Title: Footprint
Reducing Risks by Setting Measurable Targets
Dr. Mathis Wackernagel
2Metabolism like a cow
3Bioproductive Segments
67 Low-Productivity Ocean
Bioproductive segments
4 Biologically Productive Ocean
11 Deserts, Ice Caps and Barren Land
18 Biologically Productive Land
4Personal planetoid
Global average availability of bioproductive Land
Sea 1.9 global hectares/person
5Footprint components
Fossil Fuel Built-up Waste Food
6Global Footprint
Global Footprint Accounts (in global
hectares/person, 1999 data)
Ecological Demand (Ecological Footprint) Ecologica
l Supply (Biocapacity) Footprint Areas
for Biocapacity Areas Growing
Crops 0.53 Crop land 0.53 Grazing
Animals 0.12 Grazing land 0.27 Settlements
infrastructure 0.10 Built-up area 0.10 Producing
timber fuelwood 0.33 Forest 0.86 Absorbing
excess CO2 1.07 Harvesting Fish 0.14 Fishing
Grounds 0.14 Total Global Demand 2.29 Total
Global Supply 1.90
Demand Exceeds Supply By 20 gt
7Footprint time series
Footprint time series
9Median Scenario (UN/IPCC/FAO)
10EF Used for Scenario Analysis
11Ecological Debt in 4 Scenarios
12Shrink Share by Region
13Implications for continents?
14What Does this Open up?
- Accounting leads to accountability
- Targets informed by risks associated with
different scenarios - 2 simple choices integrating climate change and
biocapacity - Performance measure
15Cat on Roman foot