Title: Improving the School Nutrition Environment
1Improving the School Nutrition Environment
- Childhood obesity
- Dietary guidelines for children
- Link between diet and lifelong health
- Healthy People 2010
- Selection of foods in schools
- Recommendations
3Expected Learning Outcomes
- The importance of childhood obesity and its long
term effects into adulthood - The recommended dietary intake for children and
adolescents - Current initiatives that have been put in place
to better the school nutrition environment - Recommendations for better selection of foods in
school cafeterias
4Childhood Obesity
- A medical condition that is affecting children
and adolescents at an exponential rate. - Will lead to diseases such as
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular disease
- According to the CDC (2010) over the past 30
years, obesity has increased - From 6.5 to 19.6 among 6-11 year olds
- From 5 to 18.1 among 12-19 year olds
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(2010) Childhood overweight and obesity.
Retrieved on April 23, 2010 from
http//www.cdc.gov/obesity/childhood/index.html M
ayo Clinic. (2010) Childhood obesity. Retrieved
on April 23, 2010 from http//www.mayoclinic.com/h
ealth/childhood-obesity/DS00698 Obesity Society.
(2010) Childhood Overweight. Retrieved on April
22, 2010 from http//www.obesity.org/information/c
5Childhood Obesity (cont)
- Risk Factors
- Diet
- Lack of exercise
- Family history
- Family factors
- Socioeconomic factors
- Of these risk factors, we can influence diet
- Mayo Clinic. (2010) Childhood obesity. Retrieved
on April 23, 2010 from http//www.mayoclinic.com/h
6Dietary Guidelines for Children
7Link Between Diet and Lifelong Health
- Children develop lifelong eating habits before
the age of twelve (Haas, 1994). - Poor diet choices can be detrimental to mental
and physical aspects of health - Mental
- Depression
- Low Self-esteem
- Risk for Eating Disorders
- Physical
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Hypertension
- High cholesterol
- Stroke
- Cancer
- Early puberty
- How do we stop the cycle?
- Haas, E. (1994) Revising school lunches. Nea
Today, 13(2), 13-14.
8Healthy People 2010
- Goals
- 1. Increase the overall quality and years of life
- 2. Eliminate health disparities
- (US Department of Health and Human Services,
2010) - Developed objectives to focus specifically on the
school nutrition environment (USDA, 2009) - United States Department of Agriculture. (2009)
National School Lunch Program. Retrieved on
April 21, 2010 from http//www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/Lu
nch/. - U.S Department of Health and Human Services.
(2010) Healthy People 2010. Retrieved on April
22, 2010 from http//www.healthypeople.gov/default
9Selection of Foods in Schools
- School lunch program
- Progress has been made toward meeting new
nutrition standards, but still some concerns that
need attention (USDA, 2009) - Large majority of children not meeting dietary
recommendations (USDA, 2009) - United States Department of Agriculture. (2009)
National School Lunch Program. Retrieved on
April 21, 2010 from http//www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/Lu
10Selection of Foods in Schools (cont)
- Access to snacks and beverages in school
cafeterias - Teenagers drink more soda and fruit drinks than
milk (USDA, 2009) - Males are especially heavy consumers of soda and
fruit juices --3 servings of soda and fruit
drinks a day (USDA, 2009) - United States Department of Agriculture. (2009)
National School Lunch Program. Retrieved on
April 21, 2010 from http//www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/Lu
- Removing junk food selections from school
cafeterias - Replace junk food with healthy choices
- Limit number of servings students are allowed to
purchase - Nutritious Food Awareness
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(2010) Childhood overweight and obesity.
Retrieved on April 23, 2010 from
http//www.cdc.gov/obesity/childhood/index.html - Dudiak, Z. (2007) Focus on healthy eating changes
food selection. Your Norwin. Retrieved on April
22, 2010 from http//www.yournorwin.com/norwinstar
on. Photo by Lillian DeDomenic - Haas, E. (1994) Revising school lunches. Nea
Today, 13(2), 13-14. - Mayo Clinic. (2010) Childhood obesity. Retrieved
on April 23, 2010 from http//www.mayoclinic.com/h
ealth/childhood-obesity/DS00698 - Obesity Society. (2010) Childhood Overweight.
Retrieved on April 22, 2010 from
eight.asp - Oregon Health and Science University. (2010) Food
Pyramid. Retrieved on April 23, 2010 from
/food_pyramid.gif - United States Department of Agriculture. (2009)
National School Lunch Program. Retrieved on April
21, 2010 from http//www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/Lunch/. - U.S Department of Health and Human Services.
(2010) Healthy People 2010. Retrieved on April
22, 2010 from http//www.healthypeople.gov/default
13Additional Sources
- My Pyramid Plan http//www.mypyramid.gov/mypyramid
/index.aspx - The Advocate http//www.advocateweekly.com/ci_1492
8757 - The USDA-National School Lunch Program