Title: Fundatia EuroEd
1- Our motto
- AD ASTRA PER VALOREM! (Towards the stars through
value!) - Our mission is to positively contribute to the
development of the Romanian civil society and of
an active European citizenship in Romania.
- We are a not-for-profit non-governmental
organization set up in 1992 with logistic
support from the Soros Foundation and expertise
from the British Council. - Until 1995 our name was International House and
our efforts were concentrated on offering
language courses - In 1995 we became the International Language
Centre and expanded our portfolio by founding the
Kindergarten (1995) and the Primary School
(1997). - In 1998, also as a result of constantly growing
services and addressability, we founded two more
departments the Regional Centre for Education
and Communication, and the Centre for European
Integration. - Since 2000 our name is Fundatia EuroEd.
- Organizational Structure
- The Regional Centre for Education and
Communication (life long learning - adult
education local, regional, national and
international professional training) (1998) - The International Language Centre (foreign
language course and Romanian as a foreign
language) (1992) - The Regional Centre for European Integration (the
implementation of local, regional, national and
international projects) (2000) - The EuroEd Kindergarten and Primary School (1995
and 1997 respectively) - Services
- a vast array of foreign language courses (as well
as Romanian as a foreign language) and accredited
professional training courses - our partnership in educational and socially
oriented projects at local, national and
trans-national level - the education of children in kindergarten and
primary school towards a European citizenship
based on communication, initiative and creativity
- accredited by the Ministry of Education and
Research (part of the national education system,
the section Life Long Learning - MO no.
4685/28.09.1998 and 2133/4.02.2000) - accredited by the Ministry of Labour, Family and
Equal Opportunities (MO no. 594/29.11.2006) - founder member of QUEST Romania (the Romanian
Association for Quality Language Services) QUEST
is an associate member of EAQUALS (the European
Association for Quality Language Services) - founder member of FocusEd (an International
Association that promotes Excellence, Diversity
and Innovation in education) - founder member of ELAN (a pan-European
Association that promotes LWULT languages)
- 2001 "WorldAware Business Award", an
international prize offered by the British
Council for the successful transfer of language
teaching competencies to other areas of
education. - 2002 "European Label, distinction offered by
the European Commission for the successful
implementation of the project "Steps to the
World". - 2004 "European Label, distinction offered by
the European Commission for the successful
implementation of the project "eLancenet (Lingua
1 project) - 2007 "European Label, distinction offered by
the European Commission for the successful
implementation of the project Interact
(Leonardo project). - 2008 European School, distinction awarded by
the Ministry of Education, Research Innovation. - 2009 European Label, distinction offered by
the European Commission for the successful
implementation of the project ALL (Lingua 1
6European Projects 2011
Title of the project Ref. No. Action
ACT! Active and responsible citizen flourishing future society GRU-11-P-LP-299-IS-LT Grundtvig Partnership
Going Places with Languages in Europe UK/11/LLP-LdV/TOI-423 Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation
Stay_at_School Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation
NELLIP - Network of European Language Labelled Initiatives and Projects 519129-LLP-1-2011-1-IT-KA2-KA2N Multilateral Networks (Key Activity 2)
The Corporate Volunteering as a bridge between the world of work and schools 517833-LLP-1-2011-1-PL-COMENIUS-CMP COMENIUS Multilateral projects
FIESTA Facilitating Inclusive Education and Supporting the Transition Agenda 517748-LLP-1-2011-1-IE-COMENIUS-CNW Comenius Multilateral Networks
PLM Mobility Initiative European Project Management Leonardo Mobilities
7European Projects 2010
Title of the project Ref. No. Action
My Story - creating an ICT-based inter-generational learning environment 511641-LLP-1-2010-1-RO-KA3-KA3MP KA3 (ICT)
Uemploy - Consultancy for Employment Inclusion 510784-LLP-1-2010-1-RO-LEONARDO-LMP LEONARDO DA VINCI, Multilateral projects for Development of innovation
I am not scared identification of the best strategies to prevent and combat the bullying phenomenon 511645-LLP-1-2010-1-IT-KA1-KA1SCR KA1 Policy Cooperation And Innovation Studies and comparative research
Language Rich Europe - creating a sustainable interdisciplinary network to share good practice in language teaching and learning for social inclusion 511780-LLP-1-2010-1-UK-KA2-KA2NW KA2 Languages (Multilateral Networks)
Escenario Europeo De Idiomas improvement of teaching and learning foreign languages through a multilingual theatre play 511451-LLP-1-2010-1-ES-KA2-KA2MP KA2 LANGUAGES (Multilateral Projects)
8European Projects 2010
Title of the project Ref. No. Action
INTEGRA Migrants' Integrating Kit - Basic Language for Dealing with Financial Matters 510258-LLP-1-2010-1-LTGRUNDTVIG-GMP Grundtvig Multilateral Projects
Lets Become a Bilingual Family! - awareness of parents on their role in helping children acquiring foreign languages 511515-LLP-1-2010-1-IT-KA2-KA2MP KA2 LANGUAGES (Multilateral Projects)
Autonomous Personal Learning Networks for Language Teachers helping language educators to use Internet Personal Learning Network (PLN) on social networks (SNs). 511460-LLP-1-2010-1-TR-KA2-KA2MP KA2 LANGUAGES (Multilateral Projects)
European Network for Intergenerational Learning 510890-LLP-1-2010-1-FR-GRUNDTVIGGNW Grundtvig Multilateral Networks
Online Networking Platform for Language learning - development of an online networking platform for learning languages 511558-LLP-1-2010-1-UK-KA2-KA2MP KA2 LANGUAGES (Multilateral Projects)
9European Projects 2009
Title of the project Ref. No. Action
TOOL TIPLS - Tool to improve transparency of professional foreign language skills LLP-LDV-TOI-2009-LT-0042 Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation
Art as the identity of a country and as a universal pattern which all the European countries can share 2009-1-IT2-GRU06-06392 2 Life Long Learning Programme - Grundtvig Partnership
Lingu_at_net Worldwide will give better access to online resources for learning languages 504830-LLP-1-2009-1-ES-KA2-KA2MP Life Long Learning Programme - Key Activity 2
LeTS Go - online training course focusing on how to use e-learning products or on how to develop language training products exploiting new technologies. LLP-LDV-TOI-09-IT-0503 Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation
In-CLASS International Communication and Language Assessment development of an operational Audit scheme managed by a chambers or government body offering Language Audits to international SMEs LLP-LdV-TOI-2009-RO-010 Leonardo Da Vinci Transfer of Innovation
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