Title: Chapter Administrators Workshop YPO-WPO Membership
1Chapter Administrators WorkshopYPO-WPO
2Take home value is________?
- Criteria
- Dues
- Membership Process
- Waivers
Renewal Grace Reinstatement Transfers
- WPO-YPO Dual membership
- WPO membership
- Chapter Operating Tools
- Online tools
- YPO I prospects
3YPO Membership Criteria
- Age
- Title
- Financial Information
- Requirement A
- Requirement B
- You dont know? You dont remember? You have a
4Membership Dues for New Members
Payment schedule Payment schedule Payment schedule Payment schedule
Quarter Initiation Fee Dues Total Payment Due with Application
July-September US1500 US2500 US4000
October December US1500 US1875 US3375
January- March US1500 US1250 US2750
April -June US1500 US625 US2125
- Notes
- April June must pay last quarter dues and
incoming year - New members receive an Event Voucher 1500 valid
for 2 years
5YPO I - New Member Dues
- Lets discuss
- You have submitted John Lanes application on 31
March. - Questions
- If we process the application on 31 March what
are the dues that John needs to pay? - If we process the application on 1 April what are
the dues that John needs to pay?
6(No Transcript)
7YPO Membership Process A to Z
Chapter submits the application to YPOI
- YPO Confirms Receipt!
- Review
Incomplete ?
Processed within 72 hours Welcome e-mail is
sent to member with username and password
1. RM sends welcome e-mail 2. Web site
New member Kit sent to member or Officers based
on Chapter preference
Email notification goes to MO, CA, Regional team
8Waivers New Members
- Chapters submit a waiver request when a Prospect
does not meet ALL YPOI membership criteria - Age
- Title
- Financial Status
- OR
- for extension of the Grace period
- Membership Officer or Chapter Chair completes
waiver form https//www.myypo.org/ypotoolkit - Provide enough information and justification
- Submit first to your Regional Director for
Regional Chair vote - 3. Waiver form sent to YPO International either
fax (1.972.587.1611) or e-mail
9Waivers New MembersPlease keep in mind
- Membership submits the waiver requests 2nd
Wednesday of every month. - The Waiver Committee has TWO Weeks to vote
- Decision is sent to chapter
- Membership has to receive application to process!
10Waivers New Members
- Lets Discuss
- 1. The Rainbow chapter submits a waiver request
for Bill Jones. - The waiver is for title. The waiver is approved.
- 2. The Rainy chapter submits a waiver request for
Maria Lanka - The waiver is for financial criteria. The waiver
is approved. - Is there any difference between the two
approved waivers?
11Renewal Fast Facts - June 2008
- 1 April to 1 June is the YPO-WPO renewal period.
- Excluding which members?
- Its Online from the Members My YPO homepage
- The Online links are
- Renew My Membership Online completely online
and automated - Print My Renewal Forms consists of all
printable renewal documents needed - Deadline is 1 June 2008
- Late fee is US300
- Online dues and recertification status available
through the Chapter Roster in the Chapter
Operating Tools filter by Dues and
Recertification. Real time status displayed.
NEW Members who joined between April and June
Renewal has 2 Parts1. Payment2.
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14Self Recertification Every year!
Click for form
15Third Party Recertification - Every 3rd year
Click for form
- See the grace years available and request grace
- for each member on MyYPO
- chapter Operating Tools/Chapter Roster/List by
Grace Information - Request Grace Procedure
- The Chapter -Membership officer of Chapter Chair-
- sends an e-mail to membership_at_ypo.org
approving or denying - the member to recertify by using a year of
17Chapter Dues YPOI collection
- Deadline for requests is FEB
- A contract needs to be signed between YPOI and
the chapter - YPOI is responsible to collect until end of the
renewals i.e 31JUN - Status of payment is available on myypo.org
chapter roster-dues - For any financial questions regarding chapter due
collection after 31JUN, please contact the
Finance Team
18Click for the most updated information on
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21Failure to pay or recertifyby 1 June
ALERT! - Resignation on 30 June!
- contact membership_at_ypo.org
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23Reinstatement of Former Members
- Within ONE year from the resignation date
- -Contact membership_at_ypo.org invoice and
recertification form involuntary resigned
members pay 300.- reinstatement fee - More than one year
- The Chapter must submit a fully completed
application - age criterion is exempt
24Exercise Transfer of Members
- Lara Jones, member of the Rainbow chapter has
sent an email to your Membership Officer and
said - I am a member of the Rainbow chapter and I would
like to transfer to your Formula 1 chapter. - Regards, Lara
- Your Membership Officer forwards the message to
you with - the following note
- we actually reached our cap for this year,
do we have to accept this transfer? and if we
have to accept how do we go about it? - Regards Martha
25Member Transfer
- Accept/Not accept is a decision entirely up to
the chapter - Transfer process is different from Chapter to
Chapter - YPOI recommends
- If the chapter is willing to accept, request a
written confirmation from the departing chapter
that the member is leaving in good standing -
- For each transfer that YPOI is involved, we need
- An e-mail acceptance from the Membership or
Chapter Chair
26WPO and YPO-WPO membership
- WPO eligible for membership
- All past YPO graduates
- All YPO members at the age of 45 and above,
- Former YPO Members who are 45 years old and above
-have been in YPO for at least 3 years (excluding
any grace period) -no longer qualify for YPO - YPO-WPO option for dual membership (effective 1
July 2008) - YPO and WPO members 50-55 years old have the
option of - WPO or WPO/YPO dual membership (only YPO is not
an option) - YPO members at the age of 45-50 will have the
option for - YPO membership only
- WPO membership only
- Dual WPO/YPO membership
- WPO yearly dues 1700
- YPO-WPO dual membership dues 1700 (WPO)
800.- YPO
27Lets discuss dual WPO-YPO
Roberto Conti is a 50 years old. He would like
to just continue be involved in his YPO chapter
and he does not want to be a member of WPO. Is
this possible? Georgina Green is 46 years old
current active member of the YPO Blue chapter and
she would like to join a WPO chapter. Can she do
that? What are all her YPO-WPO International
options? Mario Lanza resigned from YPO 5 years
ago and he is now 48. Can he be reinstated back
to YPO-WPO? if yes, what are his options?
28WPO membership application
- send the name of the WPO prospective member to
membership_at_ypo.org with contact info - WPO Initiation fees are paid by any past YPO
member who has - never been a member of WPO before and/or has
been away from YPO for one year or more. -
- Membership will forward an application/invoice to
the prospect - giving them the option on the various WPO dues
- For the time being there is no WPO generic
29Lets discuss WPO initiation fee
- Albert Giovanni is 54 years old, eligible for
dual membership on 1JUL08. Albert decided that
he wants to join just WPO for the new year i.e
FY08/09. Does he have to pay initiation fees for
WPO? - Maria Strong has graduated from YPO in 2001. She
has never joined WPO. She would like to join
now, does she have to pay initiation fees? - Jason Lord was a member of WPO in 1998. He would
like to reinstate, Does he have to pay WPO
initiation fees?
30WPO chapter recruitment
- The Regional teams can provide the chapters with
- (a) names/contact info of past YPO members
eligible to join WPO - (b) names/contact info of WPO members in the
Region not affiliated with a chapter
31YPO International Prospects
- They apply online through the www.ypo.org public
website - Qualifying applications are assigned to chapters
based on the location of the prospect and
e-mailed to the MO and CA - Chapter has 15 days to respond if they are
interested or not interested to pursue the
prospect - Chapter response and feedback is extremely
32New Member Kits
- Chapters have the following options
- The kits may be sent to
- The chapters for distribution
- Directly to the new member
- The request to select options is sent to the
chapters in July - The new member kits include
- Letter from the International Chairman
- New Member Event Credit Voucher - 1,500.00
- YPO business card with contact information
- Forum Brochure
- Member Profile Newsletter
- New Member Plaque
33Vouchers the road to a unique YPO experience
34Supply Order Requests
- Go to https//www.myypo.org/MyYPO/reg_chap/suppl
y_form.aspx - Acknowledgement of order within 24 hours
- Order fulfilled and sent out via FedEx
- Tracking number is sent to the person who ordered
the supplies
35Membership Officer CA Support
- Lets share some best practices
- Application follow up?
- Membership Committee?
- Appointments with prospects?
- Recruitment events?
- Marketing material?
- Chapter rosters?
- Renewal?
36The YPO-WPO Membership Team