Test of TecnoCut Plate Changers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Test of TecnoCut Plate Changers


Test of TecnoCut Plate Changers 2 TecnoCut Plate Changers installed in the Bologna Scanning Lab: - MIC4: setup for glued emulsions - MIC5: setup for no glued emulsions – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: Gabr169


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Test of TecnoCut Plate Changers

Test of TecnoCut Plate Changers
  • 2 TecnoCut Plate Changers installed in the
    Bologna Scanning Lab- MIC4 setup for glued
  • - MIC5 setup for no glued emulsions
  • Both plate changers are equipped with ADDITIONAL
    NOZZLES to provide high pressure (8 bar)
    compressed air for PLATE UNLOAD.

Software development
  • SySal modules under development (from 2008.09.10)
  • FlexStage5 (new module) digital IO port
  • VertigoScan 6.1 (modified) calls to oil
  • FlexMapX (modified) calls to oil distribution
  • TecnoCutPlateChanger (new module)
  • Present status (2008.10.27) a minimal sw can
    work with the scanning infrastructure
  • Missing points- all parameters are embedded
    into the source code - plate (un)load failures
    must be manually recovered (not trivial)
  • - pausing the platechanger during a scanback or
    totalscan is not implemented
  • - plate skipping not implemented (totalscan of
    non-adjacent stopping points cannot be done in
    the same process)
  • - software module and platechanger load/unload
    synchronization can be lost at system start or
    after failures (firmware modification is

Summary of preliminary test
Basic functional test (2008.09.23) Test of
full brick load/unload. Mark finding and
measurements skipped. Results MIC4 (glued
emulsions) very smooth MIC5 (no glued
emulsions) ok using frosted glass window
(disfavored by scanning) ok using standard
glass window additional compressed air
Measure test (2008.09.23) on MIC4 (glued
emulsions) Brick scanback driven by the
standard SySal scanback driver Automatic oil
dispenser not available (manual oil
distribution)Results several problems due to
oil (vacuum, emulsion detachment,
emulsions-separators unsticking, )
Hardware Improvements
Oil Dispenser (final mounting under development
at LNGS)
The surface of the cleaning tool must be roughly
rubbed (with sand paper or a rasp).
Additional nozzle to provide high pressure (8
bar) compressed air for a safe PLATE UNLOAD
Rubber frameto press down the emulsion to
improve the VACUUM (final system under
development at LNGS)
New Measure test on MIC4 (glued emulsion)
Oil dispenser available for both mark finding and
measurements Scanback of 2 paths of brick
1137815 (driven by the scanning
infrastructure) Results (after a long mark
finding tuning ) plate changing quite smooth (
1 stop at plate 49 and 1 stop at plate 7 ) 2
failures during mark finding due to wrong
positioning of the plate ( 2 mm shift along Y
to be investigated) Totalscan of the 2
stopping points (driven by the scanning
infrastructure) Results plate changing quite
smooth, except for 1 failure during mark
finding (see above) 1 plate damaged during
emulsion cleaning (under investigation)
Some problems
LOAD CAPACITY limited by Emulsion Planarity and
Separator Planarity and Thickness
  • A basic software for the plate changer (included
    oil dispenser) is working inside the scanning
    infrastructure. Many features should be included
    to better recover from pause or failure.
    Load/Unload synchronization is strongly suggested
    (needs firmware modification).Some Measure Test
    have been done with the scanning
    infrastructure.Failures during ScanBack and
    TotalScans due to mark finding.
  • One emulsion damaged by the cleaning tools (under
    investigation).Previous problems due to oil
    seems to be reduced by the additional nozzle for
    compressed air and the rubber frame (they could
    be used also for no glued emulsions). More tests
    are needed with both fresh and used glued brick
    to fix problems due to oil.
  • Lateral Mark Finding is a possible source of
    failures the quality of positioning precision
    should be better evaluated and. Focusing for
    lateral mark finding is probably needed for no
    glued emulsions.
  • Some hardware problems must be fixed (rust,
    broken sucker, low emulsion loader)
  • Request for further tests more fresh glued
    bricks (with more scanning paths).

Download movies
LOAD PLATE http//www.bo.infn.it/opera/exchange/
te.wmv UNLOAD PLATEhttp//www.bo.infn.it/ope
A remark about marks
A further comment to a previous presentation
ides/gsirri_lateralmarks_080901.ppt When you
transform your coordinates from a markset with 3
(or more) marks to a set with 2 marks (or
inverse), large differences can be expected in
track positions.In particular this can happen
every time you change from the CS Marks to
Lateral Marks (at the begin of scanback or at the
end of scanforth) in the plate 57.This is
connected to the fact that you are changing the
transformation model. The transformation obtained
with 2 marks is (theoretically) different to the
one obtained with 3 (or more) 4 versus 6 free
parameters. Simple test (last slide of that
presentation) compare a 4 marks transformation
with the one obtained with 2 marks out of the
same 4 marks without measuring again the position
(use the same measured position) ? difference up
to 50 microns . This doesnt mean that you will
have bad scanbacks using 2 lateral marks or
better scanbacks using 4 lateral marks. The
transformation model doesnt change during
scanback. (Which one is better for scanback is
another story) The request of 4 lateral marks
is necessary to avoid problems in plate 57 for
the connection with CS predictions.
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