www.anaesthesia.co.in anaesthesia.co.in_at_gmail.co
2Guidelines for non-operating room anesthetizing
- Reliable oxygen source with a backup
- Suction source
- Waste gas scavenging
- Minimum mandatory monitoring equipment
- Sufficient safe electrical outlets
- Patient and anesthesia machine illumination with
battery powered backup.
3Guidelines for non-operating room anesthetizing
location (contd)
- Sufficient space for anesthesia care team.
- Emergency cart with defibrillator
- Emergency drugs and equipments.
- Reliable two-way communication to report
- Location
- Unfamiliar anesthetic equipments
- Anesthetic implication of procedure performed
- Remoteness of available assistance
- Personnel less familiar than usual in operating
suites. - Space for anaesthesia equipment and drugs may be
limited - Piped gases, suction, isolates a power not always
- Medically stable before discharge/ transfer
- Recovery facilities and staff
- Provision of O2 delivery and monitoring on
transport cart - Availability of personnel trained in ACLS
- Specific discharge criteria
6Radiation safety
- Dosimeter
- Maximal permissible radiation dose
- ? 50 MSV (milliseverts) annually
- ? life time cumulative dose of 10 msv x age
- Monthly exposure of 0.5 MSV for pregnant women
- Lead aprons antithyroid shields, using movable
leaded glass screens, - Innovative techniques Video monitoring and
remote mirroring of monitor data
7Computed Tomography
8Principles of Computed Tomography
- Two dimensional, cross sectional image
- Typical scan comprises 20 sections
- Absorption value ? Hounsfield unit
- Isodense ? normal brain parenchyma
- Hyperdense ? bone, fresh haemorrhage
- Hypodense ? Edema, Necrosis
9C T Scan (Indications)
- Intracranial pathology
- Intraspinal and paraspinal pathology
- Enhancement of
- intracranial neoplasms,
- infarcts,
- vascular lesions,
- abscesses by
- intravenous administration of water-soluble
iodinated contrast material
10CT Scan (Indications) contd
- Modality of choice for detection of skull
fractures and acute SAH in emergency setting - Spiral acquisition CT scan is also popular
because larger anatomic regions can be scanned
11CT scan (Limitations)
- Insensitive for posterior fossa Structures view
as Image degradation by the artifact is produced
by interface of bone and brain parenchyma. - Contrast media are to be introduced in GI system
in patients who are sedated or anaesthetized.
12Anaesthetic Considerations
- Risk of aspiration if Airways unprotected
- Risk of adverse sequelae associated with contrast
media is higher in patient undergoing CECT versus
other types of radiological studies
13Contrast considerations
- Goldberg divided these reactions into five
classes - Vasomotor, peripheral vasodilation from direct
action of the Intravenous Contrast Medium - Vasovagal from CNS effects of the media
- Dermal, erythematous and urticarial response to
histamine release - Osmotic
- Anaphylactoid which involves release of histamine
and other mediators
14Prevention of Contrast reactions
- Fluid administration
- Before, during, and after procedure
- Low osmolality contrast media
- Acetyl cysteine
15Treatment of contrast media reactions
Adrenergic agonists Epinephrine 3-5µg/kg IV bolus Epinephrine 1-4µg/min IV infusion
Methylaxanthines Aminophylline 5-6mg/kg/20 min, initial dose Aminophylline 0.5-0.9mg/kg/hr, maintenance dose
Anticholinergics Atropine 0.5-2.0 mg IV
Antihistamines Diphenhydramine 25-50 mg IV
Steroids Methylprednisolone 100-1,000 mg IV Dexamethasone 4-20 mg IV
Intravenous fluids Normal saline (infuse to maintain normal blood pressure)
16Anesthetic Considerations
- IV Sedation/General Anesthesia is required to
- reduce patient movement
- children/mentally challenged/confused
- provide airway protection
- unconscious
- provide controlled ventilation
- reduce anxiety and claustrophobia
18Principles of MRI
- Atomic nuclei with odd number of protons or
neutrons. - H1, C13, F19, Na23, P31
- Biological tissues have high water content.
- H acts as Dipole
- Magnetic Dipole movement
- Gyromagnetic property
19Magnetic resonance imaging
- Anaesthesia in the MRI suite poses unique
problems - Limited patient access and visibility
- Absolute need to exclude ferromagnetic components
- Magnetic field interference /malfunction of
monitoring equipment - Nil movement of anesthetic and monitoring
equipments - Limited access to emergency personnel
20(No Transcript)
21Fig. 1A. Photographs show aftermath of incident
2, which occurred at first institution. Portable
anesthesia tank of nitrous oxide (arrows) lies in
bore of 1.5-T MR unit. T table.
22Safety considerations
- Effect of magnet or ferrous objects- dislodgement
and malfunction of implanted biologic devices - Vascular clips, shunts, wired spiral ET
parameter, ICD, mechanical heart values,
implanted biological pumps
23Safety considerations (Contd)
- Problems with ICDs and cardiac pacemaker include
- Heating by induced current
- Inhibition of pacemaker output
- Reed switch malfunctioning
- Torque on pacemaker
- Death from torque of vascular clip with MRI
magnetic field has been reported - Clips with low ferromagnetic properties safe lt1.5
24Anaesthesic considerations
- Cerebrovascular disease and CAD
- Intracranial mass lesion
- Hyperkalemic response
- Upper motor Lower Motor Leisons
- Encephalitis
- Closed head injury
- severe burns
- Acute trauma
- Patients after prolonged bed rest
25General considerations (contd)
- Prolonged patient immobility increased CNS
depressant effects of anesthesia. - Inadequate history due to a decreased level of
consciousness - Full stomach, cervical spine injury and multiple
organ involvement
26Location of anaesthetic equipment
- Outside the magnetic field (5-30 G) line 8-9 feet
from head - Requires long monitor leads ventilation tubings
- Large compressive volume in circuit
- Delay in changes of volatile gas concentrations
- Increased risk of disconnection
- Close to magnetic field
- Must be non-ferromagnetic substance
- Electrical equipment require appropriate fibres
- Do not move gas machine once scan has begun
27Anaesthetic goals
- Maintenance of patient immobility and
physiologically stability - Manipulating systemic and regional blood flow
- Treating sudden unexpected complications during
the procedure
28Patient immobility
- Images are composed of multiple data acquisitions
to give the final image - One scan can take up to 20 minutes
- Movement at any point can affect image quality
- Movement from original position affects the
homogeneity and maximal strength of the field
- Detailed history and patient evaluation
(including neurological) - H/o previous surgery, allergy and contrast
reactions - Any neck, back or joint pathology
- Advised to continue their usual prescribed
medications - In female pregnancy should be ruled out
- Anxiolytic
- Patient Anxiety (4 of scans are aborted)
- confined space
- loud noises (greater than 95 db)
- temperature of the magnetic bore
- length of procedure
- education and counseling
- gradual familiarization with enclosed space
- prone positioning
31Premedication (contd)
- In patients with h/o allergies steroids and
antihistamines - Antihypertensives to be continued in hypertensives
32Radiation safety
- Radiation safety direct adverse biologic effect
of MRI magnetic field are not believed to exist
33MRI consent form
34Anaesthetic Management
- Choice of anesthetic technique
- Modalities of management
- Intravenous sedation
- General anaesthesia
35Goals of sedation
- To improve patient comfort
- Help allay burning pain associated with injection
of dye - Allows rapid decrease in level of sedation for
neurological testing
- Conscious sedation is a medically induced CNS
depression in which communication is maintained
so that the patient can respond to verbal
commands - Deep sedation is defined as medically induced
CNS depression in which patient is essentially
unconscious and does not respond to verbal
commands - In such a state patient breaths spontaneously
however protective reflexes may be lost,
maintenance of airway is not assured
- Spectrum
- Light to deep
- Conscious sedation deep sedation (without
recognition) - Deep sedation general anaesthesia
38Contraindication to sedation
- Increased risk of pulmonary aspiration
- Possibility of airway obstruction or respiratory
irregularities - Raised ICP- raised PaCO2 could be dangerous
- Respiratory centre is desensitized to CO2
- Renal or hepatic dysfunction which alters drug
kinetics - Uppredictable drug effect, as sedative may
increase restlessness
39Advantages Disadvantages
Allow neurological examination Avoidance of hemodynamic changes associated with endotracheal intubation Sudden patient movement Unprotected airway Hypoxia Hypercapnia
40Characteristics of an Ideal Agent for Intravenous
Conscious Sedation
- Rapid onset (lipid solubility)
- No pain on injection
- Short duration
- Inactive metabolites
- Minimal Cardiopulmonary depression
- Wide therapeutic index
- Specific antagonist available
41Sedation techniques for small children
Agent Dose Comment
Chloral hydrate 75-100mg/kg Allow 15-20 min onset
Pentobarbital 5mg/kg PO Mix with concentrated Kool-Aid
Ketamine 4-5mg/kg IM Analgesia, secretions, asthmatics
Ketamine 1-2mg/kg TV Analgesia, secretions, asthmatics
Methohexital 20-30 mg/kg PR Onset 8-10 minutes, messy
Methohexital 1-2 mg/kg IV Give slowly watch for apnea
Propofol 2-3mg/kg IV, dilute with lidocaine, 50-125 µg?kg/min Painful injection may cause apnea repeat bolus or give infusion
- Ultra-short acting
- Fast onset and short duration of action,
antiemetic effects - Unconsciousness within 1 minute
- Loss of protective reflexes, apnea
- Intermittent boluses or a continuous infusion of
50 to 150 µg/kg/min. - No analgesic properties
- Recovery within 10 to 15 minutes
- Excellent analgesia and sedation but not
immobility. - No respiratory depression
- Best used in sedation for painful procedures
- IV Ketamine dose (0.5-2.0mg/kg)
- Intramuscular injection (3-4mg/kg)
- Increases ICP, best avoided in intracranial
pathology - Non-purposeful motion associated with ketamine
makes its use in MRI limited
44Indications for GA
- Immobiliy
- Pediatrics
- Extreme pain on lying
- Ventilator dependency
- Claustrophobia
45Anaesthetic Considerations
46Anaesthetic Considerations
- Anaesthetic Induction
- outside the magnet easier
- ideally all monitors are portable and can be
brought into the MRI suite - attention to transport gurney (trolley)
47Anaesthetic Considerations
- Airway Management
- Anaesthetic Techniques
- volatile agents (only certain gases may be
available) - IV (infusion pumps may pose problem)
48Anaesthetic Considerations
- either ETT (consider Rae) or LMA (no reinforced
ETT) - Limited access to patient/airway
49General Anaesthesia
Advantages Disadvantages
Immobile patient (improved image quality) Patient comfort Control over airway Hemodynamic control Inability to perform intraoperative neurological assessment Hypertension and raised ICT during intubation and extubation
50Various choices and combinations advocated include
- Neurolept anaesthesia
- Droperidol / fentanyl / midazolam
- Propofol bolus and infusion
- Propofol bolus and opioid infusion
- Opioid bolus and infusion
51EKG monitoring
- Attention to burns
- transmit by shielded cables, telemetry,
fiberoptics - use fiber carbon leads although some magnetic
leads do not cause interference - EKG within static field does show change
- Faraday's Law
- Changes are greatest at leads I, II, V1 and V2.
- Superimposed potentials are greatest in the early
T waves, and late ST segments - Mimic the EKG changes of conditions such as
hyperkalemia and pericarditis. - rapidly changing magnetic field induce potential
differences across the loops formed by the EKG
leads - appear as spikes and may be confused as R waves
52Monitoring (contd)
53Monitoring (contd)
- EKG recommendations
- braid or twist the leads
- Place leads as close to the center of the
magnetic field - Keep electrodes close together and in the same
plane - V5, V6 are close to the QRS axis and far from the
voltage changes induced by blood flow through the
transverse aorta.
54Monitoring (contd)
- Pulse oximetry
- originally difficult to measure due to filters
reducing the signal - Capnography
- time delay in long circuits (up to 10 seconds)
- prolonged upslope due to length
- insure plastic connectors
- Invasive pressures
- possible as long as transducer is kept close to
patient to reduce damping by long columns of
water - appropriate filtering of signal
- Precordial/Esophageal Stethoscope
- unreliable due to noise
55Monitoring (contd)
- CNS monitoring
- To check integrity of CNS
- Awake or sedated patient neurological
examination - Patients under anaesthesia
56- Resuscitation
- impossible to manage inside the magnet
- Emergence
- outside the magnet
- recover as per routine
57Efficacy of MRI relative to CT for the initial
diagnosis of central nervous system diseases
_____________________ Disease MRI CT ____________
_________ Cerebrovascular TIA-RIND Emboli
Ischemic infarction Intracerebral
hemorrhage Trauma Craniocerebral
Spinal Tumours Glioma Low grade
supratentorial High grade
supratentorial Meningioma
supratentorial Pituitary Sinuses
and orbits Brain stem Cervical
spine Cervical disc disease Lumbar
disc disease Regional cerebral bloow
flow Research phase __________________________
www.anaesthesia.co.in anaesthesia.co.in_at_gmail.co