The First Commandment Believe in the True God - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The First Commandment Believe in the True God


Through Divine Providence, God leads us at every moment of the day to Himself. * The First Commandments calls us to have faith in the true God, to hope in him ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The First Commandment Believe in the True God

The First CommandmentBelieve in the True God
  • USCCA Chapter 25
  • Thursday, June 05, 2014

June 5, 2014
  1. The Ten Commandments are laws revealed to us by
    God to guide the morality of our actions. These
    Commandments work together with
  1. Grace, Gods life in us, which helps us to reject
    temptation and sin and which leads us to growth
    in holiness.
  2. Theological and Cardinal virtues, which develop
    in us habits for holiness and goodness.

June 5, 2014
  1. The Ten Commandments are laws revealed to us by
    God to guide the morality of our actions. These
    Commandments work together with
  1. The reception of the Sacraments, which give us
    Gods grace.

June 5, 2014
  1. The first three Commandments address our
    relationship with God the last seven concern our
    relationship with each other.

June 5, 2014
  1. The First Commandments calls us to have faith in
    the true God, to hope in him, and to love him
    fully with mind, heart, and will (USCCA p. 341.)
  1. The First Commandment is the foundation for all
    the Commandments.
  2. Through Divine Providence, God leads us at every
    moment of the day to Himself.

June 5, 2014
  1. The First Commandments calls us to have faith in
    the true God, to hope in him, and to love him
    fully with mind, heart, and will (USCCA p. 341.)
  1. The virtue of religion, related to the virtue of
    justice, is the virtue of giving God His due,
    which is our entire lives and worship of Him.

June 5, 2014
  1. The theological virtues, which help us to love
    God above anything else, are
  • Faith. Faith is a personal response the Lords
    Revelation of his holiness, love, beauty and
    transcendence. Sins against faith include
  • i. Hesitancy to believe
  • ii. Heresy
  • iii. Apostasy
  • iv. Schism

June 5, 2014
  1. The theological virtues, which help us to love
    God above anything else, are
  • Hope. Hope fills us with the confidence that God
    is guiding us towards eternal life. Sins against
    hope include
  • i. Presumption
  • ii. Despair

June 5, 2014
  1. The theological virtues, which help us to love
    God above anything else, are
  • Love. Love is the desire for the good for the
    other, the love Jesus had for us on the Cross.
    Sins against love include
  • i. Indifference
  • ii. Ingratitude
  • iii. Lukewarmness
  • iv. Spiritual Sloth
  • v. Hatred of God

June 5, 2014
  1. Other sins against the First Commandment include
  1. Idolatry, the worship of false gods.
  2. Atheism, the denial of Gods existence.
  3. Agnosticism, the claim that nothing can be known
    about God.

June 5, 2014
  1. Just as Moses reacted to God with awe, we are
    called to respond to the Lords holiness through

For Discussion
  1. Read the Prayer of the Heart meditation on p.
    348 of the USCCA. How does prayer help us to
    live the First Commandment?
  2. How does our culture both support and weaken our
    ability to love God? What cultural philosophies
    help or hinder our love of God?
  3. How have the Sacraments of the Church help you in
    living the moral life of Christ?
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