Title: First Year Review
1The Harold Grinspoon Foundation The Jewish
Endowment Foundation The Jewish Federation of
Western MA The Jewish Federation of the
- First Year Review
- May 7, 2009
- Presented by
- David Valinsky, CAP
- David Valinsky Associates LLC
2The day is short The task is great. It is not up
to you to complete the work, Yet you cannot evade
it. All beginnings are hard. Pirkei Avot If
not now, when?
3Introduce me to Western Massachusetts Jewish
- Why is it so special?
- Look into the future
- What is not being done?
4Why is it your responsibility to plan for the
next 25, 50, 100 years?
5End Result
- Build the resources for a vibrant community
- Help our donors commit to a transformative/meaning
ful gift - May include both current and future gift options
- Gift not limited to the conventional endowment
formula (20X annual) but one that inscribes their
legacy - Gifts in the range of 100K-5M
6Why is this the best time?
- in good times and bad, Americans give to worthy
causes. But when times are difficult, they seem
to respond with even greater dedication,
generosity and a genuine sense of sacrifice. - Since 1980, we have experienced five official
recessions and still, philanthropy has
continued to groweach year more than the year
7Keep doing what you are doing just do it better
than your competition
8Myth Harder to raise money when there is a
- May be harder to raise money quickly
- Donors give to charities during good and bad
9For Donors state of the economy is personal
- Finances are just some of the factors that affect
their decisions
10But Remember
- Compelling case for support
- Donor has personal connection to organization
- Donor believes that organization has ability to
make good on what it promises
11Planned Giving Myths
- Only for the wealthy
- Donors want to leave their entire estates to
their children - Negatively impacts annual campaign (Toledo Study)
- Planned giving donors are driven by tax
12Integrated Ask
- Ask for current and legacy gift at same meeting
- Complete current gift and set date for legacy
conversation - Capital campaign conversation may lead to legacy
13Types of Bequests
- Specific - an amount
- Percentage - 5
- Contingent - based on
- Residuary - after everything
14Charitable Gift Annuities
- Current gift
- Fixed income for life
- Based on age of donor
- Guaranteed
- Tax benefits
15What to do?
- Talk to your donors
- Focus on your best and current donors
- Good stewardship is key
- Suggest charitable gift annuities
16What have been your greatest achievements?
17What have been yourgreatest challenges?
18Not on my watch
19What has worked in other communities?
- Multiple visits
- Scorecard
- What others are doing / examples
- Vision statement
- Asking donors to dream
- Professional /volunteer leadership
- Time
20What have been the obstacles?
- Time commitment
- Not making your own gift
- Lack of comfort making the ask
- Expecting results too quickly
- Persistence and follow-up
- Todays economy
21Common Pushbacks
- Economy
- I have always given
- We will give in my grandchildrens community
- I may outlive my assets
- I will let my kids make future contributions
22Best Practices That Build Success
- Understand that donor is in control
- Use of natural partners
- Target current users / members
- Provide significant written materials
- Be willing to share the pie
- Keep program focused
- Multiple visits
23Follow up is the True Test
- Treat each one as a major donor
- Special luncheon/reception for Legacy Society
members /have them bring a friend - Invite individuals to casual or private luncheons
- Send appropriate holiday cards/anniversary of
joining your legacy society
24Follow up is the True Test, contd.
- Pay personal visits to legacy society members
- Send them interesting articles, materials on
areas that they have shared their interest with
you - Tell their story
- Permanent recognition listing
- I did not find this world desolate when I entered
it. My fathers planted for me before I arrived,
so I plant for those who come after me. - -- Talmud
If not us, who?
26David Valinsky, President David Valinsky
Associates LLC 2266 East Main Street, Suite
B Columbus, OH 43209 614-238-3390 www.davidvalinsk
y.com david_at_davidvalinsky.com