Beauty from the inside out - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Beauty from the inside out


Beauty from the inside out Roseline Gagnon B.Sc. In Biology, M.Sc. In Nutrition, ND.A. and Richard Boudreault Founder and C.O.O. * ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Beauty from the inside out

Beauty from the inside out
  • Roseline Gagnon
  • B.Sc. In Biology, M.Sc. In Nutrition, ND.A.
  • and
  • Richard Boudreault
  • Founder and C.O.O.

Composition of the human body
? 60 water ? Foetus / 97 ? Infant / 75 ?
Child (? 5 years old) / 70 ? Adult / 60 ?
Elderly person / 55 ? 20 lipids ? 15
proteins (including 30 collagen) ? 5 minerals
and other components
The wellbeing of the human body depends on the
balance of these different components.
The Skin
The Cell
The main components of a cell
Fatty acids ? Omega-3 / Phospholipids Amino acids ? Peptides Complex carbohydrates ? Hyaluronic acid Proteins ? Collagen / Elastin Note A human cell has a cellular nucleus and cellular organelles, which are not shown in our illustration here because it depicts a primitive cell.
Primitive atmosphere and primordial soup
Amino acids
Simple Carbo hydrates
Fatty acids
Complex Carbo hydrates
Lipid membrane
Primitive cell
Aging of the skin
  • A natural phenomenon
  • - How the skin looks as it ages - which is
    commonly referred to
  • as mature skin - is determined first and
    foremost by genetics.
  • - Signs of aging generally occur as a result of
    the denaturation
  • (production slowdown) of the the skins
    building blocks in
  • particular, of collagen and elastin.
  • - Skin becomes thinner, loses firmness and

Aging of the skin
  • External causes
  • Chemical pollutants
  • Suns rays
  • Toxic overload
  • Insufficient antioxidants and other nutritional
  • Dehydration
  • Smoking
  • Poor peripheral blood circulation

Aging of the skin
  • Clinical signs
  • Dehydrated skin
  • Lack of suppleness
  • Dull complexion
  • Acute skin sensitivity
  • Presence of acne, rosacea, etc.
  • Premature aging appearance of wrinkles, fine
    lines and bags under the eyes
  • Over recent years, people have started showing
    these signs of aging earlier and earlier in life

Oxidative stress
  • Excess of free radicals in comparison to
  • One of the main causes of cancer and many other
    degenerative diseases
  • Vital parts of cell (lipids, proteins and DNA)
    are attacked by free radicals.

Toxic overload
  • Since the early 21st Century, people have been
    continuously exposed to a gamut of potentially
    toxic substances in the air, water and food, as
    well as to metabolic derivatives, etc.
  • Endotoxins
  • Produced by metabolic functions (eg hormone
  • Exogenous
  • Chemical substances in the environment
    pesticides, solvents,
  • detergents, toxic metals, plastics
    (phthalates), insulation
  • (asbestos), synthetic medications, food
    additives, cosmetics, etc.

Toxic overload
  • Detoxification process
  • The liver
  • Emunctory elimination
  • Intestine
  • Kidney
  • Lungs
  • Skin
  • Menstruation

  • Silent inflammation is the first sign of the
    bodys imbalance and loss of homeostasis (the
    bodys ability to maintain stable, healthy
  • affects immune system
  • is linked to overproduction of proinflammatory
  • eicosanoids
  • will manifest itself on skin, with the
    appearance of
  • eczema, psoriasis, acne and rosacea.

DesaturaseVitamin C, Zn and required B3 Insulin
activityInhibited by glucagon and EPA  
PGE1 PGE3 Arachidonic acid (AA)
Factors for healthy skin
  • Maintaining healthy skin - daily care
  • Healthy, balanced alkalizing diet.
  • Fruits and vegetable should be included in
    ALL meals and snacks. Choose those that are
    alkalizing to help reduce inflammation.
  • - Sprouts - Basil - Blue berries - Broccoli
  • - Carrots - Kale - Pumpkin - Cucumber
  • - Red apples Squash - Mango
  • - Onion - Yellow apples - Parsley - Pear
  • - Leeks - Colorful lettuce Peppers
  • - Oils, complemented by Pure Multi Minerals

Factors for healthy skin
  • Maintaining healthy skin - daily care
  • Include proteins in all meals to promote
    effective healing of inflamed tissues. Choose
    proteins that are easy to digest 
  • - Oily fish - Poultry- Eggs- Goat and ewe
    dairy products
  • - Nuts and grains- Legumes

Factors for healthy skin
  • Maintaining healthy skin - daily care
  • Avoid acidifying foods 
  • - Citrus fruits - Alcohol - Asparagus - Wheat
  • - Cocoa - Coffee - Soft drinks Cranberries
  • - Hot spices - Strawberries - Milk Olives
  • - Hot peppers - Refined sugars - Black tea
  • - Tomatoes - Red meats - Kiwi

Factors for healthy skin
  • Maintaining healthy skin - daily care
  • Optimal hydration 25 ml daily per kg of body
  • Healthy weight
  • Restorative sleep
  • Regular physical activity
  • Good stress management

Factors for healthy skin
  • Maintaining healthy skin - daily care
  • Have a positive outlook on life
  • Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
  • Exfoliate skin
  • Protect skin
  • Avoid unhealthy environments

Role of dietary supplements
  • Natural health products
  • are complementary
  • to healthy eating
  • and lifestyle.
  • They are not a panacea!

The importance of Omega-3 essential fatty acids.
  • Key types of fatty acids
  • (Bad fats)
  • Saturated fatty acids are found primarily in
    animal fats (milk, cheese, butter, meat, lard,
    etc.), as well as in palm and coconut oil.
  • (Good fats)
  • There are two types of unsaturated fatty acids
  • monounsaturated (Omega-6 and Omega-9)
  • polyunsaturated (Omega-3)

  • Why take fish oil?
  • Because oils from cold-water fish contain GOOD
    FATS (long-chain polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty
  • Because Omega-3 is highly beneficial to the human
  • Because the human body absolutely needs Omega-3
    essential fatty acids.
  • Because the human body does not produce Omega-3
    essential fatty acids. Like vitamins, we can only
    get them by ingesting them.
  • Because North Americans only take in 130 mg of
    EPA and DHA combined per day from their food. In
    other words, 520 mg less than the minimum daily
    requirement of 650 mg recommended by the Comité
    international des experts en matière d'acides
    gras essentiels (international committee of
    experts on essential fatty acids).

  • Omega-3
  • Omega-3s are GOOD FATS (polyunsaturated fatty
  • At Ocean, our research focuses primarily on EPA
    and DHA.
  •  EPA and DHA fatty acids come exclusively from
    marine sources.
  •  They are found most notably in
  • ? Oily fish (anchovies, mackerel, herring,
    sardines, salmon).
  • They contain approximately 7 times more Omega-3
    than Omega-6. Fish do not
  • produce fatty acids in their bodies. They
    assimilate them through their food, largely
    from algae and plankton.
  • ? Algae

  • Is flaxseed oil beneficial?
  • Flaxseed oil contains the following fatty acid
  • A precursor of the Omega-3 family, ALA can
    theoretically convert to EPA and then to
  • DHA, but in very low amounts.
  •  It is of plant origin.
  •  ALA is found primarily in flaxseeds, leafy
    green vegetables (especially lambs lettuce
  • or purslane), canola seed oil and nuts.
  • You need to take at least 15 teaspoons of
    flaxseed oil to get the same amount of EPA
  • and DHA as in 1/4 teaspoon of Ocean Omega-3
    fish oil. Think of all the calories that
  • represents!
  •  Only 0.2 of ALA is converted to EPA.
  •  Only 0.05 of ALA is converted to DHA.

  • Should I take one fish oil supplement for mood
    and another for cardiovascular health?
  • That is what some companies would have you
    believe. A lot of marketing promotes
  • taking (i) one type of supplement
    specifically concentrated in EPA for your
  • emotions and mood and (ii) one specifically
    concentrated in DHA for your good
  • overall cell health, cardiovascular health
    and brain development. But is it just that
  • a lot of marketing.
  • Why spend more? If you are taking 2 or 3
    different types of fish oil supplements
  • with varying concentrations of EPA and DHA
    to address different health concerns,
  • then you are overspending.
  • Get it all with Ocean Omega-3, our
    superior-quality fish oil supplement that has
  • optimal concentrations of EPA, DHA and DPA,
    providing you with the complete
  • benefits of Omega-3 essential fatty acids
    all in one product. Plus, it is the only one
  • on the market that is effectively protected
    from harmful oxidation.

  • Omega-3 / Omega-6

According to the Agence Française de Sécurité
Sanitaire des Aliments (French food safety
agency), we should take a minimum ratio of One
(1) Omega-3 for five (5)
The Inuit ingest 3 Omega-3 for 1 Omega-6 The
Japanese ingest 1 Omega-3 for 3 Omega-6 We
cannot overdose on Omega-3. We can get the
amount of Omega-6 that our bodies need through
diet. Furthermore, it is possible to get too much
Omega-6, which can lead to a proinflammatory
situation. We believe that you do not need to
take a supplement specifically sold as a source
of Omega-3-6-9 because there are sufficient
amounts of Omega-6 and Omega-9 in the vegetable
oils that we use on a daily basis.
  • The benefits of Omega-3 on cells

The Cell
Plasma membrane of cells
  • The plasma membrane holds the cell together and
    is found in every cell of all living beings.
  • It contains several biological molecules,
    notably lipids (phospholipids in most cases)
  • and proteins involved in a vast range of
    cellular functions.
  • It constitutes a barrier with very selective
    permeability. It is involved in the exchange
  • and plays a protective role between the
    intracelluar and extracellular environment.

  • The benefits of Omega-3 on cells
  • What happens when saturated fatty acids are
    replaced by polyunsaturated fatty acids in
  • the lipids of the membrane?
  • Membrane permeability is improved.
  • What is the impact? (See next page.)
  • Passage and speed of passage of the following
    are improved
  • Electric currents (neurons - cells of the nervous
  • Water
  • Oxygen and carbon dioxide
  • Mineral nutrients (amino acids, sugars, etc.)
  • Minerals and salts
  • What happens if the lipids in cell membranes tend
    to be more of the saturated fatty acid
  • type (bad fats) than of the polyunsaturated fatty
    acid type (good fats)?
  • Membrane permeability decreases, resulting in
    less exchange and therefore cell degeneration.

Benefits of Omega-3 on cells
  • Health benefits of Omega-3
  • Countless studies on Omega-3s have shown
  • They play a role in maintaining overall good
  • They help maintain good cell health (of the
  • They play an important role in supporting cell
    membrane elasticity and permeability.
  • They promote cognitive health and brain function
    (helping to stabilize moods and ward
  • off depression).
  • They contribute to (normal) brain, eye and nerve
    development in children up to the age
  • of 18.
  • They help maintain and support cardiovascular
  • They help reduce blood clotting and viscosity.
  • They play a role in reducing blood pressure
    through blood vessel dilation.
  • They play a role in reducing serum
    triglyceride/tryglycerol levels in the blood.
  • They have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • They play a role in reducing pain (inflammation)
    caused by rheumatoid arthritis (if used
  • in conjunction with conventional treatment).
  • They have anti-tumor properties.

Competitive advantage of our Omega 3
An unique property to integrate fish oils in
creams and other cosmetics
Analyses made by the laboratoires Maska Inc.,
April to June 2011
Competitive advantage of our Omega 3
Analyses made by the laboratoires Maska Inc.,
Role of food supplements
  • Antioxidants
  • The human body produces antioxidant enzymes.
  • To prevent oxidative stress, an antioxidant
    supplement is recommended.
  • Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, alpha-lipoic
    acid, coenzyme Q10, carotenoids (astaxanthin
    NOXvp), bioflavonoids and other phytonutrients.

Antioxidant complex NOXvp
Antioxidant complex NOXvp
  • Oxidation is one of the least discussed issues
    associated with consuming lipids - especially
    essential fatty acids. Oxidized fatty acids turn
    into molecules (free radicals) that are harmful
    to the body and can be at the root of a number of
    health concerns (Aging Hypertension
    Atherrosclerosis Cancer) .
  • NOXvp is a plant-based antioxidant complex that
    protects lipids - Omega-3 essential fatty acids
    in particular - from oxidation.
  • NOXvp is a combination of phospholipids,
    astaxanthin and vitamin E - all of which are
    naturally sourced and GMO-free.
  • The antioxidant complex NOXvp is also patent
  • Advantages of the antioxidant complex NOXvp on
    human health
  •   Powerful antioxidant.
  • Prolongs freshness and significantly stabilizes
    lipids (essential fatty acids) for at least 24
  • months.
  • Reduces free radicals, the cause of so many
    health issues.
  • Stimulates the immune system.
  • Phospholipids protect cell membranes from
    damage caused by toxins and free radicals. Key
  • component of the cell membrane.
  • Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant, with
    antioxidant activity that is greater than vitamin
  • betacarotene and lycopene.

Antioxidant complex NOXvp
Even a high number of carotenoids cannot protect
lipids (fatty acids) as effectively as
NOXvp. Recommended daily allowances of Omega-3
essential fatty acids is1.3 g, or 1 portion of
salmon (70g). Taking 1-2 Ocean Pure Omega-3
capsules is a simple, healthy way to meet your
daily essential fatty acid requirements. A
simple, healthy way to meet your essential fatty
acid requirements, Ocean Pure Omega-3 is highly
concentrated in Omega-3 essential fatty acids and
is protected from oxidation by the antioxidant
complex NOXvp.
  • Astaxanthin
  • Astaxanthin is a carotenoid (other members of
    the carotenoid family inlcude lutein,
    xanthophyll, beta-carotene and lycopene).
  • Like many carotenoids, it is an intensely colored
    pigment (deep red) that is soluble in fats and
  • Unlike other carotenoids, astaxanthin is not
    converted to vitamin A by the human body. (Too
    much vitamin A is toxic for the human body).
  • All studies indicate that taking astaxanthin is
    safe, non toxic and has no side effects on the
    human body.
  • Astaxanthin is a natural nutritional element.
  • Astaxanthin is used (in Japan, Europe
  • and the United States) as a dietary
    supplement for
  • people, as well as pets.
  • The main source of astaxanthin is the micro algae
    haematococcus pluvialis.

  • Astaxanthin
  • Chemical structure and antioxidant properties
  • Given its chemical structure, astaxanthin is able
    to function between the double membranes of the
    cell (inner and outer ) and protect them from
    free radical attacks on lipids and proteins by
    quickly neutralizing the free radicals.
  • Scientific studies show that astaxanthin is
    powerful at neutralizing free radicals.
  • Astaxanthin is 6000 times more powerful than
    Vitamin C, 550 times more powerful than Vitamin E
    and 40 times more powerful than betacarotene when
    it comes to neutralizing free radicals.
  • Astaxanthin is a pure antioxidant.
  • (Astaxanthin does not display pro-oxidizing
  • characteristics, regardless of conditions,
  • is not the case with certain antioxidants)
  • Astaxanthin has effective, powerful
  • antioxidant properties that are beneficial
  • to health.

  • Health benefits of astaxanthin
  • Free radicals and endurance exercise
  • Did you know that an endurance exercise that
    uses 70 of an athletes VO2 max
  • (maximum oxygen uptake) can generate 12 times
    the level of free radicals in cells
  • than when the athlete is at rest or sleeping?
  • Lactic acid
  • Lactic acid can be caused by a number of
    factors, including sustained and prolonged
  • muscle exertion.
  • Lactic acid is produced by the organism
    following poor tissue oxidation.
  • Accumulating a relatively high level of lactic
    acid in the body can lead to an acidosis
  • state (excessive acid in the blood).

  • Health benefits of astaxanthin
  • Several scientific studies have demonstrated the
    role of astaxanthin in physical
  • endurance, especially with regards to
    activities and sports that are very physically
  • demanding.

  • Health benefits of astaxanthin
  • Several scientific studies have demonstrated the
    role of astaxanthin in muscle recovery,
  • especially with regards to activities and
    sports that are very physically demanding.

  • Health benefits of astaxanthin
  • Several scientific studies have also shown
  • the role of astaxanthin in decreasing eye
    fatigue (asthenopia) by reducing
  • inflammation, increasing blood flow and
    improving focus.
  • the role of astaxanthin in reducing the impact
    of environmental factors and skin aging.

The human body needs minerals The body cannot
produce minerals - they must be ingested. All
tissues and cells contain minerals needed for
different metabolic processes. Alkaline mineral
salts play an important role in acid
neutralization. A high number of minerals can be
found in the bones. For example 2 of body
weight is calcium, 99 of which is in the bones.
The pH value of a fluid is a gauge of acid-base
ratio Blood in the human body has a somewhat
alkaline pH level. Strict pH regulation is vital
to optimal function. Buffering agents in the
blood maintain a constant pH level. These agents
prevent sudden changes to pH when acids are
released into the blood. By neutralizing acid,
they maintain a balanced pH level. Residual
products of metabolic acid are eliminated through
blood flow. For example, carbonic acid is
released as carbon dioxide by the lungs. Other
acids are eliminated through the kidneys and
excreted in urine. Acid-base balance describes
the relationship between these two components In
optimal cases, acid and alkaline mineral salt are
in balance - in the same way that balance is
maintained between food intake and excretion of
metabolic waste.
Why is pH important? The body regulates acid
levels very rigorously it uses buffers such as
alkaline mineral salts (eg calcium carbonate).
When pH is acid (less than 7.35 in the blood),
the body will use any means possible to balance
pH. How does the body become acid? Acids are
usually produced by the bodys metabolism.
Hyperacidity (higher than normal acid levels) can
nevertheless occur as a result of factors such as
too much meat, not enough fruits and vegetables,
stress, inflammation, aliphatic medicine and
toxins. In todays modern society, most people
experience these factors on a daily basis. What
happens when the body becomes acid? When acid
levels rise, the body uses its buffers to
neutralize acids. If the acid levels continue to
climb, the body will use any buffering agent
available to keep pH levels in the blood stable
and balanced. Even the slightest fluctuations in
blood pH can be harmful. The body will store
acids in conjunctive tissues, which can cause
inflammation and degeneration in the body. To
access buffering agents, the body will borrow
calcium and other alkalizing minerals from the
bones. This can result in osteoporosis. Several
other issues, from digestive problems to
allergies, can be linked to acidosis.
  • Balancing alkaline levels
  • Create a food regimen where alkalinizing foods
    represent roughly 75 of your diet and complete
  • Pure Multi Minerals alkaline supplements.
  • In essence, minerals can be used to help
  • Counter acidity.
  • Reduce inflammation through alkalization.
  • Prevent osteopenia and osteoporosis.

  • Care for your skin holistically - and you will
    achieve overall optimal health at the same time.
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