Title: Week 5 Design Lab
1Week 5 Design Lab
2Review of Rocket Project
- Convergent and Divergent thinking
- Dixons Taxonomy
Answerable Question Many Possibilities
Unique answer
- Questions with specific answers
- Optimizing
- Selecting
New Ideas
Posed Problem
- Generating new ideas (brainstorming)
5Effective Design
- Good design teams go through multiple
diverge-converge cycles - Are effective at transitioning
- You must be aware of which process you are in.
6What kind of thinking did you do?
- How did divergent thinking apply?
- How did convergent thinking apply?
7Dixons Taxonomy
States of Knowledge
Perceived Need
Physical Phenomenon
Artifact Type
Artifact Instance
- Describe your final rocket at each state of
8Dixons Taxonomy
States of Knowledge
Perceived Need
Physical Phenomenon
Artifact Type
Artifact Instance
- Each design problem has initial state and final
state of knowledge
9Dixons Taxonomy
States of Knowledge
Perceived Need
Physical Phenomenon
Artifact Type
Artifact Instance
- What were the initial and final design states for
the last 3 weeks of the rocket project?
10Dixons Taxonomy
States of Knowledge
Perceived Need
Physical Phenomenon
Artifact Type
Artifact Instance
- What were the initial and final design states for
the last 3 weeks of the rocket project?
11Dixons Taxonomy
States of Knowledge
Perceived Need
Physical Phenomenon
Artifact Type
Artifact Instance
- What were the initial and final design states for
the first week of the rocket project?
12Dixons Taxonomy
States of Knowledge
Perceived Need
Physical Phenomenon
Artifact Type
Artifact Instance
- What were the initial and final design states for
the first week of the rocket project?
13Discussion of Crane Project
- Overview
- Grading
- Necessary Tasks
14Crane Base Unit
Two identical base units, one currently located
in project lab.
3 HP motor
Weights- 70 pounds each
I-beam pinned
15Crane Base Unit
48 inches
16Crane Base Unit
17Crane Base Unit
18Project Design a truss
- One pulley must be centered above weights at
least 36 above the floor. - Must lift and return the weights to original
starting location
19(No Transcript)
20Crane Base Unit Safety Features
These are a redundant safety feature.
These should be considered part of the base unit.
Do not remove!
21Final Lift Off
- Last Lab Period of semester- Monday Dec. 10,
Thursday Dec. 13 - Two base units operating simultaneously
- 20 minutes per team, you must be well prepared!
- Three test lifts per team
- First lift 70 pounds
- Second lift your choice
- Third lift your choice- max of 1400 lbs.
22(No Transcript)
23Performance Equation
- W Best weight successfully lifted
- C Cost of materials for crane
- C refers to all materials your team takes,
whether you end up using it in your crane or not!
24Cost and Availability of Materials
- Aluminum is 3 per kilogram.
- Price of plastic is 0.80 per kilogram.
- Density of each is provided in handout.
- Plastic and aluminum bar stock available in ΒΌ
thickness, various widths. - Max 75 cu. in. of each material.
- Four free transactions per team.
- 20 of course grade is based on performance
- 20 of course grade is based on final report
- To earn a passing grade on performance crane must
lift 70 lbs.
- 20 of course grade is based on performance
- 20 of course grade is based on final report
- To earn a passing grade on performance crane must
lift 70 lbs. - Lifting the minimum weight with the maximum
material will earn a D.
27Engineering Tasks
- Truss Design
- Compute Forces
- Failure Analysis
- Optimization
- Fabrication
- Materials Testing- Plastic
- Select 2 Tests
- Conduct Tests
- Interpret Results
28Engineering Tasks
- Truss Design
- Compute Forces
- Failure Analysis
- Optimization
- Fabrication
- Materials Testing- Plastic
- Select 2 Tests
- Conduct Tests
- Interpret Results
CEE and ME are taking statics now, ECE will take
in spring
29Engineering Tasks
- Truss Design
- Compute Forces
- Failure Analysis
- Optimization
- Fabrication
- Materials Testing- Plastic
- Select 2 Tests
- Conduct Tests
- Interpret Results
ChE, CEE and ME students all take one or more
courses on materials science
30Engineering Tasks
- Truss Design
- Compute Forces
- Failure Analysis
- Optimization
- Fabrication
- Materials Testing- Plastic
- Select 2 Tests
- Conduct Tests
- Interpret Results
Rigorous optimization requires programming
skills- MATLAB will be used for this project
31What kind of thinking will you do?
- How will divergent thinking apply?
- How will convergent thinking apply?
32What kind of project is this?
States of Knowledge
Perceived Need
Physical Phenomenon
Artifact Type
Artifact Instance
33What kind of project is this?
States of Knowledge
Perceived Need
Physical Phenomenon
Artifact Type
Artifact Instance
34Dixons Taxonomy
States of Knowledge
Perceived Need
Physical Phenomenon
Artifact Type
Artifact Instance
- Future design problems continue to increase in