Title: Statistical Process Control
1Statistical Process Control
- Douglas M. Stewart, Ph.D.
- The Anderson Schools of Management
- The University of New Mexico
2Quality Control (QC)
- Control the activity of ensuring conformance to
requirements and taking corrective action when
necessary to correct problems - Importance
- Daily management of processes
- Prerequisite to longer-term improvements
3Designing the QC System
- Quality Policy and Quality Manual
- Contract management, design control and
purchasing - Process control, inspection and testing
- Corrective action and continual improvement
- Controlling inspection, measuring and test
equipment (metrology, measurement system analysis
and calibration) - Records, documentation and audits
4Example of QC HACCP System
- Hazard analysis
- Critical control points
- Preventive measures with critical limits for each
control point - Procedures to monitor the critical control points
- Corrective actions when critical limits are not
met - Verification procedures
- Effective record keeping and documentation
5Inspection/Testing Points
- Receiving inspection
- In-process inspection
- Final inspection
6Receiving Inspection
- Spot check procedures
- 100 percent inspection
- Acceptance sampling
7Acceptance Sampling
8Pros and Cons of Acceptance Sampling
- Arguments for
- Provides an assessment of risk
- Inexpensive and suited for destructive testing
- Requires less time than other approaches
- Requires less handling
- Reduces inspector fatigue
- Arguments against
- Does not make sense for stable processes
- Only detects poor quality does not help to
prevent it - Is non-value-added
- Does not help suppliers improve
9In-Process Inspection
- What to inspect?
- Key quality characteristics that are related to
cost or quality (customer requirements) - Where to inspect?
- Key processes, especially high-cost and
value-added - How much to inspect?
- All, nothing, or a sample
10Economic Model
C1 cost of inspection and removal of
nonconforming item C2 cost of repair p true
fraction nonconforming Breakeven Analysis
pC2 C1 If p gt C1 / C2 , use 100
inspection If p lt C1 / C2 , do nothing
11Human Factors in Inspection
complexity defect rate repeated
inspections inspection rate
Inspection should never be a means of assuring
quality. The purpose of inspection should be to
gather information to understand and improve the
processes that produce products and services.
12Gauges and Measuring Instruments
- Variable gauges
- Fixed gauges
- Coordinate measuring machine
- Vision systems
13Examples of Gauges
14Metrology - Science of Measurement
Accuracy - closeness of agreement between an
observed value and a standard Precision -
closeness of agreement between randomly selected
individual measurements
15Repeatability and Reproducibility
- Repeatability (equipment variation) variation
in multiple measurements by an individual using
the same instrument. - Reproducibility (operator variation) - variation
in the same measuring instrument used by
different individuals
16Repeatability and Reproducibility Studies
- Quantify and evaluate the capability of a
measurement system - Select m operators and n parts
- Calibrate the measuring instrument
- Randomly measure each part by each operator for r
trials - Compute key statistics to quantify repeatability
and reproducibility
17Reliability and Reproducibility Studies(2)
18Reliability and Reproducibility Studies(3)
19RR Constants
Number of Trials 2 3 4 5
K1 4.56 3.05 2.50 2.21
Number of Operators 2 3 4 5
K2 3.65 2.70 2.30 2.08
20RR Evaluation
- Under 10 error - OK
- 10-30 error - may be OK
- over 30 error - unacceptable
21RR Example
- RR Study is to be conducted on a gauge being
used to measure the thickness of a gasket having
specification of 0.50 to 1.00 mm. We have three
operators, each taking measurement on 10 parts in
2 separate trials.
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- Calibration - comparing a measurement device or
system to one having a known relationship to
national standards - Traceability to national standards maintained by
NIST, National Institute of Standards and
24Statistical Process Control (SPC)
- A methodology for monitoring a process to
identify special causes of variation and signal
the need to take corrective action when
appropriate - SPC relies on control charts
25Common Causes
Special Causes
26Histograms do not take into account changes over
Control charts can tell us when a process changes
27Control Chart Applications
- Establish state of statistical control
- Monitor a process and signal when it goes out of
control - Determine process capability
28Commonly Used Control Charts
- Variables data
- x-bar and R-charts
- x-bar and s-charts
- Charts for individuals (x-charts)
- Attribute data
- For defectives (p-chart, np-chart)
- For defects (c-chart, u-chart)
29Developing Control Charts
- Prepare
- Choose measurement
- Determine how to collect data, sample size, and
frequency of sampling - Set up an initial control chart
- Collect Data
- Record data
- Calculate appropriate statistics
- Plot statistics on chart
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31Next Steps
- Determine trial control limits
- Center line (process average)
- Compute UCL, LCL
- Analyze and interpret results
- Determine if in control
- Eliminate out-of-control points
- Recompute control limits as necessary
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36Typical Out-of-Control Patterns
- Point outside control limits
- Sudden shift in process average
- Cycles
- Trends
- Hugging the center line
- Hugging the control limits
- Instability
37Shift in Process Average
38Identifying Potential Shifts
41Final Steps
- Use as a problem-solving tool
- Continue to collect and plot data
- Take corrective action when necessary
- Compute process capability
42Process Capability
43Process Capability (2)
44Capability Versus Control
45Process Capability Calculations
46Excel Template
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48Special Variables Control Charts
- x-bar and s charts
- x-chart for individuals
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53Charts for Attributes
- Fraction nonconforming (p-chart)
- Fixed sample size
- Variable sample size
- np-chart for number nonconforming
- Charts for defects
- c-chart
- u-chart
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64Control Chart Selection
Quality Characteristic
x and MR
constant sampling unit?
constant sample size?
p or np
ngt10 or computer?
x and R
p-chart with variable sample size
c u
x and s
65Control Chart Design Issues
- Basis for sampling
- Sample size
- Frequency of sampling
- Location of control limits
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68SPC Implementation Requirements
- Top management commitment
- Project champion
- Initial workable project
- Employee education and training
- Accurate measurement system