BIPA/New Medicare Appeals 7/01/05 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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BIPA/New Medicare Appeals 7/01/05


BIPA/New Medicare Appeals 7/01/05 Presenter Monica Batton, RN Review Manager Delmarva Foundation for Quality Improvement 1-800-492-5811 BIPA BIPA stands for Benefits ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: BIPA/New Medicare Appeals 7/01/05

BIPA/New Medicare Appeals7/01/05
  • Presenter
  • Monica Batton, RN Review Manager
  • Delmarva Foundation for Quality Improvement
  • 1-800-492-5811

  • BIPA stands for
  • Benefits Information Protection Act 521
  • 42CFR Friday, November 26, 2004 405.1200-1206
  • Posted on our website at http//www.delmarvafounda

Providers affected by the new law
  • Home Health Agencies (HHAs)
  • Hospices
  • Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs)
  • Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation
    Facilities (CORFs)

How does the new act affect you as providers?
  • Medicare Part A services are affected
  • The appeal right pertains to fee for service
    Medicare Beneficiaries

Materials Available
  • http//
  • Federal Register, Glossary, List of related
    websites, timing of notices example, and a link
    to Delmarva webex recordings
  • 1-800-492-5811 help line provided by Delmarva for
    Beneficiaries and appeals

Memorandums of Agreement
  • CMS, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services
    requires that we as their contracted Quality
    Improvement Organization for Maryland and the
    District of Columbia maintain Memorandums of
    Agreements, (MOAs) with healthcare providers
    that we interact with

Memorandums of Agreement continued-
  • Delmarva Foundation presently has MOAs with HHA,
    SNFs, and CORFs.
  • Delmarva Foundation has sent out MOAs for
    review, signature, and return to all Maryland and
    District of Columbia Hospices

Termination of Medicare Covered Services
  • Termination of Medicare services is done when
    they are discharged from a provider
  • This occurs when there is complete cessation of
    coverage at the end of the course of treatment.
    (refer to CMS manual for your agency and

Provider Responsibility
  • Before any termination of services, the provider
    must deliver a valid written notice to the
    beneficiary of the decision to terminate
    services. Mailing the notice does not meet the
    requirement for BIPA.

Timing of Notice
  • A notice must be issued not later then two
    calendar days before the proposed end of the
  • Home Health must be delivered two visits before
    the proposed end of services.
  • If services are fewer than two days in duration,
    the notice should be issued at the time of

Where can you find coverage information?
  • We posted a list of website links to CMS manuals
    that will give you this information for your
    provider setting.

Where can you find an example of a Notice?
  • We provided a website link on our list of
    websites that will give you a draft notice
    example. It has not been finalized by CMS at the
    time of this webex.

Content of the Generic Notice
  • Date that coverage service ends
  • Date of beneficiarys financial liability begins
  • Description of right to appeal
  • Description of right to detailed information
  • Any other information required by CMS
  • Delmarva contact information

Valid Generic Notice
  • The content of the notice including dates and
    financial liability is correct.
  • Beneficiary signed and dated the notice
  • The notice was delivered within appropriate

Notice DeliveryWhat if beneficiary refuses to
  • Note the refusal of the beneficiary to sign on
    the notice.
  • The date of the refusal is the date of receipt of
    the notice.
  • The notices cant be mailed to the beneficiary.
  • Financial Liability
  • The provider is liable for continued services
    until two calendar days after the beneficiary
    receives a valid notice, or until the service
    termination date, whichever is later.

When can the Medicare Beneficiary appeal
  • CORFs and HHAs
  • When the beneficiary disagrees with termination
    of service
  • When a physician determines that failure to
    continue the service may place the beneficiarys
    health at significant risk

When can the Medicare Beneficiary appeal
  • SNFs and Hospice
  • When the beneficiary disagrees with the discharge

How does the beneficiary request an appeal?
  • The beneficiary (or representative) must request
    a QIO expedited appeal by calling Delmarva
    Foundation by noon of the day prior to
    termination of service at our 800 number listed
    at the beginning of the slide presentation.

Example of Appeal Timelines
  • Provider issues a notice on 6/1/05 stating that
    services will end on 6/3/05
  • The beneficiary needs to call the Delmarva
    Foundation to request an appeal by 12Noon of
  • The Delmarva Foundation will notify the provider
    that the beneficiary has requested an appeal and
    that the provider needs to issue the detailed

Detailed Notice Timeline
  • The provider is required to issue the detailed
    notice by close of business of the day Delmarva
    notifies you that the beneficiary requested an

Untimely Appeal Request
  • If a valid notice was issued, the Delmarva
    Foundation is required to perform the review.

Detailed Notice Content
  • The detailed notice must contain specific and
    detailed explanation why services are either no
    longer reasonable and necessary or are no longer
  • The detailed notice must include a description of
    any applicable Medicare coverage rules,
    instruction, or other Medicare policy rules or
    information about how the beneficiary may obtain
    a copy of the Medicare policy.

Detailed Notice Content continued
  • The detailed notice must provide facts specific
    to the beneficiary and relevant to the coverage
    determination that are sufficient to advise the
    beneficiary of the applicability of the coverage
    rule or policy to the beneficiarys case

What the Provider needs to supply to Delmarva
  • Supply all parts of the medical record per
    discussion with Delmarva Foundation at the time
    of the appeal and include a copy of the generic
    notice and the detailed notice.

What happens if there is a delay in getting
information to the Delmarva Foundation?
  • The provider may be held financially liable in
    continued coverage if a delay results from the
    provider failing to supply requested information
    in a timely manner.

What happens once Delmarva Foundation completes
the review?
  • Delmarva Foundation will notify the beneficiary,
    beneficiarys physician, and the health care
  • Initial notification will be by phone
  • Written notification will follow.

What happens if the beneficiary disagrees with
the Delmarva Foundations decision?
  • If the beneficiary disagrees with Delmarvas
    decision, the beneficiary may request a
    reconsideration of the decision.
  • Delmarva Foundation will then instruct the
    beneficiary to call Maximus.

When does coverage stop?
  • Coverage continues until the date designated on
    the termination notice, unless the Delmarva
    Foundation reverses the providers service
    termination decision

  • Do not bill the beneficiary for any disputed
    services until the expedited appeal determination
    process and reconsideration process if applicable
    has been completed.
  • The Delmarva Foundation only does the medical
    review. The Delmarva Foundation does not handle
    the billing.

Billing Questions
  • You should contact the FI for billing questions.

Releasing Information to the beneficiary
  • If the beneficiary requests, the provider must
    furnish the beneficiary with a copy of or access
    to any documentation that it sends to the
    Delmarva Foundation.

Delmarva Foundation1-800-492-5811
  • Monica Batton, RN
  • Review Manager
  • 410-763-6287
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