots were operated with Biodiesel
    blended in 19 ratio for about one month.

  • With the encouraging trial performance,
    Corporation has taken a decision to use
    Bio-diesel at 10 blend on regular basis for
    all vehicles in the 12 Depots of Hyderabad City
    Zone in the first phase by procuring the
    Bio-diesel from M/S Southern Online
    Biotechnologies Limited
  • The supplier had installed a separate overhead
    tank for biodiesel storage and made necessary
    arrangements to mix the Biodiesel with the HSD
    oil in the fixed proportion.

  • In the second phase, tenders were floated in
    September 2009 for bulk procurement of Bio-diesel
    at an estimated quantity of 30 Million liters
    for regular blending at 129 Depots in 14 Regions.
  • The supply contract was awarded to three firms
    viz, M/S Cleancities Bio-diesel India limited
    (108 Depots), M/S Southern Online Biotechnologies
    Limited (12 Depots) and M/S Universal Biofuels
    Pvt (9 Depots)

Biodiesel Stocking Blending Arrangement at
Procedure of Blending Biodiesel with HSD Oil
  • Blending Biodiese with HSD for first time
  • Know the quantity of (Q1) of HSD in Ground Tank
  • Calculate required qty (Q2) of Biodiesel _at_10
    blend with HSD (Q1x10/90)
  • Transfer calculated qty (Q2) of Biodiesel from
    Storage tank by gravity using Flowmeter F1
  • Procedure for subsequent replenishments
  • Ignore the quantity of B10 blend existing in the
    storage tank on fresh receipt of HSD oil
  • Know the fresh quantity (Q3) of HSD that is being
    decanted into the underground tank
  • Calculate the required quantity (Q4) of Biodiesel
    to mix by using the formula Q3 x 10/90
  • Transfer the quantity Q4 of Biodiesel from
    Storage tank to the Underground tank with the
    help of Flow meter F1

Reduction of Pollutants with B20 Fuel
POLLUTANT The values with Pure HSD Oil Reduction with 20 Blended Bio-diesel
Total Unburned Hydrocarbons 1.1gms/kwh 20
Carbon monoxide 4.5 gms/kwh 12
Particulate Matter 0.36 gms/kwh 12
Oxides in Nitrogen 8 gms/kwh 2
Sulphates -- 20
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) -- 13
Nitrated PAHs -- 50
Ozone Potential Speculated Hydrocarbons -- 10
Comparative Specifications of HSD Biodiesel
Parameter ASTM Method Unit Pure Bio-Diesel Normal HSD Oil
Flash Point D93 OC 130 min 66 min
Water Sediment D2709 Volume 0.05 max 0.05 max
Kinematic Viscosity 40oc D445 mm/Sec 1.9 6.0 2 - 5
Sulphated Ash D874 mass 0.02 max 0.01 max
Sulphur D5453 mass 0.05 max 0.035 max
Copper Strip Corrosion D130 No.3 max Not worse than No.1
Cetane Number D613 47 min 46 min
Cloud Point D2500 OC Report
Comparative Specifications of HSD Biodiesel
Parameter ASTM Method Unit Pure Bio-Diesel Normal HSD Oil
Carbon Residue 100 Sample D4530 mass 0.05 max 0.03 max on 10
Acid Number D664 mg KOH/gm 0.8 max --
Free Glycerin D6584 mass 0.02 max --
Total Glycerin D6584 mass 0.24 max --
Phosphorus D4951 mass 0.001 max --
Distillation Temp. Atmospheric Equivalent Temp 90 Recovered D1160 Degrees C 360 max --
Some of the barriers in large scale application
of Biodiesel
  • Availability and uninterrupted supply of
    biodiesel is a major constraint for large scale
    application in APSRTC.
  • Very few firms have come forward to supply the
    Biodiesel in bulk quantity at a viable price
  • It is difficult to assess the quality of the
    product at the user level
  • There is scope for non-adherence to the
    prescribed specifications by the suppliers in the
    absence of required testing facilities.

  • It is difficult to send the samples to the
    laboratories too frequently.
  • The blending becomes uneconomical if the
    suppliers quote exorbitant prices due to monopoly
  • Premature clogging of filters is more prevalent
    while using Biodiesel

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