Rhetoric, Critical Reading, and EAP Writing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rhetoric, Critical Reading, and EAP Writing


Rhetoric, Critical Reading, and EAP Writing Define critical reading Define rhetoric History of rhetoric focusing on ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Rhetoric, Critical Reading, and EAP Writing

Rhetoric, Critical Reading, and EAP Writing
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  1. Define critical reading
  2. Define rhetoric
  3. History of rhetoric focusing on contemporary
  4. The rhetorical qualities in academic writing

Ways of gaining knowledge
  • Non-critical reader
  • by memorizing the statements within a text.
  • learn facts.
  • Critical reader
  • what a text says how the subject matter is
  • Appreciate a particular perspective and a
    particular selecting of facts can lead to
    particular understanding

What is Rhetoric?
  • From Ancient Greece formal public speaking
    (political, legal, celebratory speech making)
  • To Any spoken or written form of nonliterary
    discourse (many would include a great deal of
    literary discourse.)
  • The art of persuasion
  • George Kennedy the energy inherent in emotion
    and thought, transmitted through a system of
    signs, including language, to others to influence
    their decisions or actions.
  • Employing symbols effectively.
  • achieving the purposes of the symbol-userpersuas
    ion, clarity, beauty, or mutual understanding.

Characteristics of rhetorical discourse
  1. Planned
  2. Adapted to an audience
  3. Shaped by human motives
  4. Responsive to a situation
  5. Persuasion-seeking
  6. Concerned with contingent issues

Social functions of the art of rhetoric
  1. Rhetoric tests ideas
  2. Rhetoric assists advocacy
  3. Rhetoric distributes power
  4. Rhetoric discovers facts
  5. Rhetoric shapes knowledge
  6. Rhetoric builds community

History of Rhetoric
  • Antiquity Plato Aristotle Cicero
  • Middle Ages Augustine.
  • Renaissance Erasmus Italian humanism.
  • Peter Ramus (1515-1572, the turn toward
  • skeptical about the value of Aristotles and
    Ciceros treatment of rhetoric and dialectic
  • humanistic studies studies to the development
    of a free and active human mindrhetoric,
    poetics, ethics, politics.
  • Rhetoric in timeline.doc
  • Enlightenment
  • Contemporary

Ciceros five canons or categories of oratory
  • Invention
  • Arrangement
  • Style
  • Memory
  • Delivery
  • A pattern for rhetorical education
  • A template for the criticism of discourse
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Invention finding something to say what is to
be said.Arrangement how one orders speech or
writing.Style the artful expression of ideas
how something is said
The Enlightenment
  • late 16th Cearly 18th C
  • Logic, dialectic, and mathematics
  • Managerial view of rhetoric
  • The discovery of knowledge through reasoning, as
    opposed to the communication of knowledge in
    earlier period.
  • Issac Newton (1642-1727) physical laws governs
    the universe
  • John Locke 91632-1704) empirical basis of human
  • David Hume (1771-1776) rational operations of
    the human mind
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) theory of
    government centered on the individual citizen.
  • Francois Voltaire (1694-1778) severe criticism
    to Christian belief and defense of civil

18th and 19th Century Rhetorics
  • Giambattista Vico on Rhetoric and Human Thought
  • British Rhetorics
  • The Elocutionary Movement
  • The Scottish School
  • Richard Whatelys Classical Rhetoric

  • Vico the rhetoric of imagination
  • 1. intuitive poetic2. The need for education in
    arts of practical decision making about matters
    that did not yield to scientific analysis, such
    as morality, law, art, politics.3. The decisions
    are contingent.

Rhetoric in British education
  • 1. Christian apologetic, preaching and
    writing2. Shift from oral to written
    discourse3. English became the language of
    scholarship4. Women admitted to the
    universities5. Urbanizationchange accent for
    personal advancement in the bigger cities.

The elocutionary movement
  • Public life
  • Speech marked one as belonging to a particular
    social class
  • rhetoric as an important skill in professions
    such as law, politics, and religion.
  • Rhetoric for upward mobility. (speaking good
  • Thomas Sheridan (1719-1788) Irish actor
  • Emphasis on delivery.

The Scottish school
  • The Belletristic movement Lord Kames and Hugh
  • Belles lettres (beautiful language from France)
  • Study of literature, lit criticism and writing
  • Focus on the examining the specific qualities of
    discourse and their effects (on readers and
  • Taste, style, beauty and decorum
  • Help students develop the qualities of taste,
    eloguence, critical acumen, and style with the
    goal of living the good life.
  • Pursuing personal grace, leisure enjoyment and
    social advancement.

George Campbell (1719-1796)
  • Incorporate 17th, 18th Century British
    philosophical thoughts
  • Eloquence psychology
  • Seek a science of eloquence
  • Mental faculties Every speech is intended to
  • enlighten the understanding
  • please the imagination
  • move the passions
  • influence the will
  • Persuasion is a matter of addressing both the
    emotions and the reason

Richard Whately (1787-1863)
  • Traditional logic and rhetoric like Augustine,
    Cicero, Quintilian, and Renaissance humanists
    art of promoting and defending divine truth.
  • Types of reasoning Scientific and Moral
  • Reasoning from evidence to more or less probable
    conclusions on practical issues.
  • Theory of persuasion
  • to excite some desire or passion in the hearers
  • to satisfy their judgment
  • Education in eloquence
  • Elocution the ability to speak with grace,
    force, and clarity.
  • Argumentation defend a proposition with sound
    inference and solid evidence.

The 20th century
  • From the end of 19th century to the beginning of
    the 20th century, the study of rhetorical theory
    had reached its lowest point.
  • Scientific thinking was ascendant.
  • However, scientific thinking could not provide
    solutions to human problems like aggression,
    racism, economic exploitation, and others.
  • Toward the end of 20th century, scientists
    started to admit the discourse of science was not
    formulary, clinical, and syllogistic but
    decidedly strategic, argumentative, and

Contemporary Rhetoric I Arguments, Audiences,
and Advocacy
  • Chaim Perelman and Madame L. Olbrechts-Tyteca
    The New Rhetoricuniversal, particular, audience
    of one, self as audience.
  • Stephen Toulmin The Uses of Argumentanalyzed
    everyday or marketplace arguments and drew legal
    cases to establish his system for assessing
  • Application of Rhetoric in scientific inquiry,
    economics, anthropology, social psychology
  • Criticisms of the Rhetoric of Science

--What are the qualities that make academic
disciplines rhetorical? --Advocacy
  1. Choice of a project and the presentation of a
    rationale for research
  2. The field of science is a collective enterprise
    sustained within a highly specialized network of
  3. A part of public discourse technical information
    is available to all of us.

Contemporary Rhetoric II Rhetoric as equipment
for living
  • Kenneth Burke identification symbolic
    inducement terministic screens and being human.
  • Lloy Bitzer rhetoric as a response to a
    particular kind of setting, and as structured by
    that setting in predictable ways.
  • Mikhail Bakhtin Polyphonic Novel relationship
    between rhetoric and narrative generally.
  • Wayne Booth and the Rhetoric of Fiction
  • Jurgen Habermas and the Conditions of Rational
    Discourse rational society built on the
    foundation of rationally liberated individuals
    speaking to one another as equals toward the goal
    of agreement and thus action.

Contemporary Rhetoric III Texts, Power, and
  • Michel Foucault Discourse, Knowledge, and Power
  • Jacques Derrida Texts, Meanings, and
  • Richard Weaver Rhetoric and the Preservation of
  • Feminism and Rhetoric Critique and Reform in
  • Queer theory
  • George Kennedy and Comparative Rhetoric rhetoric
    in ancient China.

  • Four teachers, out of 150, were attacked by the
  • Two percent of the teachers were attacked by the
  • Ninety-eight percent of the teachers were not
    attacked by the students.

James Paul Gee. Discourses Reflections on M. A.
K. Hallidays Toward a Language-Based Theory of
  • If you look in the brain of the finch you see
    high sexual dimorphismA/B/C regions are robust
    in males and atrophied or non-existent in
    females. (38)
  • a very long history in Western culture in which
    women have repeatedly been seen as less
    developed or less evolved than men. (38)

Academic writing is always value-laden
  • Hyland, K. Disciplinary Discourse Writing
    Texts, Processes and Practices. Ed. C. N. Candlin
    and K. Hyland. London Longman, 2005.
  • studies on how academic writers intervene in
    their texts not only to present their findings,
    but also to evaluate these findings, comment on
    them and build solidarity with their readers
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