Title: What is Shared Governance?
1What is Shared Governance?
- And why are we doing it here at St. Lukes?
2What is Shared Governance?
- It is a partnership between staff and management
working together to promote shared decision
making and accountability to provide an improved
work environment.
3Why are we doing Shared Governance and why now?
- Its the right thing to do!
- It is a critical foundational part of the Magnet
journey!! - Organizations are recognizing the positive
significance of systems that grant professional
employees the responsibility and accountability
for governing issues directly related to their
own practice.
4 5New Model for ANCC Magnet Program
Structural Empowerment Shared Governance
6Linda Aiken assumptions (1994)
- hospitals that facilitate professional autonomy,
control over practice, and comparatively good
relations between nurses and physicians will be
the ones in which nurses are able to exercise
their professional judgment on a more routine
basis with positive implications for the quality
and outcomes of patient care - Relationship Based Care A Model for
Transforming Practice, page 119.
7Magic Valley Nursing Shared Governance Structure
Implementation Timeline
- One-Day SL
- Council meetings
- SNRC initial meeting
- Communication initial meeting
- Start charter
- Elect Chair/Co-Chair, facilitator And identify
- SG Steering Committee
- Service Line Chairs meet
- SG Retreat
June/July 09
November 09
Spring 08
May 09
Summer 08
October 09
January 2010
- CC 2nd meeting
- Finalize Charter
- 1st Housewide SG Meeting
- SG System Nursing Summit
- Comm. Council introduced
- to SLs at Ed.Offering
- Comm. Council membership
- Structure defined
SGShared Governance SLService Line Councils
CCCommunication Council SNRCSystem Nursing
Research Council HWHousewide
8Shared Governance Model
Expert Matter Groups Case Managers Contract
Services Dieticians DI Infection
Control Interpretive Services Lab MSTI OT
Patient Safety Pharmacy PT Quality
Resources RT ST Social Services Home
Health Transport Services UST IT
Critical Care
Womens Childrens
Surgical Services
House-wide Councils
9Service Line Communication Council
- Each service line will have their own
Communication (C) Council (4 councils total) - Communication Council will be made up of Chairman
Co-Chairman from the respective Service Line
Education, Quality Practice Councils - There will be a Manager and Educator from the
respective service line on each of the
Communication Councils
10Service Line Communication Council
- Purpose of the Service Line Communication Council
is to facilitate coordination and communication
of activities within the service line framework - A charter will be developed for the Communication
Council. - Communication Council will elect a Chairman,
Co-Chairman, Facilitator
11Our Vision Who do we want to become?
- Patient and Family are central to all An
environment where - decisions
- All clinical staff have a voice
- Practice decision making is in the hands of all
staffEmpowers clinical staff to make decisions
that affect their practice - All staff share in ownership and accountability
of the Practice, Education and Quality committees - There is a partnership among all St. Lukes staff
- Ideas cannot be vetoedonly sent back for
12Vision for 2009-2010
- First House wide Council meetings- November
10th and December 8th - System wide Nursing Summit to celebrate and plan
shared governance November 17 - Magic Valley Service Line Shared Governance Day-
January 7. - System Research Council
- Magic Valley Fellowship program
13What has worked for our council?
- Email reminders of the meeting.
- Responsibilities
- Membership Requirements
- Group Norms
- Charter to be reviewed annually
- Evaluation of council to be done every six
15Evaluation Form
- \\mvrmcnas\pubdata\SHARED GOVERNANCE\Medical
Surgical Services\MS Education Council\Tools\Evalu
ating My Unit Council.doc
16Information Compiled
- \\mvrmcnas\pubdata\SHARED GOVERNANCE\Medical
Surgical Services\MS Education Council\Evaluation
My Unit.shs
17Membership Requirements
- -Active participation in monthly council
meetings, occasional ad hoc task forces.
-Attendance is required for 70 of scheduled
meetings-Conference call is acceptable for
attendance requirements-Ability and willingness
to represent constituency group (s).-Able to
make/support decisions based on the best interest
of the discipline, perspective represented,
and/or Medical Center goal (s).-Willingness to
engage in and support consensus decision-making
(not 100 agreement, can agree to disagree).
-Maintain confidentiality of issues, opinions
and discussions.
18Group Norms
- Start and end on time.Clarify if consensus is
achieved during theCome prepared to engage in
discussionmeeting (reflected in minutes) or
bring forth read agenda packet prior to meeting.
for a future agenda item.Value ideas and
communicationSupport consensus decisions of the
group. and respect all members
ideas/comments.Take accountability for
membership in otherEvaluate, periodically, if
information iscouncils for information
sharing.repetitious. Participants are
responsible for accessing minutes/agenda via
electronic format Issues affecting the
productivity of the group will be addressed by
the group (i.e. attendance Notify other unit
representative if not able to attend meeting
- As leaders (chairs, co-chairs, and facilitators)
of the councils it is our responsibility to keep
the council members excited and engaged before
we can excite and engage other employees at St.
Lukes Magic Valley. - What has worked in your council?