The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle


Chapter 19 The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle Biochemistry by Reginald Garrett and Charles Grisham The electrons transferred from succinate to FAD (to form FADH2) are ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle

Chapter 19
  • The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle
  • Biochemistry
  • by
  • Reginald Garrett and Charles Grisham

Essential Question
  • How is pyruvate oxidized under aerobic conditions
  • Pyruvate from glycolysis is converted to
    acetyl-CoA and oxidized to CO2 in the
    tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle
  • What is the chemical logic that dictates how this
    process occurs?

Hans Krebs showed that the oxidation of acetate
is accomplished by a cycle
  • TCA cycle, Citric Acid Cycle or Krebs Cycle
  • Pyruvate from glycolysis is oxidatively
    decarboxylated to acetate and then degraded to
    CO2 in TCA cycle
  • Some ATP is produced
  • More NADH and FADH2 are made (24 electrons)
  • NADH and FADH2 go on to make more ATP in electron
    transport and oxidative phosphorylation

Figure 19.1 (a) Pyruvate produced in glycolysis
is oxidized in (b) the tricarboxylic acid (TCA)
cycle. (c) Electrons liberated in this oxidation
flow through the electron-transport chain and
drive the synthesis of ATP in oxidative
phosphorylation. In eukaryotic cells, this
overall process occurs in mitochondria.
19.1 What Is the Chemical Logic of the TCA
  • TCA cycle seems like a complicated way to oxidize
    acetate units to CO2
  • Normal ways to cleave C-C bonds in biological
  • cleavage between Carbons ? and ? to a carbonyl
    group (b-cleavage)
  • (fructose bisphosphate aldolase)
  • ?-cleavage of an ?-hydroxyketone (transketolase
    fig 22.31)

CCa Cb
The Chemical Logic of TCA cycle
  • Neither of these cleavage strategies is suitable
    for acetate
  • Living things have evolved the clever chemistry
    of condensing acetate with oxaloacetate and carry
    out a ?-cleavage.
  • TCA combines this ?-cleavage reaction with
    oxidation to form CO2, regenerate oxaloacetate
    and capture all the energy in NADH and ATP

Figure 19.2The tricarboxylic acid cycle.
19.2 How Is Pyruvate Oxidatively Decarboxylated
to Acetyl-CoA?
  • Pyruvate must enter the mitochondria to enter the
    TCA cycle
  • Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate is
    catalyzed by the pyruvate dehyrogenase complex
  • Pyruvate CoA NAD ? acetyl-CoA CO2 NADH
  • Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is a noncovalent
    assembly of three enzymes
  • Five coenzymes are required

Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC)
  • Three enzymes and five coenzymes
  • E1 pyruvate dehydrogenase (24)
  • thiamine pyrophosphate
  • E2 dihydrolipoyl transacetylase (24)
  • lipoic acid
  • E3 dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (12)
  • FAD
  • NAD
  • CoA
  • The product of the first enzyme is pass directly
    to the secondenzyme

(b) a truncated version of E2
(a) Domain structure of E2 and E3BP subunits
30 E1 12 E3
(c) Model of the E2/E3BPE3 core complex
(6 E3BP dimer 48 E2)
(d) Model of human PDC
Figure 19.3 Models of human pyruvate dehydrogenase
Figure 19.4 The reaction mechanism of the
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
Figure 19.5 The mechanism of the first three
steps of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
The Coenzymes of the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase
Thiamine pyrophosphate (vitamin B1 analog) TPP
assists in the decarboxylation of a-keto acids
(here) and in the formation and cleavage of
a-hydroxy ketones (as in the transketolase
reaction see Chapter 22).
The Nicotinamide Coenzymes (vitamin B3, niacin
NAD/NADH and NADP/NADPH carry out hydride (H-)
transfer reactions. All reactions involving
these coenzymes are two-electron transfers.
The Flavin Coenzymes (vitamin B2)
FAD/FADH2 Flavin coenzymes can exist in any of
three oxidation states, and this allows flavin
coenzymes to participate in one-electron and
two-electron transfer reactions. Partly because
of this, flavoproteins catalyze many reactions in
biological systems and work with many electron
donors and acceptors.
  • Coenzyme A (vitamin B5, pantothenic acid)
  • The two main functions of Co A are
  • Activation of acyl groups for transfer by
    nucleophilic attack
  • Activation of the a-hydrogen of the acyl group
    for abstraction as a proton
  • The reactive sulfhydryl group on CoA mediates
    both of these functions.
  • The sulfhydryl group forms thioester linkages
    with acyl groups.
  • The two main functions of CoA are illustrated in
    the citrate synthase reaction (see Figure 19.6).

Lipoic Acid
  1. Lipoic Acid functions to couple acyl-group
    transfer and electron transfer during oxidation
    and decarboxylation of a-keto acids.
  2. It is found in pyruvate dehydrogenase and
    a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase.
  3. Lipoic acid is covalently bound to relevant
    enzymes through amide bond formation with the
    e-NH2 group of a lysine side chain.

19.3 How Are Two CO2 Molecules Produced from
  • Tricarboxylic acid cycle, Citric acid cycle, and
    Krebs cycle
  • Pyruvate is oxidatively decarboxylated to form
  • Citrate (6C)? Isocitrate (6C)? a-Ketoglutarate
    (5C) ? Succinyl-CoA (4C) ? Succinate (4C) ?
    Fumarate (4C) ? Malate (4C) ? Oxaloacetate (4C)

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1. Citrate synthase reaction
  • Acetyl-CoA reacts with oxaloacetate in a Perkin
    condensation (A carbon-carbon condensation
    between a ketone or aldehyde and an ester)

Figure 19.6 Citrate is formed in the citrate
synthase reaction from oxaloacetate and
acetyl-CoA. The mechanism involves nucleophilic
attack by the carbanion of acetyl-CoA on the
carbonyl carbon of oxaloacetate, followed by
thioester hydrolysis.
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  • Citrate synthase
  • is a dimer
  • NADH succinyl-CoA are allosteric inhibitors
  • Large, negative ?G -- irreversible

Figure 19.7 Citrate synthase in mammals is a
dimer of 49-kD subunits. In the monomer shown
here, citrate (blue) and CoA (red) bind to the
active site, which lies in a cleft between two
domains and is surrounded mainly by a-helical
2. Citrate Is Isomerized by Aconitase to Form
  • Citrate is a poor substrate for oxidation because
    it contains a tertiary alcohol
  • So aconitase isomerizes citrate to yield
    isocitrate which has a secondary -OH, which can
    be oxidized
  • Note the stereochemistry of the reaction
    aconitase removes the pro-R H of the pro-R arm of
  • Aconitase uses an iron-sulfur cluster (Fig. 19.9)

Aconitase Utilizes an Iron-Sulfur Cluster
  • Fluoroacetate is an extremely poisonous agent
    that blocks the TCA cycle
  • Rodent poison LD50 is 0.2 mg/kg body weight
  • Aconitase inhibitor

3. Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Catalyzes the First
Oxidative Decarboxylation in the Cycle
  • Catalyzes the first oxidative decarboxylation in
    the cycle
  1. Oxidation of C-2 alcohol of isocitrate with
    concomitant reduction of NAD to NADH
  2. followed by a b-decarboxylation reaction that
    expels the central carboxyl group as CO2

Isocitrate Dehydrogenase
  • Isocitrate dehydrogenase links the TCA cycle and
    electron transport pathway because it makes NADH
  • Isocitrate dehydrogenase is a regulation reaction
  • NADH and ATP are allosteric inhibitor
  • ADP acts as an allosteric activator
  • ?-ketoglutarate is also a crucial a-keto acid
    for aminotransferase reactions (Chapter 25),
    connecting the TCA cycle (carbon metabolism) with
    nitrogen metabolism

4. ?-Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase
  • Catalyzes the second oxidative decarboxylation of
    the TCA cycle
  • This enzyme is nearly identical to pyruvate
    dehydrogenase - structurally and mechanistically
  • a-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
  • Dihydrolipoyl transsuccinylase
  • Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (identical to PDC)
  • Five coenzymes used - TPP, CoA-SH, Lipoic acid,
    NAD, FAD

Like pyruvate dehydrogenase, ?-ketoglutarate
dehydrogenase is a multienzyme complex
consisting of ?-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase,
dihydrolipoyl transsuccinylase, and dihydrolipoyl
dehydrogenase. The complex uses five different
19.4 How Is Oxaloacetate Regenerated to
Complete the TCA Cycle?
5. Succinyl-CoA Synthetase A substrate-level
(nucleotide diphosphate kinase)
  • A nucleoside triphosphate is made
  • Its synthesis is driven by hydrolysis of a CoA
  • The mechanism involves a phosphohistidine

Thioester Succinyl-P Phospho-histidine
Figure 19.11 The mechanism of the succinyl-CoA
synthetase reaction.
Completion of the TCA Cycle Oxidation of
Succinate to Oxaloacetate
  • This process involves a series of three reactions
  • These reactions include
  • Oxidation of a single bond to a double bond
  • Hydration across the double bond
  • Oxidation of the resulting alcohol to a ketone
  • These reactions will be seen again in b-oxidation
    of fatty acids

6. Succinate Dehydrogenase
  • The oxidation of succinate to fumarate
  • A membrane-bound enzyme is actually part of the
    electron transport chain in the inner
    mitochondrial membrane (succinate-CoQ reductase)
  • The reaction is not sufficiently exergonic to
    reduce NAD

  • The electrons transferred from succinate to FAD
    (to form FADH2) are passed directly to ubiquinone
    (UQ) in the electron transport pathway (chapter
  • FAD is covalently bound to the enzyme
  • Contains iron-sulfur cluster

Succinate Dehydrogenase contains three types of
iron-sulfur clusters a 4Fe-4S cluster, a 3Fe-4S
cluster, and a 2Fe-2S cluster.
Figure 19.12 The covalent bond between FAD and
succinate dehydrogenase links the C-8a carbon of
FAD and the N-3 of a His residue of the enzyme.
7. Fumarase
  • Hydration across the double bond
  • Catalyzes the trans-hydration of fumarate to form
  • trans-addition of the elements of water across
    the double bond

  • Possible mechanisms are shown in Figure 19.13

8. Malate Dehydrogenase
  • Completes the Cycle by Oxidizing L-Malate to
  • This reaction is very endergonic, with a ?Go' of
    30 kJ/mol

19.5 What Are the Energetic Consequences of the
TCA Cycle?
  • One acetate through the cycle produces two CO2,
    one ATP, four reduced coenzymes
  • Acetyl-CoA 3 NAD FAD ADP Pi 2 H2O ?
  • 2 CO2 3 NADH 3 H FADH2 ATP

  • DG0 -40kJ/mol
  • Glucose 10 NAD 2 FAD 4 ADP 4 Pi 2 H2O
  • 6 CO2 10 NADH 10 H 2
    FADH2 4 ATP
  • NADH H 1/2 O2 3 ADP 3 Pi ? NAD 3ATP
  • FADH2 1/2 O2 2 ADP 2 Pi ? FAD 2ATP H2O

The Carbon Atoms of Acetyl-CoA Have Different
Fates in the TCA Cycle
  • Neither of the carbon atoms of a labeled acetate
    unit is lost as CO2 in the first turn of the
  • Carbonyl C of acetyl-CoA turns to CO2 only in the
    second turn of the cycle (following entry of
    acetyl-CoA )
  • Methyl C of acetyl-CoA survives two cycles
    completely, but half of what's left exits the
    cycle on each turn after that.

The Carbon Atoms of Acetyl-CoA Have Different
Fates in the TCA Cycle
Figure 19.15The fate of the carbon atoms of
acetate in successive TCA cycles. (a) The
carbonyl carbon of acetyl-CoA is fully retained
through one turn of the cycle but is lost
completely in a second turn of the cycle.
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19.6 Can the TCA Cycle Provide Intermediates
for Biosynthesis?
  • The products in TCA cycle also fuel a variety of
    biosynthetic processes
  • a-Ketoglutarate is transaminated to make
    glutamate, which can be used to make purine
    nucleotides, Arg and Pro
  • Succinyl-CoA can be used to make porphyrins
  • Fumarate and oxaloacetate can be used to make
    several amino acids and also pyrimidine

Figure 19.16The TCA cycle provides intermediates
for numerous biosynthetic processes in the cell.
  • Citrate can be exported from the mitochondria and
    then broken down by citric lyase to yield
    acetyl-CoA and oxaloacetate (chapter 24)
  • Oxaloacetate is rapidly reduced to malate
  • Malate can be transported into mitochondria or
    oxidatively decarboxylated to pyruvate by malic
  • Oxaloacetate can also be decarboxylated to yield

19.7 What Are the Anaplerotic, or Filling Up,
  • Pyruvate carboxylase - converts pyruvate to
    oxaloacetate (in animals), is activated by
    acetyl-CoA (chapter 22, gluconeogenesis)
  • PEP carboxylase - converts PEP to oxaloacetate
    (in bacteria plants), inhibited by aspartate
  • Malic enzyme converts pyruvate into malate
  • The catabolism of amino acids provides pyruvate,
    acetyl-CoA, oxaloacetate, fumarate,
    a-ketoglutarate, and succinate (chapter 25).

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  • PEP carboxykinase
  • Could have been an anaplerotic reaction.
  • CO2 binds weakly to the enzyme, whereas
    oxaloacetate binds tightly
  • The reaction favors formation of PEP from

19.8 How Is the TCA Cycle Regulated?
  • Citrate synthase
  • ATP, NADH and succinyl-CoA inhibit
  • Isocitrate dehydrogenase
  • ATP and NADH inhibits
  • ADP and NAD activate
  • ? -Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
  • NADH and succinyl-CoA inhibit
  • AMP activates
  • Pyruvate dehydrogenase
  • ATP, NADH, acetyl-CoA inhibit
  • NAD, CoA activate

Regulation of the TCA cycle.
19.8 How Is the TCA Cycle Regulated?
  • When the ADP/ATP or NAD/NADH ratio is high, the
    TCA cycle is turned on
  • Succinyl-CoA is an intracycle regulator,
    inhibiting citrate synthase and a-ketoglutarate
  • Acetyl-CoA acts as a signal to the TCA cycle that
    glycolysis and fatty acid break-down is producing
    two-carbon unit
  • Activate pyruvate carboxylase
  • Feedback inhibit pyruvate dehydrogenase

Pyruvate dehydrogenase is regulated by
  • Animals cannot synthesize glucose from
    acetyl-CoA, so pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
    plays a pivotal role in metabolism
  • Allosterically regulation
  • Inhibit by Acetyl-CoA (dihydrolipoyl
    transacetylase), or NADH (dihydrolipoyl
  • Covalently modification on pyruvate dehydrogenase
  • Phosphorylation (pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase)
  • Dephosphorylation (pyruvate dehydrogenase

  • The pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK Fig 19.3)
    is associated with the enzyme
  • Allosterically activated by NADH and acetyl-CoA
  • Phosphorylated pyruvate dehydrogenase subunit is
  • Reactivation of the enzyme by pyruvate
    dehydrogenase phosphatase
  • A Ca2-activated enzyme
  • Hydrolyzes the phosphoserine moiety on the
    dehydrogenase subunit
  • Insulin and Ca2 activate dephosphorylation
  • Pyruvate inhibit dephosphorylation

19.9 Can Any Organisms Use Acetate as Their
Sole Carbon Source?
  • Plant and some bacteria can use acetate as the
    only source of carbon for all the carbon
  • plants and some bacteria employ a modification of
    the TCA cycle called the glyoxylate cycle to
    produce four-carbon compounds from acetyl-CoA
  • The CO2-producting steps are bypassed and an
    extra acetate is utilized
  • Isocitrate lyase and malate synthase are the
    short-circuiting enzymes (Fig 19.21)

Figure 19.21 The glyoxylate cycle.
Glyoxylate Cycle
  • In plants, the glyoxylate cycle is carried out in
    glyoxysomes, but yeast and algae carry out in
  • Isocitrate lyase
  • produces glyoxylate and succinate
  • Is similar to the aldolase reaction in glycolysis
  • Malate synthase
  • A Claisen condensation of acetyl-CoA and the
    aldehyde group of glyoxylate to form L-malate
  • Is similar to the citrate synthase reaction

Figure 19.22 The isocitrate lyase reaction.
  • The glyoxylate cycle helps plants grow in the
  • Certain seeds grow underground, where
    photosynthesis is impossible
  • Many seeds are rich in lipids
  • Once the growing plant begins photosynthesis and
    can fix CO2 to produce carbohydrate, the
    glyoxysomes disappear
  • Glyoxysomes must borrow three reactions from
    mitochondria succinate to oxaloacetate
  • Succinate dehydrogenase
  • Fumarate
  • Malate dehydrogenase

Figure 19.23Glyoxysomes lack three of the
enzymes needed to run the glyoxylate cycle.
Succinate dehydrogenase, fumarase, and malate
dehydrogenase are all borrowed from the
mitochondria in a shuttle in which succinate and
glutamate are passed to the mitochondria, and
a-ketoglutarate and aspartate are passed to the
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