Title: Jeopardy!
1 Jeopardy!
Tissues Integumentary System
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Integumentary System Accessory Structures Epithelial Tissues Connective Tissues Muscle Tissue Nervous Tissue
200 200 200 200 200 200
400 400 400 400 400 400
600 600 600 600 600 600
800 800 800 800 800 800
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
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4FINAL JEOPARDYCategory-Connective Tissue
5Final Jeopardy
- Cartilage is supportive connective tissue
- What are the 3 types?
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Final Jeopardy Answer- Hyaline, Elastic,
Integumentary System Accessory Structures Epithelial Tissues Connective Tissues Muscle Tissue Nervous Tissue
Epidermis, Dermis, Hypodermis Sebaceous gland Layers of cells and cell shape Specialized cells, Protein fibers, Ground substance Muscle Tissue Nervous (neural) Tissue
Phagocytes Hair follicle Simple cuboidal Dense and loose CT Skeletal MT Neurons, neuroglia
Mast cells Merocrine gland Transitional Blood, lymph Cardiac MT Dendrites
Carotene, hemoglobin Nail root Stratified squamous Chondrocytes. Osteocytes Smooth MT Axons
Thermoregulation Synthesis storage of nutrients Sensory reception Excretion secretion Cuticle Basement membrane Cutaneous, Mucous, Serous, Synovial Actin and myosin fibers Nerve fibers
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9Integumentary System200
- The 3 layers depicted here
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11Integumentary System 400
- Cells which remove cellular debris
- from an injury site
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13Integumentary System 600
- Cells which begin the inflammatory response
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15Overview 800
- Besides melanin, collectively these substances
are responsible for skin color - back
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17Daily Double
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19Integumentary System 1000
- Aside from protection, the integumentary system
also has these (4) functions - back
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22Accessory Structures200
- A gland that produces an oily secretion or sebum.
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24Accessory Structures 400
- The structure to the right is called _________
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26Accessory Structures 600
- Sweat glands that produce watery sweat primarily
for heat loss - back
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28Accessory Structures 800
- Identify the area of growth for the nail
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30Accessory Structures 1000
- Eponychium is also known as ____________
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32Epithelial Tissue200
- The manner in which epithelial tissue is
classified - (There are 2 answers)
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34Epithelial Tissue 400
- Provides limited protection found where
secretion or absorption takes place - back
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36Epithelial Tissue 600
- Type of epithelium which stretches
- back
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38Epithelial Tissue 800
- Found on the surface of the skin lining of the
mouth, tongue, esophagus - back
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40Epithelial Tissue 1000
- Found between epithelial and
- connective tissues
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42Connective Tissue200
- All connective tissues have
- these 3 basic components
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44Connective Tissue 400
- Examples of Connective Tissue Proper
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46Connective Tissue 600
- Examples of Fluid Connective Tissue
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48Daily Double
49Connective Tissue 800
- Cells found in cartilage
- cells found in bone
- (2 answers)
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51Connective Tissue 1000
- Name the types of membranes
- (4 answers)
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53Muscle Tissue200
- Tissue specialized for contraction
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55Muscle Tissue 400
- Striated, multinucleated cells under voluntary
control - back
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57Muscle Tissue 600
- Muscle cells interconnected at intercalated discs
- back
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59Muscle Tissue 800
- Found in walls of blood vessels and around hollow
organs - back
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61Muscle Tissue 1000
- Interaction between these fibers cause muscle
contractions - back
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63Neural Tissue200
- Tissue cells specialized for conduction of
electrical impulses - back
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65Neural Tissue 400
- Two types of nervous tissue cells
- back
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67Neural Tissue 600
- Nerve branches which receive information usually
from other neurons - back
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69Neural Tissue 800
- Nerve branches which carry information away from
cell body - back
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71Neural Tissue 1000
- Another term for axons
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