Title: Key Players in the IT Industry
1Key Players in the IT Industry
- IT Fundamentals (2nd Edition)
- By Kellie Hughes et. al.
2Key Players in IT
- The key players in the IT Industry are those
organisations that provide - Employment
- Technological Advances
- Support for Staff
- Education
3Categories of Key Players
- Vendors of IT products and services
- IT Professional bodies
- Government departments
- Industry publications involved in IT industry
promotion - Employer organisations
- Relevant Unions
Those who develop software, manufacture hardware,
provide technical support, supply wholesale or
retail hardware, and software,
or provide on-line services such as Internet
- What sites do you know of that provides IT
products and services? - IBM Australia www.ibm.com.au products,
services, solutions and news - Harvey Norman www.harveynorman.com.au
communications, hardware, peripherals, software
and entertainment - Local ISP Speedlink www.speedlink.com.au
6IT Professional Bodies
- The IT industry in Australia supports and is
supported by a variety of special interest groups
and associations. Groups such as - Australian Computer Society (ACS)
- www.acs.org.au
- The recognised association for ITÂ professionals
in Australia and it has become the public voice
of the IT professional and the guardian of
professional ethics and standards
7IT Professional Bodies
- Australian Information Industries Association
(AIIA). www.aiia.com.au - Australia's most prominent industry association
site. Contains news, information and links to
other sites. - Australian Trade Commission (ATC)
8Government Departments
- Many government departments concerned with the
development and promotion of the Australian IT
Industry - Department of Broadband, Communications and the
Digital Economy, http//www.dbcde.gov.au (DBCDE) - Previously called Dept of Comm. Information
Technology and Arts (DCITA)
9Government Departments
- Department responsible for range of issues
relating to policies, regulation of online
material, support and programs for Information
Technology Sector - Current Minister for DBCDE is Senator Stephen
Conroy (2009).
10Government Departments
- Department of Industrial Relations (DIR).
http//www.dir.nsw.gov.au - Plays a small regulatory role in the Information
Technology industry - Main role includes standards for sick, holiday
and long service leave entitlements
11Industry Publications
Publications that promote the IT Industry
together with IT goods and services
Professional organisations that publish
newsletters and journals
Daily papers that include an IT section on a set
day of the week
12Employer Organisations
- Organisations that have similar focus or market
- May be involved in determining a code of conduct
or setting out industry guidelines or standards
(see attachment on wiki week 8) - IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers) - AUSTEL (Australian Telecommunications Authority)
- CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone
Consultative Committee)
- An association of people who have a common
interest - Policy is to ensure that members get a good and
fair return for their labour - Achieved by negotiation with employers
- Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
- http//www.actu.asn.au/vunions/actu/