Title: Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Activities:
1Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Activities
What Works ? Dr. Smita JoshiDirector
Multiculturalism Office of Immigration and
2Presentation Outline
- Context.
- Rationale for our approach given our context
goals. - Focus on our successes Sharing sample projects
that work.
3 Our Context
- Being small can be a blessing and a curse!
4Demographics - Diversity represented in the
- Small numbers of Immigrants a little over 8500
Around 1.5 of the total population. - Yet, over 100 countries / 70 languages spoken.
- Home to 2000 people with French heritage.
- 19,000 people with aboriginal ancestry.
- 10,000 who also speak non-official languages.
- (Source Census, 2006)
5Building Social Capital Networks
- Works best in smaller setting
- Actions at Macro level
- Actions at Micro level
6Public Consultations
- Implementation of the provincial Policy on
Multiculturalism. A total of 13 focus group
meetings held in 10 locations across the province
included 217 participants. - Newfoundland and Labradors Youth Retention and
Attraction Strategy. The Canadian Policy Research
Networks (CPRN) facilitated 13 sessions of 11
deliberative dialogue sessions with 484 youths
aged 18 to 30 attended in September and October
7How is diversity viewed in our province? Results
of our consultations
- Diversity Multiculturalism viewed positively.
- Recognize importance of Education that fear of
the unknown/ lack of exposure can cause people to
be less open to immigrants. - Conversely, in rural NL, immigrants are more
likely to be welcomed with open arms as they are
often the precious and valued health care
providers, entrepreneurs that fulfill major need
in the community. - Close-knit communities and cultures can result in
isolation of newcomers from other parts of the
province as well as from other parts of the
8Rationale for our Approach
- Our Challenge To be proactive and change where
necessary, what we think, how we feel and act. - Approach Through government and community
partnerships, take a holistic approach, support
the local champions to build welcoming
9 Education Public awareness
Programs Services based on Equality
Cultural inclusiveness
Strategic Partnerships
10Actions Undertaken
- Assistant Deputy Ministers Committee
- Interdepartmental Working group
- Public Service Commission Provincial Diversity
committee - Coordinating Committee on Newcomer
Integration-Federal, provincial, municipal,
community partners - International Student Labour Market Integration
Project Committee. - The employers guide to hiring international
students and graduates. - Strategic partnerships with Municipalities,
Teachers Association, School Board Association,
Eastern Health, Royal Constabulary etc. - Smaller Centre Strategies Toolbox of Ideas for
Smaller Centres - pilot has been conducted in
selected areas of the province.
11Our 26 Partners during March Celebrations!
- Economic Development Boards
- Labrador Straits Development Corporation
- Mariner Resource Opportunities Network
- Capital Coast Development Alliance
- Community Groups
- Association for New Canadians
- Sharing Our Cultures
- Multicultural Womens Association of Newfoundland
and Labrador - African Association of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Friends of India
- Japanese Association of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Multicultural Women in Corner Brook
- Media as partners
- Municipal/Provincial/Federal
- Education
- Innovation, Trade and Rural Development
- Justice
- Womens Policy Office
- Tourism, Culture and Recreation
- Human Rights Commission
- Royal Newfoundland Constabulary
- City of St. Johns
- Citizenship and Immigration Canada
- Eastern health Care
- Educational Institutions
- Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers Association
- Eastern School Board
- Conseil Scolaire Francophone School Board
- College of the North Atlantic-St. Johns and
Stephenville Campus - Memorial University of Newfoundland
13Since 2007, our office has funded 54 community
partnerships projects to enhance settlement,
inclusion and integration services.
- Multiculturalism Milestone
- Celebrating Successes!
- Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism
- June 24, 2009
15Since the launch of the Policy in June 2008
16We conducted 13 Focus Group Meetings in 10
17Receivedwidespread support for the policy
across the Province
18Citizens highlighted the importance of public
education to strengthen diversity.
19and the need for culturally sensitive services
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21With supporting partners
22In March 2009, together we lit up our Province
23Thanks to the provincial proclamation!
24We light up our homes, our hearts our community
with multicolored lights as a symbol of being a
welcoming community
25Supported by a proclamation from the City too!
26Together We Rocked !
27Welcoming newcomers!
28Organizing culturally sensitive Public Seminars
in French on Islam.
29We worked with our students
30 with specialized classroom activities
developed by department of Education
31Students learned about each others cultures
32And International students learned about life in
rural communities
33They celebrated World Day Bell Island Style!
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35And learned about the importance of different
36Teachers promoted respect for all.
37With service partners working to meet family
38Acknowledging importance of Inclusive
citizenship for all
39.The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary helped to
provide culturally sensitive services
40We celebrated Sharing Our Cultures
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42Everybody has a purpose here.
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47Memorial University International Students Bazaar
48Multicultural Womens Food and Craft Faira win
-win for all!
49Thank you to all our partners for celebrating
diversity as our strength!
50So let us continue to build on our Successes!
51And recognize the outstanding achievements
- Congratulations
- Remzi Cej!
- Provinces newest
- Rhodes scholar
- who originally came from
- war-torn Kosovo!
52Continue to promote our rich heritage
53Listen to the children!
54..and build on our strengths.
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56Together we can provide safe harbours
Gander Airport 9/11
57Maximize all potential
58Promote collaborations
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64Lets find the way
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66Well find a way
67There is a Way!
68Thank- you!
- For additional information contact our office at
(709) 729-6607
- Policy Implementation report http//www.nlimmigr
ation.ca - Making Newfoundland Labrador a province of
Choice, Synthesis Report - http//www.lmiworks.nl.ca/yras/pdf/Synthesis_Repo
rt.pdf - Making Newfoundland Labrador a province of
Choice, Summit Report - http//www.lmiworks.nl.ca/yras/pdf/NL_Youth_Summi
t_Final_Report.pdf - Employers Guide to Hiring Immigrants