Title: Haemorrhoidectomy
- Mr Graham Williams
- Consultant Surgeon
- Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals
Indications for Haemorrhoidectomy
- Symptomatic haemorrhoids
- 3rd degree
- 2nd degree not responding to other Rx
- Acutely thrombosed haemorrhoids
Principles of Operation
- Remove swollen haemorrhoidal tissue
- Remove associated external element
- Preserve uninvolved anoderm and perianal skin
- Avoid damage to sphincters
- Whitehead
- Open
- Milligan Morgan
- Closed
- Ferguson
- Parks submucosal
5Open Haemorrhoidectomy
Injecting local anaesthetic and 1200,000
6Open Haemorrhoidectomy
Isolating each haemorrhoid
7Open Haemorrhoidectomy
Commencing excision of haemorrhoid
8Open Haemorrhoidectomy
Preserving internal sphincter
9Open Haemorrhoidectomy
Ligating pedicle of haemorrhoid
10Open Haemorrhoidectomy
Excising haemorrhoid
11Open Haemorrhoidectomy
Finished operation
12Closed Haemorrhoidectomy
Fansler Retractor
13Closed Haemorrhoidectomy
14Closed Haemorrhoidectomy
15Closed Haemorrhoidectomy
16HaemorrhoidectomyOpen vs Closed
Author Number Number Follow up Parameters Compared Parameters Compared Parameters Compared
Author Open Closed Follow up Pain Healing Morbidity
Ho et al 1997 34 33 8.7mth No diff Open No diff
Hosch et al 1998 17 17 12 wks No diff No diff Closed
Carapeti et al 1999 17 18 6 wks No diff No diff No diff
Arbman et al 2000 39 38 1 yr No diff Closed No diff
Gençosmanoglu 2002 40 40 lt40mth Open Closed Open
Arroyo et al 2004 100 100 1yr Closed Closed No diff
You et al 2005 40 40 3wks Closed Closed No diff
17Haemorrhoidal DiseaseAcute Thrombosis
- Will eventually resolve completely
- Often minimal residual problems
- Patients often other medical problems
- MI, Stroke, Late pregnancy
- Theoretical risk portal pyaemia
- Conservative vs operative treatment
18HaemorrhoidectomyAcute Thrombosis
Injection of local anaesthetic
19HaemorrhoidectomyAcute Thrombosis
Complications - 1
- Pain
- Laxatives, Metronidazole
- Dilatation /sphincterotomy GTN / Botox
- Bleeding
- 1o / 2o
- Foley catheter / antibiotics
- Urinary retention
- Males, previous obstructive symptoms
- Caudal, Over hydration
- Infection
- Rare, Submucosal abscess / fistula
- Beware of increasing pain
Complications - 2
- Fissure
- Unhealed wound
- Rx as common garden variety
- Stenosis
- Excess removal of anoderm
- Dilatation / advancement flap anoplasty
- Incontinence
- Soiling (lt30 late soiling in some series)
- Loss of sensitive anoderm
- Change in symmetry of anal canal
- Sphincter damage
- Painful!!
- Effective operation
- Attention to detail to avoid complications
- Symptoms can recur
- Still has a place in 21st Centruy
23Thank You