Title: Preventive Strategies for the Elderly Person
1Preventive Strategies for the Elderly Person
- Prevention 2020
- Ministry of Health, Jerusalem
- 27 Apr.,2009
2G - committee
- Committee co-head Shai Bril
- Members Jenny Brodsky, Michael Davies, Tunie
Dweck, Johnny Lemberger, Inbal Rajuan-Galor, Iris
Rasooly, Anat Shemesh - Special thanks to Eli Rosenberg
3Eubie Blake (lived to 96)
- If I had known how long I was going to live, I
would have taken better care of myself.
4Who are the elderly ?
5Why the elderly?
- There are a lot of them
- Presence of co-morbidity (iatrogenesis)
- Costs to patient, family and society
- Prevention works ! (sometimes)
6Our Mandate
- To deal with geriatric problems not covered by
other sub-commitees (e.g., falls vs. Fallopian
tube disorders) - To concentrate on the old-old (80) and frail
- To finish on time
- 4. Not to embarrass ourselves
7Our Methodology
8Our Methodology
- Use of evidence,
- or the lack thereof
- 2. Use of expert opinion
- 3. Prioritisation technique (method of Rosenberg
et al.)
- Prof. Howard Bergman, Chief of Geriatrics, McGill
University, Canada. - Prof. John Feightner, Head Of CTFPHC, Canada
- Prof. Neil Wenger ACOVE expert, UCLA, United
States - Prof. Chris Patterson, Head of Geriatrics,
McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
10What is to be done?V.I. Lenin,1902
113 categories
- Over-arching goals
- Reduction of risk factors and enhancement of
healthy lifestyles - Primary and Secondary Prevention (screening)
- 1) Disability vs. Death ?
13RecommendationsCategory l
- 2) Improve life expectancy (LE)
- especially in
- women
- minorities
- the poor
14RecommendationsCategory l
- 3) Improve disability free life expectancy (DFLE)
- Q More important than LE?
- A It depends on whom you ask.
15RecommendationsCategory l
- 4) Increase function (ADLs and IADLs)
- This is the Geriatric clinical imperative !
16Recommendations, Category lIDecrease risk
factors and increase healthy lifestyle
- Physical activity
- Physical activity
- Physical activity
17Recommendations, Category lI
- Decrease falls and fractures (evidence alert for
most fracture interventions except DEXA and
calc/vit d in institutionalized) - Decrease MVAs morbidity and mortality (good eg of
need for inter-ministry(ies) coordination)
18Recommendations, Category lII
- Decrease inappropriate prescribing
- Prevent avoidable impairments of vision and
hearing -
- (evidence alert!!)
19Recommendations, Category lII, contd
- Increase uptake of flu pneumoccocal
vaccine among elderly - and esp. health care workers !!!
20Recommendations, Category lII, contd
- Urinary incontinence
- ( 2 on our hit parade !)
- evidence alert!!
- Aerobic exercise
- Incontinence
- DEXA (women only)
- Flu vaccine
- Withdraw psychotropic meds (for falls)
- Multi-factorial falls program