2Topics covered
- Solid waste - amounts generated, disposal
options, status of recycling - Hazardous wastes
- types of wastes
- environmental media
- treatment options
- site remediation - Gierke
- Pollution prevention - Crittenden
3Waste generation
U.S. 4.3 lb per person per day municipal plus 6
lb/person-day industrial 1.9 ton/person-year
664 million tons/year 0.12 mi3 21,560 blocks
the size of CSE Bldg 0.05 mm/yr across U.S. or
3.8 mm/generation
Why is this a problem?
Space (tipping fees in U.S. 20-200/ton
Loss of resources
Groundwater contamination
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9Environmental Engineers Role
- Minimize personal waste
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- Pollution Prevention - prevent refuse generation
- Design recycling systems
- Design waste-to-energy systems
- Design, manage landfills, municipal disposal
10Toxic and hazardous substances
What are they?
650 individual chemicals and classes of chemicals
Radionuclides, persistent organic pollutants,
endocrine disruptors, biocides, metals, acids, ...
Where are they?
In all environmental media (air, soil, surface
ground water)
Where can you locate information on these
EPAs Toxic Release Inventory -
11Where do they come from?
12Where are they discharged?
13Are they near me?
14What do environmental engineers do about toxic
hazardous substances?
1. Design methods for clean-up and remediation
John Gierke - Air sparging for treatment of
contaminated groundwater Alex Mayer -
Modeling of pump-and-treat remediation of
contaminated groundwater John Crittenden, Dave
Hand - design of photocatalysts to destroy
groundwater contaminants
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17What do environmental engineers do about toxic
hazardous substances?
2. Study their fate and effects in the
Judith Perlinger - study rates of natural
attenuation of toxic compounds in
groundwater Jim Mihelcic - study rates of
biological transformation (breakdown) of toxic
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19Visualization with Computational Chemistry
20LFER for Iron Porphyrin System
log(k, pred) - 0.0777 (0.0105) DR-X - 0.00804
(0.00961) ?Go 21.7 (2.82)
21Where will you learn about toxic hazardous
substances at MTU?
GE3850 Geohydrology CE4501 Environmental
Chemistry CE4506 Applications of Environmental
Regulations CE4505 Surface Water Quality
Engineering CE5503 Physical-chemical Treatment
Processes CE5507 Biological Remediation
Processes CE5509 Environmental Organic Chemistry