Global Real Time Ocean Forecast System (RTOFS-Global) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Global Real Time Ocean Forecast System (RTOFS-Global)


Atlantic, East Pacific, . Centerpiece of integrated ocean modeling system ( e.g. plume modeling for radionuclide dispersion near Japan). – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Global Real Time Ocean Forecast System (RTOFS-Global)

Global Real Time Ocean Forecast System
Team Avichal Mehra, Ilya Rivin, Bhavani
Balasubramaniam, Todd Spindler,
Zulema Garaffo, Hendrik Tolman and
Deanna Spindler.
  • RTOFS Global will be the first global
    eddy-resolving ocean forecast system at
  • This global system will be based on a 1/12 degree
    HYCOM (HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model) with a
    Pan-Am Global Grid (4500 x 3928).
  • The system has 32 vertical hybrid layers
    (isopycnal in the deep, isolevel in the mixed
    layer and sigma in shallow waters).
  • The initialization is based on a MVOI scheme
    (NCODA) developed by the US Navy which
    assimilates daily observations (T,S, U,V and sea
    surface height) in a sequential incremental
    update cycle to produce analysis.
  • The daily global ocean forecasts at NCEP will be
    forced with the GFS surface fluxes of radiation,
    precipitation and momentum.

1/12 Degree Global Domain
  • NCEP needs a global eddy-resolving ocean model
  • Part of NOAA ocean modeling backbone capability
    (SAB 2004, NOAA response 2005).
  • Partnering with NOS and IOOS-RAs
  • Part of larger National Backbone capability in
    strong partnership with Navy.
  • Internal needs for NCEP
  • EMC/OPC / TPC / WFOs need for real time
    eddy-resolving ocean products for customers.
  • MMAB and NOS need for real-time eddy-resolving
    boundary data for areas of interest
  • Coupled regional hurricane modeling.
  • Atlantic, East Pacific, .
  • Centerpiece of integrated ocean modeling system (
    e.g. plume modeling for radionuclide dispersion
    near Japan).

Preliminary Monitoring and Diagnostics
Gulf Stream location
Difference (in degrees) between the feature-based
GS location from NAVOCEANO and numerical models.
RTOFS-Global is comparable to NCOM (US Navy) 1/32
degree high resolution model of Gulf Stream. Data
Provided by OPC
RTOFS-Atlantic (Nowcast) RTOFS-Global
(Nowcast) NCOM- HiRes (Nowcast)
Days since 12/20/1010
Daily Bias and RMS differences between OISST and
Global RTOFS. Averages over this period were 0.1
C (Bias) and 1.0 C (RMS). Data Provided by OPC
Daily RMS Daily Bias
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
2011 Fall AGU Session
  • OS12 Multi-scale Ocean Modeling and
    Opportunities for Coastal Marine and Ecosystem
    Forecast Services

Description NOAA provides a model forecast and
computational backbone for multi-scale ocean
predictions from global to coastal coverage. Over
the past five years, forecast systems have been
developed and made operational to support and
provide opportunity for local applications. The
goal of this session is to publicize these
emerging capabilities and stimulate discussion
between users of these applications and those who
are providing the services backbone. Abstracts on
key areas are encouraged, such as 1) operational
global/regional/coastal ocean and ecosystem
forecast systems and 2) coupled
atmosphere/ocean/ecosystem forecast systems.
Emphasis is on lessons learned from established
operational systems.
Potential Temperature at WOCE section I-8 (top)
compared to the same section from RTOFS-Global
Salinity at WOCE section A-3 (top) compared to
the same section from RTOFS-Global (bottom)
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