Title: Georgia DFCS Performance-Based Contracting
1Georgia DFCSPerformance-Based Contracting
- Online Reporting
- Requirements Overview
- Presenters
- Catrecia Stokes, DHS, DFCS, OPUOM
- Dawn Reed, Care Solutions, Inc.
2Whats happening?
- Beginning July 1, 2010, RBWO contractors
(Providers) will utilize GA-SCORE to report
Performance-Based Contracting (PBC) data - KidSTAR becomes GA-SCORE
- To support Performance-Based Contracting and
other initiatives, GA-SCORE will continue
collecting Provider data about - Provider agencies and their individual programs
- Provider staff
- Foster homes (CPAs)
- RBWO placements
3Points to Remember
- In the other 3 sessions today, you will have the
opportunity to learn more about the new PBC
outcomes and measurements - GA-SCORE is an improved version of KidSTAR
- PBPI, CPA compliance, and placement tracking will
still happen here and be integrated with the new
data - PBC reporting is new!
- SHINES remains the single, primary holder of
childs file - An in-depth system training will be held prior to
the roll-out on July 1st
4New Key Features of GA-SCORE
- Provider logins will shift from one user account
per site/program to individual user accounts for
each staff member for the purposes of - Enhanced security
- Greater specificity for data submission audit
trail - Enhanced user experiences with individualized
screens for tasks completed most frequently - CPAs will now have direct access to submit
updates to foster home information (vs. existing
5New Key Features of GA-SCORE (cont.)
- Users will see a Whats Due? screen upon login
that identifies outstanding tasks at a glance - More automated email alerts to designated
Provider staff for due dates to help ensure
Providers remain timely and in compliance with
new DFCS requirements
6New Key Features of GA-SCORE (cont.)
- Service brokering agencies, such as MAAC, and
their partner Providers will be able to share
similar screens for data submission requirements - A new Resources tab will be added to ensure
Providers are kept up-to-date on current Room,
Board and Watchful Oversight (RBWO),
Performance-Based Contracting (PBC), and
Performance-Based Permanency Initiative (PBPI)
events and notices
7GA-SCORE User Accounts
- The new method of individual user accounts gives
Providers enhanced ability to manage their own
staff access to specific screens as needed - Categories of user types will include
- Admin user for agency
- Admin user at each site/program (depending on
agency size, this may be the same as above) - Basic user (users will decide their own
passwords) - Each users level of system access is based on
agency roles and responsibilities
8GA-SCORE and Performance-Based Contracting
- Beginning July 1st, every RBWO provider will be
required to use GA-SCORE for their monthly
Performance-Based Contracting requirements - Providers will be able to report throughout the
month as needed - Reporting deadline is the 5th of each month (for
the previous months data)
9Provider Responsibilities for PBC Reporting
- To begin, each agency will need to designate a
point person of contact (name, phone number,
email address) who will be responsible for
enrolling direct care staff in GA-SCORE - Need to notify Care Solutions who agency designee
is prior to July 1st roll-out (more to come
later) - Above designee will also assign user permissions
for other staff persons requiring a GA-SCORE user
account - Each site/program will also need to designate
- Staff person(s) who need(s) to receive automated
system alerts (e.g., meeting due dates)
10Provider Responsibilities for PBC Data
- Providers will enter approximately 30 data
elements related to PBC - PBC reporting in GA-SCORE must be completed by
the 5th of each month (for previous months data) - Providers will be responsible for timely and
accurate data submissions, as it is essential for
assessing provider compliance with outcomes and
11How Do I Report PBC-Required Data?
- After July 1st, using your Internet browser
(Internet Explorer 7.0, Firefox, etc.), visit
www.gascore.com - Designated Provider staff (described previously)
will log in using their individual username and
password - All other staff designated by their agencies to
perform this work will begin by going to the
website and registering the first time from then
on, users will log in as normal
12What PBC Data Do I Report?
- Appointments and Meetings related only to PBC
- Type of meeting (e.g., EPSDT medical/dental/vision
visits) - Date of meeting
- Location of meeting
- Participating provider staff
- Other participants (e.g., DFCS Case Manager,
birth mother/father, doctor)
Not a final or complete list
13What PBC Data Do I Report? (cont.)
- Foster Parents
- Name of Primary and Secondary caregiver
- Date foster parent
- Viewed DFCS Protective Capacities Training Video
- Completed online post-test
- Completed post-vulnerabilities assessment
Not a final or complete list Already collected
14What PBC Data Do I Report? (cont.)
- Providers Direct Care Staff
- Name
- Position
- Highest level of education and licensure
- Hire date
- Emergency Safety Intervention training info
- To find a list of approved vendors
- Visit ors.dhr.georgia.gov
- Click on Provider Tools-gtgtTraining
Info-gtgtResidential Child Care Section
Not a final or complete list
15What PBC Data Do I Report? (cont.)
- Incident Intake Information Forms
- Type of incident (neglect, abuse, etc.)
- Date of incident
- Involved RBWO children
- Provider staff who prepared form
- Date Provider submitted form to OPUOM
Not a final or complete list
16What PBC Data Do I Report? (cont.)
- RBWO Placements
- Admission date
- Discharge date and disposition of child
- Legal custody on exit (e.g., live with fit and
willing relative, reunification) - SHINES ID
- Date child most recently entered custody
- Birth parent name and status
- School enrollment date
- School name, type, and location
- Number of unexcused school absences
Not a final or complete list Already collected
17Whats Next for PBC GA-SCORE?
- In-depth GA-SCORE training date for PBC reporting
requirements to be announced soon - Provider user manual will be provided
- Access to GA-SCORE will be provided prior to July
1st to begin loading essential information - Care Solutions will send out further information
with specific instructions once everything is