Title: TSM 363 Fluid Power Systems
1TSM 363 Fluid Power Systems
2Conductors for Fluid Delivery
Its common for using hoses and tubes on ORE
as fluid conductors
Hoses are flexible and tubes are rigid
There are three criteria in selecting the
conductors. Rule of thumb use flexible hoses
whenever you can.
3Typical Structure of Hydraulic Hoses
Inner tube Oil resistant thermoplastic flexible
tube Direct contact with the hot hydraulic oils
Reinforcement layer making hoses
stronger wire- or fabric-reinforced
outer layer endure the useful life weather,
oil, or abrasion-resistant .
4Commonly Used Hydraulic Hose Types
5SAE J517 Standard Hoses Specifies (Incomplete
Number Basic Features P Rating
100R1 Steel wire reinforced, rubber covered suitable for petroleum based fluids Normal pressure
100R2 Two-layer steel wire reinforced, rubber covered for petroleum based fluids High pressure
100R6 One-layer of fiber braid for very small bend radius applications Low pressure
100R8 Thermoplastic hoses High pressure
100R14 inner layer of polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) material for high t (gt200?C) uses Normal pressure
100R16 Compact hydraulic houses, replacing 100R1 Normal pressure
6Rules of Hydraulic Hose Installations
7Commonly Used Hoses Fittings
It is a must to use some types of hose connectors
(often called fittings), either reusable or
no-reusable, for connecting hoses.
8Quick-Disconnect Coupling
9Pressure Rating of Conductors
Two Pressure Ratings Burst Pressure (BP) the
fluid pressure will cause the pipe to
burst. Working Pressure (WP) the maximum safe
operating fluid pressure
10Sizing the Conductor
The size of the hose/tube in a fluid power system
is determined based on the velocity of the
fluids moving the conductor.
11Exercise Select Conductor Uses Nomograph
12STAMPED procedure of Hose Selection
The Size of the hose is determined based on the
velocity of the fluids moving in it.
The operation Temperature range of a hose is
determined by the materials in the hose is made
A good Application plan is to route the
high-pressure lines parallel to machine contours
whenever possible.
It is mandatory to check the compatibility of
hose fabricating Materials being used with the
fluids used in the system.
Hose rated working Pressure needs to be chosen
correctly forsafe operation.
Use of proper fittings on both Ends of the hose
segments .
The Deliverability of the selected components in
a timely manner.
13Hydraulic Manifolds
14Manifold for Integrated Valves
15Lecture Summary
- Discussed the basic concepts of hydraulic hoses
- Fabrication
- Application
- Introduced basic concepts of hydraulic manifolds
- Single valve
- Integrated valves