Title: A synthetic view of urban development: Hot topics
1A synthetic view of urban development Hot
topics Research methods???????????????????
???????????????? ????????????????? ??Email
- ??????
- ?????????????????????
- ?????????
- ????????
- ??????????
4Part I Measurements ???????????
- Identification of development pattern
- ??
- Policy-relevant ?????
- Trend-revealing ????
- Function ????
- Residents Jobs ????
- Investments ????
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8Internal Street Connectivity by Age of
9SFR Lot Size by Age of Neighborhood
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11Ratio of SFR Units within ¼-Mile Network Distance
of Commercial Use by Age of Neighborhood
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1987 1990 1992 1995 2000 2005
Jefferson County (AL) 138 176 146 234 182 401
Cook County (IL) 329 374 367 394 278 814
Hennepin County (MN) 951 1,139 1,100 1,274 863 3,022
Alameda County (CA) 221 262 244 279 232 396
16Part II Causes Management?? ? ????
- Identification of development pattern
- Causes Management
- Market? ??
- Plan / Regulations? ??????
- Taxation? ??
- Other policies?
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18??Market and Urban Expansion??????????
- U.S. cities
- Chinese cities
19Market and Urban Expansion
- Chinese cities
- U.S. cities
1 Based on local subdivision ordinance
distinction between minor and major subdivisions.
22Independent Variables and Hypothesized Effect
Hazard Models
Time Time Time Time
Time period indicator Time-Variant Unclear Main effect of time
Land Market Considerations Land Market Considerations Land Market Considerations Land Market Considerations
Estimated land value Time-Invariant Positive effect Hedonic regression
Parcel aggregation indicator Time-Variant Positive effect Parcel change analysis
Demographics and Neighborhood Character Demographics and Neighborhood Character Demographics and Neighborhood Character Demographics and Neighborhood Character
Percent college graduates in block group Time-Invariant Positive effect Census 2000
Number of demolitions within quarter mile Time-Invariant Positive effect Local sources
Land use mix (entropy measure) Time-Invariant Negative effect Derived from spatial dataset
Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility Accessibility
Logged distance to I-485 (finished by 2001) Time-Invariant Positive effect Derived from spatial dataset
Distance to I-485 (when complete) Time-Invariant Positive effect Derived from spatial dataset
Logged distance to nearest downtown2 Time-Invariant Unclear Derived from spatial dataset
Policy Factors
Infrastructure availability proxy Time-Invariant Positive effect Ratio of street length to parcel size
Tax rate Time-Variant Negative effect Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning
Non-residential neighborhood Time-Invariant Negative effect Neighborhood Development Dept.
Rezoning duration (average number of days) Time-Invariant Negative effect Local sources
Moratorium in place (proportion of year) Time-Variant Negative effect Local sources
Priming Effect Measure
Nearby events of opposite scale (or all events) in prior period Time-Variant Positive Parcel change analysis
23Regulations and Urban Development ?????
- Land use tools / Incentives ??????
- Developers are responsive ???
- Businesses are responsive ??
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27Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance
- Adequate Public Facilities
- Urban Growth Boundary
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30Impact Fees
- Impact Fees monetary charges imposed on new
development to recoup or offset a proportionate
share of public capital costs required to
accommodate such development with necessary
public facilities. (Nicholas and Nelson, 1988) - Cannot legally be used for operation,
maintenance, repair, alteration or replacement of
capital facilities or just added to general
- Tax-Increment Financing (TIF) creates a
redevelopment district, in which infrastructure
improvements and/or project development are
financed based upon the anticipated future
increase in property values (the increment) and
therefore, property taxes, that will result from
the improvements.
32Inclusionary zoning
- Inclusionary zoning/housing encourages or
requires developers of certain market rate
residential developments to include within their
developments or to construct offsite residential
units made affordable to low and moderate income
33Regulations and Urban Development ?????
- Complications - backfire
- Uneven stringency may cause development to be
inefficiently dispersed in the region - Market has feedbacks
34Tax and Urban Development???????
- Property tax ?????????
- ?????????????
- ???????????
35Tax Rates
- The correlation between urban scale and the
population (or employment) density gradient is
-0.33 (or -0.31) ?????? - The correlation between two density gradients is
- A lower tax rate in suburbs induces more outward
developments and thus, a more expansive and
decentralized urban area ????????????? - Urban decentralization / urban sprawl has
multiple causes and solutions ??????? ?????
40Part III Consequences ????????????
- Housing market ????
- Travel, emissions and air quality ?????????
- Health implications ????
- Ecological and energy impacts ?????
42Travel, emissions and air quality
43Travel, emissions and air quality
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46Travel, emissions and air quality Health
- Next steps Self Selection
- Research Methods Natural experiments
- ???????????????
47Advanced Modeling Systems??????Linking things
- Spatial development ??????
- Transportation ??
- Emissions ??
- Air quality ????
- Hydrological impacts ???
48Modeling approach
Run land use/transport forecasting model
Estimate emissions from on-road mobile sources
rail transit vehicles
Translate scenarios into land market
transportation system changes
Run air quality model
- Exogenous Factors
- Population ageing
- IPCCs scenarios
- Vehicle fleet mix
- Vehicle technology
Identify future scenarios
Develop multimodal travel models
Develop firm and residential location models
49Study area Charlotte ??
- Rapid population increase
- 22 from 1990 to 2000
- Even faster land consumption
- 1950 6.98 person/acre
- 2000 3.60 person/acre
50Economic flows generate transportation flows
Zone 256 supplies labor
Zone 258 demands labor
- Baseline and smart growth
Source Metrolina COG
52Smart growth scenario
Source Hadden
53Link-based emissions model ????
- Vehicle fuel and technology
- Facility type
- Ambient conditions
- Vehicle mean speed for link
- Vehicle class and age
- Vehicle fleet distribution
- Emission control standards and programs
Source Frey et al 2008
54Example of link-based tailpipe emission factors
Arterials, CY 2005
Source Frey et al 2008
55Regional emissions during weekday morning peak
Total Transportation Network Emissions (tons)
Scenario HC CO NOx CO2
Present Baseline 0.854 34.50 4.63 1376
Present Alternative 0.788 29.75 4.48 1326
Future, No Growth Baseline 0.153 9.69 0.39 1200
Future, No Growth Alternative 0.148 8.36 0.37 1166
Future, Growth Baseline 0.244 14.49 0.60 1849
Future, Growth Alternative 0.237 12.57 0.56 1779
Source Frey et al 2008
- ?????????????????????
- ?????????
- ????????
- ??????????
- ??????
??????????????????????? ???????????????? ??
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60Conclusions ??
- Empirically, through different methods, confirmed
relevance of spatial development ?????????? - Comprehensiveness of urban management ??????????