- Criteria By Which Decisions in the Workplace are
2Examples of Workplace Rules
- How much to be paid?
- How much of an increase?
- What will be the criteria for increases?
- When will increase be given?
- Any fringe benefits associated with the job?
- What will be the criteria for promotion?
- What will be the criteria for layoffs, if
necessary? - Who will be trained?
- Who will be disciplined?
- How will discipline occur?
- What hours will be worked?
- Who will work what shift? For how long?
- Who is assigned what work?
- . Pay for part-time workers.
- Procedure for moving from part-time to
3How are the Rules Made?
- Individual Bargaining
- Employer Unilateral Determination
- Collective Bargaining
- With a union\labor organization as representative
of employees - usually done pursuant to legal procedures
4Forms of Rules
- Unarticulated - ad hoc (created as needed)
- oral statements of intent
- written statements of intent
- oral policies
- written polices
- oral contracts
- written contracts
- individual bargaining
- collective bargaining
5Procedures for Modifying Rules
- Modified at Will of Employer
- Unarticulated - ad hoc (created as needed)
- oral statements of intent
- written statements of intent
- oral policies
- written policies
- oral contracts?
- Modified only with Agreement of Both Parties or
at an agree-upon date - written contracts
- collective agreements
6(No Transcript)
STATES, 2008
SOURCE U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
8SOURCES U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Statistics Canada
9SOURCES Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development Chi, Wang, Xie, 2009
10SOURCE Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development
11SOURCE Organization for Economic Cooperation and
12Weekly Earnings, Non-Union and Union, All
Workers, 25 Years and Older, United States
SOURCE U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
13Weekly Earnings, Non-Union and Union, Women
Workers, 25 Years and Older, United States
14Weekly Earnings, Non-Union and Union,
African-American Workers, 25 Years and Older,
United States
15Summary Table, Weekly Earnings, Workers 25 Years
and Older, United States
16Work Stoppages
- Table 1. Work stoppages involving 1,000 or more
workers, 1947-2008